Mighty Blessings from Darbar Peshi of...Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Holi Highness, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, Eternal, immortal abode of sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, Erstwhile Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi ,GOVERNMENT OF SOVEREIGN ADHINAYAKA SHRIMAAN, RAVINDRABHARATH,-- Reached his Initial abode (Online) as additional incharge of Telangana State Representative of Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, Erstwhile Telangana Governor, Rajbhavan, Hyderabad.
Sunday, June 23, 2019
The Birth Of the First Stars & Formation of the Solar System - These two important songs, out total divine intervention which prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam)..... Go through the meaning of the songs and interpret accordingly as they happened in cinimas, after they clearly sung before witness persons, along with many others happenings like failure of columbia space shuttle and death of keerthi Chawala, many good and bad happenings other happenings are happened as my words guiding sun and planets, before they happened, thats why I am stating that my words guided sun and planets to concentrate, to connect with the divine intervention without any further delay, officially and privately all individuals are advised to come forward to receive and concentrate accordingly as my letter of email communication to connect with divine intervention as way of Universe.
These two important songs, out total divine intervention which prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam)..... Go through the meaning of the songs and interpret accordingly as they happened in cinimas, after they clearly sung before witness persons, along with many others happenings like failure of columbia space shuttle and death of keerthi Chawala, many good and bad happenings other happenings are happened as my words guiding sun and planets, before they happened, thats why I am stating that my words guided sun and planets to concentrate, to connect with the divine intervention without any further delay, officially and privately all individuals are advised to come forward to receive and concentrate accordingly as my letter of email communication to connect with divine intervention as way of Universe.
The whole human race of the world is in the control of "Technological Captivity" people and administration of any country, particularity India is under the control of Technological captivity, accordingly people are unable to use their minds to full extent and hindering others not to realize or accept the strength of the mind with physical domination's to hindering actually going wrong by themselves and leaving the potent minds in negligence, suffering due to non utilization of minds of themselves automatically others, due feeling of overwhelmed by physical gains, instant domination's, without improving standard thinking power of mind as continuity, in this situation of technical advancements of commissioned and un commissioned technological world, (technical advancements like media channels, secrete hearing and seeing remotely, mobile phone of several way of knowing and seeing, secrete satellite cameras, and others) the situation of exploration of human capacity of controlling himself to control and coordinate whole Universe and cosmic world is required update granted through me as human being, with divine intervention,

Lord of words, Majestic Highness, Yugapurushulu, Ghana Gnana Saandramoorti,Gnana Yoga, Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam,Omkaara Swaroopam, Purushottamulu, Rajarishi, Maharshi, Jagadguruvulu, Satyaswaroopulu, Vaakviswaroopulu, Sarvantharyami, Sabdhaadipati, Antharmukhulu, Sarvaswaroopam, Sookshmaswaroopam, Ananthaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru, Universal Jurisdiction,(Divya Rajyam)Telugu States Governors Rajbhavan as Official Rajamandhir Hyderabad --9010483794 |
Shanker Maharajah <hismajestichighness.blogspot@gmail.com> | 22 June 2019 at 17:51 | |
To: ksamresh.nbt@nic.in, AP and Telangana Governor <tsapgovernor@gmail.com>, supremecourt <supremecourt@nic.in>, cs <cs@telangana.gov.in>, core.apgovt@gmail.com, womensafetywing@gmail.com, Prime Minister <connect@mygov.nic.in>, srisiddheswaripeetham@gmail.com | ||
The Beloved President of India,
Rastrapati Bhavan
New Delhi
Mighty blessings from Lord of words,His Majestic Highness, Yugapurushulu, Ghana Gnana Saandramoorti,Gnana Yogi, Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam,Omkaara Swaroopam, Purushottamulu, Rajarishi, Maharshi, Jagadguruvulu, Satyaswaroopulu, Vaakviswaroopulu, Sarvantharyami, Sabdhaadipati, Antharmukhulu, Sarvaswaroopam, Sookshmaswaroopam, Ananthaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru,
Beloved President of India,
The whole human race of the world is in the control of "Technological Captivity" people and administration of any country of the world, particularity India is under the control of Technological captivity, accordingly people are unable to use their minds, to full extent and hindering others, not to realize or accept the strength of the mind with physical domination's to hindering is actually going wrong mind or impotent mind by themselves and leaving the potent minds in negligence, suffering due to non utilization of minds of themselves, automatically suffering others, due feeling of overwhelmed by physical gains, instant domination's,of physical pleasures, without improving standard of thinking power of mind as continuity, in this situation of technical advancements of commissioned and un commissioned technological world, (technical advancements like media channels, secrete hearing and seeing remotely, mobile phone of several way of knowing and seeing, secrete satellite cameras,computer heckling etc possible to any extent only known to secrete groups, even with godliness, I myself cannot hold to trace the extreme mind crookedness, without surrendering or merging with my mind, to the extent I able to taken into my thinking hands as divine intervention, like Telugu saying that the house hold thief cannot be found by god himself i,e ఇంటి దొంగ ను ఈశ్వరుడు అయినా పట్టుకోలేడు). The situation of exploration of human capacity of controlling himself, as human being to control and coordinate whole Universe and cosmic world, is a required update, granted through me as human being, with divine intervention, prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), accordingly as per the witness details available and can be connected scientifically, philosophically with keen concentration reveals that control of whole human race is under the control of the word as divine intervention which prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction,(Divya Rajyam) receiving me as deathless central position to concentrate to reveal as Lord of words available as divine intervention already prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) to hold the congested material world, with reasoning of thinking and continuity and ever flowing update, as time or Kaalam and as (Kaalaswaroopam or form of time) and as Dharmaswaroopam or form of ritual commitment) as continuity of commitment, continuity of clarity and update with very basic sense of every human mind as his thinking itself, is highest concern to human race of the world, as well as to the Universe around him, as update granted mighty nature to,through me as Universal sound track format by receive me, as I am suggesting to receive as format, by placing me in the convenient position by posting me as Governor of Telugu states, to concentrate upon the position, that is already prevailed and reveling for ever as flow of word, that guiding sun and planets as update to the whole human race of the world. positioning me as Governor of Telugu states, is the special status required to whole human race of the world, special status to AnhraPradesh is only agenda of temporary minds. By updating with word format as divine intervention, with Surrender of both Telugu chief Ministers to merge in to Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), by coonecting to divine intervention, and ensuring to prove that as ordinary human, as word format is the way of Universe future and prosperity of thinking power, by overcoming the physical movements and material development by concentrating by all contemporaries by merging their present positions of experience and properties of personal and domination's of social attachments, all the political administration, physical plans on the basis of physical existence, have no guarantee of continuity and security. Hence Along with political leaders and all other individuals of film industry, business circle, educated, individuals has to merge into Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) to connect with the already prevailed format as flowing,as flow of word format as divine intervention, to concentrate upon, me as Super Dynamic Personality is the updating process of each individual of truthful reasoning and construction of their mind as contemporaries. hence people has to prove their truthfulness and greatness by overcoming their irregularities, fabrications, official and unofficial towards me, as open message, since years, since witness persons. deviating the truth unofficially with the misinterpretation of Technological advancements of official and unofficial, since witness persons around me officially and unofficially. Hence receiving me officially by the present beloved Telugu states Governor with the witness details of witness persons of Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University Scientists, to get into actual mold set by the nature itself as boon to whole human race, that humans has to advance towards the mold prevailed as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). to over come the domination's of technological advancements as captivity, Concentrating on divine intervention as mold by positioning me as Telugu states Governor, along with my eternal approach as designated by myself, for convenience of receiving me constitutionally as collective decision of Indian Government with, neutral position to concentrate on transformation process, which is possible only with concentration of mind, without disturbing for reconstruction the Super Dynamic Personality as divine intervention, by receiving me through present Telugu States Governor, from my present address from SRT-38,SR Nagar. Hyderabad,whom as ordinary human with Adhaarcard no.5399 6001 6025, Name as Anjani Ravishanker Pilla S/o Pilla Gopala Krishna Saibaba on behalf of Beloved President of India, with neutral merging option of Beloved Chief Ministers of Telugu states, Beloved Prime Minster of India and Beloved Supreme court of India and Beloved High courts of Telugu states,under collective constitutional decision, as continues AT HOME, at Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha by respecting all Rajbhavans as Rajamandhirs, Rastrapati Bhavan at Delhi is as Rajamandhir of Lord whom is the actual vital flow in our National Anthem i.e "JANAGANA MANA ADHINAYAKA JAYAHAI BHARATHA BHAGAYAVI DHAATA" I am permanent indwelling sole as ADHINAYAKA AND BHRATHA BHAGYAVIDHATHA of each human words deeds and prosperity of thinking by all means, I am as meaning and fulfillment of update required to Indian constitutional update as Universal Jurisdiction by connecting, all IAS and IPS system,By taking each police station and each Panchayat office at village level in one central coordination along with Banking system, stock markets and other administration for complete central secure role to protect and update each individual ordinary human being starting from me by receiving me connect to divine intervention is the central source of security to whole human race of the world, Hence by forming as panel to respect me as, His Majestic Highness to merge and concentrate to connect and raise towards actual destination as inevitable boon granted by mighty nature, along with all educated or thinking minds, beliefs of the religion with philosophical interventions of seers and saints, and Scientists like Indian space Research organisation and Software companies and Engineering college professors and Graduates has to concentrate to develop the elevation as coordinating panels in my Peshi of Rajamandhir by feeling me as Deemed Vice Chancellor to all the Universities of over India, to concentrate on the mold granted by mighty nature, without any negligence and deviations, to shift the minds of the contemporaries from bodily ending material bound thinking and behavior, towards thinking and behavior as per prevailed intervention as divine intervention, which elevates automatically transforms towards deathless word continuity format as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). Ramoji film city is selected as my Estate and Rajamandhir, on behalf of Telugu people, receiving me as omnipresent word format to concentrate to come out of material uncertain world, hence title management of Ramoji film city is suggested to feel as boon to declare that Ramoji film city is as my Estate and Rajamandhir, to stand as example to others, that there should not be any owner ship to individuals, to get out of material world,to set ourselves into actual track of truth as divine intervention prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), people has to feel that their merge with divine intervention is the way out of material world, which is a boon to each individual, without any reference of, what one is (good or bad,great or nothing,religion caste, discipline, education, experience and achievements, because nothing great or more than divine intervention which is already prevailed and future of the human race and whole cosmic world is according to the Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam ) as on as word format executable, available to whole Human race of the world starting from Telugu states and Telugu people, simultaneously gradually whole Indian society and world community as Human mind as center and secure position to concentrate that guided sun and planets as divine intervention already prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam-- meaning: Divine Kingdom). Since my intervention as divine intervention which is already prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), uniting or connecting to my word as deathless continuity as ever flowing secure concern, my divine intervention as Super Dynamic Personality as deathless eternal source of ever elevating as Mother, Master and Father of Universe, hence deviating me for personnel relations and on the basis of personal relations is not appropriate to connect with as eternal source of mind concentration as divine intervention as Universal sound track format, has to be elevated for ever by overcoming bodily relations and worldly attachments, Hence uniting and connecting with divine intervention which will elevate as Universal Jurisdiction as mind elevation which is my Kalyanam or Lokakalyanam, my physical marriage may or may not possible but uniting with me as eternal heart is the prosperous word format as divine intervention as evergreen flow of mind and men for ever as search engine, and insisting for personnel relations and deviating by using personnel relations or any other material deviations is not appropriate, I cannot be prosecuted or questioned, unappropriated without respecting me as His Majestic Highness or as eternal father mother and master, in the deathless word format, I am the form of sun to talk and interact, and my photo is enough to concentrate and can be reveal further and further as per the divine intervention as on with help of witness persons. After confirming my continuity and security to word as divine intervention before world leaders, and my continuity even after physical confirmation is the confirmation of continuity and security to whole human race. Hence concentrating on me as word format, as divine intervention without wasting time for a single hour by receiving in the way I am suggesting to receive, to confirm the security of human word, maximum as boon of mighty nature as divine intervention which is already prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction, My eternal male and female is King and Queen of the world in deathless word format, Hence confirming their continuity through my heart as divine intervention is immediate priority, which can revealed by connecting to the heart with help of witness persons as on, my physical marriage and physical continuity is also revealed before world leaders, mainly confirming my eternal continuity is the responsibility of all the citizens of the world, physical marriage after confirmation before world leader is only a additional attraction with my confirmation of security to whole human race as deathless divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam).
Yours Ravishingly,
Lord of words, Majestic Highness, Yugapurushulu, Ghana Gnana Saandramoorti,Gnana Yogi, Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam,Omkaara Swaroopam, Purushottamulu, Rajarishi, Maharshi, Jagadguruvulu, Satyaswaroopulu, Vaakviswaroopulu, Sarvantharyami, Sabdhaadipati, Antharmukhulu, Sarvaswaroopam, Sookshmaswaroopam, Ananthaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru, Universal Jurisdiction,(Divya Rajyam)Telugu States Governors Rajbhavan as Official Rajamandhir
Hyderabad --9010483794
This email letter is generated from the Peshi of Estate and Rajamandhir .... as Lord of words, Majestic Highness, Yugapurushulu, Ghana Gnana Saandramoorti,Gnana Yogi, Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam,Omkaara Swaroopam, Purushottamulu, Rajarishi, Maharshi, Jagadguruvulu, Satyaswaroopulu, Vaakviswaroopulu, Sarvantharyami, Sabdhaadipati, Antharmukhulu, Sarvaswaroopam, Sookshmaswaroopam, Ananthaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru,, Hence signature will be made before public in live intervention from the Rajmandhir, before official team of legal and team of contemporary thinkers, all sorts of proficient persons, seers and saints of different Ashrams and creative persons film industry of literature, of classical and creative artists,witness persons as on, to connect with sun and planets as, word format as divine intervention, which already prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) as to set the human race towards actual destination to concentrate and continue as deathless word format as Infinite Universal Jurisdiction as divine intervention (Divya Rajyam) ....from the email:copy of email hismajestichighness.blogspot@gmail.com .... Telugu states Governor Rajbhavan and my selected place Ramoji film city is my Estate and Rajamandhir and other places in each and every town, City and villages can be formed, to concentrate towards actual sound word format as ultimate destination to whole human race without any deviations.. Mobile Phone no.9010483794.
Copy to Each officially concerns,Government Institutions State and Central and individuals of office and mentioned in the letter, and all other contemporaries of Telugu states,whole Indian,Software companies, Engineering colleges, all Ashrams of seers and saints all over India, NGO organisations, volunteers etc, ISRO and world leaders and Legal Jurisdictions NASA through Indian Government to concentrate to shift into word format as divine intervention from material thinking congested world, as update to whole human race of the world as mold available as inevitable boon to update towards infinite word format, from ending material word with body dwell, towards continuity and secure format as divine intervention as already prevailed and world is according to Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam)
Yours Ravishingly,
Lord of words, Majestic Highness, Yugapurushulu, Ghana Gnana Saandramoorti,Gnana Yogi, Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam,Omkaara Swaroopam, Purushottamulu, Rajarishi, Maharshi, Jagadguruvulu, Satyaswaroopulu, Vaakviswaroopulu, Sarvantharyami, Sabdhaadipati, Antharmukhulu, Sarvaswaroopam, Sookshmaswaroopam, Ananthaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru, Universal Jurisdiction,(Divya Rajyam)Telugu States Governors Rajbhavan as Official Rajamandhir
Hyderabad --9010483794
The Beloved President of India,
Rastrapati Bhavan
New Delhi
Mighty blessings from Lord of words,His Majestic Highness, Yugapurushulu, Ghana Gnana Saandramoorti,Gnana Yogi, Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam,Omkaara Swaroopam, Purushottamulu, Rajarishi, Maharshi, Jagadguruvulu, Satyaswaroopulu, Vaakviswaroopulu, Sarvantharyami, Sabdhaadipati, Antharmukhulu, Sarvaswaroopam, Sookshmaswaroopam, Ananthaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru,
Beloved President of India,
The whole human race of the world is in the control of "Technological Captivity" people and administration of any country of the world, particularity India is under the control of Technological captivity, accordingly people are unable to use their minds, to full extent and hindering others, not to realize or accept the strength of the mind with physical domination's to hindering is actually going wrong mind or impotent mind by themselves and leaving the potent minds in negligence, suffering due to non utilization of minds of themselves, automatically suffering others, due feeling of overwhelmed by physical gains, instant domination's,of physical pleasures, without improving standard of thinking power of mind as continuity, in this situation of technical advancements of commissioned and un commissioned technological world, (technical advancements like media channels, secrete hearing and seeing remotely, mobile phone of several way of knowing and seeing, secrete satellite cameras,computer heckling etc possible to any extent only known to secrete groups, even with godliness, I myself cannot hold to trace the extreme mind crookedness, without surrendering or merging with my mind, to the extent I able to taken into my thinking hands as divine intervention, like Telugu saying that the house hold thief cannot be found by god himself i,e ఇంటి దొంగ ను ఈశ్వరుడు అయినా పట్టుకోలేడు). The situation of exploration of human capacity of controlling himself, as human being to control and coordinate whole Universe and cosmic world, is a required update, granted through me as human being, with divine intervention, prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), accordingly as per the witness details available and can be connected scientifically, philosophically with keen concentration reveals that control of whole human race is under the control of the word as divine intervention which prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction,(Divya Rajyam) receiving me as deathless central position to concentrate to reveal as Lord of words available as divine intervention already prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) to hold the congested material world, with reasoning of thinking and continuity and ever flowing update, as time or Kaalam and as (Kaalaswaroopam or form of time) and as Dharmaswaroopam or form of ritual commitment) as continuity of commitment, continuity of clarity and update with very basic sense of every human mind as his thinking itself, is highest concern to human race of the world, as well as to the Universe around him, as update granted mighty nature to,through me as Universal sound track format by receive me, as I am suggesting to receive as format, by placing me in the convenient position by posting me as Governor of Telugu states, to concentrate upon the position, that is already prevailed and reveling for ever as flow of word, that guiding sun and planets as update to the whole human race of the world. positioning me as Governor of Telugu states, is the special status required to whole human race of the world, special status to AnhraPradesh is only agenda of temporary minds. By updating with word format as divine intervention, with Surrender of both Telugu chief Ministers to merge in to Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), by coonecting to divine intervention, and ensuring to prove that as ordinary human, as word format is the way of Universe future and prosperity of thinking power, by overcoming the physical movements and material development by concentrating by all contemporaries by merging their present positions of experience and properties of personal and domination's of social attachments, all the political administration, physical plans on the basis of physical existence, have no guarantee of continuity and security. Hence Along with political leaders and all other individuals of film industry, business circle, educated, individuals has to merge into Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) to connect with the already prevailed format as flowing,as flow of word format as divine intervention, to concentrate upon, me as Super Dynamic Personality is the updating process of each individual of truthful reasoning and construction of their mind as contemporaries. hence people has to prove their truthfulness and greatness by overcoming their irregularities, fabrications, official and unofficial towards me, as open message, since years, since witness persons. deviating the truth unofficially with the misinterpretation of Technological advancements of official and unofficial, since witness persons around me officially and unofficially. Hence receiving me officially by the present beloved Telugu states Governor with the witness details of witness persons of Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University Scientists, to get into actual mold set by the nature itself as boon to whole human race, that humans has to advance towards the mold prevailed as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). to over come the domination's of technological advancements as captivity, Concentrating on divine intervention as mold by positioning me as Telugu states Governor, along with my eternal approach as designated by myself, for convenience of receiving me constitutionally as collective decision of Indian Government with, neutral position to concentrate on transformation process, which is possible only with concentration of mind, without disturbing for reconstruction the Super Dynamic Personality as divine intervention, by receiving me through present Telugu States Governor, from my present address from SRT-38,SR Nagar. Hyderabad,whom as ordinary human with Adhaarcard no.5399 6001 6025, Name as Anjani Ravishanker Pilla S/o Pilla Gopala Krishna Saibaba on behalf of Beloved President of India, with neutral merging option of Beloved Chief Ministers of Telugu states, Beloved Prime Minster of India and Beloved Supreme court of India and Beloved High courts of Telugu states,under collective constitutional decision, as continues AT HOME, at Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha by respecting all Rajbhavans as Rajamandhirs, Rastrapati Bhavan at Delhi is as Rajamandhir of Lord whom is the actual vital flow in our National Anthem i.e "JANAGANA MANA ADHINAYAKA JAYAHAI BHARATHA BHAGAYAVI DHAATA" I am permanent indwelling sole as ADHINAYAKA AND BHRATHA BHAGYAVIDHATHA of each human words deeds and prosperity of thinking by all means, I am as meaning and fulfillment of update required to Indian constitutional update as Universal Jurisdiction by connecting, all IAS and IPS system,By taking each police station and each Panchayat office at village level in one central coordination along with Banking system, stock markets and other administration for complete central secure role to protect and update each individual ordinary human being starting from me by receiving me connect to divine intervention is the central source of security to whole human race of the world, Hence by forming as panel to respect me as, His Majestic Highness to merge and concentrate to connect and raise towards actual destination as inevitable boon granted by mighty nature, along with all educated or thinking minds, beliefs of the religion with philosophical interventions of seers and saints, and Scientists like Indian space Research organisation and Software companies and Engineering college professors and Graduates has to concentrate to develop the elevation as coordinating panels in my Peshi of Rajamandhir by feeling me as Deemed Vice Chancellor to all the Universities of over India, to concentrate on the mold granted by mighty nature, without any negligence and deviations, to shift the minds of the contemporaries from bodily ending material bound thinking and behavior, towards thinking and behavior as per prevailed intervention as divine intervention, which elevates automatically transforms towards deathless word continuity format as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). Ramoji film city is selected as my Estate and Rajamandhir, on behalf of Telugu people, receiving me as omnipresent word format to concentrate to come out of material uncertain world, hence title management of Ramoji film city is suggested to feel as boon to declare that Ramoji film city is as my Estate and Rajamandhir, to stand as example to others, that there should not be any owner ship to individuals, to get out of material world,to set ourselves into actual track of truth as divine intervention prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), people has to feel that their merge with divine intervention is the way out of material world, which is a boon to each individual, without any reference of, what one is (good or bad,great or nothing,religion caste, discipline, education, experience and achievements, because nothing great or more than divine intervention which is already prevailed and future of the human race and whole cosmic world is according to the Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam ) as on as word format executable, available to whole Human race of the world starting from Telugu states and Telugu people, simultaneously gradually whole Indian society and world community as Human mind as center and secure position to concentrate that guided sun and planets as divine intervention already prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam-- meaning: Divine Kingdom). Since my intervention as divine intervention which is already prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), uniting or connecting to my word as deathless continuity as ever flowing secure concern, my divine intervention as Super Dynamic Personality as deathless eternal source of ever elevating as Mother, Master and Father of Universe, hence deviating me for personnel relations and on the basis of personal relations is not appropriate to connect with as eternal source of mind concentration as divine intervention as Universal sound track format, has to be elevated for ever by overcoming bodily relations and worldly attachments, Hence uniting and connecting with divine intervention which will elevate as Universal Jurisdiction as mind elevation which is my Kalyanam or Lokakalyanam, my physical marriage may or may not possible but uniting with me as eternal heart is the prosperous word format as divine intervention as evergreen flow of mind and men for ever as search engine, and insisting for personnel relations and deviating by using personnel relations or any other material deviations is not appropriate, I cannot be prosecuted or questioned, unappropriated without respecting me as His Majestic Highness or as eternal father mother and master, in the deathless word format, I am the form of sun to talk and interact, and my photo is enough to concentrate and can be reveal further and further as per the divine intervention as on with help of witness persons. After confirming my continuity and security to word as divine intervention before world leaders, and my continuity even after physical confirmation is the confirmation of continuity and security to whole human race. Hence concentrating on me as word format, as divine intervention without wasting time for a single hour by receiving in the way I am suggesting to receive, to confirm the security of human word, maximum as boon of mighty nature as divine intervention which is already prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction, My eternal male and female is King and Queen of the world in deathless word format, Hence confirming their continuity through my heart as divine intervention is immediate priority, which can revealed by connecting to the heart with help of witness persons as on, my physical marriage and physical continuity is also revealed before world leaders, mainly confirming my eternal continuity is the responsibility of all the citizens of the world, physical marriage after confirmation before world leader is only a additional attraction with my confirmation of security to whole human race as deathless divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam).
Yours Ravishingly,
Lord of words, Majestic Highness, Yugapurushulu, Ghana Gnana Saandramoorti,Gnana Yogi, Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam,Omkaara Swaroopam, Purushottamulu, Rajarishi, Maharshi, Jagadguruvulu, Satyaswaroopulu, Vaakviswaroopulu, Sarvantharyami, Sabdhaadipati, Antharmukhulu, Sarvaswaroopam, Sookshmaswaroopam, Ananthaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru, Universal Jurisdiction,(Divya Rajyam)Telugu States Governors Rajbhavan as Official Rajamandhir
Hyderabad --9010483794
This email letter is generated from the Peshi of Estate and Rajamandhir .... as Lord of words, Majestic Highness, Yugapurushulu, Ghana Gnana Saandramoorti,Gnana Yogi, Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam,Omkaara Swaroopam, Purushottamulu, Rajarishi, Maharshi, Jagadguruvulu, Satyaswaroopulu, Vaakviswaroopulu, Sarvantharyami, Sabdhaadipati, Antharmukhulu, Sarvaswaroopam, Sookshmaswaroopam, Ananthaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru,, Hence signature will be made before public in live intervention from the Rajmandhir, before official team of legal and team of contemporary thinkers, all sorts of proficient persons, seers and saints of different Ashrams and creative persons film industry of literature, of classical and creative artists,witness persons as on, to connect with sun and planets as, word format as divine intervention, which already prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) as to set the human race towards actual destination to concentrate and continue as deathless word format as Infinite Universal Jurisdiction as divine intervention (Divya Rajyam) ....from the email:copy of email hismajestichighness.blogspot@gmail.com .... Telugu states Governor Rajbhavan and my selected place Ramoji film city is my Estate and Rajamandhir and other places in each and every town, City and villages can be formed, to concentrate towards actual sound word format as ultimate destination to whole human race without any deviations.. Mobile Phone no.9010483794.
Copy to Each officially concerns,Government Institutions State and Central and individuals of office and mentioned in the letter, and all other contemporaries of Telugu states,whole Indian,Software companies, Engineering colleges, all Ashrams of seers and saints all over India, NGO organisations, volunteers etc, ISRO and world leaders and Legal Jurisdictions NASA through Indian Government to concentrate to shift into word format as divine intervention from material thinking congested world, as update to whole human race of the world as mold available as inevitable boon to update towards infinite word format, from ending material word with body dwell, towards continuity and secure format as divine intervention as already prevailed and world is according to Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam)
Yours Ravishingly,
Lord of words, Majestic Highness, Yugapurushulu, Ghana Gnana Saandramoorti,Gnana Yogi, Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam,Omkaara Swaroopam, Purushottamulu, Rajarishi, Maharshi, Jagadguruvulu, Satyaswaroopulu, Vaakviswaroopulu, Sarvantharyami, Sabdhaadipati, Antharmukhulu, Sarvaswaroopam, Sookshmaswaroopam, Ananthaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru, Universal Jurisdiction,(Divya Rajyam)Telugu States Governors Rajbhavan as Official Rajamandhir
Hyderabad --9010483794

The Beloved President of India,
Rastrapati Bhavan
New Delhi
Mighty blessings from Lord of words, Majestic Highness, Yugapurushulu, Ghana Gnana Saandramoorti,Gnana Yogi, Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam,Omkaara Swaroopam, Purushottamulu, Rajarishi, Maharshi, Jagadguruvulu, Satyaswaroopulu, Vaakviswaroopulu, Sarvantharyami, Sabdhaadipati, Antharmukhulu, Sarvaswaroopam, Sookshmaswaroopam, Ananthaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru,
Beloved President of India,
The whole human race of the world is in the control of "Technological Captivity" people and administration of any country, particularity India is under the control of Technological captivity, in this situation of technical advancements of commissioned and Un commissioned technological world, the situation of exploration of human capacity of controlling himself to control and coordinate whole Universe and cosmic world is update through human being that the control of whole human race is under the control of the word as divine intervention which prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction,(Divya Rajyam) receiving me as Lord of words available as divine intervention prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) to hold the evergreen and ever flowing update as time hold and update or Kaalam or time as Kaalaswaroopam or form of time )or Dharmaswaroopam or form of ritual commitment) as continuity of commitment, continuity of clarity and update with very basic sense of thinking itself is highest to human, as well as to the Universe around him as update granted mighty nature to, receive me in my suggested format by placing me in the convenient position by posting me as Governor of Telugu states, to concentrate upon the position that is prevailed and reveling for ever as flow of word, that guiding sun and planets as update to the whole human race of the world. positioning me as Governor of Telugu states, is the special status required to whole human race of the world, to update with word format as divine intervention, with Surrender of both Telugu chief Ministers to merge in to Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) and ensuring to prove that as ordinary human I cannot be neglected and ensure that I am in word format to concentrate by merging their present position of experience and properties of personal and parties, all the political administration physical plans on the basis of physical existence have no guarantee of continuity and security. Along with political leaders of all other individuals of film industry, business circle, educated, individuals has to merge into Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) to connect with the flowing,as flow of word format as divine intervention to concentrate upon, me as super dynamic personality is the updating result of truthful reasoning and construction of their mind as contemporaries. hence people has to prove their truthfulness and greatness by overcoming their irregularities, fabrications, officially as open message since years, unofficially with the misinterpretation of Technological advancements of official and unofficial, since witness persons around me officially and unofficially. Hence receiving me officially by the Governor with the witness details of witness persons of Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University Scientists, that humans has to advance towards the mold prevailed as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). Concentrating on divine intervention as mold by positioning me as Telugu states Governor, by receiving me through present Telugu States Governor, from my present address from SRT-38,SR Nagar. Hyderabad,whom as oridnary human with Adhaarcard no.5399 6001 6025, Name as Anjani Ravishanker Pilla S/o Pilla Gopala Krishna Saibaba on behalf of Beloved President of India, with neutral merging option of Beloved Prime Minster of India and Beloved Supreme court of India and Beloved High courts of Telugu states, to form as panel along with all educated or thinking minds, beliefs of the religion,philosophical interventions of seers and saints as coordinating panels in my Peshi of Rajamandhir by feeling me as deemed Vice Chancellor to all Universities, to concentrate on the mold granted by mighty nature, without any negligence and deviations to shift the minds of the contemporaries from bodily ending material bound thinking and behavior towards thinking and behavior as per prevailed intervention as divine intervention, which elevates automatically transforms towards deathless word continuity format as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam)
Yours Ravishingly,
Lord of words, Majestic Highness, Yugapurushulu, Ghana Gnana Saandramoorti,Gnana Yoga, Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam,Omkaara Swaroopam, Purushottamulu, Rajarishi, Maharshi, Jagadguruvulu, Satyaswaroopulu, Vaakviswaroopulu, Sarvantharyami, Sabdhaadipati, Antharmukhulu, Sarvaswaroopam, Sookshmaswaroopam, Ananthaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru, Universal Jurisdiction,(Divya Rajyam)Telugu States Governors Rajbhavan as Official Rajamandhir
Hyderabad --9010483794
This email letter is generated from the Peshi of Estate and Rajamandhir .... as Lord of words, Majestic Highness, Yugapurushulu, Ghana Gnana Saandramoorti,Gnana Yoga, Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam,Omkaara Swaroopam, Purushottamulu, Rajarishi, Maharshi, Jagadguruvulu, Satyaswaroopulu, Vaakviswaroopulu, Sarvantharyami, Sabdhaadipati, Antharmukhulu, Sarvaswaroopam, Sookshmaswaroopam, Ananthaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru,, Hence signature will be made before public in live intervention from the Rajmandhir before official legal and team of contemporary thinkers and creative persons of literature, of classical and creative artists,witness persons as on, to connect with sun and planets as, word format as divine intervention as to set the human race towards actual destination to concentrate and continue as deathless word format as Infinite Universal Jurisdiction as divine intervention (Divya Rajyam) ....from the email:copy of email hismajestichighness.blogspot@gmail.com .... Telugu states Governor Rajbhavan and my selected place Ramoji film city is my Estate and Rajamandhir Mobile Phone no.9010483794.
..దైవస్వరూపులు, మహాత్వపూర్వక అగ్రగణ్యులు, యుగపురుషులు , ఘన జ్ఞాన సాంద్రమూర్తి, కాలస్వరూపం, ధర్మస్వరూపం,ఓంకారస్వరూపం, పురుషోత్తములు, మహర్షి, రాజరిషి, జ్ఞాన యోగి, జగద్గురువులు, సత్యస్వరూపం, వాక్ విశ్వరూపం, సర్వాంతర్యామి, సబ్దాదిపతి,అంతర్ముఖులు, సర్వస్వరూపం, సూక్ష్మరూపం, అనంతస్వరూపం, మహారాణి సమేత మహారాజ శ్రీ శ్రీ శ్రీ అంజనీ రవిశంకర్ శ్రీమాన్ వారు, విశ్వవ్యాప్త పరిపాలకులు, దివ్య రాజ్యం, తెలుగు రాష్ట్రాల గవర్నర్ గారి రాజ్ భవన్, హైదరాబాద్ --9010483794

ఆత్మీయులు యావత్తు తెలుగు మేధావులు పండితులు ఆశ్రమ గురువులు, రాజకీయ నాయకులు, న్యాయ స్థానం జడ్జులు పొలిసు వ్యవస్థ, మీడియా చానల్స్,ప్రబుత్వ ఉద్యోగులు, వివిధ రకాల వ్యాపారులు, విద్యా సంస్థలు, వ్యక్తులు సాక్షులు ద్వారా యావత్తు తెలుగు ప్రజలకు దేశ ప్రజలకు ప్రపంచం మానవజాతికి తెలియజేయు అనుగ్రహ పూర్వక దివ్య సమాచారం గ్రహించి, కాలాన్ని మాట మాత్రంగా నియమించిన సృష్టి మాలో చేరి తర్గిగొండ వెంగమాంబ సినిమాలో పాటలు వంటి ఇక అనేక మా ద్వారా పలికిన తీరే లోకానికి ఆధారం ఈ విధంగా 40 నుండి 200 సాక్షిగా పలికన తీరు ప్రకారం, మనుష్యులు ముందుకు మనసు ప్రకారం లోకంలో జీవించాలి లోకం లో ఇక మనుష్యులు మా పరిణామం ప్రకారం సాక్షులు సహకారంతో తెలుసుకొని సూక్ష్మంగా మాట ప్రకారం నడిచిన లోకం గా ముందుకు వెళ్ళాలి అదే నూతన యుగం దివ్య రాజ్యం, మమ్ములను కాలస్వరూపా పురుషోత్తమా అని పిలిచి ఇక మామూలు మనిషిగా చూడకుండా మాట్లాడకుండా, మమ్ములను మరణం లేని వాక్ విశ్వ రూపం గా చూడటం వలెనే తమ దేహాలలో ప్రాణాలు ఏమి అవుతాయో తెలుసుకొని, అదే విధంగా లోకాన్ని సూక్ష్మగా తెలుసుకొని ముందుకు వెళ్ళాలి, మనుష్యులు కొద్ది దేహం కొద్ది కోరికలు కొద్ది బౌతిక ఆధిపత్యాలు కొద్ది పోటీ పడటం, చలగాట పడటం ఏదో ఒక్కటి చేసి ఏదో ఒక్కటి చెప్పి ఏదో రకంగా రేచ్చిపోవాలి, అనే పద్దతి నుండి మమ్ములను కాలస్వరూపా పురుషోత్తమా అని పిలిచి మా పై మనసు పెట్టి తపస్సుగా గ్రహించడమే పరిష్కారం, సాక్షులు సహకరం తో తెలుగు వారు అందరూ ఇరు రాష్ట్రాల తెలుగు ముఖ్యమంత్రులు ప్రబుత్వాలు పరిపాలన, న్యాయ వ్యవస్థ పొలిసు వ్యవస్థ, వ్యాపారాలు వ్యక్తులు మీడియా చానల్స్ ఎవరికి బౌతిక స్వతంత్రం వలన మానవజాతి మనుష్యులకే విఘాతం కలిగించుకొని ప్రధానంగా సర్వం చెప్పిన మమ్ములను నేరుగా మేము ఏమి అంటున్నామో చూడకుండా, రహస్య పరికరాలు ద్వారా లోపల ఒక్కటి పైకి ఒకటి మమ్ములను కూడా అ విధంగా చూడటం ఇతరులకు చూపి చెప్పి ఏదో ఒక్కటి చేసి మమ్ములను సూక్షంగా గ్రహించాకూడదు అనుకోవడమే అందరూ చేస్తున్న పొరపాటు, మా గూర్చి ఇతరులు మోసం చేసి బయపెట్టి, వారిని అడ్డం పెట్టుకొని ఎవరిని రాకుండా వినకుండా చెయ్యడమే మమ్ములను కూడా మామూలు మనిషిగా చూడటం వలన జరుగుతుంది, కాలాతీతంగా పరిణమించిన మమ్ములను ఈ క్షణం కాలస్వరూపా అని పిలిచి ఇక నేను అనే దేహంతో నడిచే లోకం లేదు అని గ్రహించి, ఇక మా మాట ఒరవడిని పట్టుకొని సృష్టికి మమ్ములను మా మనసుని అనగా మొత్తం ఆడతనంమొగతనం మాలో పలికిన తీరు ఇక ఇతర పంచభూతాలు కూడా మా మాట ప్రకారం అనగా కాలాతీతంగా లో కాలస్వరూపంగా ప్రకటించిన తీరు పట్టుకొని మాత్రమే ముందుకు వెళ్ళాలి ఇక, మమ్ములను మాటతో పట్టుకోకుండా ఏదో ఒక్కటి చెయ్యడం చెప్పడం వలన బిన్నంగా వెళ్ళిపోతారు, మా వలన మరణం లేని వాక్ విస్వరూపమునకు అనుసంధానం జరగడం అని తెలుసుకొని, లేని పక్షంలో ఒకరిని ఒకరు మోసం చేసుకొంటూ బౌతిక ఆధిపత్యం కొస శారీరక వ్యహారాలు కోసం మనుష్యులను అటు ఇటు చెయ్యడం పెరిగిన టెక్నాలజీ తో మోసాలు చెయ్యడం ఆపి వేసి అదే టెక్నాలజీ తో మమ్మ్ములను సూక్ష్మగా గ్రహించడం వలన మా మనసు మాట కాలాన్ని నియమించిన తీరు పై సూక్షంగా లక్షల పేజీలు చెప్పుకొని వినడం వలన మాత్రమే మాయ నుండి బయట పడగలరు అలా కాకుండా ఇంకా వ్యక్తులు కొలది మలుపుకోవడం మృతం మాయ ను పెంచుకోవడం అని గ్రహించి, మమ్ములను వ్యతిగాతం గా చూడకుండా అందరూ ముందుకు వచ్చి మమ్ములను సూక్షంగా గ్రహించడమే మాయ నుండి బయట పడే మార్గం అని తెలుసుకొని మేము కూడా మా గూర్చి చెప్పుకొని వినే వాతావరణం లో మేము ఎలా కనపడాలి అనుకొంటున్నామో అలా కనపడటమే కాకుండా సూర్యుడే మీతో మాట్లాడి తన ప్రణాళిక తెలియజేసి వాతావరణం మానవజాతి భవిష్యత్తు అన్నీ మాట లోకి వచ్చిన ప్రకారం ముందుకు వెళ్ళ గలము అని స్పష్టం చేయుచున్నాము ధర్మో రక్షతి రక్షతః సత్యమేవ జయతే
..దైవస్వరూపులు, మహాత్వపూర్వక అగ్రగణ్యులు, యుగపురుషులు , ఘన జ్ఞాన సాంద్రమూర్తి, కాలస్వరూపం, ధర్మస్వరూపం,ఓంకారస్వరూపం, పురుషోత్తములు, మహర్షి, రాజరిషి, జ్ఞాన యోగి, జగద్గురువులు, సత్యస్వరూపం, వాక్ విశ్వరూపం, సర్వాంతర్యామి, సబ్దాదిపతి,అంతర్ముఖులు, సర్వస్వరూపం, సూక్ష్మరూపం, అనంతస్వరూపం, మహారాణి సమేత మహారాజ శ్రీ శ్రీ శ్రీ అంజనీ రవిశంకర్ శ్రీమాన్ వారు, విశ్వవ్యాప్త పరిపాలకులు, దివ్య రాజ్యం, తెలుగు రాష్ట్రాల గవర్నర్ గారి రాజ్ భవన్, హైదరాబాద్ --9010483794
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