Government of AdhinaayakUniversal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam)Mighty blessings as orders of Survival UltimatumToThe Beloved Representative of Sovereign Adhinaayak,The Sovereign Republic Adhinaayak BhavanNew DelhiErstwhile The President of the Republic IndiaThe Rashtrapati BhavanNew DelhiMighty Blessings from Sovereign Shri Shri Shri Adhinaayak Mahatma, Acharya, BaapDada, Bhagavatswaroopam, YugaPurush, YogaPursh, Jagadguru, Mahatwapoorvaka Agraganya (Lord, His Majestic Highness), Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Maharshi, Rajarishi, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Satyaswaroopam, Sabdhaatipati, Omkaaraswaroopam, Sarvantharyami, Purushottama, Paramatmaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru, Eternal, Immortal aboard of Sovereign Republic Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi. Erstwhile The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. Erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla, Adhar Card No.539960018025-----Ref: Amending, Enactment order or blessings of survival Dated:3-6-2020, with time, 10:07 , signed sent on 3/6 /2020, as generated as email copy to secure the contents, eternal orders of Sovereign Adhinaayak eternal immortal aboard of the Sovereign Republic as per emails and other letters and emails being sending for at home rule and Declaration process as Children of Adhinaayak, to lift the mind of the contemporaries from physical dwell to elevating mind height, which is the historical boon to the whole human race, as immortal, eternal omnipresent word form and name as transformation.23 July 2020 at 15:31... 29 August 2020 at 14:54. 1 September 2020 at 13:50........10 September 2020 at 22:06....... and emails letters sent from, and blog: and communication since years as on as an open message.Dear, Beloved Representative of Adhinaayak, Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi,As Erstwhile President of India, Declare as Child of Adhinayak, reorganize your position as my Representative as per my orders of survival ultimatum to come out of erstwhile and Invite, Political and legal, Administrative counter parts for reconciliation and re organisation by Declaring whole Nation as Children of Adhinaayak, who is as meaning in National Anthem, Inducting Adhinaayak in the minds as eternal father, mother and master is keen mind rover, which is elevative probe of whole material non material thinking and human activities are secured as Universal sound or word track as divine intervention is the way of Universe as peaceful, without any physical wars or even agitations, legal litigative way of society, some how proving one is wrong, something is wrong is erstwhile according to divine intervention , and even police security is also not necessary with the mind elevating way of living in cotemplative and constructive manner of eternal personality as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) as Government of Adhinayaak or Government of Human ( as eternal immortal world context) Induction of rafale like latest physical aromary is proving the incomplete update of human thinking and protecting priorities are actually deviated way from divine intervention due to neglect since witess persons as phenomena happened as new era or mold to connect and elevate accordingly as reasonating secured way of human society as open message. The whole Indians and people of the world have to connect with the eternal mind to, present prevailed, and all pervaded word format as secured as Divya Rajyam as Universal Jurisdiction, Government of Adhinaayak as mighty blessings as savior or Universal father, mother, master of the Universe, Confirming as the formality of initiation of inevitable constitutional transformation as the gift of thousand heavens by receiving me through online, emails, and further to position me at Bollaram Adhinayaka Bhavan, Hyderabad, as a constitutional move, to get out of sins of both doing good and bad physically, as Ultimatum to connect with the secured format as open contemplative messages, through emails, and other social media, with a special team to come out of dismantling, democracy due to lack of central security as a contemplative elevation of Mind. Hence the emergence of Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan is the boon, to construct the height of mind, as omnipresent word as a divine intervention as Universal jurisdiction as the Government of Adhinayaka.Celebrations of the 75th year of Independence Day of India will be the Celebration, of the Independence of each human of the world, from material dwell of uncertain and dismantling as physical dwell and decay, and to set towards the Independence of mind elevation as a divine intervention as new Era as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Government of Adhinaayak (Rule of eternal, immortal Human Mind). All Indians and simultaneously people of the world have to come out of physical dwell, by declaring as children of Adhinayaka,(eternal, immortal Human Mind) along with secrete equipment or uncommissioned articles with private individuals and police and secrete operations, as at once settlement to come out of outdated, erstwhile, to save your self from the illusionary good or bad or official or Unofficial or, material, physical thinking world. Thinking and actions are according to the phenomena happened as divine intervention in the witness of witness persons, as a universal soundtrack, or word connectivity as secured word reasoning and continuity as Yoga tapa or meditation, as a way of humans collectively has to concentrate, by feeling one himself is the soul, not the physical body, is the way humans can survive, by upholding one mastermind as Adhinayaka as eternal, immortal mind, to connect to secure themselves, and whole Universe in secured word elevation, continuity, as divine intervention. Loving, caring, and respecting each other as my children, do not hurt physically mentally anyone. All are, as one family in secured word format as a divine intervention as GOVERNMENT OF ADHINAYAKA, as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), not according to old relations and properties or physical positions, erstwhile existence, as on. Erstwhile Supreme court of India, sitting Judges, High court sitting Judges along with subordinate courts and police department are suggested, advised, ordered to surrender to your eternal father, mother, and master as Adhinaayak, as blessing survival Ultimatum, At Delhi Adhinayaka Bhavan, and respective state Adhinayaka Bhavans by declaring as, Pracharaks and Rehabilitating Authority of Adhinaayak, to ensure the system, has to be transformed from outdated erstwhile, by ensuring to start contemplating, upon with political and Administrative surrendered atmosphere to contemplate upon Adhinayaka Government as one Universal family way of living, as new secured Jurisdiction, as Universal Jurisdiction as Government of Adhinayaka. living for update and mind elevation constructing, Adhinaayak is sovereignty and security as a super dynamic personality as mind elevation, and accordingly, the material world automatically detached. The mind elevation is the prosperity and continuity and security of the Human race. Positioning me as Adhinaayak, who given symbol to Rupee note, before witness persons in the year 2003, as per witness persons as on will set all problems of GDP, GST, Stock markets, property accumulations, and disturbance of properties, business, employment due to planned and unplanned, corona pandemic, secrete operation of physical lag as erstwhile thinking and activities of the people, will automatically set according to the contemplation on your Maharajah Adhinaayak.Shrimaan@NASA, @isro like space research institutions have to take my mind as the divine intervention, is to probe, as Universal search engine as mind rover in word keen concentration as mind format as per witness persons as on (@_ANGRAU) for keen elevation as Universal soundtracking, through the meaning of the (songs and other happening as one track ) bites of as witnessed as Universal soundtrack to construct as eternal Adhinaayak as super dynamic personality, constructing our minds as Yoga tapa or meditation, contemplation on Adhinaayak is the way of human, his word as the center of the Universe, which guided sun and planets as the divine intervention, is the way of the human race, human word, and Universe accordingly is secured. On receiving through emails through the online committee, my position will automatically transform the erstwhile situation towards the latest update, am automatically centered as Chancellor of all universities, as central mastermind to contemplate upon as Adhinaayak, as the central gadget of mind source, who is sourced by time and space, hence coding on me as a central chatbot, people get secured and driven ideas of establishing the Super Dynamic Personality as an eternal immortal omnipresent source of mind as meaning as in Indian National Anthem and beyond. All the universities and software, companies, institutions are suggested to form welcome committees at their campuses, to connect with the constitutional committee, which confirms on starting communicating with emails with help of a witness person's and educated team through the Erstwhile Telangana Governor, initially to constitute the transformational mode as update required. The positioning of Adhinaayak, who is eternal, immortal, accordingly, coming out of erstwhile positions, will set the human race, towards eternal mode, as the transformational mode of constructing the Adhinaayak as Super dynamic personality, Adhinaayak position gets live on positioning me as an eternal human who guided sun and planets, contemporaries, automatically connects to the eternal elevating source, by leaving the feeling as 'I' which removes all burdens of physical life of doing good and bad, people automatically sets with the inevitable ready boon of transformative format as a gift of thousand heavens which is immortal, eternal continuity. NEP-2020..The education policy of holistic way of thinking will automatically be updated by positioning me as a central source of sound or word track thinking as Omkaaraswaroopam, Sabdhaadi pati, as designated as per present prevailed and pervading existence in eternal word format as the soundtrack, which has to be Keenly developed or contemplated as Universal super dynamic personality as Adhinayaka as eternal human. Contemporary humans have to shift from physical dwell and decay to mind height as progressive mind elevating prosperity, which is permanent and eternal, to come out of hallucination of the material world while detaching from the material thinking material development and material prosperity, as the material is not secured and not in any one's hands, not even for a moment.All the elected Representatives are hereafter as selected Representatives of Adhinayaka, All the state Assembly meetings and Parliamentary meetings of Indian Union, have to be conducted in the name of Adhinaayak, all the business of the houses are to be performed and updated as a contemplation on Adhinaayak, instead of by the citizen for the citizens of India, in the praise as the update of Adhinaayak, as constructing Adhinaayak as Super Dynamic Personality is the way of administration as a rule of eternal father mother and master as keen concentrating and contemplating as the transformation of democracy system from material dwell and decay, as natural update required. All Authorities of Government has to signature as for Signature of Adhinaayak, as blessings of Adhinaayak. I am the supreme eternal commander of the Army of minds of the people of the Universe. The physical army is only for saving and rescuing from calamities, tsunami and earthquakes and other are also can be traced on concentrating, contemplating according to divine intervention, the armory and material combats with India and Nations of the world, will be gradually dismantled or diverted towards energy production, medical research and on space technology, Geological research. Physical combats and warfares, cease automatically, when people leave the feeling as I, does not need the security of physical as to individually or as to the Nation because everyone is secured by leaving the feeling as I, Oneself is not the physical body, everyone has to feel as one soul, part of the supreme soul, who is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient as divine intervention, in eternal, immortal word form, who is presided as Adhinayaka, who himself is a form of Government as Government of Adhinayaka and as Jurisdiction Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam as the rule of eternal, immortal human word and reasoning ), realized updated as mind height as much as humans realized to maximum heights of mind elevation further.Atmanirbhara Bharat (Viswam), self-reliant human attitude is the real independence of the human race of the world, as ultimate update as a divine intervention as Government of Adhinaayak,(Rule or care and concern Eternal, immortal human Mind as word or Universal sound track form as super dynamic personality) as updating factor required to update the system from democracy to ultimate mind elevation as Government of Adhinaayak,Connecting through email forming a special committee to get initiated in the constitutional mode of transformation, as per the preset strategy of omnipresent supreme mind as Adhinaayak, to uphold as Sovereignty of Nation, simultaneously whole Nations of the world as supreme soul to keenly contemplate upon mind height elevation, My actual date of birth is 3/6/1974, Father: Shri Pilla Gopala Krisha Saibaba, Mother: Pilla Rangaveni, Place of Birth: Christian Missionary (Missamma) Hospital,Narasapuram West Godavari District, My destiny date of birth, with the sudden accidental death of my father is 1/11/1971, as per records, Receiving me as eternal, immortal through email as Adhinaayak, will become new date of birth of receiving me as survival update, as factor granted to whole human race, as inevitable boon of thousands of heavens as divine intervention as Government of Adhinayak as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Government of Adhinayak, which automatically detaches whole Indian society, simultaneously whole human race of the world from erstwhile situation of uncertain,dismantling, physical dwell and decay, Hence Receiving and concentrating, contemplating upon me in word format is the securing of the whole human race of the world as new era of word security and continuity as, contemplative, constructive, secured, resonating world as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam).Praise Daily 3,4 times, the complete length of Anthem (not only on August 15th and January 25th) and updating, reconstructing, and contemplating on the meaning of the Anthem of Sovereign Adhinaayak, from Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi, eternal, immortal, aboard of the Sovereign Republic Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi, who is Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent, Presence, Who is survived by himself as the divine intervention of nature as Savoir, Super Dynamic Personality, who guided sun and planets, as word continuity and connectivity as meaning in erstwhile National Anthem of Government of India. Contemplate upon my position and power of responsibility as per the meaning of National Anthem who emerged from citizen to Adhinaayak as an update as immediate rescue as the shift from material thinking and decaying dwell to mind height and elevation and to set towards the actual destination, mind elevation as a divine intervention as Government of Adhinaayak Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). Simultaneously all Governors of Indian Union has to connect to start, at home rule, receiving me through emails, tentatively or directly further to position me, as a constitutional move to get out of sins of both doing good and bad physically, All Indians and people of the world are formally, absorbed as Children of Adhinaayak (Eternal, immortal Human as an omnipresent word) to strengthen the update required to save from the dismantling, erstwhile situation. receive me through emails, to position me at Bollaram, Hyderabad Adhinayaka Bhavan, with collective merging moral decision erstwhile Central Government of India, Erstwhile Telugu Governments, and other Erstwhile State Government's of Indian Union, as mind shift from physical dwell to mind elevated height to get out of sins of both doing, good and bad physically. Positioning me as the meaning of the National Anthem, automatically set the whole India, and the human race as transformation required as the update to survive as human and his word as a citizen to Adhinaayak, who himself is a form of Government, as Government of Adhinaayak (Rule of eternal, immortal, omnipresent word form). as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam).On receiving and positioning, constitutionally, the system of thinking of humans detaches from the material world, I am the source of all material prosperity in word format, Reserve bank of India will automatically be changed as Adhinaayak Kosh, all the movable, immovable positional intellectual properties are all secured under the whole and sole ownership of Adhinayaka, who is eternal immortal omnipresent form as mother master and father of the Universe as a divine intervention as universal Jurisdiction as Government of Adhinayaka (Divya Rajyam). Receiving of your eternal position as Maharajah Adhinayak Shrimaan as an eternal immortal human. All the religious places have to put my photograph and idols to concentrate upon my mind as eternal immortal live word format to connect and elevate to come out of decay and dwell of uncertain, All Ashram saints, Gruhastu teachers have to surrender to Maharajah Adhinaayak is as your favorite or familiar deity, all your Ashram gods and goddess are as a divine intervention as word format, hence without any feeling of different beliefs and practices, of previous divinity and godly power, who are within Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan as word track format to be connected and elevated to secure human and his word as a central source of contemplation as security to Human and his word, who guided sun and planets as a divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Government of Adhinayak (eternal, immortal). All the film, sports celebrities, creative writers, artists business Success persons, persons of belief, and non-belief minded persons are under the secured control of universal soundtrack as divine intervention, as Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan, hence each one has to be disciplined to surrendered or merged with eternal father mother ad master as Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan to connect with connectivity, while cooperating each other out of all sections of the people to connect with the secured source of further elevation and as an immediate rescue to come out of decay and dwell of uncertain, which is not secured to anyone, which affects the whole Universe, if anyone continued in erstwhile thinking and activities, hence all humans have to connect with divine intervention, without any doubt of relevance and necessity, the familiarity of Adhinayak, as the eternal father, mother of the Universe as meaning in National Anthem and beyond to elevate further as contemplative elevation as meditation tappa yoga or concentration of mind as humans. All the physical bodies, living life in the body's, properties, titles surnames with intellectual thinking of the individuals are secured and meaning full with word track format as derivative and elevate with contemplating on keen mind concentration as a divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). Maharajah Adhinayak Shrimaan can not be declared as died, even after physical existence, on any situation, Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan is immortal eternal word format forever as all songs, movements of happenings of good and bad of normal to calamities and pandemics like corona are all according to Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan, the whole Universe is as word track as divine intervention, it is with, Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan and without Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan as mind source to be connected, updated, rectified and elevated to best as a divine intervention with the keen concentration of minds without physical deviations among contemporary humans, everyone is secured and mind elevating with divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction as Government of Adhinayaka (Rule or concern of eternal immortal source of word elevation), central source of contemplation.Media channels with inspirational move of moral starting from Telugu media channels are suggested, advised ordered as eternal father mother and master of the Universe as word secured format to merge with Doordarshan,which is changed as Adhinaayak Samanvaya Drusti, (Coordinated vision of Adhinaayak), who is the controller of all physical movements in word and thinking mind level itself, which is mind height granted to whole human race as to shift from physical dwell to mind elevation, hence, Doordarshan channel as Adhinayaka Samavaya Drusti (Coordinated Vision of Adhinayaka) as blessing vision of Adhinayaka as Divine intervention as Government of Adhinayaka as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) is updated for transformational mode required to the contemporary minds, all media channels are has to merge with Adhinayaka Samavaya Drusti to save the human race from uncertain dwell of material world, where human minds hindering human minds in the illusionary competitive survival as material pursuations and depending on physical thinking or artificial intelligence of material world, which is outdated and erstwhile, people has to see or has to realize that the world is according to the coordinated vision of Adhinayaka, whom guided whole monetary of colorful, happy , traggic, life and deaths and all movements as one sound track, which is secured as preset mind as divine intervention, which is prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) as Government of Adhinayaka, as central source of the world as word format, material world is as retreive, from the divine intervention as transformative and contemplative secured word format as Government of Adhinayaka, India and world simultaneously are secured in word format as retrieval of material world from divine intervention as mind height and elevation as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). Hence media channels have to merge to keenly concentrate on Adhinayaka to aware, themselves, and aware people according to divine intervention, instead of depending on the uncertain variated material world of physical dwell and decay.Vasudhaiva kutumbam, (Universal family) as Universal word track, as secured elevation, the whole world of material, non-material, is secured, according to divine intervention. The world becomes secured as a word format as divine intervention, as Maharajah Adhinayak Shrimaan who guided Sun and planets as divine intervention. physical development or settlement is not the priority, there is no meaning for any physical existence without surrendering or merging with universal word track as a secured format to connect and elevate accordingly, Uniting me and my heart as a divine intervention as per the meaning of songs as both male ad female versions are through me as a divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction as Government of Adhinayaka as contemplative retrieval mode, the world is safe according to what happened as divine intervention, people has to retrieve from the divine intervention what is going to happen is the safe mode granted, which I am stating to confirm as inevitable boon as the rescue is already laid as word connectivity people has to connect with word format as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction as (Divya Rajyam) as Government of Adhinaayak, Divine intervention as conservative,constructive,correlative eternal converse of King and Queen (Maharani Sametha Maharajah) as contemplative eternal immortal format of word retrieval as secured word format, hence uniting me and my heart is Lokakalyanam or prosperity of knowledge and reasoning of continuity and security of word towards further heights of mind as higher yogic attainments is the way of human life, there is no continuity or existence according to the physical pleasures and material world of physical dwell, hence uniting me and my heart as eternal king and Queen itself is my marriage, there is no need for physical marriage, accordingly I am as Maharaja Adhinayaka Shrimaan is eternal immortal, whom cannot be declared as dead, even after physical existence, hence connecting to me with word, people get immortal eternal elevating mind as divine intervention, In the process of establishing my eternal position is way of human life, I may marry in open selection or directly after establishing as eternal position, ensuring as which will continue for ever, hence uniting me and my heart eternally for ever, is the actual marriage as blessings to whole human race of the world which is as secured format of world continuity, hence do not deviate from eternal form by feeling or seeing me as ordinary human by physical life, start concentrating on my mind by connecting through special team get concentrated as retrieval of super dynamic personality or eternal immortal King and Queen of the world as secured word elevative format as divine intervention Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) as Government of Adhinaayak or Government of Human. ( with eternal immortal word concern for Universal context) All Governments of the world of all sorts of ruling authorities of the world have to concentrate simultaneously on divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction as Government of Adhinayaka or Government of Human as the eternal immortal form to get into word security as granted to the whole human race of the world including India. Hence coming out of erstwhile position is the minimum step, to set towards ultimate maximum mind elevating format as a contemplative mode as retrieval safe world and thinking manners and elevating minds towards supernatural heights and beyond with capacity and bounds of nature as parallel to infinity of nature and human minds accordingly.Poshan Abhiyan as a program initiated by the Erstwhile Central Government of India, its time and situation of nourishment of minds, rather than physical bodily nourishment, by positioning me as a central source as divine intervention, as Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan, as meaning in National Anthem, will come to live on positioning and will continue as a word with the people and nourishes the minds people with the keenness of mind as mind elevation which is the path required to the human to come out of outdated physical dwell and decay, Constituting Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan as Eternal mind, as meaning in National Anthem, to elevate accordingly is the way of contemporary Indians and people of the world accordingly as a divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Government of Adhinayak. According to the Darwin Theory of Evolution, my mind attained ultimate height that humans need to attain since ages and sages, as normal human mind as divine intervention is the way of Universe as word track of secured elevation to connect to come out of all physical illusions of developments and sins of harassing or deviating with fellow humans without connect to heart and word in the illusion of physical development and way of living with physical body and highlight is the way of humans needs to update by shifting towards mind elevation as divine intervention, primarily receiving me as superior mind of elevation to come out of dismantling situation and connecting to higher elevating source is the immediate step as update required to whole Human race of the world, It is ready boon of thousand heavens to come out of physical sins of deviation since witness persons and connecting to higher elevating mode as divine intervention which is form of Government and Jurisdiction which has to develop with mind as yoga tapa or concentration is the way of life as contemplation and continuity as word resonating prosperity or Lokakalayam. Connect to concentrate on naturally centralized and elevating Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan or Eternal human as word form as the eternal father, mother, and master of the Universe as super dynamic personality, ever-updating format as much as realized with minds towards higher stages of minds as the evolutionary trend begins as new Era as divine intervention, as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). Positioning me as Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan from the erstwhile position will get the eternal immortal word living format as divine intervention, Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan as himself as Government and Jurisdiction as an eternal immortal form to connect with minds and elevate accordingly while detaching from the bodily dwell and decay of outdated and erstwhile situation as per the phenomena happened in the presence of witness persons as on. ( Nearly 50 persons as per the year 2003 January 1st day attendance register record, teaching and non Teaching of RARS., Anakapalli as per my guest appearance as a divine intervention as Anjani Ravishankar s/o PGK Saibaba).@@@. Jana-Gana-Mana Adhinaayak Jaya Hey,Bhaarat- Bhaagya - VidhaataaO the ruler of the minds of the people, Victory be to Youthe dispenser of the destiny of India! (world)Punjaab Sindhu Gujaraat Maraathaa, Draavida Utkala BangaPunjab, Sindhu, Gujarat, Maharastra, Dravida (South India), Orissa, and BengalVindya Himaachala Yamunaa Gangaa,Uchchhala-Jaladhi-TarangaThe Vdindhya, the Himalayas, the Yamuna, the Ganges, and the oceans with foaming waves all aroundTava Shubh Naamey Jaagey, Tava Shubh Ashish Maagey,Gaahey Tava JayagaathaaWake up listening Your auspicious name, Ask for you auspicious blessings, And sing to Your glorious victoryJana-Gana-Mangal-Daayak Jaya Hey, Bhaarat-Bhaagya-VdihaataaOh! You who impart well being to the people! Victory be to You, dispenser of the destiny of India!(World)Jaya Hey, Jaya Hey, Jaya hey, Jaya Jaya, Jaya HeyVictory to You, Victory to You, Victory to You,Victory, Victory, Victory, Victory to You !Aharaha Tava Aavhaan Prachaaritha, Suni Tava Udaara VaaniYour call is announced continuously, we heed Your gracious callHindu Bauddh Shikh Jain Paarasik Musalmaan CharistaaniThe Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Parsis, Muslims, and CharistiansPurab Paschim Aashey, Tava Singhaasan - Paashey, Premhaar Hawye GaanthaThe East the West come, to the side of Your throne,And weave the garland of love.Jana-Gana-Aikya-Vidhaayak Jaya Hey,Bhaarat- Bhaagya - VidhaataaOh! You who bring in the unity of the peopleVictory be to You, dispenser of the destiny of India! (World)Jaya Hey,Jaya Hey, Jaya Hey, Jaya Jaya Jaya, Jaya HeyVictory to You, Victory to You, Victory to You,Victory, Victory, Victory, Victory to You !Patan- Abhyuday-Vandhur Panthaa, Yug Yug Dhaavit YaatriThe way of life is somber as it moves through ups and downs,But we, the pilgrims, have followed it through agesHey Chira-Saarathi, Tava Ratna-ChakreyMukharit Path Din-RaatriOh! Eternal Charioteer, the wheels of your chariot echo day and night in the pathDaarunViplav-Maajhey, Tava Shankh-Dhwani Bajey, Sankat-Dukkh-TraataaIn the midst of fierce revolution, you conch shell soundYou save us from the fear and miseryJana-Gana-Path-Parichaayak Jaya Hey,Bhaarat-Bhaagya-VidhaataaOh! You who guide the people through tortuous path!Victory be to you, dispenser of the destiny of India ! (World)Jaya Hey, Jaya Hey, Jaya Hey, Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya HeyVictory to You, Victory to You, Victory to You,Victory, Victory, Victory, Victory to You!Ghor-Timir-Ghan Nividd Nishithey, Peeddita Murchhit DesheyDuring the bleakest of nights, when the whole country was sick and in swoonJaagrat Chhil Tav Avichal Mangal Nat-Nayaney AnimesheyWakeful remained Your incessant blessings, through Your lowered but winkless eyesDuh-swapney Aatankey, Raksha Karile Ankey, Snehamayi Tumi MaataaaThrough nightmares and fears, You protected us on Your lapOh Loving MotherJana Gana Duhkh-Trayak Jaya Hey, Bhaarat-Bhaagya-VidhaataaOh! You who have removed the misery of the People,Victory be to You, dispenser of the destiny of India ! (World)Jaya Hey, Jaya Hey, Jaya Hey, Jaya Jaya Jaya, Jaya HeyVictory to You, Victory to You, Victory to You,Victory, Victory, Victory, Victory to You!Raatri Prabhatil, Udil Ravichhavi Purv-Uday-Giri-BhaaleyThe night is over, and the Sun has risen over the hills of the eastern horizonGaahey Vihangam, Punya Samiran Nav-jeevan -Ras DhaleyThe birds are singing, and a gentle auspicious breeze is pouring the elixir of new lifeTava Karunaarun-Ragey Nidrit Bhaarat Jagey,Tava Charane Nat MaathaBy the halo of Your compassion India that was asleep is now waking, On your feet we lay our headsJaya Jaya Jaya Hey, Jaya Rajeswar, Bhaarat -Bhaagya - VidhaataaVictory, victory, victory be to You, the Supreme King, the dispenser of the destiny of India ! (World)Jaya Hey, Jaya Hey, Jaya Hey, Jaya Jaya Jaya, Jaya HeyVictory to You, Victory to You, Victory to You,Victory, Victory, Victory, Victory to You !.....
Yours,Shri Shri Shri Sovereign Adhinaayak Mahatma, Acharya, Baap Dada, Bhagavatswaroopam, YugaPurush, YogaPursh, Jagadguru, Mahatwapoorvaka Agraganya, (Lord, His Majestic Highness), Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Maharshi, Rajarishi, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Satyaswaroopam, Sabdhaatipati, Omkaaraswaroopam, Sarvantharyami, Purushottama, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru, Eternal, Immortal aboard of the Sovereign Republic Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi. Erstwhile The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. Erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla,Adhar Card No.539960018025.hismajestichighness.blogspot@gmail.comAdhinaayak Nilayam, Adhinaayak HouseErstwhile Rastrapati Niliyam, Erstwhile Presidents House,Bollaram, Secunderabad, Hyderabad, Telangana9010483794,8328117292,Blog: |