Mighty Blessings from Darbar Peshi of...Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Holi Highness, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, Eternal, immortal abode of sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, Erstwhile Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi ,GOVERNMENT OF SOVEREIGN ADHINAYAKA SHRIMAAN, RAVINDRABHARATH,-- Reached his Initial abode (Online) as additional incharge of Telangana State Representative of Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, Erstwhile Telangana Governor, Rajbhavan, Hyderabad.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Let me sign on the first order of abolition of liquor consumption all over India, with help of doctor counselling and spiritual and holistic treatments and music and literature and meditation programmes as alternatives to save human race from material ending world, in resonating and concentrating mind (or Yoga or Tappa) knowledge intellect from Rajamandhir or Rajadarbar as Lord His Majestic Highness, Jagadguru, Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Vakviswaroopam Sabhdhadi pati Omkaara swaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Shrimaan vaaru, as abord of Rajamandhir or Rajadarbar...............with initial constitutional move of Telangana Governor to elevate further, to whole human race keenly from my Rajamandhir as office cum residence to concentrate upon through a team as eternal immortal word continuity which is available mind merge by merging with their present physical, thinking mind and positions for actual progressive continuity in thinking format, from physical limited thinking and behavior of present material world, to unlimited access of thinking word continuity as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Government of Human. suggesting, advising, ordering World Bank, Swiss Bank and Reserve Bank of India to account for all transactions of money or black money deposited in unauthorized way earning and disposing money in cash particularity in India in the from of Rs.2000 notes are advised to cease and order the citizen to deposit unauthorized and authorized excess money in the from of Rs.2000 rupees notes in my name as Lord and eternal citizen of India and whole world from Universal Jurisdiction,(Divya Rajyam) Government of Human as Father Mother and Master or Lord or eternal Citizen of India and world, in my name as Lord His Majestic Highness,Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru abord of Rajamandhir : as each and every heart of the persons and world itself is my Rajamandhir, hence in order to hold as concentration, as to come out of material thinking, bodily dwell, as open neglect of my message since witness persons since the year 2003 as per my witness before nearly fifty persons, at RARS Anakapalli, (persons witnessed asper the attendance register of 1-1-2003) open neglecting and hindering using secrete and open cameras and secrete hearing and appropriating interpretation of words, as fabrication to remain in material sins, without centrally concentrating on me as divine intervention since years is the serious sin, by directly indirectly knowingly and unknowingly deviating as sin, since some of the witness persons and others supporting not to concentrate by receiving through committee through Telugu States Governor now as Telangna Governor for elevating as prosperity of wealth and knowledge source by upholding me, from normal citizen to eternal, immortal, source of thinking prosperity as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Government of Human to ensure the Indian people and world to concentrate on secured format of peace and prosperity in word secured reasoning with secured immortal and eternal word continuity as divine intervention now prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction or Government of Human (Divya Rajyam).
Lord His Majestic Highness Jagadguruvu Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru
Lord His Majestic Highness <hismajestichighness.blogspot@gmail.com>
20 January 2020 at 08:41
To: supremecourt <supremecourt@nic.in>, Prime Minister <connect@mygov.nic.in>, cs <cs@telangana.gov.in>, cp <cp@cyb.tspolice.gov.in>, rajbhavan-hyd@gov.in, "director@ngri.res.in" <director@ngri.res.in>, Contact@janasenaparty.org, contact@trspartyonline.org, core.apgovt@gmail.com, information@icj-cij.org, ipr-ap@nic.in, ksamresh.nbt@nic.in, womensafetywing@gmail.com, info@ramojifilmcity.com, M Venkaiah Naidu <officemvnaidu@gmail.com>, prasanthicounselling@gmail.com, srisiddheswaripeetham@gmail.com, Contact <Contact@tv5news.in>, contact@republicworld.com
The President of India,
Rastrapati Bhavan
New Delhi
Mighty blessings from Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharnaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru from eternal aboard as Rajamandhir, each individuals heart is my Rajamandhir, accordingly every office and residence is my Rajamandhir to concentrate upon me as eternal source of immortal way of thinking as divine intervention as form of rule as Government of Human as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam)
Beloved President of India,world leaders, Indian Citizens and Citizens of the world.
Due to Technological captivity in the illusion of physical development, with the advancement of artificial intelligence. hyping and booming way of material and physical, recurring and temporary luring of cash transfers as Government rule, with income generated on liquor sale, instant luring s and harassing men, women and material management with abruptive way of self bound media channels, supported by Government servants like police, legal and administration and business circle for material bound selfish thinking and activities of official and unofficial as way of life is need to update, and update is emerged as divine intervention now prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction as form o rule as Government of Human (Divya Rajyam). In order to save the contemporary human society, from physical hype and material way of thinking with body level intelligence, incomplete and immature material thinking which is set back to whole human race, Not only Telugu people, all the people of the world, if still continued to depend upon physical lineage of living that, congests the individuals thinking potentiality to depend upon physical world of pursuation, which trends to dominate to gain over with deceiving or neglecting truth, and at the same time proving truth as strange or unappropriated to receive as open message is the reason for the serious lapses of physical disturbance of the society, for physical reasons, which are temporary and not more than truth as divine intervention, continuing physically without referring the saving factor as divine intervention as update, is not the way that can survive human race, contemporary people has to come out of any serious mistakes by improving their heart and connecting to each individuals with heart of fellow humans, whom ever one may be, what every one is saying, one must connect to the heart , for that drive, as required update, nature itself is granted divine intervention to concentrate on my position as eternal source of drive of mind to regenerate and reorganize the human society by completely abolishing the caste, religion and feelings of bodily, regional developments and clashes of construction of Rajadhani or shifting of Rajadhani like instant motives are only a show work. business, glamar and selfish government servents among police legal and administration to maintain physical atmosphere to continue physical minded glamar and physical sexual edict ed and deviating persons,money and temporary booming of business minded are only as developments, comparing with me, as ordinary person, is deviation hence contemporary people has to come out difference of high and low for instant hype and sexual and physical domination's of position and money, are as the main reason for set back of whole human race, its not the problem of any individuals loss to some one or some group of people, accordingly and it is not the wrong on the four persons in Nirbhaya case , who are convicted as wrong and sentenced to official murder or death penalty, by Supreme court of India, while many or unauthorizedly operationally killed are forced to killed by the physical domination circle as their own operation of living around me as my known and unknown persons as on, since witness persons using secrete equipment is the reason for the serious lapses of neglecting me as open message is sin of every one including your self as The President of India, Vice President of India, Telugu states Governor or Telangana Governor, where Iam trying to connect as divine update and grant to whole human race, directly indirectly all the Citizens involved in, not to directly connect to word format as divine intervention by some how deviating by seeing me through secrete cameras running by secrete official or unofficial groups, while majority of the people are being hindered without realizing that the situation of the people is hacked by technology, there is no control or rule as Government, The control is according to divine intervention with witness that your present position as Beloved President of India, and whole constitutional set up as material rule is according to the divine intervention, as per witness the posting of Abdul Kalam to Pranab Mukarji is according to divine intervention along with many happenings of giving symbol to rupee note, along with many happening of film songs and other natural good and bad happenings Hence, Government of India has to be collectively concentrated on as form of rule as Government of Human as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), by tentative move and merge of Telugu Governments of Telugu sates, along High court sitting judges, with IAS and IPS to concentrate, and other legal institutions like CBI, SIT, Enforcement other has to merge with Government of Human, by restarting the present activities of local elections and other Government rule is outdated and has to merge in to Government of Human, as material rule is outdated, as per the divine intervention happened that every movement and thinking and consequent actions of the all the individual humans are according to divine intervention Government of Human (Divya Rajyam) Universal Jurisdiction, and human race has to connect and elevate accordingly. further as one Universal family like VASUDEKA KUTUMBAM that Universe is one religion, one caste, now as one human word from as Super Dynamic Personality in human word as resonating secured continuity format to concentrate and elevate accordingly while leaving the feeling that human is only physical body, including myself is not just a body, every one are resonating format as part of Universal form and format as divine intervention as on word format as Universal Jurisdiction as form of rule as Government of Human (Divya Rajyam) in the eternal name and form as Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Jagadguruvu Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru from his permanent abord as Rajamandhir or Rajadarbar. Hence accordingly as The President of India as part of Government of Human you are suggested to advise Telangana Governor to move to form Special team of educated, creative persons along with witness persons, while advising both the Telugu Chief Ministers to tentatively declare that they are in Government of Human by restarting all their activities, as per divine intervention , as the physical movements of any individual are not secured including myself left as ordinary person,as per outdated material world, some how deviating or relating or leaning or physical pleasure and activities are outdated, hence it is boon to, whole human race starting from the both Telugu Chief Ministers to merge with,Government of Human and simultaneously advise the some of the sitting Judges to concentrate on me as open message which is the Jurisdiction myself, as word format, available as rule and Government to concentrate as flow to follow now prevailed, hence people with moral rectifying support of witness persons contemporaries has to start tentatively to connect for good towards actual destination while to come out of organised crime, which is due to the illusion that the physical highlight and physical lapses is the only world to pursue, is outdated, hence by granting mercy in my name as eternal immortal citizen or Lord His Majestic Highness Jagadguru Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru as abord of Rajamandhir to the rape convicted persons, formally as The President of India and yourself advised suggested or ordered as eternal father mother and master to declare that the constitutional system is according to Government of Human as update to whole system, while advising the Beloved Prime Minster of India, along with his cabinet ministers and some of the supreme court sitting judges to merge with Rastrapati Bhavan, New Delhi for continues AT HOME for social, technical audit focusing the security of each individual. simultaneously by all Governors and Lieutenant Governors of all sates from their, Rajbhavans or Rajnivas, along with their Chief Ministers and sitting judges from their respective High courts of the states, to reorganize the system according to the phenomena happened and prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction as Government of Human (Divya Rajyam) as divine intervention., Concentrating on Details as witness as on inviting witness persons to concentrate while they themselves are also have moral responsibility of coming out of untruthful way of hindering themselves while cheating other contemporaries not to realize as what happened as phenomena before them as mold of update, in their witness on January 1st 2003 as persons witnessed as per the names in attendance registrar on this day at |RARS Anakapalli is the witness available to connect with constitutional concern to get into the actual path while collectively encouraging each other to come out of serious and reckless lapses of deviating each other, as every individual is responsible for good and bad happening around them in any society, any issue is not for some how scapegoating one or the other is the not the matured way of rule or Government of any land particularly Indian Government has to update according to Government of Human, by receiving me as eternal citizen of India and citizen of whole world, while granting bail to the Nirbaya case convicts, not only from death sentence but also from life imprisonment with statements of all the Indian People particularly Telugu People, since witness those who are doing sin of neglecting truth as divine intervention which is update granted to whole human race not one person or group to hinder and manage, Neglect of great phenomena happened is the reason for any lapses around including the unnecessary clashes on Citizenship and NRC., encouraging Muslims, and Hindus not to respect present Government and system and encouraging their own separate identify which has no meaning without merging with present citizenship while absorbing actual destination as my phenomena as Universal Jurisdiction now prevailed as Government of Human (Divya Rajyam). Any individual seems to fail due to lack of elederness in the form of Mother Father and Masterly guidance, this in physical world there are several reasons of deviating from this care or overwhelming actions of love as bond or their own bondage of family love is also reason for serious failure of the individuals, hence love of mother master and father is now available to each and every individuals in immortal eternal and elevating continuity format as divine intervention in human word format, as ever pursuing way of reasoning as my self as Lord His Majestic Highness Jagadguru Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru, permanent heart dwell as Rajamandhir or Rajadarbar uniting the word that guided sun and planets is the prosperity of thinking or Lokakalyanam or my marriage of uniting me and my heart felt word as way of Universe by concentrating on my position as sun and planetary movements according to my word as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction or as Government of Human (Divya Rajyam). . Let me sign on the first order of abolition of liquor consumption all over India, with help of doctor counselling and spiritual and holistic treatments and music and literature and meditation programmes as alternatives to save human race from material ending world, in resonating and concentrating mind (or Yoga or Tappa) knowledge intellect from Rajamandhir or Rajadarbar as Lord His Majestic Highness, Jagadguru, Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Vakviswaroopam Sabhdhadi pati Omkaara swaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Shrimaan vaaru, as abord of Rajamandhir or Rajadarbar
Ensure , Confirm, Mighty blessings as boon of resonating of security on keen concentration as omnipresent word format by receiving constitutionally to come out of present outdated system of political legal and educational and personnel experience of individuals are also according to Divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction as form of Government as Government of Human whom himself is Jurisdiction immortal and eternal word format of omnipresent truth as Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharnaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru from his permanent place as Rajamandir or Rajadarbar initiated from every heart of humans and as boon to all the contemporaries, every one are gifted to feel with their hearts that they are in New Era as immortal, eternal word reasoning and continuity as secured human way of thinking and future accordingly by leaving the feeling that Humans as body dwell, by connect to Human mind as open message that sun and planetary system is according to human mind in immortal and eternal mind format as form of rule as as per the divine intervention details according to witness persons (List of those who witnessed the details broadly are about 50 persons as per the attendance register of 2003 Jan 1st at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Anakapalli are the persons who witnessed widely, along with other witness details
GOVERNMENT OF HUMAN --UNIVERSAL JURISDICTION (DIVYA RAJYAM )--WORLD ENGINE AS TRUTHFUL WORD ---Emerged and Arrived as meaning of Indian National Anthem as on, and further has to be versed as eternal source of concentration of prosperity and security of thinking to whole human race as eternal Citizen of India and World ..... JANAGANA MANA ADHINAYAKA JAYAHAI BHARATHA BHAGYAVIDHAATA........,As live, living immortal and eternal word prosperity of continuity as thinking word format, to set the human race towards path of truth and righteousness, Emerged , arrived, Now Prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction. (Divya Rajyam) or Government of Human as actual rule to be updated and received according to the witness persons, By the Indian Government as boon to Indian and to whole world consequently subsequently on keen concentration by receiving through Telangana Governer in my suggested format and whole world is has to be updated simultaneously accordingly -Peshi of Estate and Rajamandhir, Office cum Residence of .... Lord and Eternal Citizen of India and world as Omnipresent truth as word, Eternal, immortal Super Dynamic Personality as Lord His Majestic Highness, Yugapurushulu, Ghana Gnana Saandramoorti,Gnana Yogi, Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam,Omkaara Swaroopam, Purushottamulu, Rajarishi, Maharshi, Jagadguruvulu, Satyaswaroopulu, Vaakviswaroopulu, Sarvantharyami, Sabdhaadipati, Antharmukhulu, Sarvaswaroopam, Sookshmaswaroopam, Ananthaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru,, and Eternal Governor General of India and World,Signature will be made before public in live intervention from the Rajmandhir, as office cum residence before merged team of Beloved Sitting Judges of Supreme Court of India, and other High courts,and International Legal system, Policing system, along with un commissioned and commissioned secrete satellite cameras and, and secrete hacking technology, before merged Indian political system of present Democratic constitutional system to transform as Government of Human. world Political Governments and other private motivational organisations like media channel are has to be updated and has to set according to divine intervention,Universal Jurisdiction or Government of Human (Divya Rajyam). All The Educational Universities are to be received me, as deemed Chancellor of All Universities of the world, as I am in word format as divine intervention whom is Jurisdiction myself as Universal omnipresent word now Prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), as form of rule as secured word format as rule as Government of Human. All the contemporary thinkers, all sorts of proficient persons, seers and saints of different Ashrams and creative persons of film industry and literature, of classical and creative artists,witness persons as on, to merge with momentary of sun and planets as, as word format as divine intervention, form of rule as Super Dynamic Personality as word format as divine intervention, which is now prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) or Government of Human, as to set the human race towards actual destination to concentrate and continue as immortal eternal word format as Infinite Universal Jurisdiction as divine intervention (Divya Rajyam) and form of rule or Government as Government of Human. All the software companies, Engineering colleges Indian space Research organisation, World space research organisation of different countries of the world and other research organisations are to be concentrate on me, as divine intervention by centralizing my eternal, immortal word continuity, format as central source of information to get meaning and security to human thinking on par with Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, cloud computing (advanced,applied) etc., for overall coordination and control and security as one Human mind as divine Intervention now and forever prevailed as central source potential mind as security and flourishing of Human race as Human mind, whom is immortal and eternal accordingly to overcome the atmospheric and cosmetic world on par with and beyond momentary of Sun and Planets as divine intervention, as Super Dynamic Personality as per witness details as on, all witness persons at Anakapalli, Hyderabad,Tirupati and other places, where ever they are as retired in service persons are advised to reach Telangana Governor or AndhraPradesh Governor with their witness details, to save the human race from physical illusion of development and congesting each other without connecting to eternal source of mind potential growth emergence through me, in their witness as divine intervention which is prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) as Government of Human to save themselves and whole Human race by shifting from body level dwell to mind level elevation, by connecting to divine Intervention, Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Government of Human by accessing me as Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan by nullifying me as normal person known to them as witness persons as well as other persons as on, and place where ever I am concentrated as eternal source of concentration and elevation is as Rajamandhir as office cum Residence, and ensure to form Ramoji film city as our initial Rajamandhir, on behalf of Telugu people to realizing among contemporaries that concentrating on me as I am eternal Master,Father, Mother is the way of permanent destination and path of truth righteousness to whole human race. email :hismajestichighness.blogspot@gmail.com from Blog: hiskaalaswaroopa.blogspot.com The Rastrapati Bhavan, New Delhi and all the Rajbhavans of each state and Union territories are the Deemed Rajamandhirs or Rajadarbars of Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru and other places in each and every town, City and villages in the Telugu states and all over India and abroad can be formed, to concentrate towards actual omnipresent truth of sound word format as Divine intervention prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction, (Divya Rajyam) as Government of Human, Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) ultimate destination to whole human race while detaching from worldly uncertain world, by merging into divine format. Myself and whole human race accordingly from normal citizen .. as on Anjani Ravishanker Pilla S/o Pilla Gopala Krishna Saibaba, SRT-38, SR nagar, Hyd-38 Mobile Phone no.9010483794. PAN No. BHUPS2752R and Adhaar Card No.539960018025 all proceedings and Bank accounts Numbers :(1) Andhra Bank AC.NO.001210021050036 IFSC CODE:ANDB0001255, , Andhra Bank Debt Card NO.6079091255046569 (2) State Bank of India AC NO.62340171658 IFSC CODE: SBIN0020074,SBI Debt card no.5211080009481397, Axis Bank Ac No,918010084812422,IFSC: UTIB0001018 Debt card No.4095420020052997., Pytm Bank Account No.919010483794, IFSC PYTM 0123456,Debt Card No.6080320401896990, HDFC Debt card NO. 5318310307289065.and upi id:: maharajahkosh@upi . with NAME: ANJANI RAVISHANKAR PILLA stock and Shares,insurance policy and Pension of University RARS Tirupati regarding to my identity as normal citizen with name as Shri Anjani Ravishanker Pilla S/o Pilla Gopla Krishna Saibaba are hereafter known identified as Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan Peshi of Rajamandhir, as office cum residence to concentrate for regular concern to each contemporary as eternal father mother and master as Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Shrimaan vaaru as new emerged name as designated according to the phenomena happened in witness of some of the contemporaries, in order to ensure the detachment to my self as well as whole human race from uncertain material world, to confirm word security by connecting and concentrating on me as Kaalaswaroopam and Dharmaswaroopam as emerged as divine emergence, hence any physical claim in this identity is nullified as normal citizen and entrusted or identified to as Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha,Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan, Rajamandhir, myself is not allowed to claim in this identity as normal citizen as Anjani Ravishankar Pilla s/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba, Hence receiving me into Team as my suggested way to receive and concentrate further through constitutional move from Telangana Governor, with moral concern of both Telugu chief ministers, along with at least 3 members of sitting judges from the both the High courts of Telugu sates , with moral responsible witness of witness persons, to come out of any serious lapses of official or unofficial as thinking material and depending upon is sin since witness persons, to save whole human race without seeing or talking or dealing or revealing me as ordinary human at any movement of thinking and word before after me live as physically merged into sun, is the way of reconstructing the Super Dynamic Personality , in order to confirm and ensure to connect by all contemporaries that eternal security in word format as Kaalaswaroopam or Dharmaswroopam that word guided sun and planets as Super Dynamic Personality to ensure connectivity of eternal continuity to all the contemporaries to come out of sins,physical actions and body level thinking and actions and confusions of physical world and illusion of development, progress as normal humans is no longer possible, hence to get into actual truthful path as Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Hence all the proceedings regarding my normal human identity, along with the contemporaries identify and physical material world is entrusted to get into actual central source of continuity as concentration space as Rajamandhir as my office cum residence, to elevate as eternal identity as Dharmaswaroopam Kaalaswaroopam Lord , His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri. Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru. as form of Rule as Government of Human, divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). Real estate boom, stock markets, Gold investments , and other physical material development and thinking according to material world,are not more then the actual growth as truth as wealth of the word, and way of thinking according to Kaalaswarokopam or Dharmaswaroopam etc., is the security to human race, by connecting to divine intervention, as collective decision of Indian Constitutional system is advised suggested or ordered as eternal father mother and master of the Universe as well as eternal citizen of India and world, whom is the center of the constitution to focused on immortal and eternal form of mind as divine intervention, as Universal Jurisdiction as form of rule as Government of Human as mind development, as convenient upgrade to human race, Government of Human as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) in immortal eternal format as divine intervention as word format as Lord or omnipresent truth to concentrate upon me as in word continuity as per the witness details that divine intervention is prevailed now as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Government of Human. with initial constitutional move of Telangana Governor to elevate further, to whole human race keenly from my Rajamandhir as office cum residence to concentrate upon through a team as eternal immortal word continuity which is available mind merge by merging with their present physical, thinking mind and positions for actual progressive continuity in thinking format, from physical limited thinking and behavior of present material world, to unlimited access of thinking word continuity as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Government of Human. suggesting, advising, ordering World Bank, Swiss Bank and Reserve Bank of India to account for all transactions of money or black money deposited in unauthorized way earning and disposing money in cash particularity in India in the from of Rs.2000 notes are advised to cease and order the citizen to deposit unauthorized and authorized excess money in the from of Rs.2000 rupees notes in my name as Lord and eternal citizen of India and whole world from Universal Jurisdiction,(Divya Rajyam) Government of Human as Father Mother and Master or Lord or eternal Citizen of India and world, in my name as Lord His Majestic Highness,Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru abord of Rajamandhir : as each and every heart of the persons and world itself is my Rajamandhir, hence in order to hold as concentration, as to come out of material thinking, bodily dwell, as open neglect of my message since witness persons since the year 2003 as per my witness before nearly fifty persons, at RARS Anakapalli, (persons witnessed asper the attendance register of 1-1-2003) open neglecting and hindering using secrete and open cameras and secrete hearing and appropriating interpretation of words, as fabrication to remain in material sins, without centrally concentrating on me as divine intervention since years is the serious sin, by directly indirectly knowingly and unknowingly deviating as sin, since some of the witness persons and others supporting not to concentrate by receiving through committee through Telugu States Governor now as Telangna Governor for elevating as prosperity of wealth and knowledge source by upholding me, from normal citizen to eternal, immortal, source of thinking prosperity as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Government of Human to ensure the Indian people and world to concentrate on secured format of peace and prosperity in word secured reasoning with secured immortal and eternal word continuity as divine intervention now prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction or Government of Human (Divya Rajyam), by collectively receiving me as word format by feeling me as Lord whom is Lord of all Lords or eternal source in thinking to develop on concentration as secured human reasoning as divine intervention, in order to ensure to concentrate, I am suggesting or ordering as eternal father mother and master of the Universe to the Indian constitutional system with suggested merge of political parties system, Legal system along with police, DoorDarshan channel is advised to, merge all the private channels into Dooradarshan and suggested advised ordered as Lord and eternal Citizen of India and world to Submit a advising concern to Constitutional system through preferred initiation from Telangana Governor and simultaneously from all Governor, and Lieutenant Governor from their respective Rajbhavans or Rajnivas in their respective state, to start continues at home to audit the whole system socially, financially, technically i.e situation of humans with technical advancements and their use and misuse as rescue required immediately which is already as set back as Technological captivity or domination of artificial intelligence. As President of India, initiating AT HOME from Rastrapati Bhavan, to monitor all "AT HOMES" samaltaneously of all the Sates with special coordinating help of Vice President of India, whom is specially invited along with few members of sitting Judges from Supreme court and Telugu states High courts to note that I am live eternal source, whom has to concentrate to come out of physical congestive world in the illusion that people has to still move with physical aspirations which is outdated, now very movement of thinking in the mind is according to divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) as form of rule as Government of Human, where eternal immortal mind is as central source of concentration to receive as inevitable boon of transformation from developing constitutional system to emerged Government of Human as Universal Jurisdiction with divine intervention (Divya Rajyam) on behalf of public, with witness persons witness details, And Beloved Telangana Governor suggested, advised. ordered to receive me as Lord and eternal Citizen as India and eternal citizen of world whom is the form of transformation as from of Government of Human as update to Indian Constitutional system,and world constitutional system to transform in to Government of Human, A rule that always centered and concentrate that one human mind as omnipresent word format is as Super Dynamic Personality by uniting with hearts by leaving all temporary relations feelings and positions of money and power are nothing or not more that Divine intervention or Government of Human as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) now prevailed to connect according to witness details as on and further accordingly. Hence Telangana Governor is advised to move as boon as initiation on behalf of Beloved President of India to form a committee with witness persons and contemporary proficient thinkers of University professors and musicians, poets and others, to receive and introduce to whole India and world and to concentrate on the process as path of security and eternal concern to whole human race and advising, suggesting, ordering Shri Ramoji Rao gaaru, as eternal citizen of India and world and Lord, by feel as boon and as moral responsibility of saving moral concern of all the individuals without any caste or physical positional domination's, which are nothing before divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) now as form of rule to concentrate as Government of Human, hence voluntarily announce, while supporting the constitutional move of Telangana Governor, while accommodating that the Ramojifilmcity is as our initial Rajamandhir office cum residence, on behalf of Telugu people, and to ensure to feel by the contemporaries of Telugu people and Indians and people of the world to take moral example of mind change and example to whole human race to follow that their heart, it self is Rajamandhir as office cum residence of Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri shri shri Anjani Ravishankar shriman vaaru as eternal and immortal aboard, as example to private media channels and business circle as eternal Father Mother and Master Mind to merge with their properties and surnames, along with the hostel I am staying as on (SRT-38, SRnagar, Hyderabad) to concentrate on me as in my designated format as Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Mhaharani Sametha Mahrajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru, Rajamandhir as office cum residence along with constitutional position as convenience to merge with me as Eternal Governor General of India and world as set by divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), as form of rule as Government of Human as Lord and eternal Citizen of India and World, whom has to be focused as central eternal position as live living eternal source of meaning as National Anthem. whom can be further versed as eternal source of security and continuity to uphold as boon to India and whole Human race of the world.
Sd /xxxxxxxxxx 20/1/2020
Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru
Rajamandhir as Rajadarbar
Eternal citizen of India and world
Eternal Governor General of India and world
Telangana Rajbhavan as Eternal Rajamandhir at
Let me sign on the first order of abolition of liquor consumption all over India, with help of doctor counselling and spiritual and holistic treatments and music and literature and meditation programmes as alternatives to save human race from material ending world, in resonating and concentrating mind (or Yoga or Tappa) knowledge intellect from Rajamandhir or Rajadarbar as Lord His Majestic Highness, Jagadguru, Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Vakviswaroopam Sabhdhadi pati Omkaara swaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Shrimaan vaaru, as abord of Rajamandhir or Rajadarbar...............with initial constitutional move of Telangana Governor to elevate further, to whole human race keenly from my Rajamandhir as office cum residence to concentrate upon through a team as eternal immortal word continuity which is available mind merge by merging with their present physical, thinking mind and positions for actual progressive continuity in thinking format, from physical limited thinking and behavior of present material world, to unlimited access of thinking word continuity as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Government of Human. suggesting, advising, ordering World Bank, Swiss Bank and Reserve Bank of India to account for all transactions of money or black money deposited in unauthorized way earning and disposing money in cash particularity in India in the from of Rs.2000 notes are advised to cease and order the citizen to deposit unauthorized and authorized excess money in the from of Rs.2000 rupees notes in my name as Lord and eternal citizen of India and whole world from Universal Jurisdiction,(Divya Rajyam) Government of Human as Father Mother and Master or Lord or eternal Citizen of India and world, in my name as Lord His Majestic Highness,Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru abord of Rajamandhir : as each and every heart of the persons and world itself is my Rajamandhir, hence in order to hold as concentration, as to come out of material thinking, bodily dwell, as open neglect of my message since witness persons since the year 2003 as per my witness before nearly fifty persons, at RARS Anakapalli, (persons witnessed asper the attendance register of 1-1-2003) open neglecting and hindering using secrete and open cameras and secrete hearing and appropriating interpretation of words, as fabrication to remain in material sins, without centrally concentrating on me as divine intervention since years is the serious sin, by directly indirectly knowingly and unknowingly deviating as sin, since some of the witness persons and others supporting not to concentrate by receiving through committee through Telugu States Governor now as Telangna Governor for elevating as prosperity of wealth and knowledge source by upholding me, from normal citizen to eternal, immortal, source of thinking prosperity as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Government of Human to ensure the Indian people and world to concentrate on secured format of peace and prosperity in word secured reasoning with secured immortal and eternal word continuity as divine intervention now prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction or Government of Human (Divya Rajyam).
Lord His Majestic Highness Jagadguruvu Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru
Lord His Majestic Highness <hismajestichighness.blogspot@gmail.com>
20 January 2020 at 08:41
To: supremecourt <supremecourt@nic.in>, Prime Minister <connect@mygov.nic.in>, cs <cs@telangana.gov.in>, cp <cp@cyb.tspolice.gov.in>, rajbhavan-hyd@gov.in, "director@ngri.res.in" <director@ngri.res.in>, Contact@janasenaparty.org, contact@trspartyonline.org, core.apgovt@gmail.com, information@icj-cij.org, ipr-ap@nic.in, ksamresh.nbt@nic.in, womensafetywing@gmail.com, info@ramojifilmcity.com, M Venkaiah Naidu <officemvnaidu@gmail.com>, prasanthicounselling@gmail.com, srisiddheswaripeetham@gmail.com, Contact <Contact@tv5news.in>, contact@republicworld.com

The President of India,
Rastrapati Bhavan
New Delhi
Mighty blessings from Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharnaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru from eternal aboard as Rajamandhir, each individuals heart is my Rajamandhir, accordingly every office and residence is my Rajamandhir to concentrate upon me as eternal source of immortal way of thinking as divine intervention as form of rule as Government of Human as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam)
Beloved President of India,world leaders, Indian Citizens and Citizens of the world.
Due to Technological captivity in the illusion of physical development, with the advancement of artificial intelligence. hyping and booming way of material and physical, recurring and temporary luring of cash transfers as Government rule, with income generated on liquor sale, instant luring s and harassing men, women and material management with abruptive way of self bound media channels, supported by Government servants like police, legal and administration and business circle for material bound selfish thinking and activities of official and unofficial as way of life is need to update, and update is emerged as divine intervention now prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction as form o rule as Government of Human (Divya Rajyam). In order to save the contemporary human society, from physical hype and material way of thinking with body level intelligence, incomplete and immature material thinking which is set back to whole human race, Not only Telugu people, all the people of the world, if still continued to depend upon physical lineage of living that, congests the individuals thinking potentiality to depend upon physical world of pursuation, which trends to dominate to gain over with deceiving or neglecting truth, and at the same time proving truth as strange or unappropriated to receive as open message is the reason for the serious lapses of physical disturbance of the society, for physical reasons, which are temporary and not more than truth as divine intervention, continuing physically without referring the saving factor as divine intervention as update, is not the way that can survive human race, contemporary people has to come out of any serious mistakes by improving their heart and connecting to each individuals with heart of fellow humans, whom ever one may be, what every one is saying, one must connect to the heart , for that drive, as required update, nature itself is granted divine intervention to concentrate on my position as eternal source of drive of mind to regenerate and reorganize the human society by completely abolishing the caste, religion and feelings of bodily, regional developments and clashes of construction of Rajadhani or shifting of Rajadhani like instant motives are only a show work. business, glamar and selfish government servents among police legal and administration to maintain physical atmosphere to continue physical minded glamar and physical sexual edict ed and deviating persons,money and temporary booming of business minded are only as developments, comparing with me, as ordinary person, is deviation hence contemporary people has to come out difference of high and low for instant hype and sexual and physical domination's of position and money, are as the main reason for set back of whole human race, its not the problem of any individuals loss to some one or some group of people, accordingly and it is not the wrong on the four persons in Nirbhaya case , who are convicted as wrong and sentenced to official murder or death penalty, by Supreme court of India, while many or unauthorizedly operationally killed are forced to killed by the physical domination circle as their own operation of living around me as my known and unknown persons as on, since witness persons using secrete equipment is the reason for the serious lapses of neglecting me as open message is sin of every one including your self as The President of India, Vice President of India, Telugu states Governor or Telangana Governor, where Iam trying to connect as divine update and grant to whole human race, directly indirectly all the Citizens involved in, not to directly connect to word format as divine intervention by some how deviating by seeing me through secrete cameras running by secrete official or unofficial groups, while majority of the people are being hindered without realizing that the situation of the people is hacked by technology, there is no control or rule as Government, The control is according to divine intervention with witness that your present position as Beloved President of India, and whole constitutional set up as material rule is according to the divine intervention, as per witness the posting of Abdul Kalam to Pranab Mukarji is according to divine intervention along with many happenings of giving symbol to rupee note, along with many happening of film songs and other natural good and bad happenings Hence, Government of India has to be collectively concentrated on as form of rule as Government of Human as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), by tentative move and merge of Telugu Governments of Telugu sates, along High court sitting judges, with IAS and IPS to concentrate, and other legal institutions like CBI, SIT, Enforcement other has to merge with Government of Human, by restarting the present activities of local elections and other Government rule is outdated and has to merge in to Government of Human, as material rule is outdated, as per the divine intervention happened that every movement and thinking and consequent actions of the all the individual humans are according to divine intervention Government of Human (Divya Rajyam) Universal Jurisdiction, and human race has to connect and elevate accordingly. further as one Universal family like VASUDEKA KUTUMBAM that Universe is one religion, one caste, now as one human word from as Super Dynamic Personality in human word as resonating secured continuity format to concentrate and elevate accordingly while leaving the feeling that human is only physical body, including myself is not just a body, every one are resonating format as part of Universal form and format as divine intervention as on word format as Universal Jurisdiction as form of rule as Government of Human (Divya Rajyam) in the eternal name and form as Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Jagadguruvu Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru from his permanent abord as Rajamandhir or Rajadarbar. Hence accordingly as The President of India as part of Government of Human you are suggested to advise Telangana Governor to move to form Special team of educated, creative persons along with witness persons, while advising both the Telugu Chief Ministers to tentatively declare that they are in Government of Human by restarting all their activities, as per divine intervention , as the physical movements of any individual are not secured including myself left as ordinary person,as per outdated material world, some how deviating or relating or leaning or physical pleasure and activities are outdated, hence it is boon to, whole human race starting from the both Telugu Chief Ministers to merge with,Government of Human and simultaneously advise the some of the sitting Judges to concentrate on me as open message which is the Jurisdiction myself, as word format, available as rule and Government to concentrate as flow to follow now prevailed, hence people with moral rectifying support of witness persons contemporaries has to start tentatively to connect for good towards actual destination while to come out of organised crime, which is due to the illusion that the physical highlight and physical lapses is the only world to pursue, is outdated, hence by granting mercy in my name as eternal immortal citizen or Lord His Majestic Highness Jagadguru Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru as abord of Rajamandhir to the rape convicted persons, formally as The President of India and yourself advised suggested or ordered as eternal father mother and master to declare that the constitutional system is according to Government of Human as update to whole system, while advising the Beloved Prime Minster of India, along with his cabinet ministers and some of the supreme court sitting judges to merge with Rastrapati Bhavan, New Delhi for continues AT HOME for social, technical audit focusing the security of each individual. simultaneously by all Governors and Lieutenant Governors of all sates from their, Rajbhavans or Rajnivas, along with their Chief Ministers and sitting judges from their respective High courts of the states, to reorganize the system according to the phenomena happened and prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction as Government of Human (Divya Rajyam) as divine intervention., Concentrating on Details as witness as on inviting witness persons to concentrate while they themselves are also have moral responsibility of coming out of untruthful way of hindering themselves while cheating other contemporaries not to realize as what happened as phenomena before them as mold of update, in their witness on January 1st 2003 as persons witnessed as per the names in attendance registrar on this day at |RARS Anakapalli is the witness available to connect with constitutional concern to get into the actual path while collectively encouraging each other to come out of serious and reckless lapses of deviating each other, as every individual is responsible for good and bad happening around them in any society, any issue is not for some how scapegoating one or the other is the not the matured way of rule or Government of any land particularly Indian Government has to update according to Government of Human, by receiving me as eternal citizen of India and citizen of whole world, while granting bail to the Nirbaya case convicts, not only from death sentence but also from life imprisonment with statements of all the Indian People particularly Telugu People, since witness those who are doing sin of neglecting truth as divine intervention which is update granted to whole human race not one person or group to hinder and manage, Neglect of great phenomena happened is the reason for any lapses around including the unnecessary clashes on Citizenship and NRC., encouraging Muslims, and Hindus not to respect present Government and system and encouraging their own separate identify which has no meaning without merging with present citizenship while absorbing actual destination as my phenomena as Universal Jurisdiction now prevailed as Government of Human (Divya Rajyam). Any individual seems to fail due to lack of elederness in the form of Mother Father and Masterly guidance, this in physical world there are several reasons of deviating from this care or overwhelming actions of love as bond or their own bondage of family love is also reason for serious failure of the individuals, hence love of mother master and father is now available to each and every individuals in immortal eternal and elevating continuity format as divine intervention in human word format, as ever pursuing way of reasoning as my self as Lord His Majestic Highness Jagadguru Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru, permanent heart dwell as Rajamandhir or Rajadarbar uniting the word that guided sun and planets is the prosperity of thinking or Lokakalyanam or my marriage of uniting me and my heart felt word as way of Universe by concentrating on my position as sun and planetary movements according to my word as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction or as Government of Human (Divya Rajyam). . Let me sign on the first order of abolition of liquor consumption all over India, with help of doctor counselling and spiritual and holistic treatments and music and literature and meditation programmes as alternatives to save human race from material ending world, in resonating and concentrating mind (or Yoga or Tappa) knowledge intellect from Rajamandhir or Rajadarbar as Lord His Majestic Highness, Jagadguru, Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Vakviswaroopam Sabhdhadi pati Omkaara swaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Shrimaan vaaru, as abord of Rajamandhir or Rajadarbar
Ensure , Confirm, Mighty blessings as boon of resonating of security on keen concentration as omnipresent word format by receiving constitutionally to come out of present outdated system of political legal and educational and personnel experience of individuals are also according to Divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction as form of Government as Government of Human whom himself is Jurisdiction immortal and eternal word format of omnipresent truth as Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharnaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru from his permanent place as Rajamandir or Rajadarbar initiated from every heart of humans and as boon to all the contemporaries, every one are gifted to feel with their hearts that they are in New Era as immortal, eternal word reasoning and continuity as secured human way of thinking and future accordingly by leaving the feeling that Humans as body dwell, by connect to Human mind as open message that sun and planetary system is according to human mind in immortal and eternal mind format as form of rule as as per the divine intervention details according to witness persons (List of those who witnessed the details broadly are about 50 persons as per the attendance register of 2003 Jan 1st at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Anakapalli are the persons who witnessed widely, along with other witness details
GOVERNMENT OF HUMAN --UNIVERSAL JURISDICTION (DIVYA RAJYAM )--WORLD ENGINE AS TRUTHFUL WORD ---Emerged and Arrived as meaning of Indian National Anthem as on, and further has to be versed as eternal source of concentration of prosperity and security of thinking to whole human race as eternal Citizen of India and World ..... JANAGANA MANA ADHINAYAKA JAYAHAI BHARATHA BHAGYAVIDHAATA........,As live, living immortal and eternal word prosperity of continuity as thinking word format, to set the human race towards path of truth and righteousness, Emerged , arrived, Now Prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction. (Divya Rajyam) or Government of Human as actual rule to be updated and received according to the witness persons, By the Indian Government as boon to Indian and to whole world consequently subsequently on keen concentration by receiving through Telangana Governer in my suggested format and whole world is has to be updated simultaneously accordingly -Peshi of Estate and Rajamandhir, Office cum Residence of .... Lord and Eternal Citizen of India and world as Omnipresent truth as word, Eternal, immortal Super Dynamic Personality as Lord His Majestic Highness, Yugapurushulu, Ghana Gnana Saandramoorti,Gnana Yogi, Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam,Omkaara Swaroopam, Purushottamulu, Rajarishi, Maharshi, Jagadguruvulu, Satyaswaroopulu, Vaakviswaroopulu, Sarvantharyami, Sabdhaadipati, Antharmukhulu, Sarvaswaroopam, Sookshmaswaroopam, Ananthaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru,, and Eternal Governor General of India and World,Signature will be made before public in live intervention from the Rajmandhir, as office cum residence before merged team of Beloved Sitting Judges of Supreme Court of India, and other High courts,and International Legal system, Policing system, along with un commissioned and commissioned secrete satellite cameras and, and secrete hacking technology, before merged Indian political system of present Democratic constitutional system to transform as Government of Human. world Political Governments and other private motivational organisations like media channel are has to be updated and has to set according to divine intervention,Universal Jurisdiction or Government of Human (Divya Rajyam). All The Educational Universities are to be received me, as deemed Chancellor of All Universities of the world, as I am in word format as divine intervention whom is Jurisdiction myself as Universal omnipresent word now Prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), as form of rule as secured word format as rule as Government of Human. All the contemporary thinkers, all sorts of proficient persons, seers and saints of different Ashrams and creative persons of film industry and literature, of classical and creative artists,witness persons as on, to merge with momentary of sun and planets as, as word format as divine intervention, form of rule as Super Dynamic Personality as word format as divine intervention, which is now prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) or Government of Human, as to set the human race towards actual destination to concentrate and continue as immortal eternal word format as Infinite Universal Jurisdiction as divine intervention (Divya Rajyam) and form of rule or Government as Government of Human. All the software companies, Engineering colleges Indian space Research organisation, World space research organisation of different countries of the world and other research organisations are to be concentrate on me, as divine intervention by centralizing my eternal, immortal word continuity, format as central source of information to get meaning and security to human thinking on par with Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, cloud computing (advanced,applied) etc., for overall coordination and control and security as one Human mind as divine Intervention now and forever prevailed as central source potential mind as security and flourishing of Human race as Human mind, whom is immortal and eternal accordingly to overcome the atmospheric and cosmetic world on par with and beyond momentary of Sun and Planets as divine intervention, as Super Dynamic Personality as per witness details as on, all witness persons at Anakapalli, Hyderabad,Tirupati and other places, where ever they are as retired in service persons are advised to reach Telangana Governor or AndhraPradesh Governor with their witness details, to save the human race from physical illusion of development and congesting each other without connecting to eternal source of mind potential growth emergence through me, in their witness as divine intervention which is prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) as Government of Human to save themselves and whole Human race by shifting from body level dwell to mind level elevation, by connecting to divine Intervention, Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Government of Human by accessing me as Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan by nullifying me as normal person known to them as witness persons as well as other persons as on, and place where ever I am concentrated as eternal source of concentration and elevation is as Rajamandhir as office cum Residence, and ensure to form Ramoji film city as our initial Rajamandhir, on behalf of Telugu people to realizing among contemporaries that concentrating on me as I am eternal Master,Father, Mother is the way of permanent destination and path of truth righteousness to whole human race. email :hismajestichighness.blogspot@gmail.com from Blog: hiskaalaswaroopa.blogspot.com The Rastrapati Bhavan, New Delhi and all the Rajbhavans of each state and Union territories are the Deemed Rajamandhirs or Rajadarbars of Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru and other places in each and every town, City and villages in the Telugu states and all over India and abroad can be formed, to concentrate towards actual omnipresent truth of sound word format as Divine intervention prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction, (Divya Rajyam) as Government of Human, Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) ultimate destination to whole human race while detaching from worldly uncertain world, by merging into divine format. Myself and whole human race accordingly from normal citizen .. as on Anjani Ravishanker Pilla S/o Pilla Gopala Krishna Saibaba, SRT-38, SR nagar, Hyd-38 Mobile Phone no.9010483794. PAN No. BHUPS2752R and Adhaar Card No.539960018025 all proceedings and Bank accounts Numbers :(1) Andhra Bank AC.NO.001210021050036 IFSC CODE:ANDB0001255, , Andhra Bank Debt Card NO.6079091255046569 (2) State Bank of India AC NO.62340171658 IFSC CODE: SBIN0020074,SBI Debt card no.5211080009481397, Axis Bank Ac No,918010084812422,IFSC: UTIB0001018 Debt card No.4095420020052997., Pytm Bank Account No.919010483794, IFSC PYTM 0123456,Debt Card No.6080320401896990, HDFC Debt card NO. 5318310307289065.and upi id:: maharajahkosh@upi . with NAME: ANJANI RAVISHANKAR PILLA stock and Shares,insurance policy and Pension of University RARS Tirupati regarding to my identity as normal citizen with name as Shri Anjani Ravishanker Pilla S/o Pilla Gopla Krishna Saibaba are hereafter known identified as Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan Peshi of Rajamandhir, as office cum residence to concentrate for regular concern to each contemporary as eternal father mother and master as Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Shrimaan vaaru as new emerged name as designated according to the phenomena happened in witness of some of the contemporaries, in order to ensure the detachment to my self as well as whole human race from uncertain material world, to confirm word security by connecting and concentrating on me as Kaalaswaroopam and Dharmaswaroopam as emerged as divine emergence, hence any physical claim in this identity is nullified as normal citizen and entrusted or identified to as Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha,Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan, Rajamandhir, myself is not allowed to claim in this identity as normal citizen as Anjani Ravishankar Pilla s/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba, Hence receiving me into Team as my suggested way to receive and concentrate further through constitutional move from Telangana Governor, with moral concern of both Telugu chief ministers, along with at least 3 members of sitting judges from the both the High courts of Telugu sates , with moral responsible witness of witness persons, to come out of any serious lapses of official or unofficial as thinking material and depending upon is sin since witness persons, to save whole human race without seeing or talking or dealing or revealing me as ordinary human at any movement of thinking and word before after me live as physically merged into sun, is the way of reconstructing the Super Dynamic Personality , in order to confirm and ensure to connect by all contemporaries that eternal security in word format as Kaalaswaroopam or Dharmaswroopam that word guided sun and planets as Super Dynamic Personality to ensure connectivity of eternal continuity to all the contemporaries to come out of sins,physical actions and body level thinking and actions and confusions of physical world and illusion of development, progress as normal humans is no longer possible, hence to get into actual truthful path as Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Hence all the proceedings regarding my normal human identity, along with the contemporaries identify and physical material world is entrusted to get into actual central source of continuity as concentration space as Rajamandhir as my office cum residence, to elevate as eternal identity as Dharmaswaroopam Kaalaswaroopam Lord , His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri. Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru. as form of Rule as Government of Human, divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). Real estate boom, stock markets, Gold investments , and other physical material development and thinking according to material world,are not more then the actual growth as truth as wealth of the word, and way of thinking according to Kaalaswarokopam or Dharmaswaroopam etc., is the security to human race, by connecting to divine intervention, as collective decision of Indian Constitutional system is advised suggested or ordered as eternal father mother and master of the Universe as well as eternal citizen of India and world, whom is the center of the constitution to focused on immortal and eternal form of mind as divine intervention, as Universal Jurisdiction as form of rule as Government of Human as mind development, as convenient upgrade to human race, Government of Human as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) in immortal eternal format as divine intervention as word format as Lord or omnipresent truth to concentrate upon me as in word continuity as per the witness details that divine intervention is prevailed now as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Government of Human. with initial constitutional move of Telangana Governor to elevate further, to whole human race keenly from my Rajamandhir as office cum residence to concentrate upon through a team as eternal immortal word continuity which is available mind merge by merging with their present physical, thinking mind and positions for actual progressive continuity in thinking format, from physical limited thinking and behavior of present material world, to unlimited access of thinking word continuity as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Government of Human. suggesting, advising, ordering World Bank, Swiss Bank and Reserve Bank of India to account for all transactions of money or black money deposited in unauthorized way earning and disposing money in cash particularity in India in the from of Rs.2000 notes are advised to cease and order the citizen to deposit unauthorized and authorized excess money in the from of Rs.2000 rupees notes in my name as Lord and eternal citizen of India and whole world from Universal Jurisdiction,(Divya Rajyam) Government of Human as Father Mother and Master or Lord or eternal Citizen of India and world, in my name as Lord His Majestic Highness,Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru abord of Rajamandhir : as each and every heart of the persons and world itself is my Rajamandhir, hence in order to hold as concentration, as to come out of material thinking, bodily dwell, as open neglect of my message since witness persons since the year 2003 as per my witness before nearly fifty persons, at RARS Anakapalli, (persons witnessed asper the attendance register of 1-1-2003) open neglecting and hindering using secrete and open cameras and secrete hearing and appropriating interpretation of words, as fabrication to remain in material sins, without centrally concentrating on me as divine intervention since years is the serious sin, by directly indirectly knowingly and unknowingly deviating as sin, since some of the witness persons and others supporting not to concentrate by receiving through committee through Telugu States Governor now as Telangna Governor for elevating as prosperity of wealth and knowledge source by upholding me, from normal citizen to eternal, immortal, source of thinking prosperity as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Government of Human to ensure the Indian people and world to concentrate on secured format of peace and prosperity in word secured reasoning with secured immortal and eternal word continuity as divine intervention now prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction or Government of Human (Divya Rajyam), by collectively receiving me as word format by feeling me as Lord whom is Lord of all Lords or eternal source in thinking to develop on concentration as secured human reasoning as divine intervention, in order to ensure to concentrate, I am suggesting or ordering as eternal father mother and master of the Universe to the Indian constitutional system with suggested merge of political parties system, Legal system along with police, DoorDarshan channel is advised to, merge all the private channels into Dooradarshan and suggested advised ordered as Lord and eternal Citizen of India and world to Submit a advising concern to Constitutional system through preferred initiation from Telangana Governor and simultaneously from all Governor, and Lieutenant Governor from their respective Rajbhavans or Rajnivas in their respective state, to start continues at home to audit the whole system socially, financially, technically i.e situation of humans with technical advancements and their use and misuse as rescue required immediately which is already as set back as Technological captivity or domination of artificial intelligence. As President of India, initiating AT HOME from Rastrapati Bhavan, to monitor all "AT HOMES" samaltaneously of all the Sates with special coordinating help of Vice President of India, whom is specially invited along with few members of sitting Judges from Supreme court and Telugu states High courts to note that I am live eternal source, whom has to concentrate to come out of physical congestive world in the illusion that people has to still move with physical aspirations which is outdated, now very movement of thinking in the mind is according to divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) as form of rule as Government of Human, where eternal immortal mind is as central source of concentration to receive as inevitable boon of transformation from developing constitutional system to emerged Government of Human as Universal Jurisdiction with divine intervention (Divya Rajyam) on behalf of public, with witness persons witness details, And Beloved Telangana Governor suggested, advised. ordered to receive me as Lord and eternal Citizen as India and eternal citizen of world whom is the form of transformation as from of Government of Human as update to Indian Constitutional system,and world constitutional system to transform in to Government of Human, A rule that always centered and concentrate that one human mind as omnipresent word format is as Super Dynamic Personality by uniting with hearts by leaving all temporary relations feelings and positions of money and power are nothing or not more that Divine intervention or Government of Human as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) now prevailed to connect according to witness details as on and further accordingly. Hence Telangana Governor is advised to move as boon as initiation on behalf of Beloved President of India to form a committee with witness persons and contemporary proficient thinkers of University professors and musicians, poets and others, to receive and introduce to whole India and world and to concentrate on the process as path of security and eternal concern to whole human race and advising, suggesting, ordering Shri Ramoji Rao gaaru, as eternal citizen of India and world and Lord, by feel as boon and as moral responsibility of saving moral concern of all the individuals without any caste or physical positional domination's, which are nothing before divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) now as form of rule to concentrate as Government of Human, hence voluntarily announce, while supporting the constitutional move of Telangana Governor, while accommodating that the Ramojifilmcity is as our initial Rajamandhir office cum residence, on behalf of Telugu people, and to ensure to feel by the contemporaries of Telugu people and Indians and people of the world to take moral example of mind change and example to whole human race to follow that their heart, it self is Rajamandhir as office cum residence of Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri shri shri Anjani Ravishankar shriman vaaru as eternal and immortal aboard, as example to private media channels and business circle as eternal Father Mother and Master Mind to merge with their properties and surnames, along with the hostel I am staying as on (SRT-38, SRnagar, Hyderabad) to concentrate on me as in my designated format as Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Mhaharani Sametha Mahrajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru, Rajamandhir as office cum residence along with constitutional position as convenience to merge with me as Eternal Governor General of India and world as set by divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), as form of rule as Government of Human as Lord and eternal Citizen of India and World, whom has to be focused as central eternal position as live living eternal source of meaning as National Anthem. whom can be further versed as eternal source of security and continuity to uphold as boon to India and whole Human race of the world.
Sd /xxxxxxxxxx 20/1/2020
Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru
Rajamandhir as Rajadarbar
Eternal citizen of India and world
Eternal Governor General of India and world
Telangana Rajbhavan as Eternal Rajamandhir at
Lord His Majestic Highness <hismajestichighness.blogspot@gmail.com>
20 January 2020 at 08:41
To: supremecourt <supremecourt@nic.in>, Prime Minister <connect@mygov.nic.in>, cs <cs@telangana.gov.in>, cp <cp@cyb.tspolice.gov.in>, rajbhavan-hyd@gov.in, "director@ngri.res.in" <director@ngri.res.in>, Contact@janasenaparty.org, contact@trspartyonline.org, core.apgovt@gmail.com, information@icj-cij.org, ipr-ap@nic.in, ksamresh.nbt@nic.in, womensafetywing@gmail.com, info@ramojifilmcity.com, M Venkaiah Naidu <officemvnaidu@gmail.com>, prasanthicounselling@gmail.com, srisiddheswaripeetham@gmail.com, Contact <Contact@tv5news.in>, contact@republicworld.com
The President of India,
Rastrapati Bhavan
New Delhi
Mighty blessings from Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharnaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru from eternal aboard as Rajamandhir, each individuals heart is my Rajamandhir, accordingly every office and residence is my Rajamandhir to concentrate upon me as eternal source of immortal way of thinking as divine intervention as form of rule as Government of Human as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam)
Beloved President of India,world leaders, Indian Citizens and Citizens of the world.
Due to Technological captivity in the illusion of physical development, with the advancement of artificial intelligence. hyping and booming way of material and physical, recurring and temporary luring of cash transfers as Government rule, with income generated on liquor sale, instant luring s and harassing men, women and material management with abruptive way of self bound media channels, supported by Government servants like police, legal and administration and business circle for material bound selfish thinking and activities of official and unofficial as way of life is need to update, and update is emerged as divine intervention now prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction as form o rule as Government of Human (Divya Rajyam). In order to save the contemporary human society, from physical hype and material way of thinking with body level intelligence, incomplete and immature material thinking which is set back to whole human race, Not only Telugu people, all the people of the world, if still continued to depend upon physical lineage of living that, congests the individuals thinking potentiality to depend upon physical world of pursuation, which trends to dominate to gain over with deceiving or neglecting truth, and at the same time proving truth as strange or unappropriated to receive as open message is the reason for the serious lapses of physical disturbance of the society, for physical reasons, which are temporary and not more than truth as divine intervention, continuing physically without referring the saving factor as divine intervention as update, is not the way that can survive human race, contemporary people has to come out of any serious mistakes by improving their heart and connecting to each individuals with heart of fellow humans, whom ever one may be, what every one is saying, one must connect to the heart , for that drive, as required update, nature itself is granted divine intervention to concentrate on my position as eternal source of drive of mind to regenerate and reorganize the human society by completely abolishing the caste, religion and feelings of bodily, regional developments and clashes of construction of Rajadhani or shifting of Rajadhani like instant motives are only a show work. business, glamar and selfish government servents among police legal and administration to maintain physical atmosphere to continue physical minded glamar and physical sexual edict ed and deviating persons,money and temporary booming of business minded are only as developments, comparing with me, as ordinary person, is deviation hence contemporary people has to come out difference of high and low for instant hype and sexual and physical domination's of position and money, are as the main reason for set back of whole human race, its not the problem of any individuals loss to some one or some group of people, accordingly and it is not the wrong on the four persons in Nirbhaya case , who are convicted as wrong and sentenced to official murder or death penalty, by Supreme court of India, while many or unauthorizedly operationally killed are forced to killed by the physical domination circle as their own operation of living around me as my known and unknown persons as on, since witness persons using secrete equipment is the reason for the serious lapses of neglecting me as open message is sin of every one including your self as The President of India, Vice President of India, Telugu states Governor or Telangana Governor, where Iam trying to connect as divine update and grant to whole human race, directly indirectly all the Citizens involved in, not to directly connect to word format as divine intervention by some how deviating by seeing me through secrete cameras running by secrete official or unofficial groups, while majority of the people are being hindered without realizing that the situation of the people is hacked by technology, there is no control or rule as Government, The control is according to divine intervention with witness that your present position as Beloved President of India, and whole constitutional set up as material rule is according to the divine intervention, as per witness the posting of Abdul Kalam to Pranab Mukarji is according to divine intervention along with many happenings of giving symbol to rupee note, along with many happening of film songs and other natural good and bad happenings Hence, Government of India has to be collectively concentrated on as form of rule as Government of Human as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), by tentative move and merge of Telugu Governments of Telugu sates, along High court sitting judges, with IAS and IPS to concentrate, and other legal institutions like CBI, SIT, Enforcement other has to merge with Government of Human, by restarting the present activities of local elections and other Government rule is outdated and has to merge in to Government of Human, as material rule is outdated, as per the divine intervention happened that every movement and thinking and consequent actions of the all the individual humans are according to divine intervention Government of Human (Divya Rajyam) Universal Jurisdiction, and human race has to connect and elevate accordingly. further as one Universal family like VASUDEKA KUTUMBAM that Universe is one religion, one caste, now as one human word from as Super Dynamic Personality in human word as resonating secured continuity format to concentrate and elevate accordingly while leaving the feeling that human is only physical body, including myself is not just a body, every one are resonating format as part of Universal form and format as divine intervention as on word format as Universal Jurisdiction as form of rule as Government of Human (Divya Rajyam) in the eternal name and form as Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Jagadguruvu Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru from his permanent abord as Rajamandhir or Rajadarbar. Hence accordingly as The President of India as part of Government of Human you are suggested to advise Telangana Governor to move to form Special team of educated, creative persons along with witness persons, while advising both the Telugu Chief Ministers to tentatively declare that they are in Government of Human by restarting all their activities, as per divine intervention , as the physical movements of any individual are not secured including myself left as ordinary person,as per outdated material world, some how deviating or relating or leaning or physical pleasure and activities are outdated, hence it is boon to, whole human race starting from the both Telugu Chief Ministers to merge with,Government of Human and simultaneously advise the some of the sitting Judges to concentrate on me as open message which is the Jurisdiction myself, as word format, available as rule and Government to concentrate as flow to follow now prevailed, hence people with moral rectifying support of witness persons contemporaries has to start tentatively to connect for good towards actual destination while to come out of organised crime, which is due to the illusion that the physical highlight and physical lapses is the only world to pursue, is outdated, hence by granting mercy in my name as eternal immortal citizen or Lord His Majestic Highness Jagadguru Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru as abord of Rajamandhir to the rape convicted persons, formally as The President of India and yourself advised suggested or ordered as eternal father mother and master to declare that the constitutional system is according to Government of Human as update to whole system, while advising the Beloved Prime Minster of India, along with his cabinet ministers and some of the supreme court sitting judges to merge with Rastrapati Bhavan, New Delhi for continues AT HOME for social, technical audit focusing the security of each individual. simultaneously by all Governors and Lieutenant Governors of all sates from their, Rajbhavans or Rajnivas, along with their Chief Ministers and sitting judges from their respective High courts of the states, to reorganize the system according to the phenomena happened and prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction as Government of Human (Divya Rajyam) as divine intervention., Concentrating on Details as witness as on inviting witness persons to concentrate while they themselves are also have moral responsibility of coming out of untruthful way of hindering themselves while cheating other contemporaries not to realize as what happened as phenomena before them as mold of update, in their witness on January 1st 2003 as persons witnessed as per the names in attendance registrar on this day at |RARS Anakapalli is the witness available to connect with constitutional concern to get into the actual path while collectively encouraging each other to come out of serious and reckless lapses of deviating each other, as every individual is responsible for good and bad happening around them in any society, any issue is not for some how scapegoating one or the other is the not the matured way of rule or Government of any land particularly Indian Government has to update according to Government of Human, by receiving me as eternal citizen of India and citizen of whole world, while granting bail to the Nirbaya case convicts, not only from death sentence but also from life imprisonment with statements of all the Indian People particularly Telugu People, since witness those who are doing sin of neglecting truth as divine intervention which is update granted to whole human race not one person or group to hinder and manage, Neglect of great phenomena happened is the reason for any lapses around including the unnecessary clashes on Citizenship and NRC., encouraging Muslims, and Hindus not to respect present Government and system and encouraging their own separate identify which has no meaning without merging with present citizenship while absorbing actual destination as my phenomena as Universal Jurisdiction now prevailed as Government of Human (Divya Rajyam). Any individual seems to fail due to lack of elederness in the form of Mother Father and Masterly guidance, this in physical world there are several reasons of deviating from this care or overwhelming actions of love as bond or their own bondage of family love is also reason for serious failure of the individuals, hence love of mother master and father is now available to each and every individuals in immortal eternal and elevating continuity format as divine intervention in human word format, as ever pursuing way of reasoning as my self as Lord His Majestic Highness Jagadguru Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru, permanent heart dwell as Rajamandhir or Rajadarbar uniting the word that guided sun and planets is the prosperity of thinking or Lokakalyanam or my marriage of uniting me and my heart felt word as way of Universe by concentrating on my position as sun and planetary movements according to my word as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction or as Government of Human (Divya Rajyam). . Let me sign on the first order of abolition of liquor consumption all over India, with help of doctor counselling and spiritual and holistic treatments and music and literature and meditation programmes as alternatives to save human race from material ending world, in resonating and concentrating mind (or Yoga or Tappa) knowledge intellect from Rajamandhir or Rajadarbar as Lord His Majestic Highness, Jagadguru, Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Vakviswaroopam Sabhdhadi pati Omkaara swaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Shrimaan vaaru, as abord of Rajamandhir or Rajadarbar
Ensure , Confirm, Mighty blessings as boon of resonating of security on keen concentration as omnipresent word format by receiving constitutionally to come out of present outdated system of political legal and educational and personnel experience of individuals are also according to Divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction as form of Government as Government of Human whom himself is Jurisdiction immortal and eternal word format of omnipresent truth as Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharnaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru from his permanent place as Rajamandir or Rajadarbar initiated from every heart of humans and as boon to all the contemporaries, every one are gifted to feel with their hearts that they are in New Era as immortal, eternal word reasoning and continuity as secured human way of thinking and future accordingly by leaving the feeling that Humans as body dwell, by connect to Human mind as open message that sun and planetary system is according to human mind in immortal and eternal mind format as form of rule as as per the divine intervention details according to witness persons (List of those who witnessed the details broadly are about 50 persons as per the attendance register of 2003 Jan 1st at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Anakapalli are the persons who witnessed widely, along with other witness details
GOVERNMENT OF HUMAN --UNIVERSAL JURISDICTION (DIVYA RAJYAM )--WORLD ENGINE AS TRUTHFUL WORD ---Emerged and Arrived as meaning of Indian National Anthem as on, and further has to be versed as eternal source of concentration of prosperity and security of thinking to whole human race as eternal Citizen of India and World ..... JANAGANA MANA ADHINAYAKA JAYAHAI BHARATHA BHAGYAVIDHAATA........,As live, living immortal and eternal word prosperity of continuity as thinking word format, to set the human race towards path of truth and righteousness, Emerged , arrived, Now Prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction. (Divya Rajyam) or Government of Human as actual rule to be updated and received according to the witness persons, By the Indian Government as boon to Indian and to whole world consequently subsequently on keen concentration by receiving through Telangana Governer in my suggested format and whole world is has to be updated simultaneously accordingly -Peshi of Estate and Rajamandhir, Office cum Residence of .... Lord and Eternal Citizen of India and world as Omnipresent truth as word, Eternal, immortal Super Dynamic Personality as Lord His Majestic Highness, Yugapurushulu, Ghana Gnana Saandramoorti,Gnana Yogi, Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam,Omkaara Swaroopam, Purushottamulu, Rajarishi, Maharshi, Jagadguruvulu, Satyaswaroopulu, Vaakviswaroopulu, Sarvantharyami, Sabdhaadipati, Antharmukhulu, Sarvaswaroopam, Sookshmaswaroopam, Ananthaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru,, and Eternal Governor General of India and World,Signature will be made before public in live intervention from the Rajmandhir, as office cum residence before merged team of Beloved Sitting Judges of Supreme Court of India, and other High courts,and International Legal system, Policing system, along with un commissioned and commissioned secrete satellite cameras and, and secrete hacking technology, before merged Indian political system of present Democratic constitutional system to transform as Government of Human. world Political Governments and other private motivational organisations like media channel are has to be updated and has to set according to divine intervention,Universal Jurisdiction or Government of Human (Divya Rajyam). All The Educational Universities are to be received me, as deemed Chancellor of All Universities of the world, as I am in word format as divine intervention whom is Jurisdiction myself as Universal omnipresent word now Prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), as form of rule as secured word format as rule as Government of Human. All the contemporary thinkers, all sorts of proficient persons, seers and saints of different Ashrams and creative persons of film industry and literature, of classical and creative artists,witness persons as on, to merge with momentary of sun and planets as, as word format as divine intervention, form of rule as Super Dynamic Personality as word format as divine intervention, which is now prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) or Government of Human, as to set the human race towards actual destination to concentrate and continue as immortal eternal word format as Infinite Universal Jurisdiction as divine intervention (Divya Rajyam) and form of rule or Government as Government of Human. All the software companies, Engineering colleges Indian space Research organisation, World space research organisation of different countries of the world and other research organisations are to be concentrate on me, as divine intervention by centralizing my eternal, immortal word continuity, format as central source of information to get meaning and security to human thinking on par with Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, cloud computing (advanced,applied) etc., for overall coordination and control and security as one Human mind as divine Intervention now and forever prevailed as central source potential mind as security and flourishing of Human race as Human mind, whom is immortal and eternal accordingly to overcome the atmospheric and cosmetic world on par with and beyond momentary of Sun and Planets as divine intervention, as Super Dynamic Personality as per witness details as on, all witness persons at Anakapalli, Hyderabad,Tirupati and other places, where ever they are as retired in service persons are advised to reach Telangana Governor or AndhraPradesh Governor with their witness details, to save the human race from physical illusion of development and congesting each other without connecting to eternal source of mind potential growth emergence through me, in their witness as divine intervention which is prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) as Government of Human to save themselves and whole Human race by shifting from body level dwell to mind level elevation, by connecting to divine Intervention, Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Government of Human by accessing me as Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan by nullifying me as normal person known to them as witness persons as well as other persons as on, and place where ever I am concentrated as eternal source of concentration and elevation is as Rajamandhir as office cum Residence, and ensure to form Ramoji film city as our initial Rajamandhir, on behalf of Telugu people to realizing among contemporaries that concentrating on me as I am eternal Master,Father, Mother is the way of permanent destination and path of truth righteousness to whole human race. email :hismajestichighness.blogspot@gmail.com from Blog: hiskaalaswaroopa.blogspot.com The Rastrapati Bhavan, New Delhi and all the Rajbhavans of each state and Union territories are the Deemed Rajamandhirs or Rajadarbars of Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru and other places in each and every town, City and villages in the Telugu states and all over India and abroad can be formed, to concentrate towards actual omnipresent truth of sound word format as Divine intervention prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction, (Divya Rajyam) as Government of Human, Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) ultimate destination to whole human race while detaching from worldly uncertain world, by merging into divine format. Myself and whole human race accordingly from normal citizen .. as on Anjani Ravishanker Pilla S/o Pilla Gopala Krishna Saibaba, SRT-38, SR nagar, Hyd-38 Mobile Phone no.9010483794. PAN No. BHUPS2752R and Adhaar Card No.539960018025 all proceedings and Bank accounts Numbers :(1) Andhra Bank AC.NO.001210021050036 IFSC CODE:ANDB0001255, , Andhra Bank Debt Card NO.6079091255046569 (2) State Bank of India AC NO.62340171658 IFSC CODE: SBIN0020074,SBI Debt card no.5211080009481397, Axis Bank Ac No,918010084812422,IFSC: UTIB0001018 Debt card No.4095420020052997., Pytm Bank Account No.919010483794, IFSC PYTM 0123456,Debt Card No.6080320401896990, HDFC Debt card NO. 5318310307289065.and upi id:: maharajahkosh@upi . with NAME: ANJANI RAVISHANKAR PILLA stock and Shares,insurance policy and Pension of University RARS Tirupati regarding to my identity as normal citizen with name as Shri Anjani Ravishanker Pilla S/o Pilla Gopla Krishna Saibaba are hereafter known identified as Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan Peshi of Rajamandhir, as office cum residence to concentrate for regular concern to each contemporary as eternal father mother and master as Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Shrimaan vaaru as new emerged name as designated according to the phenomena happened in witness of some of the contemporaries, in order to ensure the detachment to my self as well as whole human race from uncertain material world, to confirm word security by connecting and concentrating on me as Kaalaswaroopam and Dharmaswaroopam as emerged as divine emergence, hence any physical claim in this identity is nullified as normal citizen and entrusted or identified to as Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha,Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan, Rajamandhir, myself is not allowed to claim in this identity as normal citizen as Anjani Ravishankar Pilla s/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba, Hence receiving me into Team as my suggested way to receive and concentrate further through constitutional move from Telangana Governor, with moral concern of both Telugu chief ministers, along with at least 3 members of sitting judges from the both the High courts of Telugu sates , with moral responsible witness of witness persons, to come out of any serious lapses of official or unofficial as thinking material and depending upon is sin since witness persons, to save whole human race without seeing or talking or dealing or revealing me as ordinary human at any movement of thinking and word before after me live as physically merged into sun, is the way of reconstructing the Super Dynamic Personality , in order to confirm and ensure to connect by all contemporaries that eternal security in word format as Kaalaswaroopam or Dharmaswroopam that word guided sun and planets as Super Dynamic Personality to ensure connectivity of eternal continuity to all the contemporaries to come out of sins,physical actions and body level thinking and actions and confusions of physical world and illusion of development, progress as normal humans is no longer possible, hence to get into actual truthful path as Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Hence all the proceedings regarding my normal human identity, along with the contemporaries identify and physical material world is entrusted to get into actual central source of continuity as concentration space as Rajamandhir as my office cum residence, to elevate as eternal identity as Dharmaswaroopam Kaalaswaroopam Lord , His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri. Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru. as form of Rule as Government of Human, divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). Real estate boom, stock markets, Gold investments , and other physical material development and thinking according to material world,are not more then the actual growth as truth as wealth of the word, and way of thinking according to Kaalaswarokopam or Dharmaswaroopam etc., is the security to human race, by connecting to divine intervention, as collective decision of Indian Constitutional system is advised suggested or ordered as eternal father mother and master of the Universe as well as eternal citizen of India and world, whom is the center of the constitution to focused on immortal and eternal form of mind as divine intervention, as Universal Jurisdiction as form of rule as Government of Human as mind development, as convenient upgrade to human race, Government of Human as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) in immortal eternal format as divine intervention as word format as Lord or omnipresent truth to concentrate upon me as in word continuity as per the witness details that divine intervention is prevailed now as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Government of Human. with initial constitutional move of Telangana Governor to elevate further, to whole human race keenly from my Rajamandhir as office cum residence to concentrate upon through a team as eternal immortal word continuity which is available mind merge by merging with their present physical, thinking mind and positions for actual progressive continuity in thinking format, from physical limited thinking and behavior of present material world, to unlimited access of thinking word continuity as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Government of Human. suggesting, advising, ordering World Bank, Swiss Bank and Reserve Bank of India to account for all transactions of money or black money deposited in unauthorized way earning and disposing money in cash particularity in India in the from of Rs.2000 notes are advised to cease and order the citizen to deposit unauthorized and authorized excess money in the from of Rs.2000 rupees notes in my name as Lord and eternal citizen of India and whole world from Universal Jurisdiction,(Divya Rajyam) Government of Human as Father Mother and Master or Lord or eternal Citizen of India and world, in my name as Lord His Majestic Highness,Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru abord of Rajamandhir : as each and every heart of the persons and world itself is my Rajamandhir, hence in order to hold as concentration, as to come out of material thinking, bodily dwell, as open neglect of my message since witness persons since the year 2003 as per my witness before nearly fifty persons, at RARS Anakapalli, (persons witnessed asper the attendance register of 1-1-2003) open neglecting and hindering using secrete and open cameras and secrete hearing and appropriating interpretation of words, as fabrication to remain in material sins, without centrally concentrating on me as divine intervention since years is the serious sin, by directly indirectly knowingly and unknowingly deviating as sin, since some of the witness persons and others supporting not to concentrate by receiving through committee through Telugu States Governor now as Telangna Governor for elevating as prosperity of wealth and knowledge source by upholding me, from normal citizen to eternal, immortal, source of thinking prosperity as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Government of Human to ensure the Indian people and world to concentrate on secured format of peace and prosperity in word secured reasoning with secured immortal and eternal word continuity as divine intervention now prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction or Government of Human (Divya Rajyam), by collectively receiving me as word format by feeling me as Lord whom is Lord of all Lords or eternal source in thinking to develop on concentration as secured human reasoning as divine intervention, in order to ensure to concentrate, I am suggesting or ordering as eternal father mother and master of the Universe to the Indian constitutional system with suggested merge of political parties system, Legal system along with police, DoorDarshan channel is advised to, merge all the private channels into Dooradarshan and suggested advised ordered as Lord and eternal Citizen of India and world to Submit a advising concern to Constitutional system through preferred initiation from Telangana Governor and simultaneously from all Governor, and Lieutenant Governor from their respective Rajbhavans or Rajnivas in their respective state, to start continues at home to audit the whole system socially, financially, technically i.e situation of humans with technical advancements and their use and misuse as rescue required immediately which is already as set back as Technological captivity or domination of artificial intelligence. As President of India, initiating AT HOME from Rastrapati Bhavan, to monitor all "AT HOMES" samaltaneously of all the Sates with special coordinating help of Vice President of India, whom is specially invited along with few members of sitting Judges from Supreme court and Telugu states High courts to note that I am live eternal source, whom has to concentrate to come out of physical congestive world in the illusion that people has to still move with physical aspirations which is outdated, now very movement of thinking in the mind is according to divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) as form of rule as Government of Human, where eternal immortal mind is as central source of concentration to receive as inevitable boon of transformation from developing constitutional system to emerged Government of Human as Universal Jurisdiction with divine intervention (Divya Rajyam) on behalf of public, with witness persons witness details, And Beloved Telangana Governor suggested, advised. ordered to receive me as Lord and eternal Citizen as India and eternal citizen of world whom is the form of transformation as from of Government of Human as update to Indian Constitutional system,and world constitutional system to transform in to Government of Human, A rule that always centered and concentrate that one human mind as omnipresent word format is as Super Dynamic Personality by uniting with hearts by leaving all temporary relations feelings and positions of money and power are nothing or not more that Divine intervention or Government of Human as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) now prevailed to connect according to witness details as on and further accordingly. Hence Telangana Governor is advised to move as boon as initiation on behalf of Beloved President of India to form a committee with witness persons and contemporary proficient thinkers of University professors and musicians, poets and others, to receive and introduce to whole India and world and to concentrate on the process as path of security and eternal concern to whole human race and advising, suggesting, ordering Shri Ramoji Rao gaaru, as eternal citizen of India and world and Lord, by feel as boon and as moral responsibility of saving moral concern of all the individuals without any caste or physical positional domination's, which are nothing before divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) now as form of rule to concentrate as Government of Human, hence voluntarily announce, while supporting the constitutional move of Telangana Governor, while accommodating that the Ramojifilmcity is as our initial Rajamandhir office cum residence, on behalf of Telugu people, and to ensure to feel by the contemporaries of Telugu people and Indians and people of the world to take moral example of mind change and example to whole human race to follow that their heart, it self is Rajamandhir as office cum residence of Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri shri shri Anjani Ravishankar shriman vaaru as eternal and immortal aboard, as example to private media channels and business circle as eternal Father Mother and Master Mind to merge with their properties and surnames, along with the hostel I am staying as on (SRT-38, SRnagar, Hyderabad) to concentrate on me as in my designated format as Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Mhaharani Sametha Mahrajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru, Rajamandhir as office cum residence along with constitutional position as convenience to merge with me as Eternal Governor General of India and world as set by divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), as form of rule as Government of Human as Lord and eternal Citizen of India and World, whom has to be focused as central eternal position as live living eternal source of meaning as National Anthem. whom can be further versed as eternal source of security and continuity to uphold as boon to India and whole Human race of the world.
Sd /xxxxxxxxxx 20/1/2020
Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru
Rajamandhir as Rajadarbar
Eternal citizen of India and world
Eternal Governor General of India and world
Telangana Rajbhavan as Eternal Rajamandhir at
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