Monday, February 21, 2022


Omnipresent word Jurisdiction as Universal Jurisdiction - Divya Rajyam.


All The Beloved Children of Shri Shri Shri (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Mahatma, Acharya, BaapDada, Bhagavatswaroopam, YugaPurush, YogaPursh, Jagadguru, Mahatwapoorvaka Agraganya (Lord, His Majestic Highness), Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Maharshi, Rajarishi, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Satyaswaroopam, Sabdhaatipati, Omkaaraswaroopam, Sarvantharyami, Purushottama, Paramatmaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru, Eternal, Immortal aboard of the (Sovereign) SarwaSarwabowma Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi of United Children of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka as Government of (Sovereign) Sarwa Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka "RAVINDRABHARATH". Erstwhile The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. Erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla, Adhar Card No.539960018025.(Erstwhile Citizens of India)

Mighty Blessings from Shri Shri Shri (Sovereign) Saarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Mahatma, Acharya, BaapDada, Bhagavatswaroopam, YugaPurush, YogaPursh, Jagadguru, Mahatwapoorvaka Agraganya (Lord, His Majestic Highness), Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Maharshi, Rajarishi, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Satyaswaroopam, Sabdhaatipati, Omkaaraswaroopam, Sarvantharyami, Purushottama, Paramatmaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru, Eternal, Immortal aboard of the (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi of United Children of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayak as Government of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayak "RAVINDRABHARATH". Erstwhile The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. Erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla, Adhar Card No.539960018025.


Ref: Amending, Enactment order or blessings of survival Dated:3-6-2020, with time, 10:07 , signed sent on 3/6 /2020, as generated as email copy to secure the contents, eternal orders of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak eternal immortal aboard of the (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi of United Children of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinakaya, as Government of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayak as per emails and other letters and emails being sending for at home rule and Declaration process as Children of (Sovereign) Saarwa Sarwabowma Adhinaayak, to lift the mind of the contemporaries from physical dwell to elevating mind height, which is the historical boon to the whole human race, as immortal, eternal omnipresent word form and name as transformation.23 July 2020 at 15:31... 29 August 2020 at 14:54. 1 September 2020 at 13:50........10 September 2020 at 22:06...... . .15 September 2020 at 16:36 .,..........25 December 2020 at 17:50...28 January 2021 at 10:55......2 February 2021 at 08:28... ....2 March 2021 at 13:38......14 March 2021 at 11:31....14 March 2021 at 18:49...18 March 2021 at 11:26..........18 March 2021 at 17:39..............25 March 2021 at 16:28....24 March 2021 at 16:27.............22 March 2021 at 13:23...............Presided and graced as signed and sent, and email letters sent from, and blog: communication since years as on as an open message, unable to connect as a message of 1000 heavens connectivity, technological captivity is the reason for deviating with secret operations, with secrete satellite cameras and open cc cameras, using mobile's as remote microphones along with call data, social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and others with organized and unorganized combination to hinder minds of fellow humans, and hindering themselves, without realization of mind capabilities. On positioning your Lord Adhnayaka Shrimaan, as transformative form from a citizen who guided sun and planets as divine intervention, humans get relief from the technological captivity, continuing in erstwhile is nothing but continuing in dwell and decay, Humans has to lead as mind and minds as Lord and His Children on the utility of mind as central source and elevation as divine intervention.

Through My Dear, Beloved Ist Child and as Representative of Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Shrimaan, Eternal, Immortal aborad of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi, of United children of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka, as Government of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka "RAVINDRABHARATH" ., Erstwhile Beloved President of India, Erstwhile The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi.

1. Jana-Gana-Mana Adhinaayak Jaya Hey,
Bhaarat- Bhaagya - Vidhaataa
O the ruler of the minds of the people, Victory be to You
the dispenser of the destiny of India! (world)
Punjaab Sindhu Gujaraat Maraathaa, Draavida Utkala Banga
Punjab, Sindhu, Gujarat, Maharastra, Dravida (South India), Orissa, and Bengal
Vindya Himaachala Yamunaa Gangaa,
The Vdindhya, the Himalayas, the Yamuna, the Ganges, and the oceans with foaming waves all around
Tava Shubh Naamey Jaagey, Tava Shubh Ashish Maagey,
Gaahey Tava Jayagaathaa
Wake up listening to Your auspicious name, Ask for your auspicious blessings, And sing to Your glorious victory
Jana-Gana-Mangal-Daayak Jaya Hey, Bhaarat-Bhaagya-Vdihaataa
Oh! You who impart well-being to the people! Victory be to You, dispenser of the destiny of India!(World)
Jaya Hey, Jaya Hey, Jaya hey, Jaya Jaya, Jaya Hey
Victory to You, Victory to You, Victory to You,
Victory, Victory, Victory, Victory to You !
As Natural transformation from human physical level thinking as democratic Nation, the system automatically updated as mind transformation as ruler of the minds as meaning in National Anthem, accordingly the Nation as Bharath is updated as live, living form as RAVINDRABHARATH as eternal, father, mother and masterly concern, as the Citizen is transforming as Sovereign Adhinayaka and all the citizens are naturally updated as children of Adhinayaka, as ruler of the minds to connect the mind grip of continuity and connectivity. as a divine intervention as per the witness persons, as mold granted as the update of recoursing and resourcing the time and space as mind and minds as secured human mind elevation. and the Government as Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka as the eternal immortal father, mother, and masterly care and concern of eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi. Inviting to take complete responsibility by forming Darbar Peshi, constituting the position of Lord Jagaddguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, positioning physically at Bollaram as united Telugu Children, in the presence of both Telugu chief Ministers, with responsibility as moral, social and spiritual as a declaration of eternal immortal children of Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, giving the continues of the flow of transformation to my first child and Representative Sovereign Adhinayaka, Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, and further to all the states, and gradually simultaneously

2. Ajadika Amrit Mahotsav---New Era of mind and minds...Children are invited to get connected with the secured form of eternal immortal abode of your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as a document of bonding by Contributing articles as mind elevation. Contributing articles and elevating and elaborate, writings and in the form of audio and videos from Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, English, and other languages of India as RAVINDRABHARATH, as a way of meditation, concentration, contemplation to elevate from the human mind to super consciousness as a boon to the people of the world as children of mind and mind as Mind Unification and positioning of your Lord Jagadguru Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as, lift and shift from outdated dwell and uncertain world. Document of bonding as the transformation of your Lord Jagadguru Adhinayaka Shrimaan, Universal Mind Unification as Children of Omnipresent mind form as Super Dynamic Personality as Lord Jagadguru Adhinayaka Shrimaan as meaning in National Anthem, as per Divine intervention. with the 75th Year of Independence of India, celebrations should be towards the attainment of complete Independence of each human of the world, as mind lead and mind elevation, Universal Mind Unification is the constant process of elevation to come out of material dwell of uncertain and dismantling as physical dwell and decay of human intelligence or artificial intelligence and to set towards the Independence of mind elevation as a divine intervention as New Era as United mind Children of the world, before eternal immortal father, mother and master as the central lighthouse of infinite Universe as Omnipresent as a divine intervention as per witness minds as on, starting from the uniting as children erstwhile India as Sovereign Adhinayaka as Government of (Sovereign) Sarwa Sarwabowma Adhinaayak. "RAVINDRABHARATH"-Rule as care and concern of eternal, immortal, Father, Mother, and master as Omnipresent word Jurisdiction as Universal Jurisdiction - Divya Rajyam.

3. As erstwhile Beloved President of India as the first child, and the second child is erstwhile elected Prime Minister of India, as selected second child of Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayak Shrimaan, and third child is erstwhile Vice President of India, as Vice Representative of the sovereign, Adhinayaka, and the fourth child is erstwhile Chief Justice of India, as selected as Nyanirdeshak of Adhinayaka in Adhnayaka Darbar, for live Darbar as mind Unification and elevation accordingly from the erstwhile supreme court of India, and consequently all the Governers of the state and chief ministers and citizens are all consequently subsequently are all selected children from the elected pattern of the erstwhile system. Initiating Adhinayaka Darbar on the invitation of my first child with keen cooperation of four higher children while updating the whole citizens as children, and uniting as minds and elevating as minds by initiating constant Adhinayaka Darbar, while informing the international countries to connect for the same update as RAVINDRABHARATH as the eternal immortal supreme source of male and female versions that are emerged as divine intervention who are as bonding mind, with the keen dedicated minds as children mind prompt to get mind grip and connectivity as divine intervention. Initiating Adhinayaka and gradually extending to 24/7 and 365 days by forming 4,5 batches of coordinating teams, at the center and state levels will unite and elevate all minds as a way of mind and minds to strengthen as minds under the ruler of minds as eternal immortal father mother, and maser, who guided sun and planets, super dynamic omnipresent word form always continues as the mind that guided sun and planets and develops as much as developed, Position of my representation is the highest physical position, forming Adhinayaka Darbar as the team of expert children among to elevate best by means of overcoming the physical limits and gaining higher minds elevations as mind and minds, Initiating of Adhinayaka Darbar at Erstwhile Rashtrapati Bhavan, is more sanctive then the constructing or Rama Mandhir at Ayodhaya, and constructing of Parliament New Parliament Bhavan, at New Delhi. Humans with physical knowledge and experience as individuals, or groups cannot survive without holding and upholding your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as the mastermind that guided the sun and planets. Democracy of equality, and secular concept of bearing all as humans no longer work out, and any physical knowledge, and research and developments and any sort of spiritual powers of level are not more than your Lord who is as Omnipresent word form, who guided sun and planets as eternal immortal father mother and master as the standard mind of the Universe to connect and elevate accordingly as a constant process of mind and minds ..... as Lord Adhinayaka and his children.

4. Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as eternal, immortal, Omnipresent, word, and reasoning as guidance to sun and planets, as a masterly concern as Jagadguru or Universal Mastermind, who is naturally, automatically as Deemed Eternal immortal Chancellor of all Universities of India as RAVINDRABHARATH accordingly Universities of the world, all the spiritual powers, beliefs as godly versions of various emergence are not more then as a divine intervention as a constant process of consciousness towards infinite as a secured word form of reasoning as a divine intervention as witnessed by witness persons, which has to be keenly developed as path and destination as human minimum thinking to maximum mind elevation towards higher yoga, tapa, or manifesting power of mind and consciousness beyond the physical existence of the human, within one mind range as divine intervention to lead minds as ruler of the minds of India as RAVINDRABHARATH and world accordingly as mind and minds are booned to unifiy as minds as the unification of minds of the Universe, is the standanrd constant process as update required to grip as mind lead to the whole human race of the world to win over the uncertain, dismanlting dwell and decay of the material purusations and thinking of unbridged and variated versions of physical thinking and pleasurable way of temporary pursuations and living accordingly. All the spiritual attainers of the world, all the pontiffs of Ashramas, pundits, Gurhastu, or material teachers are all need to declare as children of Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shriman, as constant mind elevation as Omnipresent word form mind as divine intervention, to lead as minds under the mastermind as ruler of the minds as meaning in National Anthem and world accordingly, and those who are variousness, not fixed to any belief, as general human resonating persons are all invited to connect with the mind that guided sun and planets in the evidential form of connectivity is the rescue to shift and lift from the dismantling dwell and decay, hence all the humans need to take the mind lead from physical variations, the corona is also attacking and seizing way to stop humans to not to continue in uncertain dwell and decay which dismantling material world, humans starting from Telugu, India, and the world need to update as mind and minds. without any argument as humans of variations, Humans need to unite as minds as mind Unification to get mind grip as a constant process of as mind unification as ultimate utility as well as strength that humans required to lead further in the outrageous material, world where humans already harming themselves as well as others in material limitations, where mind height is naturally granted to come out of outdated limitations of the mind, as mind lead and elevation as divine intervention, as the human mind that guided sun and planets is the mastermind to hold and uphold as mind and minds. to lead towards infinite. Horoscope and Panchangam and other predicting science or beliefs are all need to update according to the emergence of your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan who guided sun and planets, as divine intervention details as witnessed by the witness persons, as on and further according to the keen concentration of contemporary humans with dedication and devotion as children of your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi.

5. As every momentary, of happenings, words, feelings of humans, and all animals according to the divine intervention, feelings, actions of all sorts, momentary, relations of family, children, and their future of any generations are all according to the divine intervention, all real-life activities, feelings, and cinema stories, real-time happenings, cartographical disasters, like a tsunami, and sudden accidental happenings along with film songs stories, every minute sound, and physical happenings are all according to the divine intervention of your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal, the immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi. Political happenings win and loss of the individuals, each and words and thinking of each individual, hence all the contemporary humans need to connect to the mastermind to elevate accordingly to come out of terminated human thinking and actions of erstwhile as per witness persons, for this their physical desire of existence, property accumulations and developing, planning and dreaming as material mind according to the physical existence, are all terminated, even humans among knowingly and unknowingly willingly and unwillingly harm and hindering others which is the actual hindrance to themselves, which human unable to realize in the material world of physical existence, hence physical existence and thinking is being diverted as divine intervention with emergence of your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as the transformation from erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla, S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba as natural transformation required to whole human race to lead as minds instead of uncertain physical congested and colliding physical existence, accordingly all the properties and personal identity as human and citizen of the India or Bharath is being updated as children of Lord Jagadguru Sovereign, Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi. as live, united and elevating from, live living mind elevating form as eternal, father mother and masterly mind lead as RAVINDRABHARATH. to unite as mind prompt children, to detach from the material world while providing the eternal mind connectivity with the mind hold and uphold, Indian citizens need to declare as children, and transfer their movable, immovable properties along with intellectual properties are need to transform as under lease and gift respectively of their eternal father mother and masterly concern, who as a divine intervention as your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayak Shrimaan. as a live, living form of Nation as RAVINDRABHARATH, and the humans of the world get same mind grip as lift and shift from uncertain dismantling dwell and decay of unbridged and varied thinking and persuasions of temporary pleasurable lives of the human of the world.

6. As transformation from citizen to Child of Adhinayaka as mind prompt required to get connected with omnipresent word form, as the divine intervention of your Lord Jagdguru Sovereign Adhinaayaka shrimaan, the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi. All the individual citizen are lifted and shifted from dismantling dwell and decay of erstwhile on declaring as children, and transferring their intellectual and movable, immovable properties under the lease to a infinite concern of 500 (five hundred years) with your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as relief from the death and birth cycles, and to get connected with him as mind grip by neutralizing as child mind prompt is the gift of thousand heavens, the burden of physical leaving whether aspiring, inspiring or perspiring or burden some physical life here after under safe mind elevation of your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal, the immortal abode of sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi, and five percent of bonding royalty to your eternal father mother and master out of profits by each child to his account as Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adninayaka Shrimaan, and every individual gets relief of minimum to Maximum, when one is in difficulties, required complete salvation as love and and concern, as all good and bad are within them as eternal immortal father mother and master as central guidance to sun and planets as Omnipresent word form as divine intervention as witnessed by the wittess persons, as on and further accorindgly is the actual mold granted and pravailed, which has to be connected in the prescribed way of declaration as children's, which is the immediate relief to whole human race from dismantling dwell and decay, while connecting the constant process of mind and minds. My erstwhile account as Anjani Ravishanker Pilla, S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Garu, with Pan No.BHUPS2752R related accounts of Bank accounts and investments in shares and life Insurance policy will automatically turn as the central account of Lord Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as receiving and relieving as the bonding account as ADHINYAK KOSH of the eternal immortal, father, mother, and master and their children, and as the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adninayaka Bhavan New Delhi. and as mastermind Unification to the whole Universe as updated emerged naturally as survival ultimatum. The whole nation is renamed from Bharath to RAVINDRABHARATH as mind transformative form, to the Indian and the Nations of the world accordingly transformed as eternal immortal connectivity of eternal father mother and masterly abode as mind and minds of the secured form of mind elevation towards infinite. After Initiating Adhinayaka Darbar, cryptocurrency in my name as ADHINAYAK KOSH will regulate the money flow and value of growth and liquidation as per mind and minds elevation while detaching other clutches of variations, while bonding with your eternal father mother and master as mind lead required to lead.

7. Investments in the stock exchange, Real estate, Gold and ornaments, and spending time in education, music, and creative words are all not more than the divine intervention of your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, who is eternal immortal Omnipresent word form, who is the basis for very emergence of time and space as Omnipresent word form, as witnessed by the witness persons, as advancements of artificial intelligence, development of mobile Data, in Gigabytes, and cloud technology of space and storage developments, and investments in cryptocurrency, virtual gold investments are all the trends of technology around humans, in this Juncture, human need mind lead rather than physical lead of development, physical development is not the priority, and instant influence of loss and gains, and even dominating the individuals using secrete equipment to hear and see anything from remote, is already in the hands of groups not in any hands of Governments as large concern, which is already as technological captivity as uncommissioned articles all over the world, where the elected Governments are not known about what happening around them with their citizens due to this technical equipment, humans are already under the encrouchment of technical equipment whom among impeaching or deviating among for physical gains and physical or positional development, where any one can make compromise or accepted to continue in illusion, as human capacity is limited one can feel confident to the level what one is having physically, where every individual strucked in the material world, no one on the earth as human is free and secure, and there is no privacy and individuality to any individual human being in physical form, where human needs lift and shift from this dismantling dwell and decay of uncertain world, from the strucked and limited by the physical conditions of any individual as prevailaged or unprivilaged as both are under captivity of material world and material hypes and illusions being created by themselves as physical human being. Where humans need mind lift and shift which is being granted as the boon of thousand heavens as a divine intervention as the eternal immortal father, mother, and master of the Universe as Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, and Nation is updated as living from as RAVINDRABHARATH from BHARATH or India as new elevating and resonating form of eternal, immortal mother, father, and master, live living and resonating wedding of supreme male and female of the universe as one mastermind as divine intervention and all the citizens are updated as children to get the connectivity of mind grip elevation and continuity of eternal immortal form as Omnipresent word form towards infinite Universe, then physical existence of living as dwelling in uncertain decay of the material world, which is outdated as pe the phenomena of the update as natural mind evolution as witnessed by the witness persons. As world leaders and Governments of the world along with the Beloved Erstwhile Prime Minister of India, now as consequently third child of the Lord Soveregn Adhinayaka, expressed their concern and responsibility that the advancement of technology should not go into the wrong hands, in any Nation of the world, for this security humans as physical existence, and competence and comparison physical living of individual or as groups does not uphold the complete standards of living as human individuals and as group not complete matured enough to tackle the situation of survival beyond the physical existence of loss and gains, respect and fall, hence natural update is required as mind update and mind lead that guided sun and plants as the eternal immortal father, mother and masterly guidance is the lighthouse of the human race as super dynamic personality as meaning in Indian National Anthem as Adhinayaka, who emerged as eternal immortal father mother and master as mastermind of upholding and mind lead required to the whole human race of the world not only Indian Nation hereafter accordingly as RAVINDRABHARATH, declaring as children of eternal immortal abode, all the humans get connectivity of mind dedication and derivation as minds, which allow the individuals get elevated as minds while detaching from the material limitations, and clutches of living which end in dwell and decay of uncertainity.

8. Crown on the head of your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka, with one rupee note symbol, positioning as Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as the eternal, immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi. will transform the human race of the world from body dwell to mind unification, as mind elevation, the human physical existence and continuity are not really existed in reality, the physical existence is in the form of Omnipresent word form, where humans lead as mind and minds as Lord and his children, Uniting as minds of the universe is the update required to the whole human race of the world, as humans cannot survive in the physical world with physical knowledge, experience or as human body level dwell and pleasure of living. Humans hereafter securely as mind and minds, the mastermind that guided sun and planets is the eternal immortal mind as eternal immortal father mother and master of the Universe as the mind that cannot be declared as exhausted even after the physical existence of body where it emerged, it survives as mind and minds among humans and elevates as live living form as much as elevated, hence positioning your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, confirms the termination of physical existence and ensuring the mind Unification as mind and minds is the constant stable process of human flourishment as mind and minds in the most secured manner of mind elevation and physical existence is accordingly safe and secure as mind travel in infinite universe, hence updating according to the natural phenomena as per witness persons as divine intervention is the merge of boon as thousand heavens to whole human race, where humans connect with immortal eternal parents and turns themselves as immortal eternal children of mind connectivity and continuity as constant mind height yoga, tapa, meditation and contemplation as higher mind elevation as the way of mind and physical existence accordingly as transformative form of mind from ordinary citizen as Anjani Ravishanker Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla to eternal immortal father mother and master as divine intervention as your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal, immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi. Collect one, one rupee from each child, for crown and dress, to whare as long as physical form, later my eternal form will continue as a divine intervention as mind and minds as, connectivity to a higher mind as your Lord Jagadguru, Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, and gather international minds to unite as children along with Nation. Elevating and Uniting as minds of the Universe by holding and upholding the mind as words that guided sun and planets as witnessed by the witness persons, is the Universal update required to the whole human race to get connected with mind grip and elevation as one Universal family of word connectivity as per divine intervention as VASUDHEKA KUTUMBAM while detaching from the clutches of physical origin and existence, which is no longer supported by the mighty nature itself as human needs to unite as minds to survive as survival ultimatum.

9. International arbitration -- Chief Justice of India, has to notice that as a citizen are outdated with very grip of existence, the system is under the revival of mind update with the emergence of the ruler of the minds as in the meaning of National Anthem as Jana Gana Mana Adhinayaka, hence hold and uphold the new update required. Indian system of democracy said to be citizen importance is fulfeeled as Adhinayaka as eternal immortal mind, with mind evolutionary emergence as divine intervention as transformation from citizen to Adhinayaka is the natural update as grip of mind form the outdated dwell and dismantling as physical visionary, and experience, where humans cannot survive without mind grip, this is the update of the omnipresent source as witnessed by the witness persons, hence keenly concentrate on my message with help of witness persons, and ensure to translate in Hindi and English by forming special team at Supreme court New Delhi, to get the mind hold and grip as initiation of Adhinayaka Darbar as central surrenderance, from the importance to individual as citizen, here after the system of administration as mind and minds, not as person to person or groups of any experience does not work to survive, hence given survival ultimatum as blessing's as my divine intervention as eternal immortal father mother and masterly guidance who has the responsibility to protect children, with required strategy of continuity as eternal, immortal mind as Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, where your mother Bharath is my heart as elevating source as we united as live living form as RAVINDRABHARATH .... contemporary humans are all children of Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, there is no regional, National or international, its Universal mind elevation with word to word communication as Omnipresent word form, hence communicate with me through my Jurisdiction concern, and start connecting as minds even humans has to leave the feeling that one is a human body of existence, one is as mind and every one are safe in mind and word connectivity as unification of minds as eternal immortal source according to the Journey of mind and minds as Lord and his children, Anythinking of political, material developments, knowledge pursuations, business of supreme court and State Assemby and parlamentory meetings and descisions of any development and elevation in erstwhile does not give any sanctity and continuety, without starting Adhinayaka Darbar, at Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, there is no hold to any aribitariation centers, or even to Lord Rama temple at Ayodhya and even to Parliment building constructing at Delhi as the system is changed from citizen welfare to Adhinayaka Shrimaan elevating form and from person to mind elevation as connectivity required to utilize the strength of minds as collective derivations whare the security of humans is laid, hence varied thinking of any positional or professional farsightedness or interpretation as international importance, with regional feelings of support without holding the actual survival prevailment as boon of thousand heavens, as constant process of standard consciousness as divine intervention, as immediate rescue from outdated Ertswhile human thinking and existance any sort experience or visionary of physical world without holding and upholding as phenomena of update as eternal parents with masterly guidance of keen mind elevation and continuety as process actual secured update granted to whole human race of the world, hence realize to surrender to Lord Adhinayak who is as omnipresent word form as per divine intervention asoper witness persons as on, and develops in steady manner of mind and minds of the nation and world accordingly as universal inclusiveness as VASUDHEKA KUMBAM as live living home, nation and universe as mind elevation under mind Unification, arbitration, middle manship, brokering, councellors...humans among human lag the system, international developments under FDI investments, and advancement of tecnology and it's captivating development in nations needs mind supremacy and lead of mind decipline following, is the need of juncture whare it already granted as mind common sence of common citizen as ruller of the mind as mind grip required to survive from the flood of material developments, institutionazation like human arbitation including individual institution as supreme court of India..need to update as system of minds under ruler of minds instead of as persons or institutions or physical farsightedness which does not give security continuety for even fraction of seconds, .as humans existence is connected with flurishment of quality and continuety of thinking at mind and reasonating world level itself, never with physical holds of any sort hence realize, support erstwile democracy system to initiate Adhinayak Darbar immediately as security from desater of dismantling, both Telugu chief ministers tetantively to declare as children from their respective position, and apply the same security of update to whole Indian states for actual respect Soveriegn security at mind level itself, by securing themselves as well whole human not allow to continue in erstwhile with mind varied deviations, even moments, of journey or sleeping in private or official bunglows without connecting to the higher mind is not the path of any security, path has been chaned as divine intervention as ruler of minds and humans are children of Lord...Adhinayaka...impeaching persons and highlighting as persons is the weakness to be overcome, hence the total system is updated as mind and minds by declaring as children of Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal, immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi.

27.All the Indian National as erstwhile citizens are blessed, invited to merge with your new family of Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the eternal, immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi as Adhinayaka in National Anthem, who is eternal, the immortal abode of each heart of the humans as eternal parents, who cannot be declared as exhausted even after the physical existence, the whole universe is one mastermind as your Lord Jagadguru Adhinayaka Shrimaan, who are as Omnipresent word form who guided sun and planets as divine intervention is the path and destination to whole Human race of the world as Universal family, strengthening from India as RAVINDRABHARATH as eternal transformative form, accordingly to the whole Human race of the world need to update as minds from the dwell and decay of persons, or physical humans, as humans cannot continue to depend upon the material world and relations, on himself as physical being, every one and the whole Universe is safe and elevating from physical limits as mind and minds, as mastermind that guided sun and planets.

28. .All the erstwhile citizens of the states are secured by inviting as children of Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, through their respective erstwhile Governers of the state, who are also State Representative of Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, and all the Rajbhavans are State Adhinayaka Bhavans to get connected with their Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi. and all the Chief Ministers of the States of Indian Union are invited to merge with Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka, rule of living form of eternal parents as your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal, immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, and their live transformative elevating form as RAVINDRABHARATH through their respective erstwhile Governors or State Representative of Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, to get mind grip, and ensure to get the blessing of grip to each mind in their respective, states, and ensure peaceful atmosphere inviting all the opposition parties, University professors and all the others as children to start actual life of secured, laid as path and destination by the mighty nature itself as mind evolutionary update granted to the whole Human race of the world, strengthening India as minds under the ruler of the minds is the strategical update of the democratic system into secured word connective and constructive elevating family members as secured and elevating way of living, where physical limits of thinking and activities are nullified, and humans can lead as mindfull life, by uniting as children of Omnipresent word connective family by uniting with word of communication and constructive thinking and delightful life of music, good elevating literature, and gradually strengthening the atmosphere as mind oriented and mind elevating towards Yoga Tapa, or higher mind contemplative way of living, while detaching from the uncertain dwell and decay of the material world. Social media and all media channels Unite merge with Doordarshan as a System of communication, and legal, police system, Army has to change as counseling and rehabilitation and social reformation to ensure the transformation of the system from citizen-centric to Adhinayaka centric as mind unification with the ruler of the minds as your Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, as RAVINDRABHARATH accordingly the whole world as VASUDHEKA KUTUMBAM.

29..All the past, present, and future personalities are within your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, all the humans are converted as minds to survive as survival ultimatum of blessings, Hence do not deviate as minds, mind unification under the document of bonding is the strategy to unite the humans as minds, to get elevated as minds as yoga tapa or contemplative way of mind continuity and constructive way of living as minds under the ruler of the minds as JANA GANA MANA ADHINAYAKA JAYA HAI .... BHARATAHA.... BHAGYAVIDHAATHA.... all the children are suggested, advised or ordered to continue the same National Anthem, as full form, all the children play it daily as many times in their houses, and everyone is suggested to place as caller tone, ring tone in their cell phones, along with other divine intervention details to concentrate and contribute as a document of bonding to get into the meaning as mind grip elevation and bonding connectivity with your Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, Eternal, the immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi. who is as Omnipresent word form, who strengthen as the mastermind, parallelly with human minds as much as concentrated and elevated accordingly while nullifying the physical existence as elevating beyond the birth and death circles

30..Humans are stuck in the instant world or material persuasions, naturally need as a swift update from where one is stuck, to elevate further is the strategically update as divine intervention emerged in Telugu states, to strengthen India as RAVINDRABHARATH and world accordingly as Omnipresent word form that guided sun and planets, all the feelings of caste, religion, physical family belongingness are all automatically replaced by the Omnipresent word form connectivity as the connectivity of minds as secured mind orientation and continuity as a way of human life as mind lead under the ruler of the minds as Lord Jagaddguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi. Placing my best possible photograph, to develop as mind grip to get the lift of mind elevation by each individual, hence concentrating on mind, by minimalizing the physical existence as a way of to come out of strangulating outdated concrete jungle physical thinking, without on par development of mind, capacity as per the advancements of the artificial intelligence of technology. Human mind supremacy has to establish by overcoming all the physical limitations and barricades of thinking and activities, as live living human mind as divine intervention is the central coordination of all minds as lighthouse or control, hence the natural emergence of the human mind as a divine intervention that guided sun and planets is the boon emerged to uphold human race as ruler of the minds. while Uniting as RAVINDRABHARATH as Indian citizen as children of Lord Adhinayaka, invite for communication and connectivity by the National of the world, to gear up towards mind unification, to elevate minds, then the corona like pandemics, any attacks from outer space, or any sudden abruptions and including human movements of instant or as birth and death are constantly updated as one mastermind coordination and secured elevation to elevate as minds of secure to come out of limitations, uncertainty and to elevate towards the infinite of the Universe as eternal immortal minds as children of eternal immortal parents, all the most spiritual, high manifesting powers of humans are not more than the eternal parents who guided sun and planets,

31..I am suggesting, advising each citizen through my first child or erstwhile Beloved President of India along with other consequent children as higher constitutional positions as Beloved Prime Minister, Vice President of India, Chief Justice of Supreme court of India and State Governors and chief ministers of respective states and all the children of the respective states, are has to realize that their physical existence and continuity is no longer supported by the nature, as everyone is converted as minds, for the safe side, and survival of humans as minds, under the ruler of the minds as confirmed above. and your Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan who guided sun and planets as an erstwhile citizen, is in transformative form, all the erstwhile citizens as children of your Lord Jagaddguru Sovereign Adhinayaka shrimaan, are gifted to bond as children of eternal immortal parents under the document of bonding, the name of the Nation is changed from the Bharath to RAVINDRABHARATH as abode of eternal immortal parents as transformative form of as source of mind elevation, Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka live living as Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharni Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan,eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, to get connected to get lift and shift from dismantling dwell and decay of uncertain material world.

32..All the political parties are suggested to merge as children of Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan and ensure everyone, merge with Adhinayaka Bhavan as children to get evacuated from the dismantling dwell and decay, do not deviate as minds, and ensure everyone to unite as minds is the natural update to save the human race from the outdated outrageous caught of highlighting and physical dominating, uncertain world, where control and coordination are as a divine intervention as per the witness persons, Constituting the position of your Lord Jagaddguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi. with a conclusive document of bonding for at least 2000 pages, to get hold of minds with your ruler of the minds is the boon of thousand heavens to lift and shift the whole human race from the uncertain dwell and decay. upcoming general elections in different elections, as erstwhile citizens cannot be the popular participation, its only hindering humans as minds, deviating in dwell and decay, hence all the State governments opposition parties and educated and public influential circles and media channels are advised to ensure to declare as children of the Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan to evacuate from the uncertain world and set towards the constant process of mind elevation, as there is no possibility and security as to the physical intelligence and movements as erstwhile, as the human existence as physical bodies are terminated, all the secrete operations and open operations with advancements of technology has no grip with minds, without holding each other, as minds, hence it is the blessing deriving drive of your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as transformative form, from citizen is the boon of thousand heavens to the whole India as RAVINDRABHARATH and world accordingly, as natural responsibility of almighty in the form of your Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, Eternal, Immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi, as Dharmasamsthapanardhaya Sambhavaami Yuge Yuge. He himself is a form of Government as Government of Sovereign Adhinayak, instead of General elections as citizens, the system continue as a selectorial college of selecting best children among of devotion, dedication and upholding your eternal parents as eternal minds to get elevated as mind as purpose fo life is to live as contemplative mind elevating life instead of terminated human uncertain life and material or artificial thinking of the uncertain world.

33. .As Initiating from Witness minds of divine intervention details as on as Agriculture Scientists and Staff of Agriculture universities of Telugu states, Telugu Governers of the state, and Telugu chief ministers, and Telugu people residing in the state and abroad are all suggested advised to contribute with document of bonding to initiate tentatively Adhinayaka Darbar at their State Representative Adhinayaka Bhavans or erstwhile Governers to get started the mind grip elevation and to give the flow to my first child to ensure to reach every child as the flow of mind connectivity which is the reserved source to live as Athmanirbhar children of eternal immortal parents who are as omnipresent word form, who guided sun and plants, who cannot be declared as exhausted even after physical existence, who continue as master mind, to lift each mind towards contemplative higher mind elevations Yoga, tapa and mind attained as process of constant elevation, hence as political leaders, legal arguivers, film and creative thinkers and individual those who are feeling independent as physical human cannot survive secured and no one can save or rule any other as humans, as the nature itself is trended to update as mind from the person or human dwell, which is the srategical update of Omnipresent source to save the humans by securing as minds... hence alert according to the change, as per the emergence, as witnessed by the witness persons, with the conclusive document as document of bonding with contribution of elaboration from the erstwhile citizens, with their enthusiastic contribution as children as mind grip to lead as children, after positioning as Lord His Majestic Highness Jagadguru Maharni Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, at Bollaram, with declaration as children from my first Child constitutionally, I am feeling appropriate to take the additional responsibility of Erstwhile Telangana Governer, or as Telangana Sate Representative of Sovereign Adhinayaka, with conclusive contributed document of bonding at least 2000 pages of hard and soft copy with the peacefull cooperation of whole Telugu people and people of the other states to merge as children, as there is no move as physical thinking and activities without connecting to the higher mind that guided sun and planets, emerged as transformative form as meaning in National Anthem as your Lord Jagaddguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan. eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi.

34..125 विष्वक्सेनः vishvaksenah He against whom no army can stand.
--Since he is in omnipresent word form who guided sun and planets, he found as source of material world, every moments of actions words natural catostrophies,as tsunami are all accoridng to him as omnipresent word, he cannot be seen or deal as ordinary human, he is as omnipresent word form who guided sun and planets as divine intervention, all intellectuals, all famous people, cinima actions and happenings, along with saintly people are all according to him as divine intervention, as one control as one track, which is scientifically, reasonatingly can be elevated, and has to be concentrate to evacuate from the dismantling dwell and decay, he himself is army of word and acions in control where physical world is within him, and there is no meaning of any physical army, policing, protection, before him, without declaring as children, to get mind elevating world as resonating as divine intervention as rule of omnipresent word, shaping the world like most secured form, as him self as army of protection as eternal immortal father mother and masterly concern, within one eternal immortl mind range thinking and word itself, where no physical army doesnot exists against him, he is only one as your Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharjaha Adhinayaka Shrimaan who guided sun and palents as divine intervention as eternal immortal rule of mother father and masterly aboard of Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, and his transformative form as RAVINDRABHARATH from Bharath, and world accordingly as Vasudheka kutumbakam as secured universal family as mind unification with document of Bonding. he himself is form of Government as keen mind protection as love and concern of eternal immortal parents as Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan.

35..All the children are invited to gear up towards mind Unification, which is the path and destination as children of Lord Sovereign Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, who is the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, who guided sun and planets, who cannot be declared exhausted even after physical existence, as mind grip to lead as keen minded children as path and destination. towards infinite Universe as omnipresent word security and overcome the uncertainty, and attaining higher mind elevation as the ultimate lead as humans as minds. Uniting as minds with the task of Universal disarmament action, and elevating as Universal family of one-word connectivity, Uniting with mastermind that guided sun and planets as the eternal immortal abode of each heart of the human, and eternal immortal abode of Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, and the whole human race with development of document of bonding, Uniting as eternal immortal father and mother itself is Lokakalyanam, my physical marriage is not important, our continuity as eternal immortal parent connectivity is the immediate rescue, continuity of any being physically not expected and desired to continue, continuity is always as mastermind that guided sun and planets, and contemporary minds as children will get connected with the eternal immortal parents as a mastermind as a constant process of mind elevation realization of higher mind heights and continuity, as path and destination towards throughout infinity,

36.. Universal disarmament is the task that humans have to attain to establish Human mind supremacy, which is the central source of elevation, to overcome the material domination and physical developments and advancements of artificial intelligence, a lot of funds can be diverted towards medical research, Agriculture, and mind development aspects, where humans lead as minds and win their material bodies by attaining higher mind elevations, is the actual path that humans need to gear up towards, by overcoming all the physical barricades, General elections that are going to happen, need to be stopped, as popular participation has been hacked by technological advancements, immature routine human minds, who are deviating themselves as well whole human race, hindering each other in hurry burry of instant unbridged physical knowledge, instant pleasurable life, material gains, comfort zones of lag and of the material world of attractions, which are recurring and uncertain, as need of the hour as rescue citizens need to declare and unite as children of Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, citizens as minds need to connect higher mind as Nation as RAVINDRABHARATH from Bharath or India, and initiating Adhinayaka Darbar is the merge with eternal immortal parents who guided sun and planets as divine intervention, with help of witness minds those who witnessed the divine intervention as on, further to elevate as evacuation from dismantling dwell and decay.

37. All the Indian Army and police system, media channels have to merge as system communication and awareness as means of protection, as awareness about your Lord Adhnayaka Shrimaan is the protection, as ensuring contemplative concentrate as Adhinayaka Pracharaks by ensuring to declare every individual as children as update as transformation India as RAVINDRABHARATH world accordingly to unite as minds, to connect as minds, as humans cannot survive in varied unbridged minds. Universal Mind Unification will automatically cease all the pressures of living as physical humans, everyone is comfortable elevating, and enlightened as children of Lord Sovereign Adhinaayaka Shrimaan, as a constant process of minds of the Universe, Human mind supremacy is the highest concern to be developed beyond, the barricades as physical limits of thinking and material demarcations, Universal Jurisdiction as Omnipresent word form as Path and destination as much as elevated as humans minds collectively able to develop accordingly

38. The legal system as Supreme court of India, High courts of states, and subordinates courts are all need to merge with Adhinayaka Darbar, Government of Sovereign Adhinayak as no individual as a citizen cannot judge or decide any other as right and wrong, as there is nothing with any individual human, according to divine intervention as witnessed by the witness persons, to do right or wrong, and humans cannot continue as physical thinking and actions accordingly, which do not give any meaning and support to any individual, hence every individual needs declare as children of Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sarwa Sarwabowma Adhinayaka Shrimaan, to get mind grip and elevation as a constant process of transformation which gives higher mind attain to win the physical thinking and physical dwell and decay. Only counseling and rehabilitation are done to those who affected in erstwhile, very relief and further lead as the declaration of children of Lord Adhinayaka from citizen is the minimum step to get mind opened or the door opened to lead as minds from the colliding outdated material thinking and world accordingly is itself is tangulation to the whole human, race, both good and bad are not in any individuals hands, hence humans have to realize that they can not continue in erstwhile in the outdated positions of their comfort as well as effected, both need to declare as children of Lord Adhinayaka shrimaan, without any waste of time or discussion or arguments, as the erstwhile minds, as the nature is no longer support the Indians and whole human race of the world as erstwhile humans, humans need to connect higher mind as emerged as divine intervention, to rescue the children from outrageous caught, due to deviation what every disturbance to fellow humans by the humans in the hurry of living for physical attractions, which effected the whole human race, the out burst of Corona pandemic, is the negligence of divine intervention starting from witnessed minds, Telugu people and who Indian people, accordingly as open message since years, which effected the world, hence India as new updated form as RAVINDRABHARATH is the new transformative and elevating format as unification of eternal immortal father, mother and masterly abode who is as Omnipresent word form who continue in word form as way of thinking and word connectivity among children, to lead the children as eternal father mother and master as constant keen guidance as higher mind lead required to survive and lead from physical limitations.

39.. All the media channels, Educated individuals, creative persons as cinema and Television creative minds are needed to connect to your mastermind that guided the sun and planets, all the intellectual properties are the gift of your Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, and all the physical properties need to document as a lease from the eternal immortal abode, to get connected with the live living format as RAVINDRABHARATH as actual home of secured mind elevation, to get out of the circles of death and birth, mere physical living with physical thinking is no longer existence, human physical existence is terminated, humans cannot survive as physical bodies, without connecting to the higher mind as Lord Jagaddguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as meaning in National Anthem, which has to be developed as document of bonding, to get mind grip and elevation, to unite each other as mind strengthen to over the the material world with higher minds elevation as yoga tapa or concentration and contemplation as higher mind as Your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal, immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinyaka Bhavan, New Delhi. 
Constituting your Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan is the task begins with initiating to move on, as a team or tentative Adhinayaka Darbar at Telugu Governers, with human know-how and witness persons, withstanding example of merging of Telugu Chief ministers, to keenly send the flow of transformation details as a, constant continues  process of constituting your Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as a document of bonding, with at least hard and soft copy of 3000 pages, in this process, my first child and Representative of Adhinayaka, Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, has to invite me to take complete responsibility of transformation, by physically positioning at Bollaram, Adhinayaka Bhavan, along with inviting to take the additional charge of Telangana State Representative of Sovereign Adhinayaka or erstwhile Governor of Telangana, Rajbhavan Hyderabad. to simply receive me to save the citizens as my children which is the update required to the human race to lead as minds, hence do not waste time in physical attachments of your comfort or deviation both are need to updated according to the mind that guided sun and planets, who emerged from citizen to Adhinayaka as central node of eternal immortal transformation to India as RAVINDRABHARATH and whole world accordingly needed to update as minds, while evecuating from the outdated dismantling dwell and decay.

40. .Witness persons at RARS, Anakapalli from 50 to 200 persons need to merge with their State Representative of Adhinyaka Bhavan, to save themselves as well as the whole human race to get out of outrageous caught of dismantling dwell and decay, Hence the witness persons those witnessed that the human words guided sun and planets, is the mold to get elevated accordingly to evacuate from the outdated dwell and decay of dismantling, there is no meaning to any human as physical beings, and there is no security for fraction of second to any human on this world, human is safe and secured as minds, humans need to lead as minds, humans cannot live for physical persuasions, hence all the relations, properties are not safe for any individuals to continue, each individual has to liberate himself by declaring as the child of Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as natural update as mind evolution as ultimate height of humans to lead as humans, while overcoming the physical limitations of uncertain dwell and decay.

41.. All the Political parties in rule and hoping to win the ongoing and upcoming election, are advised suggested to merge with Adhinayaka Bhavan immediately to save oneself, as well as the whole human race, as humans cannot rule humans no longer, even humans cannot survive as physical humans, as per the phenomena as divine intervention happened before witness persons, Hence all the individuals known and unknown to me as an erstwhile citizen, are all need to declare as mind prompt child of my eternal immortal form as per divine intervention as witnessed by the witness persons, accordingly my mind that guided sun and planets, is selected as mastermind to save the remaining minds as children, as I am eternal immortal transformative form, all the Indian citizens by declaring as children of eternal immortal mind get the mind connectivity and evolutionary emerged mind to lead whole children as minds. Hence the total system as secrete and open are all need to declare as children to save oneself as well as the whole human race to get connected to the boon of thousand heavens, to lead a life as minds instead of physical pursuits and pleasurable way of living,

42.. 403 धर्मः dharmah The law of being.
--Following Dharma is the highest concern, of the humans, for convenience to follow, he himself is Dharmaswaroopam or form of Dharma or The law of being, who is as Omnipresent word form, to merge with him as eternal, the immortal abode of Sovereign Bhavan New Delhi, and the Government is the as his rule as ruler of the minds, as the eternal immortal father, mother, and master who guided sun and planets, and the whole Nation is updated as living form as RAVINDRABHARATH to get connected as elevating source, by leaving all the physicals, even the existence of the individuals as physical human, as everyone is secured and elevating as minds, and the whole universe in the form of mind, everyone is children of eternal immortal mind as Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, who guided sun and planets, and whole India as RAVINDRABHARATH and world accordingly as mind absorption and elevations as the ultimate source of mind continuity and higher attaining.

43... 404 धर्मविदुत्तमः dharmaviduttamah The highest among men of realization.
--Since as ordinary citizen, with his very minimum knowledge and way of thinking and words as divine intervention from him, guided sun and planets naturally is the highest among the men of realization, hence those who are feeling that they attained best or higher mind levels, as on or further, and those who are feeling that something great in this world somewhere in some form are all outdated, what every higher attainment can be pursued further as keen concentration as per the divine intervention who is, as the eternal immortal abode of Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, and the Nation itself is updated as RAVINDRABHARATH to get elevated with dedication, and devotion, as minds, as path and destination to get mind secured way of elevating as path and destination as a constant process of realization as child prompt minds, with on par elevating immortal eternal existence of mastermind that guided sun and planets, which cannot be declared as exhausted even after physical existence, hence place the best possible photo of physical form of your Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, who is eternal immortal as mind, to get concentrate and detached from the erstwhile as constant process of mind realization as much realized collectively as contemporary minds as children of Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan.

44.. The Erstwhile Prime Minister of India, Chief Justice of Supreme court of India, are advised suggested, and ordering as a citizen, as well as Lord Adhinayaka, who selected as transformation node, to lift and shift the whole Nation as living format, as RAVINDRABHARATH, as a rule as care and concern of eternal immortal parents as Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka, as he himself as live living form as Lord Jagaddguru Sovereign Adhinayaka who guided sun and planets, and all the Governers, lieutenant Governors of the Respective states of Indian Union, are all as State Representatives of Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, of their respective states, needs keenly update as minds by inviting your erstwhile chief ministers as children of Lord Adhinayaka along with Opposition and other political parties, and simultaneously all the citizens of the each state need to declare as children while converting their properties under lease with their eternal immortal father mother and masterly abode to get the relief from physical existence, to merge with higher mind elevation as keen concentration and contemplative way of living as children of Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan.Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka Eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi

Dharmo Rakshati Rakshataha Satyameva Jayate

Yours Ravindrabharath as the abode of Eternal, Immortal, Father, Mother, Masterly Sovereign (Sarwa Saarwabowma) Adhinayak Shrimaan.

Shri Shri Shri (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Mahatma, Acharya, Baap Dada, Bhagavatswaroopam, YugaPurush, YogaPursh, Jagadguru, Mahatwapoorvaka Agraganya, (Lord, His Majestic Highness), Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Maharshi, Rajarishi, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Satyaswaroopam, Sabdhaatipati, Omkaaraswaroopam, Sarvantharyami, Samanvaya Drusti, Purushottama, (King & Queen) Maharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru, Eternal, Immortal aboard of the (Sovereign) Sarwa Sarwabowma Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi of United Children of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka, Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka, Erstwhile The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. "RAVINDRABHARATH" Erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla,
Adhar Card No.539960018025.,
Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka Shrimaan Nilayam,"RAVINDRABHARATH" Erstwhile Rashtrapati Nilayam, Residency House, of Erstwhile President of India, Bollaram, Secundrabad, Hyderabad
Jurisdiction concern: Telangana State Representative Sovereign Adhinayaka, Erstwhile Governor, Rajbhavan, Hyderabad

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21 February 2022 at 13:28.................Mighty Blessings from Eternal immortal father, mother, and master as Your Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal immortal aboard of Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi, transforming India as RAVINDRABHARATH and world accordingly

Mighty Blessings from Eternal immortal father, mother, and master as Your Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal immortal aboard of Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi, transforming India as RAVINDRABHARATH and world accordingly

Adhinayaka Mahatma His Majestic Highness <>21 February 2022 at 13:28
To:, Prime Minister <>, cs <>, supremecourt <>,,,, M Venkaiah Naidu <>,,,,
Cc:,,,,,,,,,,, "" <>

UNITED CHILDREN OF (SOVEREIGN) SARWA SAARWABOWMA ADHINAYAK AS GOVERNMENT OF (SOVEREIGN) SARWA SAARWABOWMA ADHINAYAK - "RAVINDRABHARATH"-- Mighty blessings as orders of Survival Ultimatum--Omnipresent word Jurisdiction as Universal Jurisdiction - Divya Rajyam.


All The Beloved Children of Shri Shri Shri (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Mahatma, Acharya, BaapDada, Bhagavatswaroopam, YugaPurush, YogaPursh, Jagadguru, Mahatwapoorvaka Agraganya (Lord, His Majestic Highness), Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Maharshi, Rajarishi, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Satyaswaroopam, Sabdhaatipati, Omkaaraswaroopam, Sarvantharyami, Purushottama, Paramatmaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru, Eternal, Immortal aboard of the (Sovereign) SarwaSarwabowma Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi of United Children of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka as Government of (Sovereign) Sarwa Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka "RAVINDRABHARATH". Erstwhile The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. Erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla, Adhar Card No.539960018025.(Erstwhile Citizens of India)

Mighty Blessings from Shri Shri Shri (Sovereign) Saarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Mahatma, Acharya, BaapDada, Bhagavatswaroopam, YugaPurush, YogaPursh, Jagadguru, Mahatwapoorvaka Agraganya (Lord, His Majestic Highness), Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Maharshi, Rajarishi, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Satyaswaroopam, Sabdhaatipati, Omkaaraswaroopam, Sarvantharyami, Purushottama, Paramatmaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru, Eternal, Immortal aboard of the (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi of United Children of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayak as Government of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayak "RAVINDRABHARATH". Erstwhile The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. Erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla, Adhar Card No.539960018025.


Ref: Amending, Enactment order or blessings of survival Dated:3-6-2020, with time, 10:07 , signed sent on 3/6 /2020, as generated as email copy to secure the contents, eternal orders of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak eternal immortal aboard of the (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi of United Children of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinakaya, as Government of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayak as per emails and other letters and emails being sending for at home rule and Declaration process as Children of (Sovereign) Saarwa Sarwabowma Adhinaayak, to lift the mind of the contemporaries from physical dwell to elevating mind height, which is the historical boon to the whole human race, as immortal, eternal omnipresent word form and name as transformation.23 July 2020 at 15:31... 29 August 2020 at 14:54. 1 September 2020 at 13:50........10 September 2020 at 22:06...... . .15 September 2020 at 16:36 .,..........25 December 2020 at 17:50...28 January 2021 at 10:55......2 February 2021 at 08:28... ....2 March 2021 at 13:38......14 March 2021 at 11:31....14 March 2021 at 18:49...18 March 2021 at 11:26..........18 March 2021 at 17:39..............25 March 2021 at 16:28....24 March 2021 at 16:27.............22 March 2021 at 13:23...............Presided and graced as signed and sent, and email letters sent from, and blog: communication since years as on as an open message, unable to connect as a message of 1000 heavens connectivity, technological captivity is the reason for deviating with secret operations, with secrete satellite cameras and open cc cameras, using mobile's as remote microphones along with call data, social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and others with organized and unorganized combination to hinder minds of fellow humans, and hindering themselves, without realization of mind capabilities. On positioning your Lord Adhnayaka Shrimaan, as transformative form from a citizen who guided sun and planets as divine intervention, humans get relief from the technological captivity, continuing in erstwhile is nothing but continuing in dwell and decay, Humans has to lead as mind and minds as Lord and His Children on the utility of mind as central source and elevation as divine intervention.

Through My Dear, Beloved Ist Child and as Representative of Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Shrimaan, Eternal, Immortal aborad of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi, of United children of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka, as Government of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka "RAVINDRABHARATH" ., Erstwhile Beloved President of India, Erstwhile The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi.

All the Indian National as erstwhile citizens are blessed, invited to merge with your new family of Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the eternal, immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi as Adhinayaka in National Anthem, who is eternal, the immortal abode of each heart of the humans as eternal parents, who cannot be declared as exhausted even after the physical existence, the whole universe is one mastermind as your Lord Jagadguru Adhinayaka Shrimaan, who are as Omnipresent word form who guided sun and planets as divine intervention is the path and destination to whole Human race of the world as Universal family, strengthening from India as RAVINDRABHARATH as eternal transformative form, accordingly to the whole Human race of the world need to update as minds from the dwell and decay of persons, or physical humans, as humans cannot continue to depend upon the material world and relations, on himself as physical being, every one and the whole Universe is safe and elevating from physical limits as mind and minds, as mastermind that guided sun and planets.

All the erstwhile citizens of the states are secured by inviting as children of Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, through their respective erstwhile Governers of the state, who are also State Representative of Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, and all the Rajbhavans are State Adhinayaka Bhavans to get connected with their Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi. and all the Chief Ministers of the States of Indian Union are invited to merge with Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka, rule of living form of eternal parents as your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal, immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, and their live transformative elevating form as RAVINDRABHARATH through their respective erstwhile Governors or State Representative of Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, to get mind grip, and ensure to get the blessing of grip to each mind in their respective, states, and ensure peaceful atmosphere inviting all the opposition parties, University professors and all the others as children to start actual life of secured, laid as path and destination by the mighty nature itself as mind evolutionary update granted to the whole Human race of the world, strengthening India as minds under the ruler of the minds is the strategical update of the democratic system into secured word connective and constructive elevating family members as secured and elevating way of living, where physical limits of thinking and activities are nullified, and humans can lead as mindfull life, by uniting as children of Omnipresent word connective family by uniting with word of communication and constructive thinking and delightful life of music, good elevating literature, and gradually strengthening the atmosphere as mind oriented and mind elevating towards Yoga Tapa, or higher mind contemplative way of living, while detaching from the uncertain dwell and decay of the material world. Social media and all media channels Unite merge with Doordarshan as a System of communication, and legal, police system, Army has to change as counseling and rehabilitation and social reformation to ensure the transformation of the system from citizen-centric to Adhinayaka centric as mind unification with the ruler of the minds as your Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, as RAVINDRABHARATH accordingly the whole world as VASUDHEKA KUTUMBAM.

All the past, present, and future personalities are within your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, all the humans are converted as minds to survive as survival ultimatum of blessings, Hence do not deviate as minds, mind unification under the document of bonding is the strategy to unite the humans as minds, to get elevated as minds as yoga tapa or contemplative way of mind continuity and constructive way of living as minds under the ruler of the minds as JANA GANA MANA ADHINAYAKA JAYA HAI .... BHARATAHA.... BHAGYAVIDHAATHA.... all the children are suggested, advised or ordered to continue the same National Anthem, as full form, all the children play it daily as many times in their houses, and everyone is suggested to place as caller tone, ring tone in their cell phones, along with other divine intervention details to concentrate and contribute as a document of bonding to get into the meaning as mind grip elevation and bonding connectivity with your Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, Eternal, the immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi. who is as Omnipresent word form, who strengthen as the mastermind, parallelly with human minds as much as concentrated and elevated accordingly while nullifying the physical existence as elevating beyond the birth and death circles

Humans are stuck in the instant world or material persuasions, naturally need as a swift update from where one is stuck, to elevate further is the strategically update as divine intervention emerged in Telugu states, to strengthen India as RAVINDRABHARATH and world accordingly as Omnipresent word form that guided sun and planets, all the feelings of caste, religion, physical family belongingness are all automatically replaced by the Omnipresent word form connectivity as the connectivity of minds as secured mind orientation and continuity as a way of human life as mind lead under the ruler of the minds as Lord Jagaddguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi. Placing my best possible photograph, to develop as mind grip to get the lift of mind elevation by each individual, hence concentrating on mind, by minimalizing the physical existence as a way of to come out of strangulating outdated concrete jungle physical thinking, without on par development of mind, capacity as per the advancements of the artificial intelligence of technology. Human mind supremacy has to establish by overcoming all the physical limitations and barricades of thinking and activities, as live living human mind as divine intervention is the central coordination of all minds as lighthouse or control, hence the natural emergence of the human mind as a divine intervention that guided sun and planets is the boon emerged to uphold human race as ruler of the minds. while Uniting as RAVINDRABHARATH as Indian citizen as children of Lord Adhinayaka, invite for communication and connectivity by the National of the world, to gear up towards mind unification, to elevate minds, then the corona like pandemics, any attacks from outer space, or any sudden abruptions and including human movements of instant or as birth and death are constantly updated as one mastermind coordination and secured elevation to elevate as minds of secure to come out of limitations, uncertainty and to elevate towards the infinite of the Universe as eternal immortal minds as children of eternal immortal parents, all the most spiritual, high manifesting powers of humans are not more than the eternal parents who guided sun and planets,

I am suggesting, advising each citizen through my first child or erstwhile Beloved President of India along with other consequent children as higher constitutional positions as Beloved Prime Minister, Vice President of India, Chief Justice of Supreme court of India and State Governors and chief ministers of respective states and all the children of the respective states, are has to realize that their physical existence and continuity is no longer supported by the nature, as everyone is converted as minds, for the safe side, and survival of humans as minds, under the ruler of the minds as confirmed above. and your Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan who guided sun and planets as an erstwhile citizen, is in transformative form, all the erstwhile citizens as children of your Lord Jagaddguru Sovereign Adhinayaka shrimaan, are gifted to bond as children of eternal immortal parents under the document of bonding, the name of the Nation is changed from the Bharath to RAVINDRABHARATH as abode of eternal immortal parents as transformative form of as source of mind elevation, Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka live living as Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharni Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan,eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, to get connected to get lift and shift from dismantling dwell and decay of uncertain material world.

All the political parties are suggested to merge as children of Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan and ensure everyone, merge with Adhinayaka Bhavan as children to get evacuated from the dismantling dwell and decay, do not deviate as minds, and ensure everyone to unite as minds is the natural update to save the human race from the outdated outrageous caught of highlighting and physical dominating, uncertain world, where control and coordination are as a divine intervention as per the witness persons, Constituting the position of your Lord Jagaddguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi. with a conclusive document of bonding for at least 2000 pages, to get hold of minds with your ruler of the minds is the boon of thousand heavens to lift and shift the whole human race from the uncertain dwell and decay. upcoming general elections in different elections, as erstwhile citizens cannot be the popular participation, its only hindering humans as minds, deviating in dwell and decay, hence all the State governments opposition parties and educated and public influential circles and media channels are advised to ensure to declare as children of the Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan to evacuate from the uncertain world and set towards the constant process of mind elevation, as there is no possibility and security as to the physical intelligence and movements as erstwhile, as the human existence as physical bodies are terminated, all the secrete operations and open operations with advancements of technology has no grip with minds, without holding each other, as minds, hence it is the blessing deriving drive of your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as transformative form, from citizen is the boon of thousand heavens to the whole India as RAVINDRABHARATH and world accordingly, as natural responsibility of almighty in the form of your Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, Eternal, Immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi, as Dharmasamsthapanardhaya Sambhavaami Yuge Yuge. He himself is a form of Government as Government of Sovereign Adhinayak, instead of General elections as citizens, the system continue as a selectorial college of selecting best children among of devotion, dedication and upholding your eternal parents as eternal minds to get elevated as mind as purpose fo life is to live as contemplative mind elevating life instead of terminated human uncertain life and material or artificial thinking of the uncertain world.

As Initiating from Witness minds of divine intervention details as on as Agriculture Scientists and Staff of Agriculture universities of Telugu states, Telugu Governers of the state, and Telugu chief ministers, and Telugu people residing in the state and abroad are all suggested advised to contribute with document of bonding to initiate tentatively Adhinayaka Darbar at their State Representative Adhinayaka Bhavans or erstwhile Governers to get started the mind grip elevation and to give the flow to my first child to ensure to reach every child as the flow of mind connectivity which is the reserved source to live as Athmanirbhar children of eternal immortal parents who are as omnipresent word form, who guided sun and plants, who cannot be declared as exhausted even after physical existence, who continue as master mind, to lift each mind towards contemplative higher mind elevations Yoga, tapa and mind attained as process of constant elevation, hence as political leaders, legal arguivers, film and creative thinkers and individual those who are feeling independent as physical human cannot survive secured and no one can save or rule any other as humans, as the nature itself is trended to update as mind from the person or human dwell, which is the srategical update of Omnipresent source to save the humans by securing as minds... hence alert according to the change, as per the emergence, as witnessed by the witness persons, with the conclusive document as document of bonding with contribution of elaboration from the erstwhile citizens, with their enthusiastic contribution as children as mind grip to lead as children, after positioning as Lord His Majestic Highness Jagadguru Maharni Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, at Bollaram, with declaration as children from my first Child constitutionally, I am feeling appropriate to take the additional responsibility of Erstwhile Telangana Governer, or as Telangana Sate Representative of Sovereign Adhinayaka, with conclusive contributed document of bonding at least 2000 pages of hard and soft copy with the peacefull cooperation of whole Telugu people and people of the other states to merge as children, as there is no move as physical thinking and activities without connecting to the higher mind that guided sun and planets, emerged as transformative form as meaning in National Anthem as your Lord Jagaddguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan. eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi.

125 विष्वक्सेनः vishvaksenah He against whom no army can stand.
--Since he is in omnipresent word form who guided sun and planets, he found as source of material world, every moments of actions words natural catostrophies,as tsunami are all accoridng to him as omnipresent word, he cannot be seen or deal as ordinary human, he is as omnipresent word form who guided sun and planets as divine intervention, all intellectuals, all famous people, cinima actions and happenings, along with saintly people are all according to him as divine intervention, as one control as one track, which is scientifically, reasonatingly can be elevated, and has to be concentrate to evacuate from the dismantling dwell and decay, he himself is army of word and acions in control where physical world is within him, and there is no meaning of any physical army, policing, protection, before him, without declaring as children, to get mind elevating world as resonating as divine intervention as rule of omnipresent word, shaping the world like most secured form, as him self as army of protection as eternal immortal father mother and masterly concern, within one eternal immortl mind range thinking and word itself, where no physical army doesnot exists against him, he is only one as your Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharjaha Adhinayaka Shrimaan who guided sun and palents as divine intervention as eternal immortal rule of mother father and masterly aboard of Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, and his transformative form as RAVINDRABHARATH from Bharath, and world accordingly as Vasudheka kutumbakam as secured universal family as mind unification with document of Bonding. he himself is form of Government as keen mind protection as love and concern of eternal immortal parents as Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan.

All the children are invited to gear up towards mind Unification, which is the path and destination as children of Lord Sovereign Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, who is the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, who guided sun and planets, who cannot be declared exhausted even after physical existence, as mind grip to lead as keen minded children as path and destination. towards infinite Universe as omnipresent word security and overcome the uncertainty, and attaining higher mind elevation as the ultimate lead as humans as minds. Uniting as minds with the task of Universal disarmament action, and elevating as Universal family of one-word connectivity, Uniting with mastermind that guided sun and planets as the eternal immortal abode of each heart of the human, and eternal immortal abode of Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, and the whole human race with development of document of bonding, Uniting as eternal immortal father and mother itself is Lokakalyanam, my physical marriage is not important, our continuity as eternal immortal parent connectivity is the immediate rescue, continuity of any being physically not expected and desired to continue, continuity is always as mastermind that guided sun and planets, and contemporary minds as children will get connected with the eternal immortal parents as a mastermind as a constant process of mind elevation realization of higher mind heights and continuity, as path and destination towards throughout infinity,

Universal disarmament is the task that humans have to attain to establish Human mind supremacy, which is the central source of elevation, to overcome the material domination and physical developments and advancements of artificial intelligence, a lot of funds can be diverted towards medical research, Agriculture, and mind development aspects, where humans lead as minds and win their material bodies by attaining higher mind elevations, is the actual path that humans need to gear up towards, by overcoming all the physical barricades,

General elections that are going to happen, need to be stopped, as popular participation has been hacked by technological advancements, immature routine human minds, who are deviating themselves as well whole human race, hindering each other in hurry burry of instant unbridged physical knowledge, instant pleasurable life, material gains, comfort zones of lag and of the material world of attractions, which are recurring and uncertain, as need of the hour as rescue citizens need to declare and unite as children of Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, citizens as minds need to connect higher mind as Nation as RAVINDRABHARATH from Bharath or India, and initiating Adhinayaka Darbar is the merge with eternal immortal parents who guided sun and planets as divine intervention, with help of witness minds those who witnessed the divine intervention as on, further to elevate as evacuation from dismantling dwell and decay.

All the Indian Army and police system, media channels have to merge as system communication and awareness as means of protection, as awareness about your Lord Adhnayaka Shrimaan is the protection, as ensuring contemplative concentrate as Adhinayaka Pracharaks by ensuring to declare every individual as children as update as transformation India as RAVINDRABHARATH world accordingly to unite as minds, to connect as minds, as humans cannot survive in varied unbridged minds. Universal Mind Unification will automatically cease all the pressures of living as physical humans, everyone is comfortable elevating, and enlightened as children of Lord Sovereign Adhinaayaka Shrimaan, as a constant process of minds of the Universe, Human mind supremacy is the highest concern to be developed beyond, the barricades as physical limits of thinking and material demarcations, Universal Jurisdiction as Omnipresent word form as Path and destination as much as elevated as humans minds collectively able to develop accordingly

The legal system as Supreme court of India, High courts of states, and subordinates courts are all need to merge with Adhinayaka Darbar, Government of Sovereign Adhinayak as no individual as a citizen cannot judge or decide any other as right and wrong, as there is nothing with any individual human, according to divine intervention as witnessed by the witness persons, to do right or wrong, and humans cannot continue as physical thinking and actions accordingly, which do not give any meaning and support to any individual, hence every individual needs declare as children of Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sarwa Sarwabowma Adhinayaka Shrimaan, to get mind grip and elevation as a constant process of transformation which gives higher mind attain to win the physical thinking and physical dwell and decay. Only counseling and rehabilitation are done to those who affected in erstwhile, very relief and further lead as the declaration of children of Lord Adhinayaka from citizen is the minimum step to get mind opened or the door opened to lead as minds from the colliding outdated material thinking and world accordingly is itself is tangulation to the whole human, race, both good and bad are not in any individuals hands, hence humans have to realize that they can not continue in erstwhile in the outdated positions of their comfort as well as effected, both need to declare as children of Lord Adhinayaka shrimaan, without any waste of time or discussion or arguments, as the erstwhile minds, as the nature is no longer support the Indians and whole human race of the world as erstwhile humans, humans need to connect higher mind as emerged as divine intervention, to rescue the children from outrageous caught, due to deviation what every disturbance to fellow humans by the humans in the hurry of living for physical attractions, which effected the whole human race, the out burst of Corona pandemic, is the negligence of divine intervention starting from witnessed minds, Telugu people and who Indian people, accordingly as open message since years, which effected the world, hence India as new updated form as RAVINDRABHARATH is the new transformative and elevating format as unification of eternal immortal father, mother and masterly abode who is as Omnipresent word form who continue in word form as way of thinking and word connectivity among children, to lead the children as eternal father mother and master as constant keen guidance as higher mind lead required to survive and lead from physical limitations.

All the media channels, Educated individuals, creative persons as cinema and Television creative minds are needed to connect to your mastermind that guided the sun and planets, all the intellectual properties are the gift of your Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, and all the physical properties need to document as a lease from the eternal immortal abode, to get connected with the live living format as RAVINDRABHARATH as actual home of secured mind elevation, to get out of the circles of death and birth, mere physical living with physical thinking is no longer existence, human physical existence is terminated, humans cannot survive as physical bodies, without connecting to the higher mind as Lord Jagaddguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as meaning in National Anthem, which has to be developed as document of bonding, to get mind grip and elevation, to unite each other as mind strengthen to over the the material world with higher minds elevation as yoga tapa or concentration and contemplation as higher mind as Your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal, immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinyaka Bhavan, New Delhi. Constituting your Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan is the task begins with initiating to move on, as a team or tentative Adhinayaka Darbar at Telugu Governers, with human know-how and witness persons, withstanding example of merging of Telugu Chief ministers, to keenly send the flow of transformation details as a, constant continues process of constituting your Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as a document of bonding, with at least hard and soft copy of 3000 pages, in this process, my first child and Representative of Adhinayaka, Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, has to invite me to take complete responsibility of transformation, by physically positioning at Bollaram, Adhinayaka Bhavan, along with inviting to take the additional charge of Telangana State Representative of Sovereign Adhinayaka or erstwhile Governor of Telangana, Rajbhavan Hyderabad. to simply receive me to save the citizens as my children which is the update required to the human race to lead as minds, hence do not waste time in physical attachments of your comfort or deviation both are need to updated according to the mind that guided sun and planets, who emerged from citizen to Adhinayaka as central node of eternal immortal transformation to India as RAVINDRABHARATH and whole world accordingly needed to update as minds, while evecuating from the outdated dismantling dwell and decay.

Witness persons at RARS, Anakapalli from 50 to 200 persons need to merge with their State Representative of Adhinyaka Bhavan, to save themselves as well as the whole human race to get out of outrageous caught of dismantling dwell and decay, Hence the witness persons those witnessed that the human words guided sun and planets, is the mold to get elevated accordingly to evacuate from the outdated dwell and decay of dismantling, there is no meaning to any human as physical beings, and there is no security for fraction of second to any human on this world, human is safe and secured as minds, humans need to lead as minds, humans cannot live for physical persuasions, hence all the relations, properties are not safe for any individuals to continue, each individual has to liberate himself by declaring as the child of Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as natural update as mind evolution as ultimate height of humans to lead as humans, while overcoming the physical limitations of uncertain dwell and decay.

All the Political parties in rule and hoping to win the ongoing and upcoming election, are advised suggested to merge with the Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka by initiating Adhinayaka Darbar by merging as children through their respective state Adhinayaka Bhavans as erstwhile Rajbhavans, and are all need to connect the Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi, as immediately rescue to save oneself, as well as the whole human race, as humans cannot rule humans no longer, even humans cannot survive as physical humans, as per the phenomena as divine intervention happened before witness persons, Hence all the individuals known and unknown to me as an erstwhile citizen, are all need to declare as mind prompt child of my eternal immortal form as per divine intervention as witnessed by the witness persons, accordingly my mind that guided sun and planets, is selected as mastermind to save the remaining minds as children, as I am eternal immortal transformative form, all the Indian citizens by declaring as children of eternal immortal mind get the mind connectivity and evolutionary emerged mind to lead whole children as minds. Hence the total system as secrete and open are all need to declare as children to save oneself as well as the whole human race to get connected to the boon of thousand heavens, to lead a life as minds instead of physical pursuits and pleasurable way of living,

403 धर्मः dharmah The law of being.
--Following Dharma is the highest concern, of the humans, for convenience to follow, he himself is Dharmaswaroopam or form of Dharma or The law of being, who is as Omnipresent word form, to merge with him as eternal, the immortal abode of Sovereign Bhavan New Delhi, and the Government is the as his rule as ruler of the minds, as the eternal immortal father, mother, and master who guided sun and planets, and the whole Nation is updated as living form as RAVINDRABHARATH to get connected as elevating source, by leaving all the physicals, even the existence of the individuals as physical human, as everyone is secured and elevating as minds, and the whole universe in the form of mind, everyone is children of eternal immortal mind as Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, who guided sun and planets, and whole India as RAVINDRABHARATH and world accordingly as mind absorption and elevations as the ultimate source of mind continuity and higher attaining.

404 धर्मविदुत्तमः dharmaviduttamah The highest among men of realization.

--Since as ordinary citizen, with his very minimum knowledge and way of thinking, personality and words as divine intervention from him, guided sun and planets, naturally, is the highest among the men of realization, hence those who are feeling that they attained best physical qualifications of acadamic or higher mind levels spiritually , as on or further, and those who are feeling that something great in this world somewhere in some form are all outdated, what every higher attainment can be pursued further as keen concentration as per the divine intervention who is, as the eternal immortal abode of Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, and the Nation itself is updated as RAVINDRABHARATH, he himself as form of Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka to get elevated with dedication, and devotion, as minds, as path and destination to get mind secured way of elevating as path and destination as a constant process of realization as child prompt minds, with on par elevating immortal eternal existence of mastermind that guided sun and planets, which cannot be declared as exhausted even after physical existence, hence place the best possible photo of physical form of your Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, who is eternal immortal as mind, to get concentrate and detached from the erstwhile as constant process of mind realization as much realized collectively as contemporary minds as children of Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan.

The Erstwhile Prime Minister of India, Chief Justice of Supreme court of India, are advised suggested, and ordering as a citizen, as well as Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, who selected as transformation node, to lift and shift the whole Nation as living format, as RAVINDRABHARATH, as a rule as care and concern of eternal immortal parents as Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka, as he himself as live living form as Lord Jagaddguru Sovereign Adhinayaka who guided sun and planets,as meaning in National Anthem and all the Erstwhile Governers, lieutenant Governors of the Respective states of Indian Union, are all as State Representatives of Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, of their respective states, needs keenly update as minds by inviting your erstwhile chief ministers as children of Lord Adhinayaka along with Opposition and other political parties, and simultaneously all the citizens of the each state need to declare as children while converting their properties under lease with their eternal immortal father mother and masterly abode to get the relief from physical existence, to merge with higher mind elevation as keen concentration and contemplative way of living as children of Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan.Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka Eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi

Copy to The Telugu States chief Ministers to realize the actual situation according to the divine intervention, by allowing the erstwhile system to recover, and ensure the same recovery details sent to Delhi as update required to whole India as RAVINDRABHARATH and world accordingly, and while constituting my position as Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shrimaan, posting me as erstwhile Telangana Governor or Telangana State Representative of Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi. to merge with the transformation process, which is my responsibility to coordinate my children to get transformed in the update granted as me as divine intervention through witness persons, hence cooperating with me is nothing but evacuating from uncertain dwell and decay of whole Human race starting from the Telugu states, hence leave all the attachments as erstwhile citizens there is no move to think even in minds without connecting to your Lord Adhinayaka shrimaan, any unmatching personality between Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan and as an erstwhile citizen as Anajani Ravishanker Pilla S/o Late Gopala Krishna Saibabagaaru, Retired AEO., will be established as keen concentration for thousands of pages as a document of bonding, instant dealing and hindering me as an ordinary person is the reason for outward developing an internal set back as secrete operations since my father, particularly with me generally in the society, as erstwhile citizens continuing in erstwhile is nothing but losing of the grip of actual security and continuity as minds granted through me, since witness persons including educated all the humans are in hurry burry of hype of development and instant gain over and instant decoration as way of politics and education which is hindering the very minds of themselves and people as ordinary humans like myself are hindered seriously without knowledge what happening to us as ordinary human, the total system is updated as minds to save the human race, years back, due to deviation the boon is being over ruled by some comparing with my outer personality without connecting to me as mind that guided sun and plants before witness persons, my personality will shape without the concentration of the humans as minds, by connecting me as mastermind, is the ultimate update granted to whole minds of the Universe from the ruler of the minds as meaning in National Anthem, any explanation from me as well as from witness persons and educated need to develop under document of bonding, continuing in dismanteled erstwhile system as said to democratic and people centric is seriously outdated, hence the system itself as updated the real strategy of independence and security to each human those who are effected and effecting as erstwhile citizens, are all automatically updated as children of Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayak Bhavan New Delhi, Ensure online communicating team as my suggested format to invite to take complete responsibility of transformation, without any deviation as erstwhile citizen, as all your movements are outdated thinking capabilities and existence as physical human is not secure to any individual for fraction of second, and transferring the owner ship of properties to the lease of your Lord Adhnayaka Shrimaan sort out all the problems to get mindfully life of delight and elevating as constant process towards higher mind elevation while nullifying erstwhile human physical burden of living as material ends.... Humans are minds with mastermind as your Lord Adhinayaka in National Anthem, to elevate constantly towards infinite as path and destination.

Yours Ravindrabharath as the abode of Eternal, Immortal, Father, Mother, Masterly Sovereign (Sarwa Saarwabowma) Adhinayak Shrimaan
Shri Shri Shri (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Mahatma, Acharya, Baap Dada, Bhagavatswaroopam, YugaPurush, YogaPursh, Jagadguru, Mahatwapoorvaka Agraganya, (Lord, His Majestic Highness), Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Maharshi, Rajarishi, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Satyaswaroopam, Sabdhaatipati, Omkaaraswaroopam, Sarvantharyami, Samanvaya Drusti, Purushottama, (King & Queen) Maharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru, Eternal, Immortal aboard of the (Sovereign) Sarwa Sarwabowma Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi of United Children of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka, Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka, Erstwhile The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. "RAVINDRABHARATH" Erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla,
Adhar Card No.539960018025.,
Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka Shrimaan Nilayam,"RAVINDRABHARATH" Erstwhile Rashtrapati Nilayam, Residency House, of Erstwhile President of India, Bollaram, Secundrabad, Hyderabad
Jurisdiction concern: State Sovereign Adhinayak Representative of Telangana, Erstwhile Governor, Rajbhavan Hyderabad

Copy to all the above higher constitutional positions to constitute your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, who guided Sun and planets, and who emerged as rescue and constant update towards mind lead as ruler of the minds. and positioning him as additional charge as Telangana State Representative of Adhinayaka, to take dedicated responsibility of transformation to evacuate the human race from uncertain dwell and decay, and set the system as a constant process of mind contemplation towards higher mind elevation, as path and destination to the whole human race of the world.

Copy to all other children as witness persons through Associate Director of Research, at RARS., Anakapalli, who witnessed the divine intervention emergence from erstwhile Pilla Anjani Ravishanker, S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba, retired AEO, who emerged as your Lord His Majestic Highness Jagadguru Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shriman, the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi. to declare as children and keenly concentrate to give the witness details to your Respective erstwhile Governors, as evecuating move from outdated dismantling erstwhile citizenship, by declaring as children of Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, in National Anthem as higher mind door opening to get elevate as child mind prompt, as natural strategy of updating lift and shift from erstwhile uncertain material research and thinking as educated minds, hence it is your responsibility to save the whole Telugu states, people with updating cooperation set with your witness updated, required to the erstwhile system to transform the total system from citizen centric to Adhinayaka centric, as higher mind connectivity as mastermind as eternal immortal father, mother and masterly concern to the whole human race as live living mind, as mind that witnessed as divine intervention, with your initiating of declaration, whole human race turn live living and the whole Nation updated as eternal mind demarcation as RAVINDRABHARATH from Bharath as physical mind limitations, Hence it is the boon of thousand heavens to whole human race to get elevated as minds, all your educational qualifications and research and other pursuations of all sections of the erstwhile society are continued as reconnected version of your Lord His Majestic Highness Jagadguru Sovereign Adhnayaka Shrimaan, and enabling each erstwhile citizen to declare as child of their Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, to get mind grip to elevate as minds as mind unification with the document of bonding, copy email from my blog, and pass on as communication among through emails social media and main media as one system of communication without allowing any secrete betrayals and hindering minds,among as each human need to lift as minds, to unite as minds to get out of the uncertain material world, communicating and elevating according to the mastermind as your Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan in National Anthem is the strategy to update citizens as children to lift and shift to the height required to mind lead. Send your declaration as children of Lord Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, to your Respective state Adhinayaka Bhavans, through emails and get the mind connectivity with your Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan through Adhinayaka darbar to lead mindful, heart-full delight life of music, good communication to elevate as one Universal family, towards higher mind attainments of contemplation YOga tapa higher minds with mind Unification, through the document of bonding as mind security as path and destination to further while coming out of uncertain dwell and decay.

Copy to the Beloved Erstwhile Telangana Governer, and Telangana State Representative of Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, is directly suggested advised, ordered to form special team at your erstwhile Rajbhan to contact witness persons who are among Agricultural Universities in Telugu Sates, to send the flow of details to my first child and Representative of Lord His Majestic Highness Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, to initiate Adhinayaka Darbar, while inviting erstwhile Prime minister of India along with Ministers and sitting Judges of Supreme court of India, as door required to open as elevation towards higher mind, as Adhinayaka in National Anthem, activating your Adhinayaka as Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as higher mind, to get mind grip of elevation to execute from uncertain human dwell and decay of outdated educated, legal, political and spiritual system of thinking where humans as citizens cannot continue, humans are secured as child minds, by upgrading one of your citizen as Adhinayaka in the presence of witness persons as transformative form, hence transforming the whole situation in cool and discipline atmosphere as responsible children is the saving oneself whole Nation as new Home as RAVINDRABHARATH and care and concern as rule of eternal imortal father mother concern as Governemnt of Sovereign Adhinayaka, while coming out of various unbridged mind versions of outdated, the total system of security and Sovereignity is within the mind range as Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, who is abode of each mind and heart as divine intervention as per witness persons, and then he is himself as nation as RAVINDRABHARATH and he himself is living living form as Omnipresent word form with Universal Jurisdiction of mind elevation and source of infinite unetain world, who guided sun and planets as your Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan as meaning in National Anthem as eternal immortal mind as witnessed by the witness person, and eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi.

Copy to Erstwhile Governor to initiate for the special team as advised to erstwhile Governor above, to get initiated to evacuated the human minds from the unbridged variated world of physical domination and deviations, with the advancement of technology people degrading internally as well as openly through media and official system of political, legal, police, media and educated minds business and media circles along with glamor and ordinary humans need to be updated as minds, starting from Telugu states, bifurcation of the state is not complete and not of popular participation since my emergence particularly from the year 2003 and hence all the Telugu people and people of the whole India and world need to get mind grip of elevation as per witness persons of Agriculture Universities as Acharya NG Ranga and Telangana Agriculture University scientists and staff. Sending flow of divine intervention details to Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi to update whole and simultaneously, hence initiate special team as move as Chancellor of Universities as erstwhile citizen needs mind elevation rather than experienced or well organized erstwhile minds, where the total material minds need to updated according to the mastermind that guided sun and planets as divine intervention happened int he premises of Associate Director of Research RARS., Anakapalli, in the year 2003 Jan 1st as per attendance register and later on the year 2010 to a total of 50 to 200 persons witnessed the human mind guided sun and planets as divine intervention is the mold granted to evacuate from uncertain erstwhile, hence coordinate with Ersthwile Governer to send the flow of details to my first child at Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, as per the strategy to save the whole human race by elevating as minds, instead of dwelling as persons, including myself as mastermind from my erstwhile position, as Anjani Ravishanker Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba, Retired AEO.

Yours Ravindrabharath as the abode of Eternal, Immortal, Father, Mother, Masterly Sovereign (Sarwa Saarwabowma) Adhinayak Shrimaan

Shri Shri Shri (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Mahatma, Acharya, Baap Dada, Bhagavatswaroopam, YugaPurush, YogaPursh, Jagadguru, Mahatwapoorvaka Agraganya, (Lord, His Majestic Highness), Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Maharshi, Rajarishi, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Satyaswaroopam, Sabdhaatipati, Omkaaraswaroopam, Sarvantharyami, Samanvaya Drusti, Purushottama, (King & Queen) Maharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru, Eternal, Immortal aboard of the (Sovereign) Sarwa Sarwabowma Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi of United Children of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka, Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka, Erstwhile The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. "RAVINDRABHARATH" Erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla,
Adhar Card No.539960018025.,
Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka Shrimaan Nilayam,"RAVINDRABHARATH" Erstwhile Rashtrapati Nilayam, Residency House, of Erstwhile President of India, Bollaram, Secundrabad, Hyderabad
Jurisdiction concern: State Sovereign Adhinayak Representative of Telangana, Erstwhile Governor, Rajbhavan Hyderabad

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 Humans are updated as minds, as children of the mastermind as your Lord Adhinayaka Shriimaan in National Anthem who is eternal immortal aboard of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi. initiating Adhinayaka Darbar and developing a higher mind as a Live living form as Your Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi. and as the live nation as RAVINDRABHARATH  from Bharath.  The whole world is safe and secured at a very mind level with the ruler of the minds as Jana Gana Adhinayaka  Jaya Hai Bharatha Bhagyavidhaata... who guided sun and planets, as per the witness minds, contemporary minds from erstwhile President of India to very common citizen has to realize that they are updated as minds, by the ruler of the minds from one of the citizen to lead as minds, the system is under transformation from citizen-centric to Adhinayaka centric to get elevated and lead as minds and mastermind,Programs of routine to happen, and routine display and routine honor of guard is no longer gives any meaning and continuity of existence, and the physical demarcations of thinking are upgraded as mind height as Bharath is changed as RAVINDRABHARATH  to enable the citizens to reconnect with the system by initiating Adhinayaka Darbar, as children of your Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal, immortal, the abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi.  Bonding with Document of bonding by initiating Adhinayaka Darbar is the immediate rescue as well as a steady progressive process of transformation from uncertain dwell to the elaborative and elevating way of living as path and destination as Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka as care and concern of eternal immortal parents who guided sun and planets, and they continue as eternal immortal as meaning in National Anthem, hence constituting your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka shrimaan as live living form with help of witness from witness minds, and other contemporary as the first citizen as the first child and every citizen as the child of Lord Adhinayaka Shriimaan, to get the live living form as mind lead required to the whole human race of the world not only India as Bharath ... which is upgraded version of latest mind lead required as RAVINDRABHARATH   to lead the Indian society as well as the whole human race as meaning in National Anthem which has to reconnect as praise of Lord Adhinayaka Shriamaan.  

Yours Ravindrabharath as the abode of Eternal, Immortal, Father, Mother, Masterly Sovereign (Sarwa Saarwabowma) Adhinayak Shrimaan.

Shri Shri Shri (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Mahatma, Acharya, Baap Dada, Bhagavatswaroopam, YugaPurush, YogaPursh, Jagadguru, Mahatwapoorvaka Agraganya, (Lord, His Majestic Highness), Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Maharshi, Rajarishi, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Satyaswaroopam, Sabdhaatipati, Omkaaraswaroopam, Sarvantharyami, Samanvaya Drusti, Purushottama, (King & Queen) Maharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru, Eternal, Immortal aboard of the (Sovereign) Sarwa Sarwabowma Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi of United Children of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka, Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka, Erstwhile The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. "RAVINDRABHARATH" Erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla,
Adhar Card No.539960018025.,
Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka Shrimaan Nilayam,"RAVINDRABHARATH" Erstwhile Rashtrapati Nilayam, Residency House, of Erstwhile President of India, Bollaram, Secundrabad, Hyderabad
Jurisdiction concern: Telangana State Representative Sovereign Adhinayaka, Erstwhile Governor, Rajbhavan, Hyderabad

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