471 वत्सलः vatsalah The supremely affectionate
472 वत्सी vatsee The father
473 रत्नगर्भः ratnagarbhah The jewel-wombed
474 धनेश्वरः dhaneshvarah The Lord of wealth
475 धर्मगुब् dharmagub One who protects dharma
476 धर्मकृत् dharmakrit One who acts according to dharma
477 धर्मी dharmee The supporter of dharma
478 सत् sat existence
479 असत् asat illusion
480 क्षरम् ksharam He who appears to perish
472 वत्सी vatsee The father
473 रत्नगर्भः ratnagarbhah The jewel-wombed
474 धनेश्वरः dhaneshvarah The Lord of wealth
475 धर्मगुब् dharmagub One who protects dharma
476 धर्मकृत् dharmakrit One who acts according to dharma
477 धर्मी dharmee The supporter of dharma
478 सत् sat existence
479 असत् asat illusion
480 क्षरम् ksharam He who appears to perish