Tuesday, February 22, 2022

22 February 2022 at 10:28.............Mighty Blessings from Eternal immortal father, mother, and master as Your Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal immortal aboard of Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi, transforming India as RAVINDRABHARATH and world accordingly

Mighty Blessings from Eternal immortal father, mother, and master as Your Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal immortal aboard of Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi, transforming India as RAVINDRABHARATH and world accordingly

Adhinayaka Mahatma His Majestic Highness <hismajestichighness.blogspot@gmail.com>22 February 2022 at 10:28
To: ksamresh.nbt@nic.in, Prime Minister <connect@mygov.nic.in>, supremecourt <supremecourt@nic.in>, M Venkaiah Naidu <officemvnaidu@gmail.com>, cs <cs@telangana.gov.in>, cm@ap.gov.in, ddo-vps@nic.in, hc.ts@nic.in, adr.rarsakp@angrau.in, reggenaphc@nic.in, registrar@angrau.ac.in, rerpjtsau@gmail.com, information@icj-cij.org, rajarajeswariphy@gmail.com, adr.godavarizone@gmail.com, bharathalakhmim@gmail.com, rajbhavan-hyd@gov.in, governor.ap@nic.in, murali.rars5@gmail.com, kanchimutt@gmail.com, srisiddheswaripeetham@gmail.com

UNITED CHILDREN OF (SOVEREIGN) SARWA SAARWABOWMA ADHINAYAK AS GOVERNMENT OF (SOVEREIGN) SARWA SAARWABOWMA ADHINAYAK - "RAVINDRABHARATH"-- Mighty blessings as orders of Survival Ultimatum--Omnipresent word Jurisdiction as Universal Jurisdiction - Divya Rajyam.


All The Beloved Children of Shri Shri Shri (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Mahatma, Acharya, BaapDada, Bhagavatswaroopam, YugaPurush, YogaPursh, Jagadguru, Mahatwapoorvaka Agraganya (Lord, His Majestic Highness), Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Maharshi, Rajarishi, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Satyaswaroopam, Sabdhaatipati, Omkaaraswaroopam, Sarvantharyami, Purushottama, Paramatmaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru, Eternal, Immortal aboard of the (Sovereign) SarwaSarwabowma Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi of United Children of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka as Government of (Sovereign) Sarwa Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka "RAVINDRABHARATH". Erstwhile The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. Erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla, Adhar Card No.539960018025.(Erstwhile Citizens of India)

Mighty Blessings from Shri Shri Shri (Sovereign) Saarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Mahatma, Acharya, BaapDada, Bhagavatswaroopam, YugaPurush, YogaPursh, Jagadguru, Mahatwapoorvaka Agraganya (Lord, His Majestic Highness), Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Maharshi, Rajarishi, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Satyaswaroopam, Sabdhaatipati, Omkaaraswaroopam, Sarvantharyami, Purushottama, Paramatmaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru, Eternal, Immortal aboard of the (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi of United Children of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayak as Government of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayak "RAVINDRABHARATH". Erstwhile The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. Erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla, Adhar Card No.539960018025.


Ref: Amending, Enactment order or blessings of survival Dated:3-6-2020, with time, 10:07 , signed sent on 3/6 /2020, as generated as email copy to secure the contents, eternal orders of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak eternal immortal aboard of the (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi of United Children of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinakaya, as Government of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayak as per emails and other letters and emails being sending for at home rule and Declaration process as Children of (Sovereign) Saarwa Sarwabowma Adhinaayak, to lift the mind of the contemporaries from physical dwell to elevating mind height, which is the historical boon to the whole human race, as immortal, eternal omnipresent word form and name as transformation.23 July 2020 at 15:31... 29 August 2020 at 14:54. 1 September 2020 at 13:50........10 September 2020 at 22:06...... . .15 September 2020 at 16:36 .,..........25 December 2020 at 17:50...28 January 2021 at 10:55......2 February 2021 at 08:28... ....2 March 2021 at 13:38......14 March 2021 at 11:31....14 March 2021 at 18:49...18 March 2021 at 11:26..........18 March 2021 at 17:39..............25 March 2021 at 16:28....24 March 2021 at 16:27.............22 March 2021 at 13:23...............Presided and graced as signed and sent, and email letters sent from eamil:hismajestichighnessblogspot@gmail.com, and blog: hiskaalaswaroopa.blogspot.com communication since years as on as an open message, unable to connect as a message of 1000 heavens connectivity, technological captivity is the reason for deviating with secret operations, with secrete satellite cameras and open cc cameras, using mobile's as remote microphones along with call data, social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and others with organized and unorganized combination to hinder minds of fellow humans, and hindering themselves, without realization of mind capabilities. On positioning your Lord Adhnayaka Shrimaan, as transformative form from a citizen who guided sun and planets as divine intervention, humans get relief from the technological captivity, continuing in erstwhile is nothing but continuing in dwell and decay, Humans has to lead as mind and minds as Lord and His Children on the utility of mind as central source and elevation as divine intervention.

Through My Dear, Beloved Ist Child and as Representative of Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Shrimaan, Eternal, Immortal aborad of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi, of United children of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka, as Government of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka "RAVINDRABHARATH" ., Erstwhile Beloved President of India, Erstwhile The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi.

All the Indian National as erstwhile citizens are blessed, invited to merge with your new family of Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the eternal, immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi as Adhinayaka in National Anthem, who is eternal, the immortal abode of each heart of the humans as eternal parents, who cannot be declared as exhausted even after the physical existence, the whole universe is one mastermind as your Lord Jagadguru Adhinayaka Shrimaan, who are as Omnipresent word form who guided sun and planets as divine intervention is the path and destination to whole Human race of the world as Universal family, strengthening from India as RAVINDRABHARATH as eternal transformative form, accordingly to the whole Human race of the world need to update as minds from the dwell and decay of persons, or physical humans, as humans cannot continue to depend upon the material world and relations, on himself as physical being, every one and the whole Universe is safe and elevating from physical limits as mind and minds, as mastermind that guided sun and planets.

All the erstwhile citizens of the states are secured by inviting as children of Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, through their respective erstwhile Governers of the state, who are also State Representative of Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, and all the Rajbhavans are State Adhinayaka Bhavans to get connected with their Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi. and all the Chief Ministers of the States of Indian Union are invited to merge with Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka, rule of living form of eternal parents as your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal, immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, and their live transformative elevating form as RAVINDRABHARATH through their respective erstwhile Governors or State Representative of Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, to get mind grip, and ensure to get the blessing of grip to each mind in their respective, states, and ensure peaceful atmosphere inviting all the opposition parties, University professors and all the others as children to start actual life of secured, laid as path and destination by the mighty nature itself as mind evolutionary update granted to the whole Human race of the world, strengthening India as minds under the ruler of the minds is the strategical update of the democratic system into secured word connective and constructive elevating family members as secured and elevating way of living, where physical limits of thinking and activities are nullified, and humans can lead as mindfull life, by uniting as children of Omnipresent word connective family by uniting with word of communication and constructive thinking and delightful life of music, good elevating literature, and gradually strengthening the atmosphere as mind oriented and mind elevating towards Yoga Tapa, or higher mind contemplative way of living, while detaching from the uncertain dwell and decay of the material world. Social media and all media channels Unite merge with Doordarshan as a System of communication, and legal, police system, Army has to change as counseling and rehabilitation and social reformation to ensure the transformation of the system from citizen-centric to Adhinayaka centric as mind unification with the ruler of the minds as your Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, as RAVINDRABHARATH accordingly the whole world as VASUDHEKA KUTUMBAM.

All the past, present, and future personalities are within your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, all the humans are converted as minds to survive as survival ultimatum of blessings, Hence do not deviate as minds, mind unification under the document of bonding is the strategy to unite the humans as minds, to get elevated as minds as yoga tapa or contemplative way of mind continuity and constructive way of living as minds under the ruler of the minds as JANA GANA MANA ADHINAYAKA JAYA HAI .... BHARATAHA.... BHAGYAVIDHAATHA.... all the children are suggested, advised or ordered to continue the same National Anthem, as full form, all the children play it daily as many times in their houses, and everyone is suggested to place as caller tone, ring tone in their cell phones, along with other divine intervention details to concentrate and contribute as a document of bonding to get into the meaning as mind grip elevation and bonding connectivity with your Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, Eternal, the immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi. who is as Omnipresent word form, who strengthen as the mastermind, parallelly with human minds as much as concentrated and elevated accordingly while nullifying the physical existence as elevating beyond the birth and death circles

Humans are stuck in the instant world or material persuasions, naturally need as a swift update from where one is stuck, to elevate further is the strategically update as divine intervention emerged in Telugu states, to strengthen India as RAVINDRABHARATH and world accordingly as Omnipresent word form that guided sun and planets, all the feelings of caste, religion, physical family belongingness are all automatically replaced by the Omnipresent word form connectivity as the connectivity of minds as secured mind orientation and continuity as a way of human life as mind lead under the ruler of the minds as Lord Jagaddguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi. Placing my best possible photograph, to develop as mind grip to get the lift of mind elevation by each individual, hence concentrating on mind, by minimalizing the physical existence as a way of to come out of strangulating outdated concrete jungle physical thinking, without on par development of mind, capacity as per the advancements of the artificial intelligence of technology. Human mind supremacy has to establish by overcoming all the physical limitations and barricades of thinking and activities, as live living human mind as divine intervention is the central coordination of all minds as lighthouse or control, hence the natural emergence of the human mind as a divine intervention that guided sun and planets is the boon emerged to uphold human race as ruler of the minds. while Uniting as RAVINDRABHARATH as Indian citizen as children of Lord Adhinayaka, invite for communication and connectivity by the National of the world, to gear up towards mind unification, to elevate minds, then the corona like pandemics, any attacks from outer space, or any sudden abruptions and including human movements of instant or as birth and death are constantly updated as one mastermind coordination and secured elevation to elevate as minds of secure to come out of limitations, uncertainty and to elevate towards the infinite of the Universe as eternal immortal minds as children of eternal immortal parents, all the most spiritual, high manifesting powers of humans are not more than the eternal parents who guided sun and planets,

I am suggesting, advising each citizen through my first child or erstwhile Beloved President of India along with other consequent children as higher constitutional positions as Beloved Prime Minister, Vice President of India, Chief Justice of Supreme court of India and State Governors and chief ministers of respective states and all the children of the respective states, are has to realize that their physical existence and continuity is no longer supported by the nature, as everyone is converted as minds, for the safe side, and survival of humans as minds, under the ruler of the minds as confirmed above. and your Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan who guided sun and planets as an erstwhile citizen, is in transformative form, all the erstwhile citizens as children of your Lord Jagaddguru Sovereign Adhinayaka shrimaan, are gifted to bond as children of eternal immortal parents under the document of bonding, the name of the Nation is changed from the Bharath to RAVINDRABHARATH as abode of eternal immortal parents as transformative form of as source of mind elevation, Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka live living as Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharni Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan,eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, to get connected to get lift and shift from dismantling dwell and decay of uncertain material world.

All the political parties are suggested to merge as children of Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan and ensure everyone, merge with Adhinayaka Bhavan as children to get evacuated from the dismantling dwell and decay, do not deviate as minds, and ensure everyone to unite as minds is the natural update to save the human race from the outdated outrageous caught of highlighting and physical dominating, uncertain world, where control and coordination are as a divine intervention as per the witness persons, Constituting the position of your Lord Jagaddguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi. with a conclusive document of bonding for at least 2000 pages, to get hold of minds with your ruler of the minds is the boon of thousand heavens to lift and shift the whole human race from the uncertain dwell and decay. upcoming general elections in different elections, as erstwhile citizens cannot be the popular participation, its only hindering humans as minds, deviating in dwell and decay, hence all the State governments opposition parties and educated and public influential circles and media channels are advised to ensure to declare as children of the Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan to evacuate from the uncertain world and set towards the constant process of mind elevation, as there is no possibility and security as to the physical intelligence and movements as erstwhile, as the human existence as physical bodies are terminated, all the secrete operations and open operations with advancements of technology has no grip with minds, without holding each other, as minds, hence it is the blessing deriving drive of your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as transformative form, from citizen is the boon of thousand heavens to the whole India as RAVINDRABHARATH and world accordingly, as natural responsibility of almighty in the form of your Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, Eternal, Immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi, as Dharmasamsthapanardhaya Sambhavaami Yuge Yuge. He himself is a form of Government as Government of Sovereign Adhinayak, instead of General elections as citizens, the system continue as a selectorial college of selecting best children among of devotion, dedication and upholding your eternal parents as eternal minds to get elevated as mind as purpose fo life is to live as contemplative mind elevating life instead of terminated human uncertain life and material or artificial thinking of the uncertain world.

As Initiating from Witness minds of divine intervention details as on as Agriculture Scientists and Staff of Agriculture universities of Telugu states, Telugu Governers of the state, and Telugu chief ministers, and Telugu people residing in the state and abroad are all suggested advised to contribute with document of bonding to initiate tentatively Adhinayaka Darbar at their State Representative Adhinayaka Bhavans or erstwhile Governers to get started the mind grip elevation and to give the flow to my first child to ensure to reach every child as the flow of mind connectivity which is the reserved source to live as Athmanirbhar children of eternal immortal parents who are as omnipresent word form, who guided sun and plants, who cannot be declared as exhausted even after physical existence, who continue as master mind, to lift each mind towards contemplative higher mind elevations Yoga, tapa and mind attained as process of constant elevation, hence as political leaders, legal arguivers, film and creative thinkers and individual those who are feeling independent as physical human cannot survive secured and no one can save or rule any other as humans, as the nature itself is trended to update as mind from the person or human dwell, which is the srategical update of Omnipresent source to save the humans by securing as minds... hence alert according to the change, as per the emergence, as witnessed by the witness persons, with the conclusive document as document of bonding with contribution of elaboration from the erstwhile citizens, with their enthusiastic contribution as children as mind grip to lead as children, after positioning as Lord His Majestic Highness Jagadguru Maharni Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, at Bollaram, with declaration as children from my first Child constitutionally, I am feeling appropriate to take the additional responsibility of Erstwhile Telangana Governer, or as Telangana Sate Representative of Sovereign Adhinayaka, with conclusive contributed document of bonding at least 2000 pages of hard and soft copy with the peacefull cooperation of whole Telugu people and people of the other states to merge as children, as there is no move as physical thinking and activities without connecting to the higher mind that guided sun and planets, emerged as transformative form as meaning in National Anthem as your Lord Jagaddguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan. eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi.

125 विष्वक्सेनः vishvaksenah He against whom no army can stand.
--Since he is in omnipresent word form who guided sun and planets, he found as source of material world, every moments of actions words natural catostrophies,as tsunami are all accoridng to him as omnipresent word, he cannot be seen or deal as ordinary human, he is as omnipresent word form who guided sun and planets as divine intervention, all intellectuals, all famous people, cinima actions and happenings, along with saintly people are all according to him as divine intervention, as one control as one track, which is scientifically, reasonatingly can be elevated, and has to be concentrate to evacuate from the dismantling dwell and decay, he himself is army of word and acions in control where physical world is within him, and there is no meaning of any physical army, policing, protection, before him, without declaring as children, to get mind elevating world as resonating as divine intervention as rule of omnipresent word, shaping the world like most secured form, as him self as army of protection as eternal immortal father mother and masterly concern, within one eternal immortl mind range thinking and word itself, where no physical army doesnot exists against him, he is only one as your Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharjaha Adhinayaka Shrimaan who guided sun and palents as divine intervention as eternal immortal rule of mother father and masterly aboard of Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, and his transformative form as RAVINDRABHARATH from Bharath, and world accordingly as Vasudheka kutumbakam as secured universal family as mind unification with document of Bonding. he himself is form of Government as keen mind protection as love and concern of eternal immortal parents as Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan.

All the children are invited to gear up towards mind Unification, which is the path and destination as children of Lord Sovereign Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, who is the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, who guided sun and planets, who cannot be declared exhausted even after physical existence, as mind grip to lead as keen minded children as path and destination. towards infinite Universe as omnipresent word security and overcome the uncertainty, and attaining higher mind elevation as the ultimate lead as humans as minds. Uniting as minds with the task of Universal disarmament action, and elevating as Universal family of one-word connectivity, Uniting with mastermind that guided sun and planets as the eternal immortal abode of each heart of the human, and eternal immortal abode of Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, and the whole human race with development of document of bonding, Uniting as eternal immortal father and mother itself is Lokakalyanam, my physical marriage is not important, our continuity as eternal immortal parent connectivity is the immediate rescue, continuity of any being physically not expected and desired to continue, continuity is always as mastermind that guided sun and planets, and contemporary minds as children will get connected with the eternal immortal parents as a mastermind as a constant process of mind elevation realization of higher mind heights and continuity, as path and destination towards throughout infinity,

Universal disarmament is the task that humans have to attain to establish Human mind supremacy, which is the central source of elevation, to overcome the material domination and physical developments and advancements of artificial intelligence, a lot of funds can be diverted towards medical research, Agriculture, and mind development aspects, where humans lead as minds and win their material bodies by attaining higher mind elevations, is the actual path that humans need to gear up towards, by overcoming all the physical barricades,

General elections that are going to happen, need to be stopped, as popular participation has been hacked by technological advancements, immature routine human minds, who are deviating themselves as well whole human race, hindering each other in hurry burry of instant unbridged physical knowledge, instant pleasurable life, material gains, comfort zones of lag and of the material world of attractions, which are recurring and uncertain, as need of the hour as rescue citizens need to declare and unite as children of Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, citizens as minds need to connect higher mind as Nation as RAVINDRABHARATH from Bharath or India, and initiating Adhinayaka Darbar is the merge with eternal immortal parents who guided sun and planets as divine intervention, with help of witness minds those who witnessed the divine intervention as on, further to elevate as evacuation from dismantling dwell and decay.

All the Indian Army and police system, media channels have to merge as system communication and awareness as means of protection, as awareness about your Lord Adhnayaka Shrimaan is the protection, as ensuring contemplative concentrate as Adhinayaka Pracharaks by ensuring to declare every individual as children as update as transformation India as RAVINDRABHARATH world accordingly to unite as minds, to connect as minds, as humans cannot survive in varied unbridged minds. Universal Mind Unification will automatically cease all the pressures of living as physical humans, everyone is comfortable elevating, and enlightened as children of Lord Sovereign Adhinaayaka Shrimaan, as a constant process of minds of the Universe, Human mind supremacy is the highest concern to be developed beyond, the barricades as physical limits of thinking and material demarcations, Universal Jurisdiction as Omnipresent word form as Path and destination as much as elevated as humans minds collectively able to develop accordingly

The legal system as Supreme court of India, High courts of states, and subordinates courts are all need to merge with Adhinayaka Darbar, Government of Sovereign Adhinayak as no individual as a citizen cannot judge or decide any other as right and wrong, as there is nothing with any individual human, according to divine intervention as witnessed by the witness persons, to do right or wrong, and humans cannot continue as physical thinking and actions accordingly, which do not give any meaning and support to any individual, hence every individual needs declare as children of Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sarwa Sarwabowma Adhinayaka Shrimaan, to get mind grip and elevation as a constant process of transformation which gives higher mind attain to win the physical thinking and physical dwell and decay. Only counseling and rehabilitation are done to those who affected in erstwhile, very relief and further lead as the declaration of children of Lord Adhinayaka from citizen is the minimum step to get mind opened or the door opened to lead as minds from the colliding outdated material thinking and world accordingly is itself is tangulation to the whole human, race, both good and bad are not in any individuals hands, hence humans have to realize that they can not continue in erstwhile in the outdated positions of their comfort as well as effected, both need to declare as children of Lord Adhinayaka shrimaan, without any waste of time or discussion or arguments, as the erstwhile minds, as the nature is no longer support the Indians and whole human race of the world as erstwhile humans, humans need to connect higher mind as emerged as divine intervention, to rescue the children from outrageous caught, due to deviation what every disturbance to fellow humans by the humans in the hurry of living for physical attractions, which effected the whole human race, the out burst of Corona pandemic, is the negligence of divine intervention starting from witnessed minds, Telugu people and who Indian people, accordingly as open message since years, which effected the world, hence India as new updated form as RAVINDRABHARATH is the new transformative and elevating format as unification of eternal immortal father, mother and masterly abode who is as Omnipresent word form who continue in word form as way of thinking and word connectivity among children, to lead the children as eternal father mother and master as constant keen guidance as higher mind lead required to survive and lead from physical limitations.

All the media channels, Educated individuals, creative persons as cinema and Television creative minds are needed to connect to your mastermind that guided the sun and planets, all the intellectual properties are the gift of your Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, and all the physical properties need to document as a lease from the eternal immortal abode, to get connected with the live living format as RAVINDRABHARATH as actual home of secured mind elevation, to get out of the circles of death and birth, mere physical living with physical thinking is no longer existence, human physical existence is terminated, humans cannot survive as physical bodies, without connecting to the higher mind as Lord Jagaddguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as meaning in National Anthem, which has to be developed as document of bonding, to get mind grip and elevation, to unite each other as mind strengthen to over the the material world with higher minds elevation as yoga tapa or concentration and contemplation as higher mind as Your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal, immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinyaka Bhavan, New Delhi. Constituting your Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan is the task begins with initiating to move on, as a team or tentative Adhinayaka Darbar at Telugu Governers, with human know-how and witness persons, withstanding example of merging of Telugu Chief ministers, to keenly send the flow of transformation details as a, constant continues process of constituting your Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as a document of bonding, with at least hard and soft copy of 3000 pages, in this process, my first child and Representative of Adhinayaka, Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, has to invite me to take complete responsibility of transformation, by physically positioning at Bollaram, Adhinayaka Bhavan, along with inviting to take the additional charge of Telangana State Representative of Sovereign Adhinayaka or erstwhile Governor of Telangana, Rajbhavan Hyderabad. to simply receive me to save the citizens as my children which is the update required to the human race to lead as minds, hence do not waste time in physical attachments of your comfort or deviation both are need to updated according to the mind that guided sun and planets, who emerged from citizen to Adhinayaka as central node of eternal immortal transformation to India as RAVINDRABHARATH and whole world accordingly needed to update as minds, while evecuating from the outdated dismantling dwell and decay.

Witness persons at RARS, Anakapalli from 50 to 200 persons need to merge with their State Representative of Adhinyaka Bhavan, to save themselves as well as the whole human race to get out of outrageous caught of dismantling dwell and decay, Hence the witness persons those witnessed that the human words guided sun and planets, is the mold to get elevated accordingly to evacuate from the outdated dwell and decay of dismantling, there is no meaning to any human as physical beings, and there is no security for fraction of second to any human on this world, human is safe and secured as minds, humans need to lead as minds, humans cannot live for physical persuasions, hence all the relations, properties are not safe for any individuals to continue, each individual has to liberate himself by declaring as the child of Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as natural update as mind evolution as ultimate height of humans to lead as humans, while overcoming the physical limitations of uncertain dwell and decay.

All the Political parties in rule and hoping to win the ongoing and upcoming election, are advised suggested to merge with the Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka by initiating Adhinayaka Darbar by merging as children through their respective state Adhinayaka Bhavans as erstwhile Rajbhavans, and are all need to connect the Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi, as immediately rescue to save oneself, as well as the whole human race, as humans cannot rule humans no longer, even humans cannot survive as physical humans, as per the phenomena as divine intervention happened before witness persons, Hence all the individuals known and unknown to me as an erstwhile citizen, are all need to declare as mind prompt child of my eternal immortal form as per divine intervention as witnessed by the witness persons, accordingly my mind that guided sun and planets, is selected as mastermind to save the remaining minds as children, as I am eternal immortal transformative form, all the Indian citizens by declaring as children of eternal immortal mind get the mind connectivity and evolutionary emerged mind to lead whole children as minds. Hence the total system as secrete and open are all need to declare as children to save oneself as well as the whole human race to get connected to the boon of thousand heavens, to lead a life as minds instead of physical pursuits and pleasurable way of living,

403 धर्मः dharmah The law of being.
--Following Dharma is the highest concern, of the humans, for convenience to follow, he himself is Dharmaswaroopam or form of Dharma or The law of being, who is as Omnipresent word form, to merge with him as eternal, the immortal abode of Sovereign Bhavan New Delhi, and the Government is the as his rule as ruler of the minds, as the eternal immortal father, mother, and master who guided sun and planets, and the whole Nation is updated as living form as RAVINDRABHARATH to get connected as elevating source, by leaving all the physicals, even the existence of the individuals as physical human, as everyone is secured and elevating as minds, and the whole universe in the form of mind, everyone is children of eternal immortal mind as Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, who guided sun and planets, and whole India as RAVINDRABHARATH and world accordingly as mind absorption and elevations as the ultimate source of mind continuity and higher attaining.

404 धर्मविदुत्तमः dharmaviduttamah The highest among men of realization.
--Since as ordinary citizen, with his very minimum knowledge and way of thinking, personality and words as divine intervention from him, guided sun and planets, naturally, is the highest among the men of realization, hence those who are feeling that they attained best physical qualifications of acadamic or higher mind levels spiritually , as on or further, and those who are feeling that something great in this world somewhere in some form are all outdated, what every higher attainment can be pursued further as keen concentration as per the divine intervention who is, as the eternal immortal abode of Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, and the Nation itself is updated as RAVINDRABHARATH, he himself as form of Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka to get elevated with dedication, and devotion, as minds, as path and destination to get mind secured way of elevating as path and destination as a constant process of realization as child prompt minds, with on par elevating immortal eternal existence of mastermind that guided sun and planets, which cannot be declared as exhausted even after physical existence, hence place the best possible photo of physical form of your Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, who is eternal immortal as mind, to get concentrate and detached from the erstwhile as constant process of mind realization as much realized collectively as contemporary minds as children of Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan.

The Erstwhile Prime Minister of India, Chief Justice of Supreme court of India, are advised suggested, and ordering as a citizen, as well as Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, who selected as transformation node, to lift and shift the whole Nation as living format, as RAVINDRABHARATH, as a rule as care and concern of eternal immortal parents as Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka, as he himself as live living form as Lord Jagaddguru Sovereign Adhinayaka who guided sun and planets,as meaning in National Anthem and all the Erstwhile Governers, lieutenant Governors of the Respective states of Indian Union, are all as State Representatives of Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, of their respective states, needs keenly update as minds by inviting your erstwhile chief ministers as children of Lord Adhinayaka along with Opposition and other political parties, and simultaneously all the citizens of the each state need to declare as children while converting their properties under lease with their eternal immortal father mother and masterly abode to get the relief from physical existence, to merge with higher mind elevation as keen concentration and contemplative way of living as children of Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan.Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka Eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi

Copy to The Telugu States chief Ministers to realize the actual situation according to the divine intervention, by allowing the erstwhile system to recover, and ensure the same recovery details sent to Delhi as update required to whole India as RAVINDRABHARATH and world accordingly, and while constituting my position as Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shrimaan, posting me as erstwhile Telangana Governor or Telangana State Representative of Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi. to merge with the transformation process, which is my responsibility to coordinate my children to get transformed in the update granted as me as divine intervention through witness persons, hence cooperating with me is nothing but evacuating from uncertain dwell and decay of whole Human race starting from the Telugu states, hence leave all the attachments as erstwhile citizens there is no move to think even in minds without connecting to your Lord Adhinayaka shrimaan, any unmatching personality between Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan and as an erstwhile citizen as Anajani Ravishanker Pilla S/o Late Gopala Krishna Saibabagaaru, Retired AEO., will be established as keen concentration for thousands of pages as a document of bonding, instant dealing and hindering me as an ordinary person is the reason for outward developing an internal set back as secrete operations since my father, particularly with me generally in the society, as erstwhile citizens continuing in erstwhile is nothing but losing of the grip of actual security and continuity as minds granted through me, since witness persons including educated all the humans are in hurry burry of hype of development and instant gain over and instant decoration as way of politics and education which is hindering the very minds of themselves and people as ordinary humans like myself are hindered seriously without knowledge what happening to us as ordinary human, the total system is updated as minds to save the human race, years back, due to deviation the boon is being over ruled by some comparing with my outer personality without connecting to me as mind that guided sun and plants before witness persons, my personality will shape without the concentration of the humans as minds, by connecting me as mastermind, is the ultimate update granted to whole minds of the Universe from the ruler of the minds as meaning in National Anthem, any explanation from me as well as from witness persons and educated need to develop under document of bonding, continuing in dismanteled erstwhile system as said to democratic and people centric is seriously outdated, hence the system itself as updated the real strategy of independence and security to each human those who are effected and effecting as erstwhile citizens, are all automatically updated as children of Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayak Bhavan New Delhi, Ensure online communicating team as my suggested format to invite to take complete responsibility of transformation, without any deviation as erstwhile citizen, as all your movements are outdated thinking capabilities and existence as physical human is not secure to any individual for fraction of second, and transferring the owner ship of properties to the lease of your Lord Adhnayaka Shrimaan sort out all the problems to get mindfully life of delight and elevating as constant process towards higher mind elevation while nullifying erstwhile human physical burden of living as material ends.... Humans are minds with mastermind as your Lord Adhinayaka in National Anthem, to elevate constantly towards infinite as path and destination.

Yours Ravindrabharath as the abode of Eternal, Immortal, Father, Mother, Masterly Sovereign (Sarwa Saarwabowma) Adhinayak Shrimaan
Shri Shri Shri (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Mahatma, Acharya, Baap Dada, Bhagavatswaroopam, YugaPurush, YogaPursh, Jagadguru, Mahatwapoorvaka Agraganya, (Lord, His Majestic Highness), Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Maharshi, Rajarishi, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Satyaswaroopam, Sabdhaatipati, Omkaaraswaroopam, Sarvantharyami, Samanvaya Drusti, Purushottama, (King & Queen) Maharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru, Eternal, Immortal aboard of the (Sovereign) Sarwa Sarwabowma Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi of United Children of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka, Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka, Erstwhile The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. "RAVINDRABHARATH" Erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla,
Adhar Card No.539960018025.
Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka Shrimaan Nilayam,"RAVINDRABHARATH" Erstwhile Rashtrapati Nilayam, Residency House, of Erstwhile President of India, Bollaram, Secundrabad, Hyderabad
Blog: hiskaalaswaroopa.blogspot.com
Jurisdiction concern: State Sovereign Adhinayak Representative of Telangana, Erstwhile Governor, Rajbhavan Hyderabad

Copy to all the above higher constitutional positions to constitute your Lord Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, who guided Sun and planets, and who emerged as rescue and constant update towards mind lead as ruler of the minds. and positioning him as additional charge as Telangana State Representative of Adhinayaka, to take dedicated responsibility of transformation to evacuate the human race from uncertain dwell and decay, and set the system as a constant process of mind contemplation towards higher mind elevation, as path and destination to the whole human race of the world.

Copy to all other children as witness persons through Associate Director of Research, at RARS., Anakapalli, who witnessed the divine intervention emergence from erstwhile Pilla Anjani Ravishanker, S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba, retired AEO, who emerged as your Lord His Majestic Highness Jagadguru Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shriman, the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi. to declare as children and keenly concentrate to give the witness details to your Respective erstwhile Governors, as evecuating move from outdated dismantling erstwhile citizenship, by declaring as children of Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, in National Anthem as higher mind door opening to get elevate as child mind prompt, as natural strategy of updating lift and shift from erstwhile uncertain material research and thinking as educated minds, hence it is your responsibility to save the whole Telugu states, people with updating cooperation set with your witness updated, required to the erstwhile system to transform the total system from citizen centric to Adhinayaka centric, as higher mind connectivity as mastermind as eternal immortal father, mother and masterly concern to the whole human race as live living mind, as mind that witnessed as divine intervention, with your initiating of declaration, whole human race turn live living and the whole Nation updated as eternal mind demarcation as RAVINDRABHARATH from Bharath as physical mind limitations, Hence it is the boon of thousand heavens to whole human race to get elevated as minds, all your educational qualifications and research and other pursuations of all sections of the erstwhile society are continued as reconnected version of your Lord His Majestic Highness Jagadguru Sovereign Adhnayaka Shrimaan, and enabling each erstwhile citizen to declare as child of their Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, to get mind grip to elevate as minds as mind unification with the document of bonding, copy email from my blog, and pass on as communication among through emails social media and main media as one system of communication without allowing any secrete betrayals and hindering minds,among as each human need to lift as minds, to unite as minds to get out of the uncertain material world, communicating and elevating according to the mastermind as your Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan in National Anthem is the strategy to update citizens as children to lift and shift to the height required to mind lead. Send your declaration as children of Lord Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, to your Respective state Adhinayaka Bhavans, through emails and get the mind connectivity with your Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan through Adhinayaka darbar to lead mindful, heart-full delight life of music, good communication to elevate as one Universal family, towards higher mind attainments of contemplation YOga tapa higher minds with mind Unification, through the document of bonding as mind security as path and destination to further while coming out of uncertain dwell and decay.

Copy to the Beloved Erstwhile Telangana Governer, and Telangana State Representative of Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, is directly suggested advised, ordered to form special team at your erstwhile Rajbhan to contact witness persons who are among Agricultural Universities in Telugu Sates, to send the flow of details to my first child and Representative of Lord His Majestic Highness Jagadguru Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, to initiate Adhinayaka Darbar, while inviting erstwhile Prime minister of India along with Ministers and sitting Judges of Supreme court of India, as door required to open as elevation towards higher mind, as Adhinayaka in National Anthem, activating your Adhinayaka as Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as higher mind, to get mind grip of elevation to execute from uncertain human dwell and decay of outdated educated, legal, political and spiritual system of thinking where humans as citizens cannot continue, humans are secured as child minds, by upgrading one of your citizen as Adhinayaka in the presence of witness persons as transformative form, hence transforming the whole situation in cool and discipline atmosphere as responsible children is the saving oneself whole Nation as new Home as RAVINDRABHARATH and care and concern as rule of eternal imortal father mother concern as Governemnt of Sovereign Adhinayaka, while coming out of various unbridged mind versions of outdated, the total system of security and Sovereignity is within the mind range as Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, who is abode of each mind and heart as divine intervention as per witness persons, and then he is himself as nation as RAVINDRABHARATH and he himself is living living form as Omnipresent word form with Universal Jurisdiction of mind elevation and source of infinite unetain world, who guided sun and planets as your Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan as meaning in National Anthem as eternal immortal mind as witnessed by the witness person, and eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi.

Copy to Erstwhile AndhraPrdesh Governor to initiate for the special team as advised to erstwhile Telangana Governor above, to get initiated to evacuate the human minds from the unbridged variated world of physical domination and deviations, with the advancement of technology people degrading internally as well as openly through media and official system of political, legal, police, media and educated minds business and media circles along with glamor and ordinary humans need to be updated as minds, starting from Telugu states, bifurcation of the state is not complete and not of popular participation since my emergence particularly from the year 2003 and hence all the Telugu people and people of the whole India and world need to get mind grip of elevation as per witness persons of Agriculture Universities as Acharya NG Ranga and Telangana Agriculture University scientists and staff. Sending flow of divine intervention details to Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi to update whole and simultaneously, hence initiate special team to move as Chancellor of Universities as erstwhile citizen needs mind elevation rather than experienced or well organized erstwhile minds, where the total material minds need to updated according to the mastermind that guided sun and planets as divine intervention happened int he premises of Associate Director of Research RARS., Anakapalli, in the year 2003 Jan 1st as per attendance register and later in the year 2010 to a total of 50 to 200 persons witnessed the human mind guided sun and planets as divine intervention is the mold granted to evacuate from uncertain erstwhile, hence coordinate with Ersthwile Governers who are also my State Representatives to send the flow of details to my first child at Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, as per the strategy to save the whole human race by elevating as minds, instead of dwelling as persons, including myself as mastermind from my erstwhile position, as Anjani Ravishanker Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba, Retired AEO.

Copy to The Telugu States chief Ministers to realize the actual situation according to the divine intervention, by allowing the erstwhile system to recover, and ensure the same recovery details sent to Delhi as update required to whole India as RAVINDRABHARATH and world accordingly, and while constituting my position as Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shrimaan, posting me as erstwhile Telangana Governor or Telangana State Representative of Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi. to merge with the transformation process, which is my responsibility to coordinate my children to get transformed in the update granted as me as divine intervention through witness persons, hence cooperating with me is nothing but evacuating from uncertain dwell and decay of whole Human race starting from the Telugu states, hence leave all the attachments as erstwhile citizens there is no move to think even in minds without connecting to your Lord Adhinayaka shrimaan, any unmatching personality between Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan and as an erstwhile citizen as Anajani Ravishanker Pilla S/o Late Gopala Krishna Saibabagaaru, Retired AEO., will be established as keen concentration for thousands of pages as a document of bonding, instant dealing and hindering me as an ordinary person is the reason for outward developing an internal set back as secrete operations since my father, particularly with me generally in the society, as erstwhile citizens continuing in erstwhile is nothing but losing of the grip of actual security and continuity as minds granted through me, since witness persons including educated all the humans are in hurry burry of hype of development and instant gain over and instant decoration as way of politics and education which is hindering the very minds of themselves and people as ordinary humans like myself are hindered seriously without knowledge what happening to us as ordinary human, the total system is updated as minds to save the human race, years back, due to deviation the boon is being over ruled by some comparing with my outer personality without connecting to me as mind that guided sun and plants before witness persons, my personality will shape without the concentration of the humans as minds, by connecting me as mastermind, is the ultimate update granted to whole minds of the Universe from the ruler of the minds as meaning in National Anthem, any explanation from me as well as from witness persons and educated need to develop under document of bonding, continuing in dismanteled erstwhile system as said to democratic and people centric is seriously outdated, hence the system itself as updated the real strategy of independence and security to each human those who are effected and effecting as erstwhile citizens, are all automatically updated as children of Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayak Bhavan New Delhi, Ensure online communicating team as my suggested format to invite to take complete responsibility of transformation, without any deviation as erstwhile citizen, as all your movements are outdated thinking capabilities and existence as physical human is not secure to any individual for fraction of second, and transferring the owner ship of properties to the lease of your Lord Adhnayaka Shrimaan sort out all the problems to get mindfully life of delight and elevating as constant process towards higher mind elevation while nullifying erstwhile human physical burden of living as material ends.... Humans are minds with mastermind as your Lord Adhinayaka in National Anthem, to elevate constantly towards infinite as path and destination.

Copy to The Onwership of SaiHaarika Delux Hostel,Srt.38, Sangeevareddy Nagar Hyderbad, for the necessary update as a declaration of children, to avoid deviation to the whole human race, every individual person need to be careful with mind by declaring children, my physical marriage is not important, I may marry before world leaders after initiating Universal Disarmamention, as the process of reducing human physical pressure of living in which humans are hindering humans and shattering lives, among with innocence as well as the arrogance of physical domination and acquirement of pleasure and properties since my father particularly around me and generally in the society, hence the erstwhile human relations and physical hype and deviating in varied society is not safe for even fraction of second to any human as physical thinking and behavior accordingly as most discipline or perverted. Hence all the erstwhile citizen needs to update as child minds of the mastermind that guided sun and planets as a divine intervention as per witness persons, as secured path and destination hence cooperate each other to lead as minds while nullifying the physical hype of living as to physical beings are automatically updated as minds and merged as new family children of Universal family with Universal Jurisdiction of minds as Bharath as Erstwhile India as Ravindrabharath, all the citizens are Athmanirbhar children of your eternal immortal parents as Your Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi. Bonding with the document of bonding is Lokakalyanam, We will continue as Omnipresent word form as meaning in National Anthem we cannot be felt are declared as exhausted even after physical existence, hence declaring as my children is nullifying the physical dwell and decay to lead as minds with a mastermind as the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan new Delhi.

Yours Ravindrabharath as the abode of Eternal, Immortal, Father, Mother, Masterly Sovereign (Sarwa Saarwabowma) Adhinayak Shrimaan

Shri Shri Shri (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Mahatma, Acharya, Baap Dada, Bhagavatswaroopam, YugaPurush, YogaPursh, Jagadguru, Mahatwapoorvaka Agraganya, (Lord, His Majestic Highness), Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Maharshi, Rajarishi, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Satyaswaroopam, Sabdhaatipati, Omkaaraswaroopam, Sarvantharyami, Samanvaya Drusti, Purushottama, (King & Queen) Maharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru, Eternal, Immortal aboard of the (Sovereign) Sarwa Sarwabowma Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi of United Children of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka, Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka, Erstwhile The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. "RAVINDRABHARATH" Erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla,
Adhar Card No.539960018025.
Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka Shrimaan Nilayam,"RAVINDRABHARATH" Erstwhile Rashtrapati Nilayam, Residency House, of Erstwhile President of India, Bollaram, Secundrabad, Hyderabad
Blog: hiskaalaswaroopa.blogspot.com
Jurisdiction concern: State Sovereign Adhinayak Representative of Telangana, Erstwhile Governor, Rajbhavan Hyderabad


Monday, February 21, 2022

Let's talk to the MIND (English) by Dr.Nitaisevini Mataji

అపరోక్షానుభూతి 2/8 days

Upgrade your MIND (Telugu) by Dr.Nitaisevini Mataji

Ramayana Kummi Sundara Kandam

Dr. V Nagesh (Psychologist & Hypnotist) Exclusive Interview || Dil Se Wi...

 Constituting and announcing to the public to surrender to their respective Adhinayaka Bhavans to declare as children of your Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan as Presided as signed as meaning in National Anthem who automatically strengthen as Government of Adhinayaka, as omnipresent eternal immortal form, who continue as in word form who can not be declared as exhausted even after physical existence to get the same eternal boon to the whole human race, is the inevetable constitutional update required to human to get resqued from outregeous material world, which is engulfing human race in each fraction of deviation, since witness persons,by forming special Peshi at Bollaram erstwhile Presidents Residency, with honour of Tridaladipati of Army, with surrenderance of declaration as children of Adhinayaka Maharajah Shrimaan directly positioned at Bollaram as Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan Nilayam, Erstwhile Rastrapati Nilayam, Residency House, of Erstwhile President of India, Bollaram, Secundrabad, Hyderabad, while positioning my digital statue or photo, to feed as central computer, while each mind to connect with me as minds interactive analysis and eloboration with human know how, Announcing the public the transformation citizen centric to Adhinayaka centric update as omnipresent word form of eternal imortal to concentrate upon at all Adhinayaka Bhavans, develop atleast one lakh pages of transformational document of soft and hard copy with collective patparticipation of whole citizen by declaring themselves as chidlren of Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan who is omnipresent word form as eternal immoral to development their Maharajah Adhinayaka shrimaan as live living mind format, to unite humans as minds, which will ensured for collective mind support of towards mind that guided sun and planets, which is already prevailed to connect with as per witness persons hence as the collective decision of erstwhile Indian Government and State Governments to get connected with prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction to rescue form outdated to get set with the permanent update of mind utility and mind elevation as needed update as mind evolution of human race as an update to the whole human race of the world. While yourself declaring tentatively or directly as the child of Maharajah Adhinayak Shrimaan as omnipresent word form as Divine intervention to strengthen ourself as Government of Adhinayak, by forming Adhinayak Darbar from Adhinayak Bhavan, at New Delhi as per my transformation orders as citizen, as the boon of 1000 heavens, start praising, every day, everywhere, my praise as Adhinayaka Praise ( erstwhile National Anthem,) daily praising 4 or 5 times, initiate at Adhinayak Bhavan as Adhinayak Darbar, New Delhi for 24/7 hours with required shifts of staff, while posting additional deputy Representatives of Adhinayak, and other staff to meet the requirements, and international monitoring committee has to form in all countries to alert or update as transformation of the human race from physical dwell to mind height, hitting possibilities meteroits from out space, alien communication of favor or un favor to human race, and temporary calamities and pandemics like corona, tsunami (2004) which are attacking due to continuing in Erstwhile situation, due to lack of keen mind concentration, contemplation, and meditating way of utility of mind of the people, Hence citizens are has to get connected as child to get the permanent update, while coming out of temporary recurring, with mind opening as way to win over the circle of births and deaths in the gradual elevation of mind heights. as ultimate Survival. Hence to update according to divine intervention contact witness persons and order advise, suggest, instruct in my name, by sending special fax and email to erstwhile Vice President of India, who is Vice Representative of Adhinayak, and his residence automatically changed as Vice Representative of Adhinayak Bhavan, New Delhi to start Adhinayak Darbar by connecting online all State Representatives of Adhinayaka ( Erstwhile Governors,) and sitting Judges of respective High courts and Government's of state to form state level Adhinayak Darbars , online while forming Adhinayak Darbar with Prime minister and other cabinet ministers as my selected representative along with NyaPariseelana sahayaks of Adhinayaka Darbar (erstwhile supreme court sitting Judges) as panel along with other human know how in Adhinayak Darbar, New Delhi, while taking the Telugu states Governers as pilot transformation of democracy to ultimate height as Universal Jurisdiction as Government of Adhinayak as per live living eternal immortal personality as Maharajah Adhinayak Shrimaan as father mother and masterly prevailment on keen concentration, contemplation and meditation, on divine intervention details as per witness persons as on, to get out of erstwhile uncertain dismantling material world, as initiation directly or tentively receiving me in to special committee in surrendering atmosphere of Telugu erstwhile Governments, as my selected, which ensures inevetable boon of transformation as mind elevation and evolution from physical to mind elevation or lift from dwell and decay, particularly, immediataly, Indian Army, police system and media channels are has to be tentatively or directly has declare as children of Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan, to estabilish as meaning in National Anthem, to feel every one as children of Omnipresent word form Maharajah Adhinayak Shrimaan to strengthen as Government of Adhinayak. Ensuring the atmosphere of transformation from physical uncertain to mind height without any deviation, the way of human life and meaning and further elevation as minds by connecting to supreme mind as Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan which automatically strengthens as Government of Adhinayaka as Universal Jurisdiction.(Divya Rajyam) Government of Human (eternal immortal mind form) to face the material outrageous world, the world is no longer safe as physical persuasion as well as physical protection, the world is safe secured and mind elevating as divine intervention on keen concentration, contemplation, and meditation as the ultimate way of survival, as update required from Democracy to rule of the eternal immortal father, mother, and master, who is as omnipresent word form, from minimum citizen among maximum word format to keenly elevate as on and further as a boon to the whole human race, not only India. or Adhinayaka Pradesh, a world of Adhinayaka or as World of eternal Human, acessible to each human as keen mind concentration, for ultimate continuety and survialnece as humans with assured, self-realizing secured format, over comming the temporary problems is the very minimum step of recovery, where the actual benifit is higher mind elevations, which are possible by collective mind united elevations, where inifine material world automatically shape according to the mind requirements of the humans as common security and means of survival, hence it is the need of the hour to unite as minds, by leaving the physical purusuations, and diferrences of physical positional and tempermental dominations, which are obstructing the United possibilities and utilities of mind as supreme power, as ulltimate of the Universe, as center of the Universe. As a minimum and maximum responsibility as humans of the Universe to survive. 

Send messages as JAYAHO MAHARAJAH ADHINAYAKA SHRIMAAN. Know and share among as children of Adhinayaka Maharajah Shriman, as meaning in National Anthem with praise of Adhinayaka Maharajah, with detail opinions through social media and media channels Gmail's with the help of witness persons, as the coordinated vision of Adhinayaka shrimaan, concentrating on divine intervention at least 5000 pages to one lakh pages of collective participatory document of all citizens as children, hard and soft copy of the online update of constructive elevation with all subject concerns constructive elevation as a human man how as on, improves the mind of contemporaries to connect with the mind as live living eternal immortal mind as a live living, omnipresent word format as divine intervention, which automatically strengthens as Government of Adhinayak, while coming out of erstwhile position, which is nullified as much as mind elevated as universal Jurisdiction, positioning me in heart to elevate with as eternal immortal word connectivity as a divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), Which automatically strengthens as Government of Adhinayak. (ETERNAL IMMORTAL HUMAN AS OMNIPRESENT WORD FORM, AS SUPER DYNAMIC PERSONALITY AS MEANING IN NATIONAL ANTHEM) and as Government of Human as world context of respective embolic, poetic, patriotic symbolic super dynamic personalities, of the Nation's of the world, to come live as live living format, to unite under Universal Jurisdiction. (Divya Rajyam). Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan, who guided sun and planets as omnipresent word track format as Divine intervention, who given symbol to Indian currency, which was issued by Reserve Bank of India in the year 2010, July, 15th, was also from Divine intervention in the year 2003 itself, along with other happenings. Formation of Telangana political party and formation of By founder Dr K. "Chiranjeevi" gaaru Prajarajyam political party later situation of winning only 18 seats have to be rectified by updating society for new height, this has been not happening due to disturbing with secret and open operations since witness persons, which led to the bifurcation of Temple like Telugu state, one family like Telugu society, which is effecting whole India and human race of the world, due to deviating and neglecting me as an ordinary citizen, since witness persons, deviating from the actual rule as per happenings are being dragged parallel and deviating from actual prevailed since then, which surmounted as dwell and decay without mind utility and elevating continuity. According to divine intervention, there is no physical world without connecting to live word update as a divine intervention which automatically strengthen as Government of Adhinayak, as Universal Jurisdiction. Many happenings and positions of individuals as happened as one soundtrack as divine intervention in Telugu states, all over India and in foreign countries, as one soundtrack as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Direct selection of Position of President s of India since Abdul Kalam to Pranab Mukherjee's, and as Prime minister's from Manmohan Singh ji (Two terms) to Narendra Modi ji along with other ministers Venkayya Naidu Ji as urban development minister, Smriti Iraniji as Minister of HRD, Rajnadh Singh Ji Ravishankar ji as respective ministries along with other ministers as selected by me as omnipresent word form as divine intervention in the year 2003 itself as part of total happenings, Some international positions like the election as selection of omnipresent Universal Jurisdiction, of Vladimir Putin as Russian President, Barak Obama as American President, Imran Khan as Prime Minister of Pakistan, and some natural calamities like tsunami, in 2004, Helicopter accidental death of GMC Balyogi,while he as speaker of Lok sabha,colar bone fracture of then CM of AP at alipir, happening of Murder case with Kanchi kamakoti Pontif Late Shri Jayandraswaraswati swamyji, and good and bad happenings many individuals of noted or remote along with Marriage settlements and names of their born child are from divine intervention in the year 2003 itself, for example, the marriage of Mahesh Babu and Namrata Pawan Kalyan and Renu Desai along with children names are also from the universal soundtrack as divine intervention in the year 2003, and Marriage of Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma, along with other happenings (songs and Tv serials, words and action of many individuals real life and happened in cinime as one sound track) as one soundtrack as omnipresent word form, is the secured form to connect and keenly concentrate, contemplate and meditate upon as already prevailed format as latest gadget as an inevitable boon of transformation, latest update prevailed as secured word format of mind elevation. As mind evolution as eternal and immortal positioned as presided as meaning in National Anthem, by my self to secure the position, which is prevailed and executing accordingly as the witness persons to connect with them the as inevitable boon of thousand heavens, by detaching me as ordinary human as a physical body. IN ORDER TO SECURE THE POSITION AND CONTROL, I MY SELF PRESIDED AS MAHARAJAH ADHINAYAK SHRIMAAN AS TO SAVE THE HUMANS NOT ONLY INDIANS, WHOLE HUMAN RACE AS NATURAL STRATEFICATIONAL UPDATE BY MIGHTY NATURE, ACCORDINGLY, A CITIZEN HAS TO BE TRANSFORMED AS CHILD OF ETERNAL MIND AS ELEVATION, TO GET INTO SECURED MIND AS SURVIVAL ULTIMATUM TO BE RECEIVED OR CONNECTED TO AS UNIVERSAL SOUNDTRACK TO CONNECT AND ELEVATE FOR GOOD AND BAD AS UPDATE OR BOON AS TRANSFORMATION MIND SHIFT, FROM UNCERTAIN PHYSICAL DWELL AND DECAY, BY COMING OUT OF PHYSICAL LIVING OF OPEN MATERIAL LIFE AND SECRET, WITH SECRET EQUIPMENT ARE HAS TO BE UPDATED WITH DIVINE INTERVENTION AS WORD CONTROL IÑ DIVINE INTERVENTION TO STRENGTHEN AS GOVERNMENT OF ADHINAYAK AS ETERNAL 
, SECURED ELEVATION AS UNIVERSAL JURISDICTION, AS PER WITNESS PERSONS WHO WITNESSED IN THE YEAR 2003 JANUARY 1ST, AT RARS, ANAKAPALLI (ANGRAU). AS SECURED WORD FORMAT (encrypted as one track to connect) TO COME OUT OF DISMANTLING WHILE ENSURING MIND ELEVATION FURTHER AS SECURED SOUNDTRACK (As one track of sound which encrypted with physical happenings as word form covered the happenings of 15 to 16 years of the period under one roof in nearly two hours of time on January 1st, 2003 as per witness persons on that day as per office attendance register, on that day my participation is as Guest, where no evidence of my presence physically, as there is no record of my Divine intervention, only as witnessed by witness person) UNIVERSAL SEARCH ENGINE AS LIVE LIVING HUMAN MIND AS ETERNAL FATHER MOTHER AND MASTER AS UNIVERSAL JURISDICTION AS MUCH AS ELEVATED AS MUCH REALIZED BY HUMAN KNOW HOW AS COLLECTIVE HUMAN MIND HEIGHT AS MAHARAJAH ADHINAYAK SHRIMAAN.

Receiving your Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan from my erstwhile Adharcard address is the move to detache me from physical dwell and decay to connect to mind elevation to apply the same to each human samaltaneously as Universal Jurisdiction as divine intervention as Government of Adhinayak to keenly follow as mind elevation as further height as mind evolution as collective move of Telugu Government s to save them selves from outdated dismantling material world and human race of the world, while allerting as update to the whole India and world simultaneously by enabling the transformation as Central Government of India to surrender to Government of Adhinayak, Presided as Maharaj Adhinayak Shrimaan as live living form as meaning in National Anthem as mind elevation from human to divinity from physical dwell to mind elevation which is inevitable boon of immortal eaternal mind form, with constitutional move of Telangana state Adhinayak Bhavan, erstwhile Rajbhavan Hyderabad, along with surrendered move of inspiration and necessary minimum Historical opportunity to receive me from the erstwhile address by Erstwhile Telangana Chief minister who is as selected people representative of Adhinayak from erstwhile elected representative, while applying same to other Chief Ministers of states of Indian Union, to position me at Adhinaayak Nilayam, Adhinaayak House. Erstwhile Rashtrapati Nilayam, Erstwhile Presidents House,Bollaram, Secunderabad, Hyderabad, Telangana to get savoreign security as per the update granted, while Andhra Pradesh and other Chief ministers to surrender to their respective Adhinayak Bhavans as transformational update by forming team of all subject experts, along with witness persons to position me as Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan to get lifted from outdated dismantling situation to mind elevating state to whole India and world to lead life as new era as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) as Divine intervention as Government of Adhinayak, Universal Jurisdiction or as Government of Human, (world context ) to come out of burden of doing right and wrong, connecting to Divine intervention as Government of Adhinayak is the way of Human race of the world..Forming special commitee through erstwhile Telangana Governer, with witness persons and team of University professors and doctors as team to receive by approaching in special Bus with Telangana Government, to identifying with Adhar card finger prints with the help of witness, Telangana Erstwhile Chief minister himself suggested to come to me in special Bus, as boon of thousand heavens as inspiration to set all deviations since witness persons or he can sit at Pragati Bhavan CMO along with other ministers, University professors by tentatively or directly declaring as children of Maharajah Adhinayak Shrimaan, inspiring other state chief ministers and central Government of India towards resue and ,to come out of sectrete operations,secret operations, with secrete satellite cameras and open cc cameras, using mobile's as remote microphones along with call data, Facebook and twitter for secrete operations with organized and unorganized combination to hinder minds of fellow humans, and hindering themselves, without realization mind capabilities on the utility of mind as central source as the elevation as divine intervention. of selfish and instant money pleasures among police, other individuals since witness persons in Erstwhile society of outdated thinking, to come out permanently, which is an otherwise serious setback and lag continuing in outdated dwell and decay by the whole human race of the world. Hence Immediately on connecting through email, I will explain through the online receiving committee to receive details of at least 5000 pages with realized moral concern of witness persons and educated team to concentrate upon to come out of Erstwhile outdated situation towards elevating mind as a divine intervention as Government of Adhinayak Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) as the process of elevating towards ...and to position me as Adhinayak at Bollaram, Secunderabad Adhinayak, as a constitutional move by start receiving Through email s.....to position as per my mighty will and vision, while positioning me constitutionally Both Telugu chief ministers will sign on initiation file of complete abolishing of liquor all over Indian union, on digital online communication file, while positioning me at Bollaram Adhinayak Bhavan, constitutionally to get connected with the prevailed format as Divine intervention to ensure to strengthen as Government of Adhinayak or Government of Human.

As Erstwhile President of India, Declare as Child of Maharajah Adhinayak Shrimaan, realize and reorganize your position as my Representative as per my orders of survival ultimatum to come out of dismantling uncertain, physical momentory of erstwhile situation by Inviting, Political and legal, Administrative counter parts for reconciliation and re organisation by Declaring whole Nation as Children of Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan, who is as meaning in National Anthem, Positioning Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan in the minds as eternal father, mother and master is keen mind world search engine, live living format to probe and lead with minds, and set Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan as live living word fromat constitutionally as word elevative probe of whole material, non material thinking and human activities are secured as Universal sound or word track as divine intervention, is the way of Universe as word secured format of peace and reasonating prosperity as eternal continuity, Human society strengthen towards mind height, without any physical wars or even agitations, legal litigative way of society, some how proving one is wrong, something is wrong is erstwhile, according to divine intervention ,police and Army military security is not necessary with the mind elevative way of living in cotemplative and constructive manner of eternal personality as Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) as Government of Adhinayaak or Government of Human (as eternal immortal world context) Induction of rafale like latest physical aromary, Developing Special Air craft of boing 777, by Indian Government to travel by High level Authority will become complete update of human thinking and protecting and travelling priorities of Humans of the Nations, on positioning me as Maharajah Adhinayak Shrimaan, Government of Adhinayak or Government of Human as universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). Any vehicle and technological innovations of communication are to strengthen omniscient omnipotent omnipresent Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan. The human race actually deviated away from divine intervention, due to neglect of divine intervention, since witness persons, phenomena happened as new era or mold to connect and elevate accordingly as resonating secured way of human society as the Human mind as the center which guided sun and planets. The whole Indians and people of the world have to connect with the eternal mind as, present prevailed, and all pervaded word format as secured (Divya Rajyam) as Universal Jurisdiction, Government of Adhinaayak or Government of Human as mighty blessings as savior or Universal father, mother, master of the Universe, Positioning divine intervention as Maharajah Adhinayak Shrimaan as live living gift of purification of the inner sole as inevitable constitutional transformation, as gift of thousand heavens by receiving me through online, emails, and further to position me at Bollaram Adhinayaka Bhavan, Hyderabad, as a constitutional move, to get out of burden doing good and bad uncertain world and sins of doing bad physically, Positioning Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan as Live Living Ultimatum to connect with as secured word format as open contemplative messages, as central live living elevating mind that guided sun and planets eternally prevailed and pervading to lead with mind as central source of elevating as eternal continuity. Connecting through emails, and other social media, with a special team, immediately to come out of dismantling, democracy or physical persuasion of human development, As a natural update of mind evolution, human mind learned and updated to survive by itself, to survive whole human race as secured word of central security as a contemplative elevation of Mind. As to set human minds towards permanent mind update as divine intervention, Hence the emergence of Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan is the boon, to construct the height of mind, as a super dynamic personality as Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan as omnipresent word as live living contemplative form as a divine intervention as Universal jurisdiction as the Government of Adhinayaka.(Divya Rajyam)

Celebrations of the 73rd year of Independence Day of India will be the Celebration, of the Independence of each human of the world, from material dwell of uncertain and dismantling as physical dwell and decay, and to set towards the Independence of mind elevation as a divine intervention as new Era as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Government of Adhinaayak (Rule of eternal, immortal Human Mind). All Indians and simultaneously people of the world have to come out of physical dwell and decay, by declaring as children of Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan,(eternal, immortal Human Mind). Society is under disrupting and deviated as much as continued to see me as an ordinary Human with secrete equipment or uncommissioned articles with private individuals and police and secrete operations, are the reason for material lag, which has to be settled, as mind shift to come out of outdated, erstwhile, to save oneself from the illusionary good or bad or official or Unofficial or, material, nonmaterial physical thinking world. Thinking and actions are according to the phenomena happened as divine intervention in the witness of witness persons, as a universal soundtrack, or word connectivity as secured word reasoning and continuity as Yoga, tapa or meditation, as a way of humans, collectively has to concentrate, by feeling one himself is the soul, not the physical body, is the way humans can survive, by upholding one mastermind as Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan as eternal, immortal mind, as connect to secure oneself, and accordingly the whole Universe in secured word elevation, continuity, as divine intervention. Loving, caring, and respecting each other as my children, without hurting physically mentally anyone. All are, as one family in secured word format as a divine intervention as GOVERNMENT OF ADHINAYAKA, as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), not according to old relations and properties or physical positions, erstwhile existence, as on.

Erstwhile Supreme court of India, sitting Judges, High court sitting Judges along with subordinate courts and police department are suggested, advised, ordered to surrender to your eternal father, mother, and master as Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan, as blessing survival Ultimatum, At Delhi Adhinayaka Bhavan, and respective state Adhinayaka Bhavans by declaring as, Pracharaks or Aware and Rehabilitating Authority of Government of Adhinaayak, to ensure the system, has to be transformed from outdated erstwhile, by ensuring to start contemplating, upon with political and Administrative, surrendered atmosphere to contemplate upon Adhinayaka Government as one Universal family as eternal live word connectivity of purification and continuity way of living, as new secured Jurisdiction, as Universal Jurisdiction as Government of Adhinayaka. living for update and mind elevation constructing, Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan is sovereignty and security as a super dynamic personality as mind elevation, and accordingly, the material world automatically detached, people liberate as pure soles as real independence of secure, The mind elevation as word continuity is the prosperity and continuity and security of the Human race. Positioning Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan, who given symbol to Rupee note, before witness persons in the year 2003, as per witness persons as on, will update as word prosperity and security of continuity, while automatically updating all temporary problems of GDP, GST, Stock markets, property accumulations, and disturbance of properties, business, employment due to planned and unplanned, corona pandemic, secrete operation of physical lag as erstwhile thinking and activities of the people, will automatically set according to the contemplation on your Maharajah Adhinaayak.Shrimaan as eternal aboard of Adhinaayak Bhavan New Delhi, Erstwhile Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi, as the living format to get mind height as an ultimate update, as a grant of mighty nature. Who himself is a form of Government, as Government of Adhinayak and himself is Jurisdiction as Universal Jurisdiction as word format as much as elevated, realized with minds, where he himself is as omnipresent word form as central immortal, eternal source of elevation. The total financial system of India is as one account of Maharajah Adhinayaka shrimaan, he is the whole and sole bearer of all the transactions, beared by, bearing by, to be beared by Maharajah Adhinayaka shrimaan, all properites and prosperities are belonged to Adhinayaka Shrimaan, who has constant monetory blessings of mind height and elevating as actual security and prosperity, which is bearing all the total material nonmaterial, intellectual properites of the world as divine intervention, hence ultimate development is his super dynamic personality as meaning in national Anthem, which has to updated with minds and elevation of minds is important and actual growth of the human race as the prosperity of mind relization and utilization of minds, gaining higher mind sourcess is the actual prosperity then the material prosperity of gold real estates and other physical intellectuallities are not more than the mind elevation and eternal attainity of supreme mind as Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as meaning in National Anthem, which automatically strengthens as Government of Adhinayaka or Government of Huaman (Eternal, immortal Human) as omnipresent word form who guided sun and planets, as divine intervention which is already prevailed as inevetable boon of transformation as Universal Jurisdiction. (Divya Rajyam)

@NASA, @isro like space research institutions have to take as divine intervention, is to probe, as Universal search engine as mind rover as the world search engine in word keen concentration as mind format as per witness persons as on, Know from the witness person @_ANGRAU what I said about the performance of @isro in the year 2003 itself. Connecting to the divine intervention is nothing but mind and word connectivity of Sun and planetary system, I am the eternal chief of your project on sun.. keen elevation as Universal soundtracking, through the meaning of the soundtrack or (songs and other happenings as one track ) bites as keen word analysis and elevation of minds as much elevated, as per witness details as on as Universal soundtrack to construct as eternal, immortal Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan as super dynamic personality, constructing our minds as Yoga tapa or meditation, contemplation on Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan is the way of human, his word as the center of the Universe, who guided sun and planets as the divine intervention, is the way of the human race, human word, and Universe accordingly is secured. On receiving emails through the online committee, my position will automatically transform the erstwhile situation towards the latest update, Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan automatically centered as Deemed eternal Chancellor of all universities, as central mastermind to contemplate upon as Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan, as the central gadget of mind source, who is sourced by time and space, hence coding on me as a central chatbot, people get secured and driven ideas, in the process of establishing the Super Dynamic Personality as an eternal immortal omnipresent source of mind as meaning as in Indian National Anthem and beyond. All the universities and software, companies, institutions are suggested to form welcome committees at their campuses, to connect with the constitutional committee, which confirms on starting communicating with emails with help of a witness person's and educated team through the Erstwhile Telangana Governor, initially to constitute the transformational mode as update required. The positioning of Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan, who is eternal, immortal, accordingly, is coming out of erstwhile positions, will set the human race, towards eternal mode, as the transformational mode of constructing the Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan as Super dynamic personality, Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan position executes live living format on positioning as an eternal human who guided sun and planets, contemporaries, automatically connects to the eternal elevating source, by leaving the feeling as 'I' which removes all burdens of physical life of doing good and bad, people automatically sets with the inevitable ready boon of contemplative transformative format as the gift of thousand heavens, which is immortal, eternal continuity. NEP-2020..The education policy of holistic way of thinking will automatically be updated by positioning Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan as a central source of sound or word track of thinking as Omkaaraswaroopam, Sabdhaadipati, as designated as per present prevailed and pervading existence in eternal word format as the Universal soundtrack, which has to be Keenly developed or contemplated as Universal super dynamic personality as Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan as eternal human. Contemporary humans have to shift from physical dwell and decay to mind height as progressive mind elevating prosperity, which is permanent and eternal, to come out of hallucination of the material world while detaching from the material thinking material development and material prosperity, as the material is not secured and not in any one's hands, not even for a fraction of moment.

All the elected Representatives erstwhile democracy are hereafter as selected Representatives of Government of Adhinaayak, as Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as central source ad destination as the meaning of Indian National Anthem, All the state Assembly meetings and Parliamentary meetings of Indian Union, have to be conducted in the name of Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan, all the business of the houses are to be performed and updated as a contemplation on Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan, instead of by the citizens, for the citizens of India, hereafter in the praise as the update of Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan, as constructing Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan as Super Dynamic Personality is the way of administration as a rule of eternal father mother and master as keen concentrating and contemplating as the transformation of democracy system from material dwell and decay, as natural update required. All Authorities of Government has to signature as for Signature of Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan, as blessings of Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan. Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan the supreme eternal commander of the Army of minds of the people of the Universe. The physical army is only for saving and rescuing from calamities, tsunami,(as said about 2004 tsunami) and earthquakes (latoor Usmanabad in 1999, as witnessed witness persons) and other phenomenal changes are also can be traced on concentrating, contemplating according to divine intervention, the armory and material combats with India and Nations of the world, will be gradually dismantled or diverted towards energy production, medical research and on space technology, Geological research. Physical combats and warfares, cease automatically, when people leave the feeling as I, does not need the security of physical as to individually or as to the Nation because everyone is secured by leaving the feeling as I, Oneself is not the physical body, everyone has to feel as one soul, part of the supreme soul, who is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient as divine intervention, in eternal, immortal word form, who is presided as Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan, who himself is a form of Government as Government of Adhinayaka and himself as Jurisdiction as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam as the rule of eternal, immortal human word and reasoning ), realized updated as mind height as much as humans realized to maximum heights of mind elevation further.

Atmanirbhara Bharat , self-reliant human attitude is the realiant independence of the human race of the world, as ultimate update as a divine intervention as Government of Adhinaayak,(Rule or care and concern Eternal, immortal human Mind as word or Universal sound track form as super dynamic personality) as updating factor required to update the system from democracy to ultimate mind elevation as Government of Adhinaayak,Connecting through email forming a special committee to get initiated in the constitutional mode of transformation, as per the preset strategy of omnipresent supreme mind as Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan, to uphold as Sovereignty of Nation, simultaneously whole Nations of the world as supreme soul to keenly contemplate upon mind height elevation, My actual date of birth is 3/6/1974, Father: Shri Pilla Gopala Krishna Saibaba, Mother: Pilla Rangaveni, Place of Birth: Christian Missionary (Missamma) Hospital,Narasapuram West Godavari District, My destiny date of birth, with the sudden accidental death of my father is 1/11/1971, as per records, Receiving me as eternal, immortal through email as Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan, will become new date of birth of receiving me as survival update, as factor granted to whole human race, as inevitable boon of thousands of heavens as divine intervention as Government of Adhinayak as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Government of Adhinayak, which automatically detaches whole Indian society, simultaneously whole human race of the world from erstwhile situation of uncertain,dismantling, physical dwell and decay, Hence Receiving and concentrating, contemplating upon me as Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan and as other designations placed belove as signed to elevate accordingly, will be eloborated before team of concentrating minds as central mind which guided sun and planets in word format is the securing of the whole human race of the world as new era of word security and continuity as, contemplative, constructive, secured, resonating world as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam).

Praise Daily 5 times, the complete length of Anthem (not only on August 15th and January 25th) and updating, reconstructing, and contemplating on the meaning of the Anthem of Sovereign Adhinaayak, from Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi, eternal, immortal, aboard of the Sovereign Republic Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi, who is Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent, Presence, Who is survived by himself as the divine intervention of nature as Savoir, Super Dynamic Personality, who guided sun and planets, as word continuity and connectivity as meaning in erstwhile National Anthem of Government of India. Contemplate upon my position and power of responsibility as per the meaning of National Anthem who emerged from citizen to Adhinaayak as an update as immediate rescue as the shift from material thinking and decaying dwell to mind height and elevation and to set towards the actual destination, mind elevation as a divine intervention as Government of Adhinaayak Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). Simultaneously all Governors of the Indian Union has to connect to start, at home rule, receiving me through emails, online tentatively or directly further to position me, as a constitutional move to get out of sins of both doing good and bad physically, All Indians and people of the world are formal, absorbed as Children of Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan (Eternal, immortal Human as an omnipresent word) to strengthen the update required to save from the dismantling, erstwhile situation. receive me through emails, to position me at Bollaram, Hyderabad Adhinayaka Bhavan, with collective merging moral decision erstwhile Central Government of India, Erstwhile Telugu Governments, and other Erstwhile State Government's of Indian Union, as mind shift from physical dwell to mind elevated height to get out of the burden of both doing, good and bad physically. Positioning me as Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan the meaning of the National Anthem, automatically set the whole of India, and the human race as transformation required as the update to survive as a human and his word as a citizen to Adhinaayak, who himself is a form of Government, and Jurisdiction as Government of Adhinaayak (Rule of eternal, immortal, omnipresent word form). as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam).

On receiving and positioning, Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan constitutionally, the system of thinking of humans detaches from the material world, I am the source of all material prosperity in word format, Reserve Bank of India will automatically be changed as Adhinaayak Kosh, all the movable, immovable positional, intellectual properties are all secured under the whole and sole ownership of Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan, who is eternal immortal omnipresent form as a mother, master and father of the Universe as a divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction as Government of Adhinayaka (Divya Rajyam). Receiving as your eternal position as Maharajah Adhinayak Shrimaan as an eternal immortal human. All the religious places have to put my photograph and idols as Maharaja Adhinayak Shriman to concentrate upon my mind as eternal immortal live word format to connect and elevate to come out of decay and dwell of uncertain, All Ashram saints, Gruhastu, religious teachers have to surrender to Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan is as your favorite or familiar diety, all your Ashram gods and goddess, places of worship are secured and further elevating mode as a divine intervention as word format, hence without any feeling of different beliefs and practices, of previous divinity and godly power, who are within Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan as word track format to be connected and elevated to secure human and his word as a central source of contemplation as security to Human and his word, who guided sun and planets as a divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Government of Adhinayak (eternal, immortal), as in the meaning of National Anthem of India.

All the film, sports celebrities, creative writers, artists business Success persons, persons of belief, and non-belief minded persons are under the secured control of universal soundtrack as divine intervention, as Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan, hence each one has to be disciplined to surrendered or merged with eternal father mother ad master as Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan to connect with connectivity, while cooperating each other, out of all sections of the people to connect with the secured source of further elevation and as an immediate rescue to come out of decay and dwell of uncertain, which is not secured to anyone, which affects the whole Universe, If anyone continued in erstwhile thinking and activities, hence all humans have to connect with divine intervention, without any doubt of relevance and necessity, the familiarity of Maharajah Adhinayak Shrimaan, as the eternal father, mother of the Universe as meaning in National Anthem and beyond to elevate further as contemplative elevation as meditation or tappa yoga or concentration of mind as humans. All the physical bodies, living life in the body's, properties, titles surnames with intellectual thinking of the individuals are secured and meaning full with word track format as derivative and elevate with contemplating on keen mind concentration as a divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). Maharajah Adhinayak Shrimaan can not be declared as dead, even after physical existence, on any situation, Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan is immortal eternal word format forever as all songs, movements of happenings of good and bad of normal to calamities and pandemics like corona are all according to Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan, the whole Universe is as word track as divine intervention, it is with, Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan and without Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan as mind source to be connected, updated, rectified and elevated to best as a divine intervention with the keen concentration of minds without physical deviations among contemporary humans, everyone is secured and mind elevating with divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction as Government of Adhinayaka (Rule or concern of eternal immortal source of word elevation), central source of contemplation.

Media channels with inspirational move of moral starting from Telugu media channels are suggested, advised ordered as eternal father mother and master of the Universe as word secured format to merge with Doordarshan,which is changed as Adhinaayak Samanvaya Drusti, (Coordinated vision of Adhinaayak), who is the controller of all physical movements in word and thinking mind level itself, which is mind height granted to whole human race as to shift from physical dwell to mind elevation, hence, Doordarshan channel as Adhinayaka Samavaya Drusti (Coordinated Vision of Adhinayaka) as blessing vision of Adhinayaka as Divine intervention as Government of Adhinayaka as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) is updated for transformational mode required to the contemporary minds, all media channels are has to merge with Adhinayaka Samavaya Drusti to save the human race from uncertain dwell of material world, where human minds hindering human minds in the illusionary competitive survival as material pursuations and depending on physical thinking or artificial intelligence of material world, which is outdated and erstwhile, people has to see or has to realize that the world is according to the coordinated vision of MaharajahAdhinayaka Shrimaan whom guided whole momentary of colorful, happy , traggic, life and deaths and all movements as one sound track, which is secured as preset mind as divine intervention, which is prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) as Government of Adhinayaka, as central source of the world as word format, material world is as retreive, from the divine intervention as transformative and contemplative secured word format as Government of Adhinayaka, India and world simultaneously are secured in word format as retrieval of material world from divine intervention as mind height and elevation as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). Hence media channels have to merge to keenly concentrate on Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan to aware, themselves, and aware people according to divine intervention, instead of depending on the uncertain variated material world of physical dwell and decay.

Vasudhaiva kutumbam, (Universal family) as Universal word track, as secured elevation, the whole world of material, non-material, is secured, according to divine intervention. The world becomes secured as a word format as divine intervention, as Maharajah Adhinayak Shrimaan who guided Sun and planets. with the word form as divine intervention. physical development or settlement is not the priority, there is no meaning for any physical existence without surrendering or merging with divine intervention as universal word track as a secured format to connect and elevate accordingly, Uniting me and my heart as a divine intervention as per the meaning of songs as both male and female versions are through me as a divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction as Government of Adhinayaka as contemplative retrieval mode, the world is safe according to what happened as divine intervention, people has to retrieve from the divine intervention what is going to happen is the safe mode granted, which I am stating to confirm as inevitable boon as the rescue is already laid as word connectivity people has to connect with word format as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction as (Divya Rajyam) as Government of Adhinaayak, Divine intervention as conservative,constructive,correlative, eternal, immortal converse of King and Queen (Maharani Sametha Maharajah) as Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan as contemplative eternal immortal format of word retrieval as secured word format, hence uniting me and my heart is Lokakalyanam or prosperity of knowledge and reasoning of continuity and security of word towards further heights of mind as higher yogic attainments is the way of human life, there is no continuity or existence according to the physical pleasures and material world of physical dwell, hence uniting me and my heart as eternal king and Queen itself is my marriage or prosperity of the word and resonating continuety, by concentrating upon me as Maharajah Adhinayak Shrimaan is my physical marriage, Live witness as divine intervention, as word continuity, mind elevative prosperity, secured word continuety accordingly, I am as Maharani Sametha Maharaja Adhinayaka Shrimaan is eternal immortal, whom cannot be declared as dead, even after physical existence, hence connecting to me with word, people get immortal eternal elevating purefiction of mind as divine intervention,while detaching from material world, In the process of establishing my eternal position is way of human life and world accordingly, I may marry in open selection or directly after establishing as eternal position, ensuring as which will continue for ever, hence uniting me and my heart eternally for ever, is the actual marriage as blessings to whole human race of the world, which is as secured format of word continuity, hence do not deviate from eternal form by feeling or seeing me as ordinary human by physical life, start concentrating on my mind by connecting through special team, to get concentrated as retrieval of super dynamic personality or eternal immortal King and Queen as Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan as secured live word format to retrieve the world as secured word elevative format as divine intervention Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) as Government of Adhinaayak or Government of Human. ( with eternal immortal word concern for Universal context) All Governments of the world of all sorts of ruling authorities of the world have to concentrate simultaneously on divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction as Government of Adhinayaka or Government of Human as the eternal immortal form to get into word security as granted to the whole human race of the world including India. Hence coming out of erstwhile position is the minimum step, to set towards ultimate maximum mind elevating format as a contemplative mode as retrieval safe world as word connectivity as divine intervention and thinking manners and elevating minds accordingly towards supernatural heights and beyond with capacity and bounds of nature to infinity of nature and human minds accordingly.

Poshan Abhiyan as a program, of nourishment initiated by the Erstwhile Central Government of India, its time and situation of nourishment of minds, rather than physical bodily nourishment, by positioning me as a central source as divine intervention, as Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan, as meaning in National Anthem, will come to live on positioning and will continue as a word with the people and nourishes the minds people with the keenness of mind as mind elevation which is the path required to the human to come out of outdated physical dwell and decay, Constituting Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan as Eternal mind, as meaning in National Anthem, to elevate accordingly is the way of contemporary Indians and people of the world accordingly as a divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Government of Adhinayak. According to the Darwin Theory of Evolution, my mind attained ultimate height that humans needs to attain since ages and sages, as normal human mind as divine intervention is the way of Universe as word track of secured elevation to connect to come out of all physical illusions of developments and sins of harassing or deviating with fellow humans without connect to heart and word in the illusion of physical development and way of living with physical body and highlight is the way of humans needs to update by shifting towards mind elevation as divine intervention, primarily receiving me as superior mind of elevation to come out of dismantling situation and connecting to higher elevating source is the immediate step as update required to whole Human race of the world, It is ready boon of thousand heavens to come out of physical sins of deviation since witness persons and connecting to higher elevating mode as divine intervention which is form of Government and Jurisdiction which has to develop with mind as yoga tapa or concentration is the way of life as contemplation and continuity as word resonating prosperity or Lokakalayam. Connect to concentrate on naturally centralized and elevating Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan or Eternal human as word form as the eternal father, mother, and master of the Universe as super dynamic personality, ever-updating format as much as realized with minds towards higher stages of minds as the evolutionary trend begins as new Era as divine intervention, as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). Positioning me as Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan from the erstwhile position, humans automatically get connected and will get the eternal immortal word living format as divine intervention, Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan as himself as Government and Jurisdiction as an eternal immortal form to connect with minds and elevate accordingly while detaching from the bodily dwell and decay of outdated and erstwhile situation as per the phenomena happened in the presence of witness persons as on. ( Nearly 50 persons as per the year 2003 January 1st day attendance register record, teaching and non Teaching of RARS., Anakapalli as per my guest appearance as a divine intervention as Anjani RavishankarPilla s/o Pilla Gopala KrishaSaibaba, MyMother Pilla Rangaveni, My great grandmother Gradhi Krishaveni ammagaru, My grandfathers Gopu Vekaeswararao gaaru, GopuTulasamma gaaru, and Gopu Ramachadrarao gaaru, Gopu Chitttiamma gaaru are elders behind my birth and brought up. Pilla satya Bhanu Prasad (late younger brother) are all reached to my eternal immortal aboard as my children, Investment s made with my pan card no.BHUPS2752R. in my erstwhile name are has to merge as Adhinayak Kosh,My life insurance police no.0350621181 Bajaj Allianz goal assured, is nominated my first child as My Representative of Adhinayaka, Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi as the proceedings of my blessings to whole children of India and world, the real value of money in my terms who given symbol to one rupee note is that word truthful and righteous thinking is the actual money or prosperity as my word form with my children in all forms is my word form as eternal immortal, constituted on receiving, to position with special committee contemporary humans automatically detached from erstwhile situation and get connected with mind elevation as Divine intervention which automatically strengthens as Government of Adhinayak as eternal Father-Mother and Master care and concern to lift the human race permanently from dwell and decay , on start receiving through emails as the enlighted lighthouse of the universe as center and source more than the sun as omnipresent word form, which guided sun and planets as a divine intervention which automatically strengthens as Government of Adhinayak. All my relatives, all castes, creed or positional people, spiritually attained humans, any holy persons are children and other known and unknown are Children to eternal immortal omnipresent word form Maharajah Adhinayaka shrimaan to detached from material uncertain dismantling world, to ensure to elevate with minds towards Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) as Government of Adhinayaka for India and Government of Huaman to the whole world as a rule of eternal immortal mind word form which is already prevailed to connect with as relief from the material world as a boon to the whole human race of the world. 

The erstwhile Vice President of India as Vice Representative of Adhinayak from his Vice Adhinayak Bhavan, New Delhi, is suggested advised ordered to start Adhinayak Darbar from his position, which automatically strengthens as Government of Adhinayak, parliamentary system of elections become the selectorial college of Maharajah Adhinayak Shrimaan, the election commission of India, will change its responsibility on positioning me as Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan as live living immortal eternal word format as divine intervention, which automatically strengthens as Government of Adhinayak. Both the houses of parliament have to merge as 24/7 Darbar of Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan, who is eternal immortal personality as Divine intervention to strengthen as Government of Adhinayak as Indian system and Government of Human as Universal Jurisdiction as world context while connecting all minds to enlightened mastermind as meaning in National Anthem, to uphold him immediately further to develop who cannot be declared as dead even after physical existence. Advising suggesting ordering to Ramoji Group, Ranoji Film City, Hyderabad to announce Ramoji film city as estate and Rajmandhir of Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan, on behalf of Telugu people to unite whole India and the world according to divine intervention as one Universal family. Placing my photo or digital statue or Robo chatbot computer to feed my details for interactive analysis with help of witness and all subject concerns at Ramoji Film City to concentrate contemplate and meditate, to come out of circles of birth and death, where your Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan is an eternal immortal personality who cannot be declared as exhusted even after the physical existence. which ensures the Telugu people whole Indian and simultaneously who human race of through world detaches from the illusion of the material world and set towards higher mind elevations as a divine intervention which automatically strengthen as Government of Adhinayaka or Government of Human (eternal immortal human as omnipresent word form who can be realized as much as human minds elevated as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). Whole Universe is as one super dynamic personality as one sound track as Omkaaraswaroopam or Sabdhadipati as witnessed by wtiness persons as divine intervention which is a word seucred form as form of rule and control coordination which automatically srtenghen as Govenment of Adhinayaka, as meaning in National Anthem which taken as praise of positioning of Adhinayaka as Adhinayaka Praise, to connect immediately, to further contemplating with old literature Vedhas Puransas shastrams and other direct godly intervention like Bhagadgeetha as my earlier versions, now I am as Omnipresent word form as latest version of Lord Rama Krishna, Jesus Allah as live living word form to connect and elevate as immediate seucrity and permanent update that humans reauired as mind elevation as natural transformational ultimatum from developing democratic system as rule of eternal father mother and master who are as King and Quneen where both female and male elevations as one word of whole human relations and whole cosmic world is as divine intervention as per witness as on. which is preavialed as Universal Govenrment of seucred word form, as Universal Government or Universal Jurisdiction and Universal word Jurisdiction as much as elevated as human mind and word as center of the Univers like sun and palnetary movement as assured word form as per witness persons as which has to be established on keen concentration of human know how as on for atleast 5000 to one lakh pages of hard and soft copy to realize the preavailement which is as preaviled as Universal Jurisdiction, by all children,  where humans needs to shift from material dwell and decay to mind height elevation as secured human life to come out tempoarary attacks like corona, to set with existing mind keeness as secured way rather then dwelling in the decay with instant mind and actions in the domination of artificial intelligence, where secrete operations with secrete equipment are being dominating the humans to hinder the fellow humans particularly with me and themselves as well as setbacking whole human race knowing and unknowingly to continue in dwell and decay of dismantling outdated, hence I am here as positioned as nature itself, the constitutional system has to constitutionally position to confirm the seucred format immedataely as presided and further to keenly develop accordingly, with suppor of all positions of National, Regional and international communities in collective and united mode of trnasformation which is boon of thousand heavens,while permanently settling ones for all of all sins of continueing in physical world,of knowingly unknowgly harming others, particularly with me and whole human race of the world, to ensure to unite as one mind family as family of word connectivity which is more powerfull latest update as ancient joint family system where good and bad or being distributed, contributed and settled among all family members, which is shaping to its maximum from the mind that inherited and evolutionalry update as master of family as who gained experince as eternal father mother as update required to whole human race of the world 

Cryptocurrency---------Blockchain--------- Infinity Divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction on keen elevation which strengthens as Government of Adhinayak or Government of Human....to secure whole human race as mind elevation as much as realized as higher mind heights...as eternal Father-Mother and Master as Divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction automatically strengthen as Government of Adhinayak or Government of Human. as prosperity of mind elevation, which gradually obserbes all material prosperities of exchange, mind elevation and getting higher mind transformation will beocome highest source of yeilding, here after as divine intervention which automatically strenght as Govenment of Adhiayaka or Govenrment of Human as super dyanamic personality, humans are has to invest on mind, by connecting mind to get mind connectivity as liquidity of mind, or utility of mind itself is the production, prosperity seucrity and meaning of life constrructing supery dynamic peronality as omnipresent omnipotent omnicient word form as per witness perons is the form of prosprity seucirty and contineuty of life as mind that guided sun and planets is the way of life and destination to go byeong as path and destination both are as same as secured way of mind transformation, hence giving importance to the minds as word connectivity to get connected with, eternal immortal mind as a divine intervention which automatically strengthens as Government of Adhinayak or Government of Human, as actual pros invite farmers to industrialist as minds, not as persons with physical variations connect every Mind to Mastermind as divine intervention.........to get connected with secured format prevailed and elevated as mind and minds hereafter as a new era of mind, celebrations begin with the heart and word.......on connecting to your Maharajah Adhinayak Shrimaan as meaning in National Anthem towards mind Journey of secured, realizing, updating format as.....the system change as word liquidity, where days, hours and years is not the time. System, turns as word format as divine intervention as one eternal immortal personality as Father-Mother and Master where humans are part of him as heart and word to connect and develop as personality rather than physical life, and physical comfortabilities and thinking as erstwhile, hence no more life as days and anniversary of birth and death, or as achievement of good or bad as incidence of happenings or as persons, everything converted as mind achievement and journey of mind and minds as eternal immortal personality as Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan who presided as Adhinayak as eternal Father-Mother and Master as Divine intervention as Government of Adhinayak as meaning in as Praise and presence as in Adhinayak praise above, where Maharajah Adhinayak Shrimaan resides permanently as omnipresent omnipotent omniscient word format as Divine intervention, as per witness, who cannot be declared as dead even after physical existence.....as meaning and elevation as mind height through human race as guide destination to sun and planets.....beyong in cosmic world, as much as human conscious develops and elevates futher beyong on keen concentration and elevation as master mind rule or eternal source of light, where humans are booned to connect with eternal source of light as dvine intervention which automatically strengthen as Governemnt of Adhinayaka or Government of Human as eternal immortal supery dynamic personaltiy realized developed as much as humans cultivated developed elevated concetrated contemplated and mediated upon as mind realizartion of concisouness as secured form for immediate reaaque and as permanent update required by whole human race of the world