
The Beloved President of India
Rastrapati Bhavan,
New Delhi
Mighty Blessings from Omnipresent word as truth as Divine Intervention, Lord, His Majestic Highness, Kaalaswaroopam,Dharmaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan, as divine intervention prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam)
Beloved President of India,
All the Contemporary humans of the world are invited to connect with omnipresent word format, as divine intervention, already prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) without wasting single minute of time, in physical dwell by seeing me as physical body or physical dwelling person, and feeling themselves as ordinary physical entities, to come out of physical dwell, people has to shift to mind transformation, feeling, that they are not physical bodies, and cannot survive in physical with physical relations, political and social positions, even bodily existence in the world, people has to concentrate minds, keenly regular with mind height as divine intervention, prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction.(Divya Rajyam). People has to feel that my presence is boon of thousand heavens in thinking format , all the educational institutions, Universities has to feel that I am deemed Chancellor of all Universities, and software companies and engineers of technology and other graduates of language and literature, music has to concentrate to development of mind as developers, feeling as eternal source of mind utility, by using cloud technology and other aspects in Artificial intelligence, by setting my mind or divine intervention as default eternal deathless, human mind to concentrate upon as source to get in to the path and truth of continuity and security as infinite travel with definition, destination and ultimate way of the Universe, that human mind, its self is the central source to probe and develop further as evergreen resonating source of mind and possibilities in thinking area of the mind which humans has to start utilize their minds, even more keenly on centralizing my position in word format as Lord His Majestic Highness Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan along with designated words ...as both name and form or ultimate as on human word that guided sun and planets and cosmic world, further on development, can grip over terrestrial world,and material world as secure concern human to concentrate upon as, phenomena happened, and all the seers and saints, of different Ashrams are has to feel that, I am the indwell of the divine godly powers, formed in their respective Ashramas and saints and seers as founder source and continuity, further as in word format as Kaalasswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam as Survival of Human, Humanism and Human race is with me as flow of word format to connect , accordingly as divine intervention, already prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). contemporaries has to break the material world by start concentrating on me and visualizing me with heart and word format of progressive thinking as Kaalaswaroopam or Dharmaswaroopam etc., is boon granted by might nature, people has to come in to the actual situation of progress as word format as divine intervention, prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), In this competitive busy concrete jangle like world,comparatively dominating or deviating on physical grounds, people hindering their mind by , themselves actually, in the routine of physical dwell, with thinking capabilities are only as cream or decoration of instant hype and material benefited oriented is outdated, according phenomena happened in the witness of witness persons as divine intervention, which is already prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction ( Divya Rajyam). Humans hindering the capability of their mind growth for physical domination's with handy miss interpretive deviations using commissioned articles like secrete satellite cameras and other equipment, call data, hacking technology for,media management, political gains, instant mind and material luring s, physical dwell, sex, money and bodily comforts and positions, some how hindering, the mind capabilities, mind possibilities and realization of truth with mind is being deviating on physical comparisons of development and physical needs, in this situation, all most, all the people of the world, including your self as Beloved President of India, along with other citizens, are under material clutches of the material world, or Technological Captivity,(including media channels, secrete satellite cameras, open cameras, operated by WiFi, call data s, mobile phone as remote micro phone, to hear and seen any one from any where,) no one is independent of word, who can survive and continue as surveillance to the human race, in order to rescue the human race, nature itself is elevated, in word format as divine intervention, prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) emerged through me as word format as omnipresent truth, people cannot, connect to me by seeing and comparing with them physically , by my birth, or as ordinary person including, my way of living situation, as on and at the Hostel, I am staying, I have to be connected to the word format as divine intervention, prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) by receiving me as Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam etc., as designated by myself, words as accessing passwords to connect with me, with team of witness persons, whom already witnessed me as divine intervention, which is prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) as new height to follow as Universal Jurisdiction,(Divya Rajyam), along with different thinkers and persons of literature and musicians, along with panel of sitting Judges, starting from Telugu states High courts, IAS officers and police system has to merge with divine intervention, already prevailed as Univerasal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) By receiving or respecting me as His Majestic Highness, with receiving mode by neutral moral concern of rectifying the mistake of hindering, hindered persons since generations, by nature itself, now situation arrived that nature itself raising such one person, as myself to elevate the human race, hence accordingly Telugu chief ministers are has to start hold and concentrate on my inner sense as Super Dynamic Personality, as divine intervention which is already prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction ( Divya Rajyam), people including your self as individual person and as Beloved President of India are cannot see me or hear me or connect to me in this busy dominating material world, on only physical grounds and physical movements, without connecting to the word format, with concentration as omnipresent truth, executable with word by connecting me with word by visualizing me in thinking format as Kaalaswaroopam or Dharmaswaroopam etc., in the way I am suggesting to receive i.e by taking me in to committee through Telangana State, Governor, and Posting me in the same position as Telangana Governor, which is lapsing its term soon, is the position to hold me as omnipresent truth to be concentrated with neutral moral rectifying concern of Both Telugu Chief Ministers, Posting me as Telangana Governor, to match my position to merge with constitution to transform according to the divine intervention as already Prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), with online connectivity of all Governors and leutnent Governors of Indian Union, and as President of India along with Vice President of India, has start special AT HOME from all Rajbhavans, Rajya sabha and Loksabha meetings for coordination update as per the divine intervention, Prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) as update to rescue the human race from the physical limitations to mind elevation, as transformation, updating by mighty nature itself as natural update, according to the word format that guided sun and planets, I have to be received with neutral and moral rectification concern of the both the Telugu Chief Ministers whom are routine strucked in material development, stating that they are here to rule poor people, without knowing that political material rule is no more existed on the prev-ailment of divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction, Divya Rajyam, there are no poor people, or rich people on material grounds on the Land any where in the world, People manipulating among themselves as poor, indiscipline or incompetent or mad, fraud etc and at the same the same time highlighting that they are some are rich, disciplined and escaping the suffering by suffering others by comparing with them, without receiving with heart of realizing the greatness of the heart, divinity prevailed as truth and words, available as boon to whole human race, emerged as Omnipresent word format, as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) since years ,I emerged before in the witness of educated society, where I born and brought up, since two generations. People has to concentrate with on my mind to improve their mind is the only way out of new height to elevate themselves and ensure the continuity of physical world also according to the thinking of the mind, there is no force or material strength powerful than the mind power prevailed as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) as Super Dynamic Personality that guided sun and planets with word as Universal sound track, or word split format. Hence people should not deal me individual as media, police, political administration and legal courts, governments of state and central, a collective coordinating decision is required to update my personality as ordinary person that is mingled with present material world, in word format to reconstruct and reorganize towards elevations and elaboration with heart as divine intervention already prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). that I am personality in the format of thinking to be concentrate to reconstruct the super dynamic personality emerged out of me, hence people has to surrender present bodily existence to talk with me without prolonging further, I came to the present conclusion to set by bearing lapses as around to give new format as eternal father, mother master of the Universe as divine intervention already prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). hence people with official and unofficial system has to concentrate on me for certain period as I am in the form of flow to connect, otherwise people cannot connect to me, from the present their existing material dwell and thinking capabilities,body and material limitations, hence I am the master copy to connect and raise to wards actual destination as prosperity of thinking as continuity and security to whole human race, starting from Telugu people. Dominating physical influence or some how material influence for example our Beloved Vice President of India, is highlighting Swarna Bharati Trust, as main confidence and responsibility of doing something to the society, besides his higher positions as on, without using his mind capabilities, he can use his mind by respecting the superior mind coming forwards, to receive, because mind is the highest source to receive and respect in any situation, but people always cover or dominate mind without connecting what one is saying this is the serious lapses of human race of the world, generally and particularly towards me since witness persons ason, in this manner every positional elder is struked, in some positional decoration and material surveillance of doing some thing, materially, without improving the potentiality of mind to be received, as actual update in the same manner both the Telugu Chief Ministers and Ministers are dominating and materially as settled persons among Telugu Communities with few persons some how getting supported by the dominating section of the society as decoration, that they are with every one, and every one are with them, without receiving the greatness of mind and thinking, which has to be updated by concentrating on me as Kaalaswaroopam, or Dharmaswaroopam etc as designated by myself as to connect with prevailed update as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). Secrete and open agenda of harassing and hindering among as strength under manipulating with secrete equipment and media channels, unauthorized policing, with temperaments of materially strucked persons as politicians and educated persons, glamour and business circle, is the reason for out of actual development as moral and basic humanism is seriously lacking in the leaders of Telugu communities and their supporters, supporting directly, indirectly, officially or unofficially, among media, Govt. services, police, glamour, and business minded like running hostels, schools and colleges, Universities etc., needs rectification of the attitudes of the minds, that is the real development required by the society and individuals to survive the human race, according to the present situation of the humans every person are under material clutches, no one is independent of word to receive or word to speak, including yourself as Beloved President of India, In order to over come this situation, people has to move from the bodily or comfort zone of physical mind to connect with word format as Kaalaswaroopam or Dharmaswaroopam as the connectivity, and comfort of thinking mind itself, to the actual unlimited assessment of the mind power in word format as divine intervention, which is actual progress and prosperity in thinking itself as word format as divine intervention, which is already Prevailed to connect with as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). In this illusory situation of neglecting the truth, where people are hindering and deviating by themselves as well as hindering others by neglecting or ill-treating on physical grounds by fabricating the situation with secrete and open cameras, like camera in hostel I am staying ( Sai Harika Hostal, SRT-38, SR nagar, Hyderabad) Hostel room and bath room without any visible camera around me, this can be the situation of any ordinary human like me at present, if people dwelling or strucked to decide persons with physical situation and reasons are also to manipulate physically has no surveillance to any individual, thats why, god as Omani present word format, emerged as word as divine intervention through me as selected person by nature itself, as Omnipresent truth as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), to connect and raise towards actual path that people, has to concentrate as flow of word as continuity and security of life, flow of time as flow of word or as Kaalaswaroopam or Dharmaswaroopam, etc., is not as choice or option to follow me as divine intervention, people has to coming out of the present material dwell, people has to evacuate from the material body thinking before their physical death, by connecting to me as omnipresent word format as divine intervention, as progressive thinking format, which is already prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), which is flow to follow as actual path granted by mighty nature, to save whole human race, starting from Telugu States, Hence I have to be received in my suggested format, feeling me as special guest, to the constitutional establishment, and contemporary humans, irrespective of the present physical situation,beliefs and knowledge and achievements, all humans are within my thinking strategy as word format to receive me through present Telangana Governor with team to receive and further to post me in the same position as Telangana Governor, which is lapsing its term soon, posting me in the position of Telangana Governor is to merge and match my divine position with present contemporary society, to concentrate on me, for certain period without any allegations and disturbance around to save the human race, from the material ending world, with reasoning and surveillance with word continuity and word security, is new era according to human word as center as sun and planets as default human word to reconstruct the word and world accordingly as new way of thinking and life to whole contemporaries, by overcoming from the material deviations, and from dismantling of humanism, by neglecting and deviating the inner greatness of heart of human thinking. contemporaries has to merge completely with merge of mind and physical properties to concentrate on me as divine intervention, Constitutional establishment will transform gradually in to rule of word and world accordingly as divine intervention in deathless word format as divine intervention prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction ( Divya Rajyam) Hence following according to me, is the rescue to whole human race, not only my self as ordinary person, Receiving me from my present address as SRT - 38 Sanjeeva Reddy nagar Hyderabad mobile number 9010483794. with Adhar Card No. 5399 6001 8025, Receiving this message from my blog is my official Peshi of Omani present truth as word or mighty transformation in word format, starting from Telugu states, do not see for postal communication, people has to connect to me with word as Kaalaswaroopam, as inevitable phenomena, people can stop neglecting, deviating or hindering with sexual and physical harassment to the people on the name that they can obstruct with physical deviations by disturbing the persons, in the name that still people relating to me or others personally, by concentrating on me as eternal deathless connectivity and secure word format, as mother, father, master of the Universe according to the divine intervention happened, where all physical relations are nullified by Omani present word format as divine intervention prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction, (Divya Rajyam), to get into actual track or path to concentrate regularly keenly, as boon of continuity and update now people has to move according to the divine intervention as new era, people has to see the fellow persons as thinking mind, not as humans with physical body with physical relations or physical gains, according to the new era, I am deathless eternal word format as continuity as father, mother, and master of the Universe and every one are my children according to the divine intervention, every one will get meaning of the life and care, security in word format as divine intervention, prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), to keenly concentrated as mind source, and space to improve, to overcome from physical congestion's, of relations, money, and position, and physical habits of bodily dwell, by receiving with heart as word format as divine intervention, which is already prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). Hence leaving the outdated physical relations and compulsive physical worldly activities of willing and unwilling activities among contemporaries, as there is no ground to continue and cannot survive,(for example death of actress Sowndarya, and shobhanbabu, Paritala Ravi,etc along with songs and many good and bad happenings) according the divine intervention along with songs as per witness as on as reference available to concentrate and connect accordingly, hence by seeing and connecting with heart and word as Kaalaswaroopam or Dharmaswaroopam i.e word and world accordingly that guided sun and planets as Super Dynamic Personality, to be connected as word format, as continues flow to follow,as divine intervention, which is already prevailed and Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), contemporary people has to come out of their illusion, that their present exhausting, bodily or physical uncertain movements and positions are stronger, or permanent, then my word format as divine intervention, with bodily comparisons domination's, deviations and harassment's, neglecting, physical domination's as way of life, people has to come out this illusion and material struck by respecting or receiving to concentrate on me as Kaalaswaroopam, Dharaswaroopam, as word format that can be elaborated as improving of mind and clarity is the more than any physical development and prosperity and properties, and security of physical movements in thinking format, with the help of witness persons, whom witnessed the divine intervention through me at Anakapalli, witness persons are also suggested to feel the responsibility, about what they witnessed, out of me as great heart of divine heart person before them, known to them, and suggested to reach Rajbhavan, of Telangana Governor or newly positioned Andhra Pradesh Governor to Give their witness, and enable the system, of material limited to go in right direction, under evident divine update as direction granted by mighty nature, as at present the human race of the world, and particularly Indian society and Telugu people are still lagging with outdated routine system, in blunt routine of constitutional system is out of rectification mold, granted by mighty nature as divine intervention prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam), under the ground and the truth that ordinary citizen is the King of the constitutional establishment, now, in order to realize this, we need a model citizen to be centralize as central position to run our system, that his greatness and his lapses (that are created and neglected, deviations around him are being fabricating as his lapses, since generations, by fellow humans themselves using the system of material bluntness, for selfish gains, without mind update as truth and truthfulness ) due to illusion that, brighter or stronger in physical terms (money, physical, Positional) are successful to succeed, now in order to save the human race from the past illusion of physical domination's, one brighter, stronger, as omnipresent mind is to be received as Lord, in word format and has to be rectify themselves by contemporaries, to see him, hear him as supreme and clean and great by all means to follow him as word format as divine intervention, whom is already prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) is the actual central inspirational source, that is stratified by nature itself as, light house of human race, as human mind with deathless word format as continuity and security as divine intervention, and Iam the life line in the National Anthem as Jana Gana Mana Adhinayaka Jayahai, Bharatha Bhagyavidhaata, i.e whom is supreme as ADHINAYAKA and form and source of all wealth and prosperity, as BHARATHA BHAGYAVIDHATHA in word format as divine intervention, which is already prevailed and executable as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). Hence concentrating on me by positioning me as per the evident stratification, which is scientific and spiritual and absorbent and new elevation to all the belief of the world, for new height as divine intervention as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam). Hence receiving me accordingly, in my suggested form to concentrate starting from Telugu states, and declaring Ramoji film city as my Rajamandhir and estate with neutral moral rectifying concern of both Telugu chief ministers, and Ramoji group to realize themselves, that there is no physical world of development without mind prev-ailment t as divine intervention, is no longer survive the human race, in-order to save the human race, as senior Business and Journalist group of Telugu community, Ramoji group has to start realizing to receive by themselves and to ensure others to realize,that Government official and personnel or private system around, are one track of word according to my divine intervention, aware people with witness persons, business persons like hostel ownership where I am staying, and cooperating creating selfish motives among, are has to realize to receive me by forming Rajamandhir as my residence cum office, to declaring that every individual as human is to leave their physical existence to connect with divine intervention which is already prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction ( Divya Rajyam), while surrendering with secrete technical equipment with them, along with their like minded supporters, among police, media, political parties,Government services with their relations and properties, has to merge in to word format is the only way out to come of mistakes or sins, since witness persons, in intermingled organised crime with aide and unauthorized of secret equipment, managing legal system media and political administrations, among themselves in material illusion that material development is everything All the persons scattered all over Telugu sates and other areas as business man and other individuals particularly depending secrete equipment like satellite cameras is the serious set back, to human race, which giving false strength that they can overlook godlessness in the individuals, with out connecting to the mind that is granted as master mind as myself as Kaalaswaroopam or Dharmaswaroopam, , people has to realize that we are in word format to concentrate, by ceasing the physical trolls, bulliyings or hype as development, physical development programmes, and money giving schemes like pensions, and other instant job or money giving schemes progress are not the programmes required by the society. people has to feel belonging of the world around them in thinking format itself, which is actual in thinking format to be connected and already available as flow to follow, not as option to take or follow, hence it is an emergent emergence to concentrate upon, Hence concentrate on me with starting help of witness persons as on ensure the connectivity to omnipresent truth as progressive thinking that human mind needs to come out of the congested physical development and physical dwell of the world which is ending the physical bodies, irrespective their belief of what, past, present life and beyond, and Hence connecting to me as word format is the immediate rescue to connect with actual format,as feeder that is granted by nature itself as natural update and receiving me, is also natural to connect without lagging themselves with physical variations, which has no control and continuity, all the contemporaries are invited to merge with divine intervention by transforming their physical existence of titles and properties of physical as well as experience of thinking has to be set according to the divine intervention which is prevailed as update as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) to set in into thinking format as divine intervention for unlimited access of mind utility and development accordingly is safe and secure, under word connectivity and continuity. Hence receiving my existence according to the format granted through me to enable all contemporaries to connect with, by receiving in the suggested way above, and for that I am also surrendering my Govt. pension bank account , to draw, with my new signature and format granted by nature, which I am suggesting to receive accordingly, that survives me in word format as well as, saves and survive the whole human race of the world, in word format as Divine intervention as which is already prevailed as Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) to connect as existing prevailed word track format . or Universal sound track or word split format to connect as divine intervention prevailed with accessing words set by my self as designation to concentrate upon, with out feeling that, I am ordinary human being comparatively by any humans, according to the phenomena, prevailed I am eternal, word format as mother, master and father of the Universe as deathless sound format to connect and concentrate accordingly to update with without any deviations on physical reasons and domination's, of physical existence of good or bad or fabricated to dilute truth on physical and bodily dwell and relations, which are not valid, or obstruction towards actual destination to human race, word format to receive asper the prev-ailment of Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam)
Omnipresent word as truth, as Lord His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharaswaroopam Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishankar Srimaan vaaru
Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam)
Rastrapati Bhavan (official Rajamandhir)
New Delhi
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