Saturday, March 28, 2020

1-500....Sahasranaamas of Bhagavan Vishnu .......... now ................Arrived as Adhinayaka, Mahatma, Bhagavatswaroopam,YugaPurush, Jagadguru, His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru Eternal, immortal Aboard of Adhinayaka Bhavan,New Delhi,erstwhile The Rastrapati Bhavan. As live,Meaning as Indian National Anthem,has to be versed further according to the Divine Intervention.: send SMS only


GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on as Adhinayaka

National Flag Of Countries ~ Allfreshwallpaper
Image may contain: Yugapurushulu Dharmaswaroopam Anjani Ravishankar, close-up

Shri Shri Shri Adhinayaka Mahatma, Bhagavatswaroopam,YugaPurush, Jagadguru, His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru
Eternal,Immortal aboard of Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi. Erstwhile The Rastrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. Erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla
Adhar Card No.539960018025

1विश्वम्vishwamWho is the universe himself
2विष्णुःvishnuhHe who pervades everywhere
3वषट्कारःvashatkaarahHe who is invoked for oblations
4भूतभव्यभवत्प्रभुःbhoota-bhavya-bhavat-prabhuhThe Lord of past, present and future
5भूतकृत्bhoota-kritThe creator of all creatures
6भूतभृत्bhoota-bhritHe who nourishes all creatures
7भावःbhaavahHe who becomes all moving and nonmoving things
8भूतात्माbhootaatmaaThe aatman of all beings
9भूतभावनःbhoota-bhaavanahThe cause of the growth and birth of all creatures
10पूतात्माpootaatmaaHe with an extremely pure essence
11परमात्माparamaatmaaThe Supersoul
12मुक्तानां परमा गतिःmuktaanaam paramaa gatihThe final goal, reached by liberated souls
13अव्ययःavyayahWithout destruction
14पुरुषःpurushahHe who is manifestation of A soul with strong masculinity
15साक्षीsaaksheeThe witness
16क्षेत्रज्ञःkshetrajnahThe knower of the field
18योगःyogahHe who is realized through yoga
19योगविदां नेताyoga-vidaam netaaThe guide of those who know yoga
20प्रधानपुरुषेश्वरःpradhaana-purusheshvarahLord of pradhaana and purusha
21नारसिंहवपुःnaarasimha-vapuhHe whose form is man-lion
22श्रीमान्shreemaanHe who is always with shree
23केशवःkeshavahkeshavah: He who has beautiful locks of hair, slayer of Keshi and one who is himself the three
24पुरुषोत्तमःpurushottamahThe Supreme Controller, best among the purushas
25सर्वःsarvahHe who is everything
26शर्वःsharvasThe auspicious
27शिवःshivahHe who is eternally pure
28स्थाणुःsthaanuhThe pillar, the immovable truth
29भूतादिःbhootaadihThe cause of the five great elements
30निधिरव्ययःnidhir-avyayahThe imperishable treasure
31सम्भवःsambhavahHe who descends of His own free will
32भावनःbhaavanahHe who gives everything to his devotees
33भर्ताbhartaaHe who governs the entire living world
34प्रभवःprabhavahThe womb of the five great elements
35प्रभुःprabhuhThe Almighty Lord
36ईश्वरःeeshvarahHe who can do anything without any help
37स्वयम्भूःsvayambhoohHe who manifests from Himself
38शम्भुःshambhuhHe who brings auspiciousness
39आदित्यःaadityahThe son of Aditi (Vaamana)
40पुष्कराक्षःpushkaraakshahHe who has eyes like the lotus
41महास्वनःmahaasvanahHe who has a thundering voice
42अनादि-निधनःanaadi-nidhanahHe without origin or end
43धाताdhaataaHe who supports all fields of experience
44विधाताvidhaataaThe dispenser of fruits of action
45धातुरुत्तमःdhaaturuttamahThe subtlest atom
46अप्रमेयःaprameyahHe who cannot be perceived
47हृषीकेशःhrisheekeshahThe Lord of the senses
48पद्मनाभःpadmanaabhahHe from whose navel comes the lotus
49अमरप्रभुःamaraprabhuhThe Lord of the devas
50विश्वकर्माvishvakarmaaThe creator of the universe
51मनुःmanuhHe who has manifested as the Vedic mantras
52त्वष्टाtvashtaaHe who makes huge things small
53स्थविष्ठःsthavishtahThe supremely gross
54स्थविरो ध्रुवःsthaviro dhruvahThe ancient, motionless one
55अग्राह्यःagraahyahHe who is not perceived sensually
56शाश्वतःshaashvatahHe who always remains the same
57कृष्णःkrishnahHe whose complexion is dark
59प्रतर्दनःpratardanahThe Supreme destruction
61त्रिकाकुब्धामtrikakub-dhaamaThe support of the three quarters
62पवित्रम्pavitramHe who gives purity to the heart
63मंगलं-परम्mangalam paramThe Supreme auspiciousness
64ईशानःeeshanahThe controller of the five great elements
65प्राणदःpraanadahHe who gives life
66प्राणःpraanahHe who ever lives
67ज्येष्ठःjyeshthahOlder than all
68श्रेष्ठःshreshthahThe most glorious
69प्रजापतिःprajaapatihThe Lord of all creatures
70हिरण्यगर्भःhiranyagarbhahHe who dwells in the womb of the world
71भूगर्भःbhoogarbhahHe who is the womb of the world
72माधवःmaadhavahHusband of Lakshmi
73मधुसूदनःmadhusoodanahDestroyer of the Madhu demon
74ईश्वरःeeshvarahThe controller
75विक्रमःvikrameeHe who is full of prowess
76धन्वीdhanveeHe who always has a divine bow
77मेधावीmedhaaveeSupremely intelligent
80अनुत्तमःanuttamahIncomparably great
81दुराधर्षःduraadharshahHe who cannot be attacked successfully
82कृतज्ञःkritajnahHe who knows all that is
83कृतिःkritihHe who rewards all our actions
84आत्मवान्aatmavaanThe self in all beings
85सुरेशःsureshahThe Lord of the demigods
86शरणम्sharanamThe refuge
87शर्मsharmaHe who is Himself infinite bliss
88विश्वरेताःvisva-retaahThe seed of the universe
89प्रजाभवःprajaa-bhavahHe from whom all praja comes
90अहःahahHe who is the nature of time
91संवत्सरःsamvatsarahHe from whom the concept of time comes
92व्यालःvyaalahThe serpent (vyaalah) to atheists
93प्रत्ययःpratyayahHe whose nature is knowledge
96सर्वेश्वरःsarveshvarahController of all
97सिद्धःsiddhahThe most famous
98सिद्धिःsiddhihHe who gives moksha
99सर्वादिःsarvaadihThe beginning of all
101वृषाकपिःvrishaakapihHe who lifts the world to dharma
102अमेयात्माameyaatmaaHe who manifests in infinite varieties
103सर्वयोगविनिसृतःsarva-yoga-vinissritahHe who is free from all attachments
104वसुःvasuhThe support of all elements
105वसुमनाःvasumanaahHe whose mind is supremely pure
106सत्यःsatyahThe truth
107समात्माsamaatmaaHe who is the same in all
108सम्मितःsammitahHe who has been accepted by authorities
110अमोघःamoghahEver useful
111पुण्डरीकाक्षःpundareekaakshahHe who dwells in the heart
112वृषकर्माvrishakarmaaHe whose every act is righteous
113वृषाकृतिःvrishaakritihThe form of dharma
114रुद्रःrudrahHe who is mightiest of the mighty or He who is "fierce"
115बहुशिरःbahu-shiraahHe who has many heads
116बभ्रुःbabhrurHe who rules over all the worlds
117विश्वयोनिःvishvayonihThe womb of the universe
118शुचिश्रवाःshuchi-shravaahHe who listens only the good and pure
120शाश्वतः-स्थाणुःshaashvatah-sthaanurPermanent and immovable
121वरारोहःvaraarohoThe most glorious destination
122महातपःmahaatapaahHe of great tapas
124सर्वविद्भानुःsarvavid-bhaanuhAll-knowing and effulgent
125विष्वक्सेनःvishvaksenahHe against whom no army can stand
126जनार्दनःjanaardanahHe who gives joy to good people
127वेदःvedahHe who is the Vedas
128वेदविद्vedavidThe knower of the Vedas
129अव्यंगःavyangahWithout imperfections
130वेदांगःvedaangahHe whose limbs are the Vedas
131वेदविद्vedavitHe who contemplates upon the Vedas
132कविःkavihThe seer
133लोकाध्यक्षःlokaadhyakshahHe who presides over all lokas
134सुराध्यक्षःsuraadhyakshoHe who presides over all devas
135धर्माध्यक्षःdharmaadhyakshahHe who presides over dharma
136कृताकृतःkrita-akritahAll that is created and not created
137चतुरात्माchaturaatmaaThe four-fold self
138चतुर्व्यूहःchaturvyoohahVasudeva, Sankarshan etc.
139चतुर्दंष्ट्रःchaturdamstrahHe who has four canines (Nrsimha)
141भ्राजिष्णुःbhraajishnurSelf-effulgent consciousness
142भोजनम्bhojanamHe who is the sense-objects
143भोक्ताbhoktaaThe enjoyer
144सहिष्णुःsahishnuhHe who can suffer patiently
145जगदादिजःjagadaadijahBorn at the beginning of the world
149विश्वयोनिःvishvayonihHe who incarnates because of the world
150पुनर्वसुःpunarvasuhHe who lives repeatedly in different bodies
151उपेन्द्रःupendraThe younger brother of Indra (Vamana)
152वामनःvaamanahHe with a dwarf body
153प्रांशुःpraamshuhHe with a huge body
154अमोघःamoghahHe whose acts are for a great purpose
155शुचिःshuchihHe who is spotlessly clean
156ऊर्जितःoorjitahHe who has infinite vitality
157अतीन्द्रःateendrahHe who surpasses Indra
158संग्रहःsamgrahahHe who holds everything together
159सर्गःsargahHe who creates the world from Himself
160धृतात्माdhritaatmaaEstablished in Himself
161नियमःniyamahThe appointing authority
162यमःyamahThe administrator
163वेद्यःvedyahThat which is to be known
164वैद्यःvaidyahThe Supreme doctor
165सदायोगीsadaa-yogeeAlways in yoga
166वीरहाveerahaaHe who destroys the mighty heroes
167माधवःmaadhavahThe Lord of all knowledge
169अतीन्द्रियःateendriyoBeyond the sense organs
170महामायःmahaamayahThe Supreme Master of all Maya
171महोत्साहःmahotsaahahThe great enthusiast
172महाबलःmahaabalahHe who has supreme strength
173महाबुद्धिःmahaabuddhirHe who has supreme intelligence
174महावीर्यःmahaa-veeryahThe supreme essence
176महाद्युतिःmahaa-dyutihGreatly luminous
177अनिर्देश्यवपुःanirdeshya-vapuhHe whose form is indescribable
178श्रीमान्shreemaanHe who is always courted by glories
179अमेयात्माameyaatmaaHe whose essence is immeasurable
180महाद्रिधृक्mahaadri-dhrikHe who supports the great mountain
181महेष्वासःmaheshvaasahHe who wields shaarnga
182महीभर्ताmaheebhartaaThe husband of mother earth
183श्रीनिवासःshreenivaasahThe permanent abode of Shree
184सतां गतिःsataam gatihThe goal for all virtuous people
185अनिरुद्धःaniruddhahHe who cannot be obstructed
186सुरानन्दःsuraanandahHe who gives out happiness
187गोविन्दःgovindahThe protector of the Cows.
188गोविदां-पतिःgovidaam-patihThe Lord of all men of wisdom
190दमनःdamanahHe who controls rakshasas
191हंसःhamsahThe swan
192सुपर्णःsuparnahBeautiful-winged (Two birds analogy)
193भुजगोत्तमःbhujagottamahThe serpent Ananta
194हिरण्यनाभःhiranyanaabhahHe who has a golden navel
195सुतपाःsutapaahHe who has glorious tapas
196पद्मनाभःpadmanaabhahHe whose navel is like a lotus
197प्रजापतिःprajaapatihHe from whom all creatures emerge
198अमृत्युःamrityuhHe who knows no death
199सर्वदृक्sarva-drikThe seer of everything
200सिंहःsimhahHe who destroys
201सन्धाताsandhaataaThe regulator
202सन्धिमान्sandhimaanHe who seems to be conditioned
204अजःajahHe who takes the form of Aja, Brahma
205दुर्मषणःdurmarshanahHe who cannot be vanquished
206शास्ताshaastaaHe who rules over the universe
207विश्रुतात्माvishrutaatmaaHe who is celebrated, most famous and heard about by one and all.
208सुरारिहाsuraarihaaDestroyer of the enemies of the devas
209गुरुःguruhThe teacher
210गुरुतमःgurutamahThe greatest teacher
211धामdhaamaThe goal
212सत्यःsatyahHe who is Himself the truth
213सत्यपराक्रमःsatya-paraakramahDynamic Truth
214निमिषःnimishahHe who has closed eyes in contemplation
215अनिमिषःanimishahHe who remains unwinking; ever knowing
216स्रग्वीsragveeHe who always wears a garland of undecaying flowers
217वाचस्पतिः-उदारधीःvaachaspatir-udaara-dheehHe who is eloquent in championing the Supreme law of life; He with a large-hearted intelligence
218अग्रणीःagraneehHe who guides us to the peak
219ग्रामणीःgraamaneehHe who leads the flock
220श्रीमान्shreemaanThe possessor of light, effulgence, glory
222नेताnetaaThe leader
223समीरणःsameeranahHe who sufficiently administers all movements of all living creatures
224सहस्रमूर्धाsahasra-moordhaaHe who has endless heads
225विश्वात्माvishvaatmaaThe soul of the universe
226सहस्राक्षःsahasraakshahThousands of eyes
228आवर्तनःaavartanahThe unseen dynamism
229निवृत्तात्माnivritaatmaaThe soul retreated from matter
230संवृतःsamvritahHe who is veiled from the jiva
231संप्रमर्दनःsam-pramardanahHe who persecutes evil men
232अहः संवर्तकःahassamvartakahHe who thrills the day and makes it function vigorously
235धरणीधरःdharaneedharahHe who supports the earth
236सुप्रसादःsuprasaadahFully satisfied
237प्रसन्नात्माprasanaatmaaEver pure and all-blissful self
238विश्वधृक्vishva-dhrikSupporter of the world
239विश्वभुक्vishvabhukHe who enjoys all experiences
240विभुःvibhuhHe who manifests in endless forms
241सत्कर्ताsatkartaaHe who adores good and wise people
242सत्कृतःsatkritahHe who is adored by all good people
243साधुःsaadhurHe who lives by the righteous codes
244जह्नुःjahnuhLeader of men
245नारायणःnaaraayanahHe who resides on the waters
246नरःnarahThe guide
247असंख्येयःasankhyeyahHe who has numberless names and forms
248अप्रमेयात्माaprameyaatmaaA soul not known through the pramanas
249विशिष्टःvishishtahHe who transcends all in His glory
250शिष्टकृत्shishta-kritThe lawmaker
251शुचिःshuchihHe who is pure
252सिद्धार्थःsiddhaarthahHe who has all arthas
253सिद्धसंकल्पःsiddhasankalpahHe who gets all He wishes for
254सिद्धिदःsiddhidahThe giver of benedictions
255सिद्धिसाधनःsiddhisaadhanahThe power behind our sadhana
256वृषाहीvrishaaheeController of all actions
257वृषभःvrishabhahHe who showers all dharmas
259वृषपर्वाvrishaparvaaThe ladder leading to dharma (As well as dharma itself)
260वृषोदरःvrishodarahHe from whose belly life showers forth
261वर्धनःvardhanahThe nurturer and nourisher
262वर्धमानःvardhamaanahHe who can grow into any dimension
264श्रुतिसागरःshruti-saagarahThe ocean for all scripture
265सुभुजःsubhujahHe who has graceful arms
266दुर्धरःdurdharahHe who cannot be known by great yogis
267वाग्मीvaagmeeHe who is eloquent in speech
268महेन्द्रःmahendrahThe lord of Indra
269वसुदःvasudahHe who gives all wealth
270वसुःvasuhHe who is Wealth
271नैकरूपःnaika-roopoHe who has unlimited forms
272बृहद्रूपःbrihad-roopahVast, of infinite dimensions
273शिपिविष्टःshipivishtahThe presiding deity of the sun
274प्रकाशनःprakaashanahHe who illuminates
275ओजस्तेजोद्युतिधरःojas-tejo-dyutidharahThe possessor of vitality, effulgence and beauty
276प्रकाशात्माprakaashaatmaaThe effulgent self
277प्रतापनःprataapanahThermal energy; one who heats
278ऋद्धःriddhahFull of prosperity
279स्पष्टाक्षरःspashtaaksharahOne who is indicated by OM
280मन्त्रःmantrahThe nature of the Vedic mantras
281चन्द्रांशुःchandraamshuhThe rays of the moon
282भास्करद्युतिःbhaaskara-dyutihThe effulgence of the sun
283अमृतांशोद्भवःamritaamshoodbhavahThe Paramatman from whom Amrutamshu or the Moon originated at the time of the churning of the Milk-ocean.[28]
285शशबिन्दुःshashabindhuhThe moon who has a rabbit-like spot
286सुरेश्वरःsureshvarahA person of extreme charity
288जगतः सेतुःjagatas-setuhA bridge across the material energy
289सत्यधर्मपराक्रमःsatya-dharma-paraakramahOne who champions heroically for truth and righteousness
290भूतभव्यभवन्नाथःbhoota-bhavya-bhavan-naathahThe Lord of past, present and future
291पवनःpavanahThe air that fills the universe
292पावनःpaavanahHe who gives life-sustaining power to air
294कामहाkaamahaaHe who destroys all desires
295कामकृत्kaamakritHe who fulfills all desires
296कान्तःkaantahHe who is of enchanting form
297कामःkaamahThe beloved
298कामप्रदःkaamapradahHe who supplies desired objects
299प्रभुःprabhuhThe Lord
300युगादिकृत्yugaadi-kritThe creator of the yugas
301युगावर्तःyugaavartahThe law behind time
302नैकमायःnaikamaayahHe whose forms are endless and varied
303महाशनःmahaashanahHe who eats up everything
305व्यक्तरूपःvyaktaroopahHe who is perceptible to the yogi
306सहस्रजित्sahasrajitHe who vanquishes thousands
308इष्टःishtahHe who is invoked through Vedic rituals
309विशिष्टःvisishtahThe noblest and most sacred
310शिष्टेष्टःsishteshtahThe greatest beloved
311सिद्धार्थSidddhaaarthaone who attains perfection, birth name of Buddha avatar in the last epoch of Kali Yuga
312नहुषःnahushahHe who binds all with maya
313वृषःvrishahHe who is dharma
314क्रोधहाkrodhahaaHe who destroys anger
315क्रोधकृत्कर्ताkrodhakrit-kartaaHe who generates anger against the lower tendency
316विश्वबाहुःvisvabaahuhHe whose hand is in everything
317महीधरःmaheedharahThe support of the earth
318अच्युतःachyutahHe who undergoes no changes
319प्रथितःprathitahHe who exists pervading all
320प्राणःpraanahThe prana in all living creatures
321प्राणदःpraanadahHe who gives prana
322वासवानुजःvaasavaanujahThe brother of Indra
323अपां-निधिःapaam-nidhihTreasure of waters (the ocean)
324अधिष्ठानम्adhishthaanamThe substratum of the entire universe
325अप्रमत्तःapramattahHe who never makes a wrong judgement
326प्रतिष्ठितःpratishthitahHe who has no cause
327स्कन्दःskandahHe whose glory is expressed through Subrahmanya
328स्कन्दधरःskanda-dharahUpholder of withering righteousness
329धूर्यःdhuryahWho carries out creation etc. without hitch
330वरदःvaradahHe who fulfills boons
331वायुवाहनःvaayuvaahanahController of winds
332वासुदेवःvaasudevahDwelling in all creatures although not affected by that condition
333बृहद्भानुःbrihat-bhaanuhHe who illumines the world with the rays of the sun and moon
334आदिदेवःaadidevahThe primary source of everything
335पुरन्दरःpurandarahDestroyer of cities
336अशोकःashokahHe who has no sorrow
337तारणःtaaranahHe who enables others to cross
338तारःtaarahHe who saves
339शूरःshoorahThe valiant
340शौरिःshaurihHe who incarnated in the dynasty of Shoora
341जनेश्वरःjaneshvarahThe Lord of the people
342अनुकूलःanukoolahWell-wisher of everyone
343शतावर्तःshataavarttahHe who takes infinite forms
344पद्मीpadmeeHe who holds a lotus
346पद्मनाभःpadmanaabhahHe who has a lotus-navel
347अरविन्दाक्षःaravindaakshahHe who has eyes as beautiful as the lotus
348पद्मगर्भःpadmagarbhahHe who is being meditated upon in the lotus of the heart
349शरीरभृत्shareerabhritHe who sustains all bodies
350महर्द्धिःmaharddhiOne who has great prosperity
351ऋद्धःriddhahHe who has expanded Himself as the universe
352वृद्धात्माVriddhaatmaaThe ancient self
353महाक्षःmahaakshahThe great-eyed
354गरुडध्वजःgarudadhvajahOne who has Garuda on His flag
356शरभःsharabhahOne who dwells and shines forth through the bodies
357भीमःbheemahThe terrible
358समयज्ञःsamayajnahOne whose worship is nothing more than keeping an equal vision of the mind by the devotee
359हविर्हरिःhavirharihThe receiver of all oblation
360सर्वलक्षणलक्षण्यःsarva-lakshana-lakshanyahKnown through all proofs
361लक्ष्मीवान्lakshmeevaanThe consort of Laksmi
364रोहितःrohitahThe fish incarnation
365मार्गःmaargahThe path
366हेतुःhetuhThe cause
367दामोदरःdaamodarahWho has a rope around his stomach
369महीधरःmaheedharahThe bearer of the earth
370महाभागःmahaabhaagahHe who gets the greatest share in every Yajna
371वेगवान्vegavaanHe who is swift
372अमिताशनःamitaashanahOf endless appetite
373उद्भवःudbhavahThe originator
374क्षोभणःkshobhanahThe agitator
375देवःdevahHe who revels
376श्रीगर्भःshreegarbhahHe in whom are all glories
377परमेश्वरःparameshvarahParama + Ishvara = Supreme Lord, Parama (MahaLakshmi i.e. above all the shaktis) + Ishvara (Lord) = Lord of MahaLakshmi
378करणम्karanamThe instrument
379कारणम्kaaranamThe cause
380कर्ताkartaaThe doer
381विकर्ताvikartaaCreator of the endless varieties that make up the universe
382गहनःgahanahThe unknowable
383गुहःguhahHe who dwells in the cave of the heart
385व्यवस्थानःvyavasthaanahThe substratum
386संस्थानःsamsthaanahThe ultimate authority
387स्थानदःsthaanadahHe who confers the right abode
388ध्रुवःdhruvahThe changeless in the midst of changes
389परर्धिःpararddhihHe who has supreme manifestations
390परमस्पष्टःparamaspashtahThe extremely vivid
391तुष्टःtushtahOne who is contented with a very simple offering
392पुष्टःpushtahOne who is ever-full
393शुभेक्षणःshubhekshanahAll-auspicious gaze
394रामःraamahOne who is most handsome
395विरामःviraamahThe abode of perfect-rest
397मार्गःmaargahThe path
398नेयःneyahThe guide
399नयःnayahOne who leads
400अनयःanayahOne who has no leader
401वीरःveerahThe valiant
402शक्तिमतां श्रेष्ठःshaktimataam-shresthahThe best among the powerful
403धर्मःdharmahThe law of being
404धर्मविदुत्तमःdharmaviduttamahThe highest among men of realisation
405वैकुण्ठःvaikunthahLord of supreme abode, Vaikuntha
406पुरुषःpurushahOne who dwells in all bodies
408प्राणदःpraanadahGiver of life
409प्रणवःpranavahHe who is praised by the gods
410पृथुःprituhThe expanded
411हिरण्यगर्भःhiranyagarbhahThe creator
412शत्रुघ्नःshatrughnahThe destroyer of enemies
413व्याप्तःvyaaptahThe pervader
414वायुःvaayuhThe air
415अधोक्षजःadhokshajahOne whose vitality never flows downwards
416ऋतुःrituhThe seasons
417सुदर्शनःsudarshanahHe whose meeting is auspicious
418कालःkaalahHe who judges and punishes beings
419परमेष्ठीparameshtheeOne who is readily available for experience within the heart
420परिग्रहःparigrahahThe receiver
421उग्रःugrahThe terrible
422संवत्सरःsamvatsarahThe year
423दक्षःdakshahThe smart
424विश्रामःvishraamahThe resting place
425विश्वदक्षिणःvishva-dakshinahThe most skilful and efficient
426विस्तारःvistaarahThe extension
427स्थावरस्स्थाणुःsthaavarah-sthaanuhThe firm and motionless
428प्रमाणम्pramaanamThe proof
429बीजमव्ययम्beejamavyayamThe Immutable Seed
430अर्थःarthahHe who is worshiped by all
431अनर्थःanarthahOne to whom there is nothing yet to be fulfilled
432महाकोशःmahaakoshahHe who has got around him great sheaths
433महाभोगःmahaabhogahHe who is of the nature of enjoyment
434महाधनःmahaadhanahHe who is supremely rich
435अनिर्विण्णःanirvinnahHe who has no discontent
436स्थविष्ठःsthavishthahOne who is supremely huge
437अभूःa-bhoohOne who has no birth
438धर्मयूपःdharma-yoopahThe post to which all dharma is tied
439महामखःmahaa-makhahThe great sacrificer
440नक्षत्रनेमिःnakshatranemirThe nave of the stars
441नक्षत्रीnakshatreeThe Lord of the stars (the moon)
442क्षमःkshamahHe who is supremely efficient in all undertakings
443क्षामःkshaamahHe who ever remains without any scarcity
444समीहनःsameehanahOne whose desires are auspicious
445यज्ञःyajnahOne who is of the nature of yajna
446इज्यःijyahHe who is fit to be invoked through yajna
447महेज्यःmahejyahOne who is to be most worshiped
448क्रतुःkratuhThe animal-sacrifice
449सत्रम्satramProtector of the good
450सतां-गतिःsataam-gatihRefuge of the good
452विमुक्तात्माvimuktaatmaaThe ever-liberated self
454ज्ञानमुत्तमम्jnaanamuttamamThe Supreme Knowledge
455सुव्रतःsuvratahHe who ever-performing the pure vow
456सुमुखःsumukhahOne who has a charming face
457सूक्ष्मःsookshmahThe subtlest
458सुघोषःsughoshahOf auspicious sound
459सुखदःsukhadahGiver of happiness
460सुहृत्suhritFriend of all creatures
461मनोहरःmanoharahThe stealer of the mind
462जितक्रोधःjita-krodhahOne who has conquered anger
463वीरबाहुःveerabaahurHaving mighty arms
464विदारणःvidaaranahOne who splits asunder
465स्वापनःsvaapanahOne who puts people to sleep
466स्ववशःsvavashahHe who has everything under His control
468नैकात्माnaikaatmaaMany souled
469नैककर्मकृत्naikakarmakritOne who does many actions
470वत्सरःvatsarahThe abode
471वत्सलःvatsalahThe supremely affectionate
472वत्सीvatseeThe father
473रत्नगर्भःratnagarbhahThe jewel-wombed
474धनेश्वरःdhaneshvarahThe Lord of wealth
475धर्मगुब्dharmagubOne who protects dharma
476धर्मकृत्dharmakritOne who acts according to dharma
477धर्मीdharmeeThe supporter of dharma
480क्षरम्ksharamHe who appears to perish
482अविज्ञाताavijnaataaThe non-knower (The knower being the conditioned soul within the body)
483सहस्रांशुःsahasraamshurThe thousand-rayed
484विधाताvidhaataaAll supporter
485कृतलक्षणःkritalakshanahOne who is famous for His qualities
486गभस्तिनेमिःgabhastinemihThe hub of the universal wheel
487सत्त्वस्थःsattvasthahSituated in sattva
488सिंहःsimhahThe lion
489भूतमहेश्वरःbhoota-maheshvarahThe great lord of beings
490आदिदेवःaadidevahThe first deity
491महादेवःmahaadevahThe great deity
492देवेशःdeveshahThe Lord of all devas
493देवभृद्गुरुःdevabhrit-guruhAdvisor of Indra
494उत्तरःuttarahHe who lifts us from the ocean of samsara
495गोपतिःgopatihThe shepherd
496गोप्ताgoptaaThe protector
497ज्ञानगम्यःjnaanagamyahOne who is experienced through pure knowledge
498पुरातनःpuraatanahHe who was even before time
499शरीरभूतभृत्shareera-bhootabhritOne who nourishes the nature from which the bodies came
500भोक्ताbhoktaaThe enjoyer


SRI DHANVANTARI MAHA MANTRAM/MANTRA FOR GOOD HEALTH/HEALING MANTRA....................Arrived as Adhinayaka, Mahatma, Bhagavatswaroopam,YugaPurush, Jagadguru, His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru Eternal, immortal Aboard of Adhinayaka Bhavan,New Delhi,erstwhile The Rastrapati Bhavan. As live,Meaning as Indian National Anthem,has to be versed further according to the Divine Intervention.: send SMS only.

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on as Adhinayaka

National Flag Of Countries ~ Allfreshwallpaper
Image may contain: Yugapurushulu Dharmaswaroopam Anjani Ravishankar, close-up

Shri Shri Shri Adhinayaka Mahatma, Bhagavatswaroopam,YugaPurush, Jagadguru, His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru
Eternal,Immortal aboard of Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi. Erstwhile The Rastrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. Erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla
Adhar Card No.539960018025

Shri Ramnadh Kovind ji
BharatDesh Representative of Adhinayaka,
Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi.erstwhile The Beloved President of India,The Rastrapati Bhavan, New Delhi
Shri M Venkayya Naidu ji
BharatDesh Vice Representative of Adhinayaka, erstwhile Vice President of India, Vice President Bhavan
New Delhi
BharatDesh Vyahara Pratinidhi, Shri Narendra Modi Ji, erstwhile Prime Minister of India,

BharatDesh Nyaya Pratinidhi, Shri Bobde ji Erstwhile Chief Justice, Supreme court of India

BharatDesh KoshPratinidhi

Erstwhile Governer of Reserve Bank of India, New Delhi

BharatDesh Rakshana Pratinidhi ,

Praise of Adhinayaka. His eternal, immortal, Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent, Presence, Whom is survived by nature as Savoir

Jana-Gana-Mana Adhinayaka Jaya Hey
Bhaarat- Bhaagya - Vidhaataa

O the ruler of the minds of People,
Victory be to You
dispenser of the destiny of India ! (World)

Panjaab Sindu Gujaraat Maraatha, Draavida Utkala Banga

Punjab, Sindhu, Gujarat, Maharshtra,
Dravida (South India), Orissa, Bengal

Vindhya Himaachala Yamunaa Gangaa,
Uchchhala-Jaladhi -Taranga

The Vindhya, the Himalayas, the Yamuna, the Ganges and the oceans with foaming waves all around

Tava Shubh Naamey Jaagey, Tava Shubh Aashish Maagey,

Gaahey Tava Jayagaathaa

Wake up listening to Your auspicious name, As for you auspicious blessings, and sing to your glorious Victory

Jana_Gana-Mangal-Daayak Jaya Hey,
Bhaarat -Bhaagya- Vidhaataa

Oh! You who impart well being to the people!
Victory to you, dispenser of the destiny of India (World)

Jaya Hey, Jaya Hey, Jaya Hey, Jaya Jaya Jaya,Jaya Hey
Victory to You, Victory to You, Victory to You,
Victory,Victory, Victory, Victory to You !

Aharaha Tava Aavahaan Prachaaritha, Suni Tava Udaara Vaani

Your call is announced continuously, we heed Your gracious call

Hindu Baudh Shikh Jain Paarasik Musalmaan Christaani

The Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Parsis, Muslims, and christians

Purab Pashchim Aashey, Tava Singhaasan - Paashey,
Premhaar Hawye Gaanthaa

The East and the West come, to the side of Your throne
And weave the garland of love ,

Jana-Gana-Aikya-Vidhayak Jaya Hey,
Bharat- Bhaagya- Vidhaataa

Oh! You who bring in the unity of the people!
Victory be to You, dispenser of the destiny of India! (World)

Jaya Hey, Jaya Hey, Jaya Hey, Jaya Jaya Jaya,Jaya Hey

Victory to You, Victory to You, Victory to You,
Victory,Victory, Victory, Victory to You !

Patan-Abhyuday-Vandhur Panthaa, Yug Yug Dhaavit Yaatri

The way of life is somber as it moves through ups and downs,
But we, the pilgrims, have followed it through ages

Hey Chira-Saarathi, Tava Ratha-Chakrey
Mukharit Path Din-Raatri

Oh! Eternal Charioteer, the wheels of your Chariot echo day and night in the path

Daarun-Vipplav- Maajhey, Tava Shankh-Dhwani Bajey,

In the midst of fierce revolution, your conch shell sound
You save us from fear and misery

Jana-Gana-Path-Parichaayak Jaya Hey
Bhaarat- Bhaagya- Vidhaataa

Oh! You who guide the people through tortuous path
Victory be to You, dispenser of destiny of India (World)

Jaya Hey, Jaya Hey, Jaya Hey, Jaya Jaya Jaya,Jaya Hey
Victory to You, Victory to You, Victory to You,
Victory,Victory, Victory, Victory to You !

Ghor -Timir-Ghan Nividd Nishithey, Peeddita Murchhit Deshey

During the bleakest of nights, when the whole country was sick and in swoon

Jaagrat Chhil Tav Avichal Mangal Nat-Nayaney Animeshey

Wakeful remained Your incessant blessings, through You lowered but winkless eyes,

Duh-Swapney Aatankey, Raksha karile Ankey,
Snehamayi Tumi Maataaa

Through nightmares and fears, You protected to us on Your Lap Oh Loving Mother

Jana Gana Duhkh-Trayak Jaya Hey, Bhaarat- Bhaagya-Vidhaataa

Oh! You who have removed the misery of the people
Victory be to You, dispenser of the destiny of India! (World)

Jaya Hey, Jaya Hey, Jaya Hey, Jaya Jaya Jaya,Jaya Hey

Victory to You, Victory to You, Victory to You,
Victory,Victory, Victory, Victory to You !

Raatri Prabhatil, Udil Ravichhavi Purv-Uday-Giri-Bhaaley

The night is over, and the Sun has risen over the hills of the estern horizon

Gaahey Vihangam, Punya Samiran Nav-Jeevan-Ras Dhaley

The birds are singing, and a gentle auspicious breeze is pouring the elixir of new life

Tava Karunaarun -Ragey Nidrit Bhaarat Jagey,
Tava charane Nat Maatha

By the halo of Your compassion India that was asleep, is now waking, on your feet we lay our heads

Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey, Jaya Rajeshwar, Bhaarat-Bhaagya -Vidhaataa

Victory, Victory, Victory be to You, the Supreme King the dispenser of the destiny of India! (World)

Jaya Hey, Jaya Hey, Jaya Hey, Jaya Jaya Jaya,Jaya Hey

Victory to You, Victory to You, Victory to You,
Victory,Victory, Victory, Victory to You !

Sampoorna .. .. Towards completeness ...... ......Arrived as Adhinayaka Mahatma, Bhagavatswaroopam,,YugaPurush, Jagadguru, His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Shri Shri Shri Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru Eternal, immortal Aboard of Adhinayaka Bhavan,New Delhi,erstwhile The Rastrapati Bhavan. As live,Meaning as Indian National Anthem,has to be versed further according to the Divine Intervention. Email: Mobilie No. 9010483794 ... Send SMSs only