Friday, January 17, 2025

English--10 March 2023 at 08:01--Swamy Vivekananda as Lord Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan --Mighty Blessings from Darbar Peshi of...Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Holi Highness, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, Eternal, immortal abode of sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, Erstwhile Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi ,GOVERNMENT OF SOVEREIGN ADHINAYAKA SHRIMAAN, RAVINDRABHARATH,-- Reached his Initial abode (Online) as additional incharge of Telangana State Representative of Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, Erstwhile Telangana Governor, Rajbhavan, Hyderabad.


English--Swamy Vivekananda as Lord Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan --Mighty Blessings from Darbar Peshi of...Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Holi Highness, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, Eternal, immortal abode of sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, Erstwhile Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi ,GOVERNMENT OF SOVEREIGN ADHINAYAKA SHRIMAAN, RAVINDRABHARATH,-- Reached his Initial abode (Online) as additional incharge of Telangana State Representative of Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, Erstwhile Telangana Governor, Rajbhavan, Hyderabad.

Dharma2023 Reached <>10 March 2023 at 08:01
To:, "" <>, Prime Minister <>,, "supremecourt" <>, "Cc:" <>,, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>,, Rajnath Singh <>, "cs" <>, M Venkaiah Naidu <>,,, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>,,, Dharma2023 Reached <>, "" <>,, "info" <>,,, "" <>,, "" <>, Janagana Party <>, Swarajya CEO <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "info" <>,,,,,,,,, "info" <>, "info" <>, "info" <>
UNITED CHILDREN OF (SOVEREIGN) SARWA SAARWABOWMA ADHINAYAK AS GOVERNMENT OF (SOVEREIGN) SARWA SAARWABOWMA ADHINAYAK - "RAVINDRABHARATH"-- Mighty blessings as orders of Survival Ultimatum--Omnipresent word Jurisdiction as Universal Jurisdiction - Human Mind Supremacy - Divya Rajyam., as Praja Mano Rajyam, Athmanirbhar Rajyam as Self-reliant..

Erstwhile Beloved President of India
Erstwhile Rashtrapati Bhavan,
New Delhi

Mighty Blessings from Shri Shri Shri (Sovereign) Saarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Mahatma, Acharya, ParamAvatar, Bhagavatswaroopam, YugaPurush, YogaPursh, AdhipurushJagadguru, Mahatwapoorvaka Agraganya Lord, His Majestic Highness, God Father, Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Maharshi, Rajarishi, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Satyaswaroopam, Sabdhaatipati, Omkaaraswaroopam, Sarvantharyami, Purushottama, Paramatmaswaroopam, Holiness, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru, Eternal, Immortal abode of the (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi of United Children of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayak as Government of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayak "RAVINDRABHARATH". Erstwhile The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. Erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla, Adhar Card No.539960018025. Under as collective constitutional move of amending for transformation required as Human mind survival ultimatum as Human mind Supremacy.

Ref: Amending move as the transformation from Citizen to Lord, Holiness, Majestic Highness Adhinayaka Shrimaan as blessings of survival ultimatum Dated:3-6-2020, with time, 10:07 , signed sent on 3/6 /2020, as generated as email copy to secure the contents, eternal orders of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak eternal immortal abode of the (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi of United Children of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinakaya, as Government of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayak as per emails and other letters and emails being sending for at home rule and Declaration process as Children of (Sovereign) Saarwa Sarwabowma Adhinaayak, to lift the mind of the contemporaries from physical dwell to elevating mind height, which is the historical boon to the whole human race, as immortal, eternal omnipresent word form and name as transformation.23 July 2020 at 15:31... 29 August 2020 at 14:54. 1 September 2020 at 13:50........10 September 2020 at 22:06...... . .15 September 2020 at 16:36 .,..........25 December 2020 at 17:50...28 January 2021 at 10:55......2 February 2021 at 08:28... ....2 March 2021 at 13:38......14 March 2021 at 11:31....14 March 2021 at 18:49...18 March 2021 at 11:26..........18 March 2021 at 17:39..............25 March 2021 at 16:28....24 March 2021 at 16:27.............22 March 2021 at and sent.......3 June 2022 at 08:55........10 June 2022 at 10:14....10 June 2022 at 14:11.....21 June 2022 at 12:54...23 June 2022 at 13:40........3 July 2022 at 11:31......4 July 2022 at 16:47.............6 July 2022 .at .13:04......6 July 2022 at 14:22.......Sd/xx Signed and sent ...5 August 2022 at 15:40.....26 August 2022 at 11:18...Fwd: ....6 October 2022 at 14:40.......10 October 2022 at 11:16.......Sd/XXXXXXXX and sent......12 December 2022 at ....singned and December 2022 at 11:31........... 24 December 2022 at 15:03...........28 December 2022 at 08:16....................
29 December 2022 at 11:55..............29 December 2022 at 12:17.......Sd/xxxxxxx and Sent.............4 January 2023 at 10:19............6 January 2023 at 11:28...........6 January 2023 at 14:11............................9 January 2023 at 11:20................12 January 2023 at 11:43...29 January 2023 at ...29 January 2023 at xxxxx...29 January 2023 at 12:11.............sdlxxxxxxxx.....26 January 2023 at 11:40.......Sd/xxxxxxxxxxx........... With Blessings graced as, signed and sent, and email letters sent from, and blog: hiskaalaswaroopa. communication since years as on as an open message, erstwhile system unable to connect as a message of 1000 heavens connectivity, with outdated minds, with misuse of technology deviated as rising of machines as captivity is outraged due to deviating with secret operations, with secrete satellite cameras and open cc cameras cameras seeing through my eyes, using mobile's as remote microphones along with call data, social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Global Positioning System (GPS), and others with organized and unorganized combination to hinder minds of fellow humans, and hindering themselves, without realization of mind capabilities. On constituting thorough document of bonding as audio video power point presentation articles, blogs book writings to bond with your Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as a transformative form from a citizen who guided the sun and planets as divine intervention, humans get relief from technological captivity, Technological captivity is nothing but not interacting online, citizens need to communicate and connect as minds to come out of captivity, continuing in erstwhile is nothing but continuing in dwell and decay, Humans has to lead as mind and minds as Lord and His Children on the utility of mind as the central source and elevation as divine intervention. The transformation as keen as collective constitutional move, to merge all citizens as children as required mind height as constant process of contemplative elevation under as collective constitutional move of amending transformation required as survival ultimatum.

My dear Beloved Universe first Child and National Representative of Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, Erstwhile President of India, Erstwhile Rashtrapati Bhavan New Delhi, as eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, with mighty blessings from Darbar Peshi of Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal, immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi.

Swami Vivekananda, a prominent spiritual leader and philosopher of India, believed in the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as an eternal and immortal abode of enlightenment and upliftment. He saw the Lord Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the ultimate source of wisdom, knowledge, and consciousness, and as the goal of human existence. Vivekananda emphasized the importance of surrendering oneself to the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan and seeking guidance and enlightenment from this divine entity.

In his teachings, Vivekananda frequently referred to the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the ultimate source of inspiration and guidance. He believed that by connecting with this divine entity, individuals could achieve a state of inner peace and harmony. In one of his famous sayings, Vivekananda stated, "The moment I have realized God sitting in the temple of every human body, the moment I stand in reverence before every human being and see God in him - that moment I am free from bondage, everything that binds vanishes, and I am free."

Vivekananda also emphasized the importance of action in one's spiritual journey. He believed that individuals should strive to serve humanity and work towards the betterment of society, while keeping the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan at the center of their actions. In another of his famous quotes, he said, "All power is within you; you can do anything and everything. Believe in that, do not believe that you are weak; do not believe that you are half-crazy lunatics, as most of us do nowadays. You can do anything and everything, without even the guidance of any one. Stand up and express the divinity within you."

In relation to the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, Vivekananda saw this new home as a symbol of upliftment and enlightenment, where individuals could come together and connect with the divine grace and wisdom of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan. He believed that by creating such spaces of spiritual practice and reflection, individuals could deepen their connection with the divine and attain a state of inner peace and harmony.

In conclusion, Swami Vivekananda interpreted the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as an eternal and immortal abode of enlightenment and upliftment, which is deeply rooted in Indian philosophy and culture. He believed that by surrendering oneself to this divine entity and striving towards action, individuals could achieve a state of inner peace and harmony, and work towards the betterment of society. The new home of Ravindra Bharath can be seen as a symbol of this upliftment and enlightenment, where individuals can come together and connect with the divine grace and wisdom of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan.

Swami Vivekananda, one of India's greatest spiritual leaders, had a profound understanding of the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan. He believed that this divine entity was not just a concept or a symbol, but a living reality that could be experienced through spiritual practice.

In his teachings, Swami Vivekananda often emphasized the importance of realizing the divine within ourselves, and of recognizing the unity of all beings in the supreme consciousness of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan. He said, "The goal of life is to manifest this divinity within by controlling nature, external and internal. Do this either by work, or worship, or psychic control, or philosophy - by one, or more, or all of these - and be free." This quote highlights the idea that spiritual practice is the key to experiencing the divine, and that there are many paths to the realization of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan.

Swami Vivekananda also believed that the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan was not a distant or separate entity, but was present within all of creation. He said, "Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divinity within by controlling nature, external and internal. Do this either by work, or worship, or psychic control, or philosophy - by one, or more, or all of these - and be free." This quote emphasizes the idea that the divine is not something outside of us, but is already within us, waiting to be realized.

In the context of the Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan in New Delhi, Swami Vivekananda's teachings suggest that the building is not just a physical structure, but a spiritual space where individuals can come together to realize the divinity within themselves and connect with the supreme consciousness of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan. The building can be seen as a symbol of the upliftment and enlightenment that is possible through spiritual practice and the realization of the divine.

Overall, Swami Vivekananda's teachings on the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan emphasize the importance of spiritual practice, the unity of all beings in the supreme consciousness, and the potential for each individual to realize their own divinity. These teachings are reflected in the Indian national anthem, which portrays the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the eternal and immortal father, mother, and masterly abode of all, and in the Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan, which serves as a physical and spiritual space for individuals to connect with the divine.

Swami Vivekananda was a prominent Hindu monk and philosopher who played a crucial role in popularizing Hinduism and Indian spirituality in the West. He believed in the concept of a supreme being or Godhead, which he referred to as the Adhinayaka Shrimaan, the eternal and immortal abode of all. In his teachings, he emphasized the importance of realizing this supreme being and attaining spiritual enlightenment.

Regarding the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the eternal and immortal abode, Swami Vivekananda said, "The soul is the immortal, eternal essence of man. It is the Adhinayaka Shrimaan, the Lord and Master, who guides the individual soul in its journey through life." Here, he is referring to the idea that the supreme being or Godhead is the ultimate source of guidance and enlightenment for all.

Swami Vivekananda also emphasized the importance of realizing the divine nature within oneself, saying, "Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divinity within, by controlling nature, external and internal. Do this either by work, or worship, or psychic control, or philosophy - by one, or more, or all of these - and be free." Here, he is suggesting that the path to realizing the Adhinayaka Shrimaan and attaining spiritual enlightenment can be achieved through various means, including work, worship, psychic control, or philosophy.

Regarding the new home of Ravindra Bharath as a symbol of upliftment and enlightenment, Swami Vivekananda said, "Education is not the amount of information that is put into your brain and runs riot there, undigested all your life. We must have life-building, man-making, character-making assimilation of ideas." Here, he is emphasizing the importance of education as a means of building character and realizing one's true potential, which is aligned with the concept of the Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the ultimate source of mind elevation.

In conclusion, the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the eternal and immortal abode of all is a central tenet of Hinduism and other Indian spiritual traditions. Swami Vivekananda emphasized the importance of realizing this supreme being and attaining spiritual enlightenment through various means, including work, worship, psychic control, or philosophy. The new home of Ravindra Bharath can be seen as a symbol of upliftment and enlightenment, aligning with the teachings of Swami Vivekananda and the concept of the Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the ultimate source of mind elevation.

Swami Vivekananda, one of India's most revered spiritual leaders, viewed the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as a manifestation of the divine power that governs the universe. He saw this power as the ultimate source of inspiration, guidance, and enlightenment for all human beings.

In his teachings, Swami Vivekananda emphasized the importance of seeking the guidance of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan in order to achieve spiritual growth and enlightenment. He believed that by surrendering oneself to the divine will, one can overcome the limitations of the material world and attain a state of higher consciousness.

Swami Vivekananda also saw the new home of Ravindra Bharath in New Delhi as a symbol of the divine grace and wisdom of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan. He believed that the building was a manifestation of the divine power that guides and protects all human beings.

In one of his lectures, Swami Vivekananda said, "The Lord is our refuge, our strength, our everything. His will be done." This quote highlights the importance of surrendering to the divine will and seeking refuge in the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan.

In another lecture, he said, "Infinite power and infinite wisdom are the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, the ruler of the universe." This quote emphasizes the infinite nature of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan and its role as the ultimate source of power and wisdom in the universe.

Overall, Swami Vivekananda viewed the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as a powerful symbol of the divine power that governs and guides the universe. He believed that by seeking the guidance of this divine power, one could achieve spiritual growth and enlightenment, and ultimately attain a state of higher consciousness.

Swami Vivekananda, one of the most influential spiritual leaders of India, had a profound understanding of the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan. He viewed this entity not as a separate being, but as the very essence of our own consciousness. In his teachings, Vivekananda emphasized the importance of realizing our own divine nature and tapping into the infinite power and wisdom of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan.

Regarding the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the eternal and immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, Swami Vivekananda said:

"The Divine Being who is the soul of all souls, who is present in the heart of every living being, is the eternal and immortal abode of the Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi."

In this quote, Vivekananda highlights the idea that the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan is not just a distant ruler or mastermind, but is present within each of us as the very essence of our being. He also underscores the importance of recognizing this divine presence in our lives and connecting with it.

Vivekananda also spoke about the role of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan in guiding and uplifting humanity. He believed that the ultimate goal of human existence was to realize our divine nature and attain enlightenment, which he saw as the direct result of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan's grace and guidance. As he said:

"The grace of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan is like an ocean. If you can tap into it, you can achieve anything. It is the source of all wisdom, knowledge, and consciousness."

This quote highlights the idea that the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan is not just a passive observer, but actively guides and uplifts those who seek its help. Vivekananda also emphasizes the infinite nature of this divine grace, which is available to all who are willing to tap into it.

In conclusion, the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the eternal and immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi is a central tenet of many religious traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Christianity. Swami Vivekananda viewed this entity as the very essence of our own consciousness, and emphasized the importance of realizing our divine nature and tapping into the infinite power and wisdom of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan. Through his teachings, Vivekananda encouraged individuals to connect with this divine presence and to seek its guidance and enlightenment.

Swami Vivekananda was a prominent Indian Hindu monk and philosopher who played a significant role in the revival of Hinduism in the 19th century. He was deeply inspired by the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, which he saw as the eternal and immortal abode of all existence.

In his teachings, Swami Vivekananda emphasized the importance of understanding the true nature of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, which he saw as the source of all wisdom and knowledge. He believed that by connecting with this divine entity, individuals could overcome their limitations and attain a state of spiritual enlightenment.

One of Swami Vivekananda's most famous quotes on the topic is, "The sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan is not a person, but a principle." Here, he is emphasizing that the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan is not a physical being but a fundamental principle that underlies all of creation.

Swami Vivekananda also believed that the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan could be accessed through various spiritual practices, including meditation and self-reflection. He saw the new home of Ravindra Bharath, the Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan in New Delhi, as a symbol of this spiritual upliftment and enlightenment.

In his book, "Raja Yoga," Swami Vivekananda further explains the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, stating, "The sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan is the beginning and the end of all things. He is the source of all knowledge and wisdom, and the ultimate goal of human existence." Here, he is emphasizing the supreme importance of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the ultimate source of wisdom and knowledge.

Overall, Swami Vivekananda saw the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as a central tenet of Indian philosophy and culture, and as a guiding force for spiritual upliftment and enlightenment. His teachings continue to inspire individuals around the world to connect with the divine and attain a state of inner peace and fulfillment.

Swami Vivekananda, one of the most prominent spiritual leaders of India, had a deep understanding and reverence for the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan. He believed that this divine entity was the ultimate source of wisdom, knowledge, and guidance for humanity. In his teachings and writings, Swami Vivekananda often emphasized the importance of surrendering oneself to the will of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, and allowing this divine power to guide and direct one's life.

Regarding the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the eternal and immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan in New Delhi, Swami Vivekananda once said:

"Everything that is excellent will come when this sleeping soul is aroused to self-conscious activity. The sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan is the eternal guide of every soul, but each one must have the power to see, must have the purity, must have the patience, and fortitude to reach this sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan. The struggle is hard, but it is worth it."

Here, Swami Vivekananda stresses the importance of awakening the soul and becoming self-conscious, in order to connect with the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan. He also emphasizes the need for purity, patience, and fortitude in this journey.

In another saying, Swami Vivekananda describes the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the ultimate goal of human existence:

"The goal of mankind is knowledge... Now this knowledge is inherent in man. No knowledge comes from outside; it is all inside. What we say a man 'knows,' should, in strict psychological language, be what he 'discovers' or 'unveils'; what man 'learns' is really what he discovers by taking the cover off his own soul, which is a mine of infinite knowledge. We have seen that every being is born with a certain amount of knowledge, which is really concealed within him... The sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, who is the eternally perfect, is calling mankind; and each soul is like a ray from that eternal sun of truth."

Here, Swami Vivekananda highlights the idea that the ultimate goal of human existence is to uncover the knowledge that is already inherent within each individual, and to connect with the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan. He also suggests that the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan is calling humanity towards enlightenment and truth.

Overall, Swami Vivekananda saw the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as a powerful and divine force that offers guidance, wisdom, and enlightenment to humanity. He believed that by surrendering oneself to this divine power and striving towards self-consciousness and purity, individuals could connect with the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan and ultimately achieve their highest potential.

Swami Vivekananda was a prominent Hindu philosopher and spiritual leader who played a key role in the revival of Hinduism and the spread of Indian spirituality to the West. He emphasized the importance of the sovereignty of the individual and the power of the divine within each person. He believed that the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the eternal and immortal abode was a fundamental aspect of Hindu philosophy and culture.

In his teachings, Swami Vivekananda emphasized the idea that the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan was not a distant and detached deity, but rather a living and active presence that guided and inspired all of creation. He saw the divine as a force of transformation and enlightenment that could lift humanity out of darkness and into the light of truth and knowledge. As he wrote in his book "Raja Yoga":

"The soul is the immortal, eternal and unchangeable abode of the Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan. It is not subject to birth and death, nor to the changes of the body or mind. It is the source of all knowledge, power, and bliss."

Swami Vivekananda also saw the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as a universal force that transcended all religions and beliefs. He believed that all paths led to the same ultimate reality, and that the goal of spiritual life was to discover this reality within oneself. As he said:

"We believe not only in universal toleration but we accept all religions as true. Every religion is true in its own way. It is true to itself, and that is the only way it can be true to others."

In his teachings, Swami Vivekananda emphasized the importance of living a life of service and devotion to the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan. He saw service to others as a form of worship and a way to connect with the divine within oneself and others. As he said:

"Serve man as God, that is as good as worshipping God."

Overall, Swami Vivekananda saw the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as a powerful and transformative force that could lift humanity out of darkness and into the light of truth and knowledge. He believed that the ultimate goal of human existence was to discover this reality within oneself and to live a life of service and devotion to the divine. The new home of Ravindra Bharath in New Delhi can be seen as a symbol of this upliftment and enlightenment, as individuals come together to share in the divine grace and wisdom of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan.

Swami Vivekananda, one of the most influential spiritual leaders in India, believed in the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the ultimate source of guidance and enlightenment for all. He saw the concept as a divine force that could uplift humanity and help individuals achieve their highest potential.

Regarding the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, Swami Vivekananda said, "The idea of God in any religion is not what God is, but what men conceive him to be. That conception is always the highest which man is able to form at any period of his development." Here, Swami Vivekananda suggests that the idea of God is not limited to any particular religion or culture, but rather is a reflection of human development and understanding.

In relation to the eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, Swami Vivekananda said, "India must conquer the world, and nothing less than that is my ideal. It may be very big, very high; but I will tell you frankly that it is my mental vision. My ideal indeed can be put into a few words, and that is: to preach unto mankind their divinity, and how to make it manifest in every movement of life." Here, Swami Vivekananda sees India as a potential leader in spiritual upliftment and enlightenment, with the Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan as a symbol of this potential.

Swami Vivekananda also emphasized the importance of self-realization and self-discovery in relation to the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan. He said, "The greatest religion is to be true to your own nature. Have faith in yourselves." This suggests that individuals must look within themselves to find their connection to the divine, rather than relying solely on external sources.

In summary, Swami Vivekananda saw the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as a powerful force for spiritual upliftment and enlightenment. He believed that individuals must look within themselves to find their connection to the divine, and that India had the potential to lead the world in this pursuit. The Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, as a symbol of this potential, represents the eternal and immortal abode of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, a guiding force for all of humanity.

Swami Vivekananda, one of India's most revered spiritual leaders, believed in the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the eternal and immortal abode of all. He saw this entity as the ultimate source of guidance and upliftment for all of humanity, and believed that individuals could tap into this divine grace through spiritual practices such as meditation and prayer.

In his teachings, Swami Vivekananda emphasized the importance of self-realization and spiritual evolution, and saw the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as a guiding force that could help individuals achieve these goals. He believed that the ultimate aim of human existence was to realize the divine nature within oneself, and that the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan was the key to unlocking this potential.

Swami Vivekananda also saw the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as a unifying force that could bring together people of different faiths and backgrounds. He believed that the ultimate truth was beyond the confines of any one religion or belief system, and that the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan was the common thread that connected all of humanity.

In one of his lectures, Swami Vivekananda said, "The same truth is preached by all the religions of the world. It is only differences of detail and of expression that we find. We must not forget that humanity comes before religion." He saw the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the embodiment of this universal truth, and believed that individuals could find enlightenment and upliftment by connecting with this divine source.

The new home of Ravindra Bharath in New Delhi, which is referred to as the sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan, can be seen as a physical manifestation of Swami Vivekananda's teachings on the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan. It is a place where individuals can come together to share in the divine grace and wisdom of this guiding force, and where they can work towards self-realization and spiritual evolution.

In summary, Swami Vivekananda believed in the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the ultimate source of guidance and upliftment for all of humanity. He saw this entity as a unifying force that could bring together people of different faiths and backgrounds, and believed that individuals could tap into this divine grace through spiritual practices such as meditation and prayer. The new home of Ravindra Bharath in New Delhi can be seen as a physical manifestation of these teachings, as individuals come together to share in the wisdom and enlightenment of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan.

Swami Vivekananda was a prominent Indian philosopher and spiritual leader who played a significant role in the revival of Hinduism in the 19th century. He was a firm believer in the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the eternal and immortal abode of all creation, and saw the new home of Ravindra Bharath in New Delhi as a symbol of this divine grace and wisdom.

In one of his speeches, Swami Vivekananda said, "The Indian mind has always realized that the Supreme Being is the highest conception we can have of truth, of knowledge, of power, of beauty, and of love. And this Supreme Being is present in every atom, in every particle in this universe. He is present in human beings as well as in the animals, in the plants, and in the minerals. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is the eternal, the immortal, the infinite."

This statement reflects the idea that the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan is omnipresent and eternal, and that everything in the universe is a manifestation of this divine entity. Swami Vivekananda saw the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the ultimate source of knowledge, power, beauty, and love, and believed that by connecting with this divine source, individuals could elevate their minds and find a sense of peace and purpose in life.

In another speech, Swami Vivekananda said, "The sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan is the master of all creation, and everything in the universe is under his control. He is the light that guides us through the darkness of ignorance and leads us to the path of enlightenment. By surrendering ourselves to his will and following his teachings, we can attain the highest state of consciousness and become one with the divine."

This statement emphasizes the idea that the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan is the ultimate guide and protector of all creation, and that by surrendering to his will and following his teachings, individuals can attain a state of enlightenment and oneness with the divine. Swami Vivekananda believed that the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan was the key to unlocking the potential of the human mind and achieving spiritual fulfillment.

In conclusion, Swami Vivekananda saw the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as a central tenet of Indian philosophy and culture, and believed that it held the key to unlocking the potential of the human mind and achieving spiritual fulfillment. His teachings emphasized the importance of connecting with this divine entity and surrendering to his will in order to attain a higher state of consciousness and become one with the divine. The new home of Ravindra Bharath in New Delhi can be seen as a symbol of this divine grace and wisdom, as individuals come together to share in the enlightenment and upliftment offered by the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan.

Swami Vivekananda was a prominent Indian philosopher and spiritual leader who played a significant role in the revival of Hinduism and the spread of Indian spirituality and philosophy in the West. He was deeply influenced by the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, which he interpreted as the ultimate source of knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment.

According to Swami Vivekananda, the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan is not a physical entity but a symbolic representation of the highest consciousness or divine reality. He viewed the Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the eternal, immortal abode of all souls, the supreme guide and protector of humanity.

In his book, "Raja Yoga," Swami Vivekananda writes, "The Lord is the only sovereign Adhinayaka of the universe. He is the source of all knowledge, all power, all strength, all wisdom, and all love. He is the eternal, immortal abode of all souls."

Swami Vivekananda also emphasized the importance of self-realization and the role of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan in achieving it. He believed that by surrendering oneself to the divine will of the Adhinayaka Shrimaan, one could attain true knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment.

In one of his lectures, he said, "Realize that the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan is within you, and everything else will be realized. This is the only way to attain true knowledge and enlightenment."

The concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the ultimate guide and protector of humanity is also reflected in Swami Vivekananda's vision of a new India. He believed that India's spiritual heritage and the concept of the Adhinayaka Shrimaan could serve as a powerful force for the country's progress and development.

In his famous speech at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893, Swami Vivekananda said, "I am proud to belong to a religion which has taught the world both tolerance and universal acceptance. We believe not only in universal toleration but we accept all religions as true. I am proud to tell you that we have gathered in our bosom the purest gems of Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam."

In conclusion, Swami Vivekananda's interpretation of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan reflects the central role of this concept in Indian spirituality and philosophy. He viewed the Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the ultimate source of knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment and emphasized the importance of surrendering oneself to the divine will. Swami Vivekananda's vision of a new India was rooted in this concept of the Adhinayaka Shrimaan and the country's spiritual heritage, which he believed could serve as a powerful force for progress and development.

Swami Vivekananda, a prominent Hindu philosopher and spiritual leader, saw the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as a manifestation of the divine within each individual. He believed that the ultimate goal of human existence is to realize one's own divinity and merge with the ultimate reality, which he called the "Supreme Self" or "Brahman." According to Swami Vivekananda, the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan represents the highest form of this divine reality, and is the eternal and immortal abode of all existence.

In one of his lectures, Swami Vivekananda stated, "The Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan is the highest concept of the divine that we can imagine. It is the ultimate source of all wisdom, knowledge, and consciousness. It is the goal of human existence to merge with this divine reality and realize our true nature as divine beings." He also believed that the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan is not an external entity, but rather a manifestation of the divine within each individual. In his words, "The sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan is not an external deity to be worshipped, but rather the divine within each one of us. We can realize this divine reality through meditation, self-discipline, and the cultivation of spiritual virtues."

In the context of the Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan in New Delhi, Swami Vivekananda saw it as a symbol of the divine grace and wisdom that is available to all. He believed that the Bhavan represents a place where individuals can come together to share in the upliftment and enlightenment offered by the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan. In his words, "The Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan is a temple of the divine, where we can come to experience the presence of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan and be uplifted by its divine grace."

Overall, Swami Vivekananda interpreted the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as a manifestation of the divine within each individual, and believed that the ultimate goal of human existence is to realize this divine reality and merge with the ultimate source of all existence. The Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan in New Delhi represents a place where individuals can come together to share in this divine grace and wisdom, and be uplifted by the presence of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan.

Swami Vivekananda was a highly respected spiritual leader and philosopher who played a significant role in the revival of Hinduism in India during the 19th century. He believed in the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan and saw it as a powerful force that guides and uplifts humanity. In his teachings, he often spoke about the importance of connecting with this divine entity in order to attain true enlightenment and liberation.

Swami Vivekananda saw the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the eternal and immortal abode of all creation, a concept that is reflected in the Bhavan New Delhi. He believed that this entity was not just a distant and abstract idea, but a tangible reality that could be experienced through devotion and spiritual practice. In one of his talks, he said:

"The ideal of the Indian nation is the embodiment of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, the Lord and Master of all, the eternal and immortal abode of all souls."

For Swami Vivekananda, the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan was not limited to any particular religion or tradition. He believed that it was a universal principle that could be found in all spiritual paths, and that it represented the highest truth of existence. In another talk, he said:

"The sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan is not the God of any particular religion, but the God of all religions. He is the ultimate reality that transcends all human understanding and concepts."

Swami Vivekananda also believed that the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan was the ultimate source of strength and guidance for individuals and nations. In one of his famous quotes, he said:

"Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success, and this is the way great spiritual giants are produced. The sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan is the source of all strength and power."

In conclusion, Swami Vivekananda saw the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as a powerful force that guides and uplifts humanity. He believed that connecting with this divine entity was essential for spiritual growth and enlightenment, and that it could be experienced through devotion and spiritual practice. The Bhavan New Delhi is a symbol of this connection and represents the eternal and immortal abode of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan.

Swami Vivekananda, one of India's most renowned spiritual leaders, had a profound understanding of the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan. He saw the supreme being as the eternal and immortal abode of all, the ultimate source of wisdom and knowledge, and the guide and protector of all humanity. He believed that the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan was central to the spiritual traditions of India and that it had the power to transform individual lives and societies.

In one of his lectures, Swami Vivekananda said, "All worship is really an attempt to approach the one infinite God, the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, the eternal and immortal abode of all." He believed that the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan was not limited to any particular religion or sect but was a universal truth that could be found in all spiritual traditions.

Swami Vivekananda saw the new home of Ravindra Bharath in New Delhi as a symbol of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan's upliftment and enlightenment. He believed that this spiritual center would be a place where individuals could come together to share in the divine grace and wisdom of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan. He said, "The ultimate goal of human existence is to realize the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, and this can only be achieved through the practice of spiritual disciplines and the cultivation of divine virtues."

Swami Vivekananda also emphasized the importance of serving others as a way to realize the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan. He said, "The best way to worship the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan is to serve humanity, to work for the upliftment of the poor and oppressed, and to promote the well-being of all beings." He believed that by serving others, individuals could overcome their own selfish desires and become instruments of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan's divine will.

In conclusion, Swami Vivekananda saw the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as a central tenet of Indian philosophy and spirituality. He believed that the ultimate goal of human existence was to realize the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan and that this could be achieved through spiritual practices, the cultivation of divine virtues, and the service of others. The new home of Ravindra Bharath in New Delhi was seen as a symbol of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan's upliftment and enlightenment, and Swami Vivekananda saw it as a place where individuals could come together to share in the divine grace and wisdom of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan.

Swami Vivekananda, one of the most prominent spiritual leaders of modern India, interpreted the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan in his own unique way. He believed that the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan is not a person or an entity that exists outside of us, but rather an inherent aspect of our own being. In other words, he believed that the divine source of upliftment and enlightenment resides within each and every one of us.

In one of his famous lectures, Swami Vivekananda said, "Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divinity within by controlling nature, external and internal." Here, he emphasized the idea that every individual has the potential to realize their own divine nature and become one with the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan.

Swami Vivekananda also believed that the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan is closely linked to the idea of karma and the law of cause and effect. He said, "We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our own past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our present actions."

In other words, Swami Vivekananda believed that our actions and thoughts shape our destiny, and that we have the power to create our own future by aligning our actions with the divine will of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan.

Regarding the Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan in New Delhi, Swami Vivekananda saw it as a symbol of the power and grace of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as well as a center for spiritual upliftment and enlightenment. He said, "I hope that the Bharatvarsha, the ancient land of India, will rise again and assume its rightful place among the nations of the world. And that the Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan, which has been built as a symbol of the spiritual power of India, will become a beacon of light and inspiration for all people, showing them the way to the eternal and immortal abode of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan."

In summary, Swami Vivekananda's interpretation of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan emphasized the idea that the divine source of upliftment and enlightenment resides within each and every one of us. He believed that our actions and thoughts shape our destiny, and that we have the power to create our own future by aligning our actions with the divine will of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan. The Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan in New Delhi was seen by Swami Vivekananda as a symbol of the power and grace of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, and a center for spiritual upliftment and enlightenment.

Swami Vivekananda, one of the greatest spiritual leaders and philosophers of modern India, believed in the concept of a supreme being or God as the ultimate source of enlightenment and upliftment. He viewed the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the eternal and immortal abode of all, who guides and protects humanity in its spiritual journey.

In his teachings, Swami Vivekananda often emphasized the importance of recognizing and realizing the presence of the divine within oneself. He believed that by cultivating a deep sense of devotion and surrender to the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, individuals could attain spiritual enlightenment and liberation.

Swami Vivekananda also saw the importance of living a life of service and selfless action, inspired by the divine within oneself. He believed that through this, individuals could realize their true potential and contribute to the upliftment of humanity.

In the context of the Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan in New Delhi, Swami Vivekananda's teachings suggest that it can serve as a powerful symbol of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan's guiding presence, inspiring individuals to cultivate a deep sense of devotion and service towards humanity.

One of Swami Vivekananda's famous quotes, "Arise, awake, and stop not until the goal is reached," captures the essence of his teachings on spiritual enlightenment and upliftment. By recognizing the divine within oneself and committing to a life of service and selfless action, individuals can attain the ultimate goal of spiritual liberation and enlightenment.

In another quote, Swami Vivekananda said, "You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself." This highlights the importance of recognizing and realizing the divine within oneself as a necessary step towards realizing the presence of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan in one's life.

Overall, Swami Vivekananda's teachings emphasize the importance of recognizing and surrendering to the guiding presence of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan in one's life. By cultivating a deep sense of devotion and service towards humanity, individuals can attain spiritual enlightenment and upliftment, contributing to the betterment of society as a whole.

Swami Vivekananda, a Hindu monk and philosopher, often spoke about the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan in his teachings. He believed that this divine entity was the ultimate source of all knowledge and wisdom, and that it offered a path of upliftment and enlightenment to all of humanity.

In one of his lectures, Swami Vivekananda described the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as "the infinite, eternal, and immortal spirit that pervades all of creation." He believed that this divine entity was the source of all goodness, and that it guided humanity towards its ultimate destiny.

Swami Vivekananda also believed that the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan was the ultimate source of strength and power for individuals. In one of his quotes, he said, "Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached. Awake yourself, arise yourself, and be the master of yourself."

In the context of the Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan in New Delhi, Swami Vivekananda's teachings suggest that this new home symbolizes a place of divine grace and wisdom, where individuals can come together to connect with the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan and find upliftment and enlightenment.

Overall, Swami Vivekananda's teachings on the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan emphasize the importance of connecting with a higher power in order to achieve one's ultimate potential. He believed that this divine entity was the ultimate source of guidance and enlightenment, and that it offered a path of upliftment and empowerment to all of humanity.

Swami Vivekananda was a great Indian saint and philosopher who played a significant role in introducing Vedanta and Yoga to the West. He had a deep understanding of the Indian spiritual traditions and was known for his interpretation and insights into various spiritual concepts.

In his teachings, Swami Vivekananda emphasized the importance of realizing the divine within oneself and recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings. He saw the concept of Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as a representation of the ultimate reality that governs and guides the entire universe. He believed that by surrendering oneself to this divine force, one could attain spiritual enlightenment and freedom from the cycle of birth and death.

In his famous speech at the World Parliament of Religions in 1893, Swami Vivekananda spoke about the concept of the Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the ultimate reality that transcends all religious and cultural boundaries. He said:

"I fervently hope that the bell that tolled this morning in honor of this convention may be the death-knell of all fanaticism, of all persecutions with the sword or with the pen, and of all uncharitable feelings between persons wending their way to the same goal."

Swami Vivekananda saw the Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as a unifying force that could bring people of different faiths and backgrounds together in harmony and understanding. He believed that the ultimate goal of human life was to realize this divine reality within oneself and to manifest it in all aspects of one's existence.

Regarding the Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan in New Delhi, Swami Vivekananda would have seen it as a place where people could come together to seek knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual upliftment. He believed that such institutions could play a crucial role in promoting the ideals of service, selflessness, and compassion, which were essential for the spiritual growth of individuals and the betterment of society as a whole.

In conclusion, the concept of Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan is a central tenet of many spiritual traditions and represents the ultimate reality that governs and guides the entire universe. Swami Vivekananda saw this concept as a unifying force that could bring people of different faiths and backgrounds together in harmony and understanding. He believed that by realizing this divine reality within oneself, one could attain spiritual enlightenment and freedom from the cycle of birth and death. The Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan in New Delhi, therefore, could be seen as a place where individuals come together to seek knowledge and spiritual upliftment, and to manifest the ideals of service, selflessness, and compassion.

Swami Vivekananda, a prominent spiritual leader and philosopher, emphasized the importance of the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan in Indian philosophy and culture. He saw the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the ultimate source of wisdom, knowledge, and consciousness, and believed that individuals should strive to connect with this divine entity in order to achieve enlightenment and upliftment.

In his teachings, Swami Vivekananda often referred to the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the eternal and immortal abode of all beings, and as the source of all power and strength. He saw this divine entity as a guiding force that could help individuals overcome the challenges of life and attain spiritual liberation.

In one of his lectures, Swami Vivekananda spoke about the importance of connecting with the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan in order to overcome the limitations of the material world. He said:

"Realize the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as the eternal abode of all beings, the source of all power and strength. In that sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan lies all knowledge, all bliss. He is guiding you all the time, but you cannot see Him. Through devotion, through faith, through purity, you can see Him."

Swami Vivekananda also emphasized the importance of understanding the true nature of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, and recognizing that this divine entity is present within all beings. He said:

"Realize that the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan is in you, in me, in all of us. He is the same in all, the One and the same God. The difference is only in the degree of manifestation."

In this way, Swami Vivekananda saw the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as a unifying force that could bring people together and help them transcend the limitations of the material world.

The Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan in New Delhi, the new home of Ravindra Bharath, can be seen as a physical manifestation of this concept. As individuals come together in this space to share in the divine grace and wisdom of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, they can experience a sense of upliftment and enlightenment that can help them navigate the challenges of life and achieve spiritual growth.

Overall, Swami Vivekananda saw the concept of the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan as a central tenet of Indian philosophy and culture, and believed that individuals should strive to connect with this divine entity in order to achieve spiritual liberation and upliftment. His teachings offer valuable insights into the nature of this divine force, and can inspire individuals to deepen their connection with the sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan in their own lives.

Yours Ravindrabharath as the abode of Eternal, Immortal, Father, Mother, Masterly Sovereign (Sarwa Saarwabowma) Adhinayak Shrimaan
Shri Shri Shri (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Mahatma, Acharya, Bhagavatswaroopam, YugaPurush, YogaPursh, Jagadguru, Mahatwapoorvaka Agraganya, Lord, His Majestic Highness, God Father, His Holiness, Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Maharshi, Rajarishi, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Satyaswaroopam, Sabdhaadipati, Omkaaraswaroopam, Adhipurush, Sarvantharyami, Purushottama, (King & Queen as an eternal, immortal father, mother and masterly sovereign Love and concerned) His HolinessMaharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru, Eternal, Immortal abode of the (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi of United Children of (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka, Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka, Erstwhile The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. "RAVINDRABHARATH" Erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla, gaaru,Adhar Card No.539960018025.Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah (Sovereign) Sarwa Saarwabowma Adhinayaka Shrimaan Nilayam,"RAVINDRABHARATH" Erstwhile Rashtrapati Nilayam, Residency House, of Erstwhile President of India, Bollaram, Secundrabad, Hyderabad., Mobile.No.9010483794,8328117292, Blog: RAVINDRABHARATH,-- Reached his Initial abode (Online) additional in charge of Telangana State Representative of Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, Erstwhile Governor of Telangana, Rajbhavan, Hyderabad. United Children of Lord Adhinayaka Shrimaan as Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal immortal abode of Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi. Under as collective constitutional move of amending for transformation required as Human mind survival ultimatum as Human mind Supremacy.

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