Saturday, March 28, 2020

111 पुण्डरीकाक्षः pundareekaakshah He who dwells in the heart
112 वृषकर्मा vrishakarmaa He whose every act is righteous
113 वृषाकृतिः vrishaakritih The form of dharma
114 रुद्रः rudrah He who is mightiest of the mighty or He who is "fierce"
115 बहुशिरः bahu-shiraah He who has many heads
116 बभ्रुः babhrur He who rules over all the worlds
117 विश्वयोनिः vishvayonih The womb of the universe
118 शुचिश्रवाः shuchi-shravaah He who listens only the good and pure
119 अमृतः amritah Immortal
120 शाश्वतः-स्थाणुः shaashvatah-sthaanur Permanent and immovable

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

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101 वृषाकपिः vrishaakapih He who lifts the world to dharma
102 अमेयात्मा ameyaatmaa He who manifests in infinite varieties
103 सर्वयोगविनिसृतः sarva-yoga-vinissritah He who is free from all attachments
104 वसुः vasuh The support of all elements
105 वसुमनाः vasumanaah He whose mind is supremely pure
106 सत्यः satyah The truth
107 समात्मा samaatmaa He who is the same in all
108 सम्मितः sammitah He who has been accepted by authorities
109 समः samah Equal
110 अमोघः amoghah Ever useful

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

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91 संवत्सरः samvatsarah He from whom the concept of time comes
92 व्यालः vyaalah The serpent (vyaalah) to atheists
93 प्रत्ययः pratyayah He whose nature is knowledge
94 सर्वदर्शनः sarvadarshanah All-seeing
95 अजः ajah Unborn
96 सर्वेश्वरः sarveshvarah Controller of all
97 सिद्धः siddhah The most famous
98 सिद्धिः siddhih He who gives moksha
99 सर्वादिः sarvaadih The beginning of all
100 अच्युतः achyutah Infallible

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

81 दुराधर्षः duraadharshah He who cannot be attacked successfully
82 कृतज्ञः kritajnah He who knows all that is
83 कृतिः kritih He who rewards all our actions
84 आत्मवान् aatmavaan The self in all beings
85 सुरेशः sureshah The Lord of the demigods
86 शरणम् sharanam The refuge
87 शर्म sharma He who is Himself infinite bliss
88 विश्वरेताः visva-retaah The seed of the universe
89 प्रजाभवः prajaa-bhavah He from whom all praja comes
90 अहः ahah He who is the nature of time

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

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71 भूगर्भः bhoogarbhah He who is the womb of the world
72 माधवः maadhavah Husband of Lakshmi
73 मधुसूदनः madhusoodanah Destroyer of the Madhu demon
74 ईश्वरः eeshvarah The controller
75 विक्रमः vikramee He who is full of prowess
76 धन्वी dhanvee He who always has a divine bow
77 मेधावी medhaavee Supremely intelligent
78 विक्रमः vikramah Valorous
79 क्रमः kramah All-pervading
80 अनुत्तमः anuttamah Incomparably great

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

61 त्रिकाकुब्धाम trikakub-dhaama The support of the three quarters
62 पवित्रम् pavitram He who gives purity to the heart
63 मंगलं-परम् mangalam param The Supreme auspiciousness
64 ईशानः eeshanah The controller of the five great elements
65 प्राणदः praanadah He who gives life
66 प्राणः praanah He who ever lives
67 ज्येष्ठः jyeshthah Older than all
68 श्रेष्ठः shreshthah The most glorious
69 प्रजापतिः prajaapatih The Lord of all creatures
70 हिरण्यगर्भः hiranyagarbhah He who dwells in the womb of the world

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

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51 मनुः manuh He who has manifested as the Vedic mantras
52 त्वष्टा tvashtaa He who makes huge things small
53 स्थविष्ठः sthavishtah The supremely gross
54 स्थविरो ध्रुवः sthaviro dhruvah The ancient, motionless one
55 अग्राह्यः agraahyah He who is not perceived sensually
56 शाश्वतः shaashvatah He who always remains the same
57 कृष्णः krishnah He whose complexion is dark
58 लोहिताक्षः lohitaakshah Red-eyed
59 प्रतर्दनः pratardanah The Supreme destruction
60 प्रभूतस् prabhootas Ever-full

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

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41 महास्वनः mahaasvanah He who has a thundering voice
42 अनादि-निधनः anaadi-nidhanah He without origin or end
43 धाता dhaataa He who supports all fields of experience
44 विधाता vidhaataa The dispenser of fruits of action
45 धातुरुत्तमः dhaaturuttamah The subtlest atom
46 अप्रमेयः aprameyah He who cannot be perceived
47 हृषीकेशः hrisheekeshah The Lord of the senses
48 पद्मनाभः padmanaabhah He from whose navel comes the lotus
49 अमरप्रभुः amaraprabhuh The Lord of the devas
50 विश्वकर्मा vishvakarmaa The creator of the universe

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

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31 सम्भवः sambhavah He who descends of His own free will
32 भावनः bhaavanah He who gives everything to his devotees
33 भर्ता bhartaa He who governs the entire living world
34 प्रभवः prabhavah The womb of the five great elements
35 प्रभुः prabhuh The Almighty Lord
36 ईश्वरः eeshvarah He who can do anything without any help
37 स्वयम्भूः svayambhooh He who manifests from Himself
38 शम्भुः shambhuh He who brings auspiciousness
39 आदित्यः aadityah The son of Aditi (Vaamana)
40 पुष्कराक्षः pushkaraakshah He who has eyes like the lotus
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21 नारसिंहवपुः naarasimha-vapuh He whose form is man-lion
22 श्रीमान् shreemaan He who is always with shree
23 केशवः keshavah keshavah: He who has beautiful locks of hair, slayer of Keshi and one who is himself the three
24 पुरुषोत्तमः purushottamah The Supreme Controller, best among the purushas
25 सर्वः sarvah He who is everything
26 शर्वः sharvas The auspicious
27 शिवः shivah He who is eternally pure
28 स्थाणुः sthaanuh The pillar, the immovable truth
29 भूतादिः bhootaadih The cause of the five great elements
30 निधिरव्ययः nidhir-avyayah The imperishable treasure
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11 परमात्मा paramaatmaa The Supersoul
12 मुक्तानां परमा गतिः muktaanaam paramaa gatih The final goal, reached by liberated souls
13 अव्ययः avyayah Without destruction
14 पुरुषः purushah He who is manifestation of A soul with strong masculinity
15 साक्षी saakshee The witness
16 क्षेत्रज्ञः kshetrajnah The knower of the field
17 अक्षरः aksharah Indestructible
18 योगः yogah He who is realized through yoga
19 योगविदां नेता yoga-vidaam netaa The guide of those who know yoga
20 प्रधानपुरुषेश्वरः pradhaana-purusheshvarah Lord of pradhaana and purusha
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1 विश्वम् vishwam Who is the universe himself
2 विष्णुः vishnuh He who pervades everywhere
3 वषट्कारः vashatkaarah He who is invoked for oblations
4 भूतभव्यभवत्प्रभुः bhoota-bhavya-bhavat-prabhuh The Lord of past, present and future
5 भूतकृत् bhoota-krit The creator of all creatures
6 भूतभृत् bhoota-bhrit He who nourishes all creatures
7 भावः bhaavah He who becomes all moving and nonmoving things
8 भूतात्मा bhootaatmaa The aatman of all beings
9 भूतभावनः bhoota-bhaavanah The cause of the growth and birth of all creatures
10 पूतात्मा pootaatmaa He with an extremely pure essence

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

Shri Shri Shri Adhinayaka Mahatma, Bhagavatswaroopam,YugaPurush, Jagadguru, His Majestic Highness Kaalaswaroopam Dharmaswaroopam, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru
Eternal,Immortal aboard of Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi. Erstwhile The Rastrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. Erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla
Adhar Card No.539960018025
Mobile No.9010483794 Messages only

भूतात्मा bhootaatmaa The aatman of all beings

भावः bhaavah He who becomes all moving and nonmoving things

भूतभृत् bhoota-bhrit He who nourishes all creatures

भूतकृत् bhoota-krit The creator of all creatures

भूतभव्यभवत्प्रभुः bhoota-bhavya-bhavat-prabhuh The Lord of past, present and future

वषट्कारः vashatkaarah He who is invoked for oblations

विष्णुः vishnuh He who pervades everywhere

विश्वम् vishwam Who is the universe himself

Sita Rama Charitham........... Divine Intervention

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Sita Rama Charitham.................. as Divine Intervention

Devullemechindhi Divine Intervention ...

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pattabhi ramudu

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Bharatha Vedamuga -

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| Yevadunnadu..................... as Divine Intervention ..........

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Takkuvemi Manaku - Ramundu Okkadu unduvaraku ............. Divine Intervention.........

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