Saturday, March 28, 2020

311 सिद्धार्थ Sidddhaaartha one who attains perfection, birth name of Buddha avatar in the last epoch of Kali Yuga
312 नहुषः nahushah He who binds all with maya
313 वृषः vrishah He who is dharma
314 क्रोधहा krodhahaa He who destroys anger
315 क्रोधकृत्कर्ता krodhakrit-kartaa He who generates anger against the lower tendency
316 विश्वबाहुः visvabaahuh He whose hand is in everything
317 महीधरः maheedharah The support of the earth
318 अच्युतः achyutah He who undergoes no changes
319 प्रथितः prathitah He who exists pervading all
320 प्राणः praanah The prana in all living creatures

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA
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301 युगावर्तः yugaavartah The law behind time
302 नैकमायः naikamaayah He whose forms are endless and varied
303 महाशनः mahaashanah He who eats up everything
304 अदृश्यः adrishyah Imperceptible
305 व्यक्तरूपः vyaktaroopah He who is perceptible to the yogi
306 सहस्रजित् sahasrajit He who vanquishes thousands
307 अनन्तजित् anantajit Ever-victorious
308 इष्टः ishtah He who is invoked through Vedic rituals
309 विशिष्टः visishtah The noblest and most sacred
310 शिष्टेष्टः sishteshtah The greatest beloved

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

291 पवनः pavanah The air that fills the universe
292 पावनः paavanah He who gives life-sustaining power to air
293 अनलः analah Fire
294 कामहा kaamahaa He who destroys all desires
295 कामकृत् kaamakrit He who fulfills all desires
296 कान्तः kaantah He who is of enchanting form
297 कामः kaamah The beloved
298 कामप्रदः kaamapradah He who supplies desired objects
299 प्रभुः prabhuh The Lord
300 युगादिकृत् yugaadi-krit The creator of the yugas

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

281 चन्द्रांशुः chandraamshuh The rays of the moon
282 भास्करद्युतिः bhaaskara-dyutih The effulgence of the sun
283 अमृतांशोद्भवः amritaamshoodbhavah The Paramatman from whom Amrutamshu or the Moon originated at the time of the churning of the Milk-ocean.[28]
284 भानुः bhaanuh Self-effulgent
285 शशबिन्दुः shashabindhuh The moon who has a rabbit-like spot
286 सुरेश्वरः sureshvarah A person of extreme charity
287 औषधम् aushadham Medicine
288 जगतः सेतुः jagatas-setuh A bridge across the material energy
289 सत्यधर्मपराक्रमः satya-dharma-paraakramah One who champions heroically for truth and righteousness
290 भूतभव्यभवन्नाथः bhoota-bhavya-bhavan-naathah The Lord of past, present and future

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

271 नैकरूपः naika-roopo He who has unlimited forms
272 बृहद्रूपः brihad-roopah Vast, of infinite dimensions
273 शिपिविष्टः shipivishtah The presiding deity of the sun
274 प्रकाशनः prakaashanah He who illuminates
275 ओजस्तेजोद्युतिधरः ojas-tejo-dyutidharah The possessor of vitality, effulgence and beauty
276 प्रकाशात्मा prakaashaatmaa The effulgent self
277 प्रतापनः prataapanah Thermal energy; one who heats
278 ऋद्धः riddhah Full of prosperity
279 स्पष्टाक्षरः spashtaaksharah One who is indicated by OM
280 मन्त्रः mantrah The nature of the Vedic mantras

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

261 वर्धनः vardhanah The nurturer and nourisher
262 वर्धमानः vardhamaanah He who can grow into any dimension
263 विविक्तः viviktah Separate
264 श्रुतिसागरः shruti-saagarah The ocean for all scripture
265 सुभुजः subhujah He who has graceful arms
266 दुर्धरः durdharah He who cannot be known by great yogis
267 वाग्मी vaagmee He who is eloquent in speech
268 महेन्द्रः mahendrah The lord of Indra
269 वसुदः vasudah He who gives all wealth
270 वसुः vasuh He who is Wealth

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

251 शुचिः shuchih He who is pure
252 सिद्धार्थः siddhaarthah He who has all arthas
253 सिद्धसंकल्पः siddhasankalpah He who gets all He wishes for
254 सिद्धिदः siddhidah The giver of benedictions
255 सिद्धिसाधनः siddhisaadhanah The power behind our sadhana
256 वृषाही vrishaahee Controller of all actions
257 वृषभः vrishabhah He who showers all dharmas
258 विष्णुः vishnuh Long-striding
259 वृषपर्वा vrishaparvaa The ladder leading to dharma (As well as dharma itself)
260 वृषोदरः vrishodarah He from whose belly life showers forth
GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

241 सत्कर्ता satkartaa He who adores good and wise people
242 सत्कृतः satkritah He who is adored by all good people
243 साधुः saadhur He who lives by the righteous codes
244 जह्नुः jahnuh Leader of men
245 नारायणः naaraayanah He who resides on the waters
246 नरः narah The guide
247 असंख्येयः asankhyeyah He who has numberless names and forms
248 अप्रमेयात्मा aprameyaatmaa A soul not known through the pramanas
249 विशिष्टः vishishtah He who transcends all in His glory
250 शिष्टकृत् shishta-krit The lawmaker

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

231 संप्रमर्दनः sam-pramardanah He who persecutes evil men
232 अहः संवर्तकः ahassamvartakah He who thrills the day and makes it function vigorously
233 वह्निः vahnih Fire
234 अनिलः anilah Air
235 धरणीधरः dharaneedharah He who supports the earth
236 सुप्रसादः suprasaadah Fully satisfied
237 प्रसन्नात्मा prasanaatmaa Ever pure and all-blissful self
238 विश्वधृक् vishva-dhrik Supporter of the world
239 विश्वभुक् vishvabhuk He who enjoys all experiences
240 विभुः vibhuh He who manifests in endless forms

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

221 न्यायः nyaayah Justice
222 नेता netaa The leader
223 समीरणः sameeranah He who sufficiently administers all movements of all living creatures
224 सहस्रमूर्धा sahasra-moordhaa He who has endless heads
225 विश्वात्मा vishvaatmaa The soul of the universe
226 सहस्राक्षः sahasraakshah Thousands of eyes
227 सहस्रपात् sahasrapaat Thousand-footed
228 आवर्तनः aavartanah The unseen dynamism
229 निवृत्तात्मा nivritaatmaa The soul retreated from matter
230 संवृतः samvritah He who is veiled from the jiva

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

211 धाम dhaama The goal
212 सत्यः satyah He who is Himself the truth
213 सत्यपराक्रमः satya-paraakramah Dynamic Truth
214 निमिषः nimishah He who has closed eyes in contemplation
215 अनिमिषः animishah He who remains unwinking; ever knowing
216 स्रग्वी sragvee He who always wears a garland of undecaying flowers
217 वाचस्पतिः-उदारधीः vaachaspatir-udaara-dheeh He who is eloquent in championing the Supreme law of life; He with a large-hearted intelligence
218 अग्रणीः agraneeh He who guides us to the peak
219 ग्रामणीः graamaneeh He who leads the flock
220 श्रीमान् shreemaan The possessor of light, effulgence, glory

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

201 सन्धाता sandhaataa The regulator
202 सन्धिमान् sandhimaan He who seems to be conditioned
203 स्थिरः sthirah Steady
204 अजः ajah He who takes the form of Aja, Brahma
205 दुर्मषणः durmarshanah He who cannot be vanquished
206 शास्ता shaastaa He who rules over the universe
207 विश्रुतात्मा vishrutaatmaa He who is celebrated, most famous and heard about by one and all.
208 सुरारिहा suraarihaa Destroyer of the enemies of the devas
209 गुरुः guruh The teacher
210 गुरुतमः gurutamah The greatest teacher

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

191 हंसः hamsah The swan
192 सुपर्णः suparnah Beautiful-winged (Two birds analogy)
193 भुजगोत्तमः bhujagottamah The serpent Ananta
194 हिरण्यनाभः hiranyanaabhah He who has a golden navel
195 सुतपाः sutapaah He who has glorious tapas
196 पद्मनाभः padmanaabhah He whose navel is like a lotus
197 प्रजापतिः prajaapatih He from whom all creatures emerge
198 अमृत्युः amrityuh He who knows no death
199 सर्वदृक् sarva-drik The seer of everything
200 सिंहः simhah He who destroys

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

181 महेष्वासः maheshvaasah He who wields shaarnga
182 महीभर्ता maheebhartaa The husband of mother earth
183 श्रीनिवासः shreenivaasah The permanent abode of Shree
184 सतां गतिः sataam gatih The goal for all virtuous people
185 अनिरुद्धः aniruddhah He who cannot be obstructed
186 सुरानन्दः suraanandah He who gives out happiness
187 गोविन्दः govindah The protector of the Cows.
188 गोविदां-पतिः govidaam-patih The Lord of all men of wisdom
189 मरीचिः mareechih Effulgence
190 दमनः damanah He who controls rakshasas

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

171 महोत्साहः mahotsaahah The great enthusiast
172 महाबलः mahaabalah He who has supreme strength
173 महाबुद्धिः mahaabuddhir He who has supreme intelligence
174 महावीर्यः mahaa-veeryah The supreme essence
175 महाशक्तिः mahaa-shaktih All-powerful
176 महाद्युतिः mahaa-dyutih Greatly luminous
177 अनिर्देश्यवपुः anirdeshya-vapuh He whose form is indescribable
178 श्रीमान् shreemaan He who is always courted by glories

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

179 अमेयात्मा ameyaatmaa He whose essence is immeasurable
180 महाद्रिधृक् mahaadri-dhrik He who supports the great mountain

161 नियमः niyamah The appointing authority
162 यमः yamah The administrator
163 वेद्यः vedyah That which is to be known
164 वैद्यः vaidyah The Supreme doctor
165 सदायोगी sadaa-yogee Always in yoga
166 वीरहा veerahaa He who destroys the mighty heroes
167 माधवः maadhavah The Lord of all knowledge
168 मधुः madhuh Sweet
169 अतीन्द्रियः ateendriyo Beyond the sense organs
170 महामायः mahaamayah The Supreme Master of all Maya

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

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151 उपेन्द्रः upendra The younger brother of Indra (Vamana)
152 वामनः vaamanah He with a dwarf body
153 प्रांशुः praamshuh He with a huge body
154 अमोघः amoghah He whose acts are for a great purpose
155 शुचिः shuchih He who is spotlessly clean
156 ऊर्जितः oorjitah He who has infinite vitality
157 अतीन्द्रः ateendrah He who surpasses Indra
158 संग्रहः samgrahah He who holds everything together
159 सर्गः sargah He who creates the world from Himself
160 धृतात्मा dhritaatmaa Established in Himself

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

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141 भ्राजिष्णुः bhraajishnur Self-effulgent consciousness
142 भोजनम् bhojanam He who is the sense-objects
143 भोक्ता bhoktaa The enjoyer
144 सहिष्णुः sahishnuh He who can suffer patiently
145 जगदादिजः jagadaadijah Born at the beginning of the world
146 अनघः anaghah Sinless
147 विजयः vijayah Victorious
148 जेता jetaa Ever-successful
149 विश्वयोनिः vishvayonih He who incarnates because of the world
150 पुनर्वसुः punarvasuh He who lives repeatedly in different bodies

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

131 वेदविद् vedavit He who contemplates upon the Vedas
132 कविः kavih The seer
133 लोकाध्यक्षः lokaadhyakshah He who presides over all lokas
134 सुराध्यक्षः suraadhyaksho He who presides over all devas
135 धर्माध्यक्षः dharmaadhyakshah He who presides over dharma
136 कृताकृतः krita-akritah All that is created and not created
137 चतुरात्मा chaturaatmaa The four-fold self
138 चतुर्व्यूहः chaturvyoohah Vasudeva, Sankarshan etc.
139 चतुर्दंष्ट्रः chaturdamstrah He who has four canines (Nrsimha)
140 चतुर्भुजः chaturbhujah Four-handed

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

121 वरारोहः varaaroho The most glorious destination
122 महातपः mahaatapaah He of great tapas
123 सर्वगः sarvagah All-pervading
124 सर्वविद्भानुः sarvavid-bhaanuh All-knowing and effulgent
125 विष्वक्सेनः vishvaksenah He against whom no army can stand
126 जनार्दनः janaardanah He who gives joy to good people
127 वेदः vedah He who is the Vedas
128 वेदविद् vedavid The knower of the Vedas
129 अव्यंगः avyangah Without imperfections
130 वेदांगः vedaangah He whose limbs are the Vedas

GyanDeep as Divine Intervention as Eternal source of Light of knowledge and Truth for righteous way of life on keen concentration or meditation (Tapa or Yoga) up on me as ADHINAYAKA

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