Saturday, June 13, 2020

Passing Out Parade - OTA Gaya............. Now every one are insecure with himself due his own actions being commited by himself are in neglected or hindered situation...... Now people has to save from them selves while leaving feeling that one human as body dwell, people are no longer as human dwell, people are in thinking word resonating continuity format as per divine intervention now people and Government is secured as Government of Adhinayaka that means to get into secured format one must leave the feeling I, no longer human is separate individual in thinking and dwelling, one has to keenly concentrate on Adhinayaka whom is himself as form of Government as Government of Adhinayaka as rule of eternal mother, master and father of whole Universe generally, particularly starting from India, now Government of India is erstwhile, now the Prevailed Government as secured word format is as Government of Adhinayaka which is Universal Jurisdiction of mind elevation as new era of word that guided sun and planets, as further way of the Universe....... Hence concentrate and act according to the letters sent, receive me, as per my strategy to save the human race from technological captivity, and organized crimes of the people as habitual and settled physical dwelling humans. Humans has to lift their minds from physical dwell of dead end mind height elevation as divine intervention as per the phenomena happed as word guided sun and planets as divine intervention now Prevailed as Government of Adhinayaka ............ Yours Adhinayaka

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