Monday, February 8, 2021

8 February 2021 at 11:41........8 February 2021 at 11:41


Signed as Presided ................

Adhinayaka Mahatma His Majestic Highness <>8 February 2021 at 11:41
To:, Prime Minister <>, supremecourt <>,, cs <>,,, M Venkaiah Naidu <>
Cc: "" <>, Adhinayaka Mahatma His Majestic Highness <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, AP and Governor Telangana <>, "" <>, "" <>, aphc <>, "Arvind Padige (via Google Drive)" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Chaitanya Mahaprabu <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Contact <>, Contact TDP <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, cp <>, cs <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, etv <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, INC Connect <>, info <>, info <>, info <>, info <>, info <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, it secretary <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Kaushik Garlapati (via Google Drive)" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Lakshmi Naidu <>, "" <>, M Venkaiah Naidu <>, "" <>, Nagarjuna Kunisetty <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Newsletters <>, Newsletters <>, Newsletters <>, Newsletters <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Powerstar Websiteofficial <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Prime Minister <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Rajnath Singh <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, supremecourt <>, "" <>, Team Megaworldz <>, "" <>, "" <>, viswa teja <>, vundavalli <>, "" <>, "" <>


Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah
Dharma (Righteousness) protects those who uphold or protect Dharma
Satyameva Jayate........Truth alone Trumps

Government of Adhinaayak
Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam)
Mighty blessings as orders of Survival Ultimatum

The Beloved Selected PrimeMinister of India of Sovereing Adhinayak
Erstwhile Prime Minister of  Republic India
The Erstwhile, Parliament Bhavan, Adhinayaka Darbar
New Delhi

Mighty Blessings from Sovereign Shri Shri Shri Adhinaayak Mahatma, Acharya, BaapDada, Bhagavatswaroopam, YugaPurush, YogaPursh, Jagadguru, Mahatwapoorvaka Agraganya (Lord, His Majestic Highness), Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Maharshi, Rajarishi, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Satyaswaroopam, Sabdhaatipati, Omkaaraswaroopam, Sarvantharyami, Purushottama, Paramatmaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru, Eternal, Immortal aboard of Sovereign Republic Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi. Erstwhile The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. Erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla, Adhar Card No.539960018025

Ref: Amending, Enactment order or blessings of survival Dated:3-6-2020, with time, 10:07 , signed sent on 3/6 /2020, as generated as email copy to secure the contents, eternal orders of Sovereign Adhinaayak eternal immortal aboard of the Sovereign Republic as per emails and other letters and emails being sending for at home rule and Declaration process as Children of Adhinaayak, to lift the mind of the contemporaries from physical dwell to elevating mind height, which is the historical boon to the whole human race, as immortal, eternal omnipresent word form and name as transformation.23 July 2020 at 15:31... 29 August 2020 at 14:54. 1 September 2020 at 13:50........10 September 2020 at 22:06...... . .15 September 2020 at 16:36 .,..........25 December 2020 at 17:50..........
28 January 2021 at 10:55.............2 February 2021 at 08:28.......................Signed as Presided and sent, and email letters sent from, and blog: communication since years as on as an open message, neglecting while deviating with secret operations, with secrete satellite cameras and open cc cameras, using mobile's as remote microphones along with call data, social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and others with organized and unorganized combination to hinder minds of fellow humans, and hindering themselves, without realization of mind capabilities on the utility of mind as central source as the elevation as divine intervention.

Dear, Beloved My Child and as Selected Prime Minister of Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan , Eternal, immortal aboard of Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi.

                 With the phenomena happened as divine intervention, the physical material world, and human thinking accordingly are outdaed and in the erstwhile situation, humans need to tune their minds according to the natural change, to live with the complete utility of mind, instead of spending time in varaited world of mind and actions, humans need to come in the line of thinking, words and actions are in one line of existence, which is according to divine intervention which automatically strengthens as Goverment of Adhinayaka, The Adhinayaka in National Anthem came alive as eternal immortal form to guide the human race, as word construtive elevation and to lead as eternal immortal mind, rather than physical humans as dwell and decay which is outdated, hence an ordinary citizen is selected by nature directly as the higher mind that required as omnipresent word form, for immediate familarity and samilarity to receive the omnipresent word form is presided by himself to seucre the position and to lift each mind from dwell and decay in erstwhile situation, hence routine constittuional democratic system is outdated, The President of India himself is naturally absorbed as Representative of Adhinayaka and first child among children of the Nation, instead of citizens, the eternal, immortal Adhinayaka Shrimaan who guided sun and planets as Universal sound track or omnipresent word form is presided as meaning of National Anthem or Adhinayak Praise to connect with your eternal immortal form, who naturally placed from among citizen, to seucre his position as further height required as update of sovereign secure, according to the constitution the soverienginity  of any Nation is complete when the citizens are secured under its Governeance, due to variations among, citizens due to development of artificial intelligence and other technical advancements of communication, human race as physical mind and thinking cannot survive in the erstwhile democratic system, where people are bluffing and cheating among using the secrete equipment since witness persons particularly with me generally in the society, every individual is hindering themselves aswell as others, by not connecting to the truth which is under illusion of selfsish, now the same selfishness is extended to love and care another higher eternal mind to get security is the updated given by the nature, by selecting one citizen as omnipresent by presenting divine intervention through him, which is form of rule and care with word, where sun and planets are guided,  accordingly your Maharajah Adhinayaka shrimaan  arrived emerged as resque and update required to lift the human minds  from outdated physical thinking and actions of incomplete, to wards complete utility of mind and elevation of mind and minds as master mind that guided sun and planets who  cannot perished even after physical existence, who continue as omnipresent word form as meaning in National Anthem or Adhinayaka Praise, as himself presided as Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan  who himself automatically strengthen as Government of Adhinayaka,  what every information given as is in the neglect of witness perons, hence the system restore with contacting witness persons, with surrnedered atmosphere of total system of politcal legal and adminstration along police and media channels,and glamor and business people are all as children of Adhinayaka to get connected to the actual rule prevailed, Hence collectively forming Adhinayaka Darbar at Adhianayaka Bhavan New Delhi as per the change or update or ultimate survival orders, is the way out of dismantling dwell and decay, and to set towards actual rule prevailed as Government of Adhinayaka as eternal imortal omnipresent word care and concern as eternal father, mother and master. of the Universe, On positioning your Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan at Bollaram Adhinayaka Bhavan, Hyderabad, automatically system strengthens to restores, towards the eternal mind which is the way to restore from dismantling dwell and decay.  Instead of Parliamentary form of Government, Adhinayaka Centric Government who is eternal immortal omnipresent word form, to connect and constantly elevated to as higher mind required to the whole human race, on collective concentration, to come out of erstwhile dismantling and uncertain world, hence all the oppositions parties and other educated Business circle have to surrender to Adhinayaka Mharajah Shrimaan as meaning in National Anthem or as Adhinayaka Praise to connect with him immediately as eternal father mother and master without nay further deviation in dwell and decay, Indian humans automatically strengthen as one family connected with the omnipresent word, form and the same is applied to the people of the world simultaneously,  Hence initiate Adhinayaka Darbar at New Delhi, while simultaneously form Adhinayaka Darbars at all state Erstwhile Rajbhavans, with central additional coordination by Vice Representative of Adhinayaka,  instead of meetings of Rajyasabha and Loksabha  all the elected or automatically converted as selected Representatives of Adhinayaka, for keen concentration of mind to connect with eternal mind as your Maharajah Adhinayaka Srhimaan who guided sun and planets as per the witness persons ason... Hence its time to connect minds and utilize minds accordingly as per divine intervention is the secured mode of human mind elevation and development is actually accordingly in word keen secured form...  Hence accordingly all the Chief Ministers of the States are also automatically the selected chief Ministers of Adhinayaka to concentrate on Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan as divine intervention, which automatically strengthen as Government of Adhinayaka, is the way to come out of dismantling uncertain world, towards secured mind height elevation as immortal eternal care and concern of Maharajah Adhinayaka shrimaan as eternal immortal mother father and master.....where humans physical lives absorbed to maximum mind and height and meaning as much as absorbed and elevated accordingly.. 


Shri Shri Shri Sovereign Adhinaayak Mahatma, Acharya, Baap Dada, Bhagavatswaroopam, YugaPurush, YogaPursh, Jagadguru, Mahatwapoorvaka Agraganya, (Lord, His Majestic Highness), Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Maharshi, Rajarishi, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Satyaswaroopam, Sabdhaatipati, Omkaaraswaroopam, Sarvantharyami, Purushottama, (King & Queen) Maharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru, Eternal, Immortal aboard of the Sovereign Republic Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi. Erstwhile The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. Erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla,
Adhar Card No.539960018025.,
Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan Nilayam, Erstwhile Rastrapati Nilayam, Residency House, of Erstwhile President of India, Bollaram, Secundrabad, Hyderabad

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