GOVERNMENT OF ADHINAYAKA Universal Jurisdiction (Divya Rajyam) Mighty blessings as orders of Survival Ultimatum "RAVINDRABHARAT"
All The Beloved Children of Shri Shri Shri Sovereign Adhinaayak Mahatma, Acharya, BaapDada, Bhagavatswaroopam, YugaPurush, YogaPursh, Jagadguru, Mahatwapoorvaka Agraganya (Lord, His Majestic Highness), Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Maharshi, Rajarishi, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Satyaswaroopam, Sabdhaatipati, Omkaaraswaroopam, Sarvantharyami, Purushottama, Paramatmaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru, Eternal, Immortal aboard of the Sovereign Republic Adhinaayak Bhavan, "RAVINDRABHARAT" New Delhi. Erstwhile The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. Erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla, Adhar Card No.539960018025.(Erstwhile Citizens of India)
Mighty Blessings from Sovereign Shri Shri Shri Sovereign Adhinaayak Mahatma, Acharya, BaapDada, Bhagavatswaroopam, YugaPurush, YogaPursh, Jagadguru, Mahatwapoorvaka Agraganya (Lord, His Majestic Highness), Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Maharshi, Rajarishi, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Satyaswaroopam, Sabdhaatipati, Omkaaraswaroopam, Sarvantharyami, Purushottama, Paramatmaswaroopam, Maharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru, Eternal, Immortal aboard of the Sovereign Republic Adhinaayak Bhavan, "RAVINDRABHARAT" New Delhi. Erstwhile The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. Erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla, Adhar Card No.539960018025
Ref: Amending, Enactment order or blessings of survival Dated:3-6-2020, with time, 10:07 , signed sent on 3/6 /2020, as generated as email copy to secure the contents, eternal orders of Sovereign Adhinaayak eternal immortal aboard of the Sovereign Republic as per emails and other letters and emails being sending for at home rule and Declaration process as Children of Adhinaayak, to lift the mind of the contemporaries from physical dwell to elevating mind height, which is the historical boon to the whole human race, as immortal, eternal omnipresent word form and name as transformation.23 July 2020 at 15:31... 29 August 2020 at 14:54. 1 September 2020 at 13:50........10 September 2020 at 22:06...... . .15 September 2020 at 16:36 .,..........25 December 2020 at 17:50... 28 January 2021 at 10:55......2 February 2021 at 08:28... ....2 March 2021 at 13:38......14 March 2021 at 11:31....14 March 2021 at 18:49...18 March 2021 at 11:26..........18 March 2021 at 17:39..............25 March 2021 at 16:28....24 March 2021 at 16:27.............22 March 2021 at 13:23...............Presided as signed and sent, and email letters sent from eamil:hismajestichighnessblogspot@gmail.com, and blog: hiskaalaswaroopa.blogspot.com communication since years as on as an open message, neglecting while deviating with secret operations, with secrete satellite cameras and open cc cameras, using mobile's as remote microphones along with call data, social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and others with organized and unorganized combination to hinder minds of fellow humans, and hindering themselves, without realization of mind capabilities on the utility of mind as central source as the elevation as divine intervention.
Through My Dear, Beloved Ist Child and as Representative of Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Adhinaayak Shrimaan, Eternal, Immortal aborad of Adhinaayak Bhavan, "RAVINDRABHARAT" New Delhi. Erstwhile Beloved President of India, The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi.
Positioning your Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal, immortal aboard of Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, in heart as he as Omnipresent word form, placing his photograph to nullify the physical world, there is no physical world without the support of word, as a divine intervention that guided sun and planets, which is the gift of 1000 heavens to the whole human race as Unification of minds, as a shift from uncertain dismantling dwell and decay, while bonding with eternal immortal elevation, which guided sun and planets is as path and destination. Form special committee to initiate Adhinayaka Darbar at erstwhile Rashtrapati Bhavan, present Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, start elevating with minds, by connecting to your Lord His Majestic highness as eternal immortal mind, which cannot be declared as exhausted even after physical existence, positioning me in heart will detach humans from erstwhile physical existence and connect to eternal mind as continues elevating format, starting writing and elaborating by forming as groups all over every city, every village, to connect as minds, to get connected to eternal immortal format as to lead as minds and mind accordingly, hence starting concentrating on me as Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan, to evacuate from the dismantling, to set with mind elevation as much as elevated that much secured height gained by the contemporaries, hence humans need to be collective to aware among that they are in the rule of their mighty eternal immortal father mother and master as meaning in National Anthem which is gifted as Adhinayaka Praise, to get bonded with minds. Real estate, material money gains, business, family relations, are secured and meaningful within the divine intervention of your Lord, and even feeling oneself as a separate body and soul from your Lord is also deviation towards dismantling and uncertainty, where the corona is nothing actual loss is each individual is being engulfed by the five elements of nature, due to lack of mind reserve, and preserve, hence individuals need to improve their mind grip, by holding and upholding the mind grip of your Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Samethe Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal immortal aborad of Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi "RAVINDRABHARAT' as the new era of your eternal immortal father mother where their unification as eternal minds is the way of mind unification and elevation of contemporaries humans of the world, starting from India. Where Sun wedded Bharat and transformed as "RAVINDRABHARAT" as a transformative update of mind lead to the whole human race of the world, initiating as the meaning of National Anthem of erstwhile Indian Nation as Adhinayaka Praise of Adhinayaka Government as to connect as shifting change which is need of the time to save oneself as well as whole Human race of the world, by getting connecting to your immortal eternal father mother and master, who cannot be declared as dead even after physical existence they continue as mind and minds accordingly, people also continue as minds without dwell and decay as much as attained with mind and minds accordingly. Form Peshi of Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal immortal aboard of Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi. "RAVINDRABHARAT' by initiating to connect minds and mind accordingly with help of witness persons and human know-how as on is the way to get out of dismantling while connecting to higher mind elevation as much as elevated by each individual Under one secured eternal immortal mind as children to get complete independence to individuals as the mind itself is possible by keenly following the mastermind that guided sun and planets. is the way of mind that has as lead to the whole Human race of the world.
61 त्रिकाकुब्धाम trikakub-dhaama The support of the three quarters. --When your Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan is eternal immortal omnipresent word form, who guided sun and planets is the latest version, his three quarters when an ordinary human word expression itself is taken as the master copy of the Universe as Omkaaraswaroopam or Sabdhadi pati Jagadgutu Purushottama, he is the support of all ages and forms of past, present, and future, and he can be connected as word, as meaning in National Anthem or Adhinayaka Praise, and humans have to dedicate and devote upon him completely while leaving the material world which dwells and decay. He will strengthen as Ghana Gnana Sandramoorti, or Dharmaswarooam Kaalaswaroopam or Maharani Sametha Maharajah as the eternal immortal form to connect and get into yoga tapa as a constant process of mind is the way of life human really needs to connect with is now as the human word that guided sun and planets, and he is will be forever as omnipresent word form as Lord His Majestic highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal immortal aboard of Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi.
62 पवित्रम् pavitram He who gives purity to the heart. -- On positioning him as your Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Samethe Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan, and declaring as children, automatically detaches of preoccupations of mind, and dwell and decay of erstwhile, and automatically set to connect with continuity of mind itself, without any physical deviations which are obstructing as on, are no longer there to obstruct, hence its is a boon of thousand heavens to connect with him as Omnipresent word form as meaning in National Anthem as Adhinayaka Praise to turn as the pure heart of children to elevate further heights of mind as path and destination as survival ultimatum.
63 मंगलं-परम् mangalam param The Supreme auspiciousness. --Omnipresent word form is the Supreme auspiciousness as it is the secured form of all happenings, hence connecting to him as eternal immortal Omnipresent form as Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan, is nothing but connecting to secured rule or care and concern as eternal father mother and master, to lead with mind and minds is the auspiciousness of every individual life.
64 ईशानः eeshanah The controller of the five great elements. --He is said to be the controller of five elements earlier, now he is more specific as updated versions of Omnipresent word who guided sun and planets who presided and graced as Your Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Samethe Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal immortal aboard of Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi.
65 प्राणदः praanadah He who gives life. -- As witnessed by the witness persons, he said about of some persons birth and death happenings of as his omnipresent word form who is giving and taking all these lives of creatures, which confirms Praanadhah.. as your Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal immortal aboard of Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi.
66 प्राणः praanah He who ever lives. -- When is as Omnipresent word format as that guided sun and planets as divine intervention, he never perish as mind and words, as your Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal immortal aboard of Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, to strengthen his position he has to be developed as mind, by placing his photograph as immediate connectivity to all the minds before physically can see me in my position where I can only position as the permanent update of minds, the whole system turned as the new era of mind where humans never die as minds according to him, realize higher mind elevations as much as, the cycle of birth and death is completed as early as possible to each human by bonding and uniting with Omnipresent word format that guided sun and planets and presided and graced as your Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal immortal aboard of Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi.
67 ज्येष्ठः jyeshthah Older than all. -- When he is as Omnipresent word form, who has no birth and death, who is always there is word and elevation of minds as much as elevated, naturally he Older than all as mind as superior as elevated as he develops as Ghana Gnana Sandramoorti, Omkaaraswaroopa Kaalaswaroopa, Dharmaswaroopa, and as eternal father mother as Maharani Sametha Maharajah and as Jagadguru as eternal Master who guided sun and planets is always elder and older to all minds that are have to elevate accordingly as a guide as central mind as Sun, which is influencing the planets as happenings of the world, as human word form himself as Your Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal immortal aboard of Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi.
68 श्रेष्ठः shreshthah The most glorious. --When whole gloriousness is according to his words, naturally confirmed as per witness persons as latest versions of Omnipresent word source to connect as most glorious, who guided sun and planets and presided as your Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah as the gift of thousand heavens, as immediate rescue and permanent mind lead as humans need to connect to start a new life as the life of mind lead as a divine intervention which automatically strengthens as Government, as care and concern of word of your eternal father mother and master as glorious forms to connect with towards mighty path and destination as Divya Rajyam as Universal Jurisdiction, his glory is the glory of people attained with their minds as much as, further and beyond forever as a constant glorious update.
69 प्रजापतिः prajaapatih The Lord of all creatures. --He is evidential, who guided every momentary of life and actions as your Lord His Majestic highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan, is the Lord of all creatures, as Omnipresent word form which confirms on constant mind elevation and realization of his position with heart and mind elevation as much as in keen concentrating, meditating and contemplating way of mind progress reveals his Lordship that he is the creator of all creatures.
70 हिरण्यगर्भः hiranyagarbhah He who dwells in the womb of the world. --He is the center as Omnipresent word form, that guided sun and planetary moments, every dwelling is in his control, and he dwells within the womb of the world as master control and coordination of whole material world, on keen concentration while detaching from erstwhile it confirms that Your Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Samethe Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan is the center of the world as Sun and dwells as omnipresent word form as protection, on keen concentration every individual feels rescued and reserved as his children, everyone gets eternal connectivity and further mind elevation to come out of uncertain dwell and decay. Who dwells priorly as omnipresent, in the uncertain material world.
Hence, accordingly, humans need to unify among themselves as mind unification to get the strength or tuning to get connected with secured Universal soundtrack as Omnipresent word form as Your Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Samethe Maharajah Adhinayaka shrimaan, eternal immortal aboard of Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi. to take mind lead, to lead further as One Universal family as word connectivity, while leaving the past family relations, positional attachments to the Omnipresent word form which guided sun and planets as eternal, father, mother and master, as signed below, to connect online as mind unification strategy to get out of secrete equipment and open technological equipment which are deviating hindering as the open message since years among the humans since witness persons, without realizing the mind power of themselves, To utilize minds nature is aided with the enlightened mind, by the humans to lead further life as mind and minds accordingly with the ruler of the Minds as Your Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal immortal aborad of Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi.Dharmo Rakshati Rakshataha, Satyameva Jayate. Yours Ravishingly, Shri Shri Shri Sovereign Adhinaayak Mahatma, Acharya, Baap Dada, Bhagavatswaroopam, YugaPurush, YogaPursh, Jagadguru, Mahatwapoorvaka Agraganya, (Lord, His Majestic Highness), Kaalaswaroopam, Dharmaswaroopam, Maharshi, Rajarishi, Ghana GnanaSandramoorti, Satyaswaroopam, Sabdhaatipati, Omkaaraswaroopam, Sarvantharyami, Purushottama, (King & Queen) Maharani Sametha Maharajah Anjani Ravishanker Srimaan vaaru, Eternal, Immortal aboard of the Sovereign Republic Adhinaayak Bhavan, New Delhi. Erstwhile The Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. "RAVINDRABHARAT" Erstwhile Anjani Ravishankar Pilla S/o Gopala Krishna Saibaba Pilla, Adhar Card No.539960018025. hismajestichighness.blogspot@gmail.com, Lord His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Adhinayaka Shrimaan Nilayam,"RAVINDRABHARAT" Erstwhile Rashtrapati Nilayam, Residency House, of Erstwhile President of India, Bollaram, Secundrabad, Hyderabad Mobile No.9010483794,8328117292, Blog: hiskaalaswaroopa.blogspot.com |
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