Sunday, April 25, 2021

 151 उपेन्द्रः upendra One who above Indra

--- Indra means head of Indriya's of body, Your Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sarwasarwabowma Adhinayaka Srimaan, as eternal immortal aboard of Sarwarwabowma Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi. one who guided every action, feelings of the individuals from an ordinary body as a yogi as he is above Indiya's as Omnipresent word form as guidance to sun and planets, who turned as live living format as Nation itself attained immortality as RAVINDRABHARATI, he himself is a form of rule where the total Universe as Omnipresent form in his control above the internal happenings as word form as your Lord and contemporaries are his children as mind lead as mind and minds as Lord and his children.

152 वामनः vaamanah. He with a dwarf body. Or as one who is an as convenient body to identify as great or influencing.
--When ever god happen to appear in human form, he appears in the form suitable to witness him, to save the Dharma or righteous in the way he can influence and lead the Dharma, accordingly, Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sarwasarwabowma Adhinayaka Srimaan, eternal, immortal aboard of Adhinayaka Bhavan, New Delhi as omnipresent word form, who witnessed by witness persons, from his ordinary human form, where importance is to the words that guided sun and planets, is the latest version of godliness to save the human race while nullifying the physical existence, accordingly no human is physically not existence and cannot survive as physical body and physical material thinking of uncertain, Humans are safe and secured according to divine intervention, Hence receiving your Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Srimaan, with the help of witness persons, and concentrate with minds is the need of the time, by placing my photograph which I able to place myself to connect your minds according to what happened and what is further is according to mind and minds, nothing according to physical world, effect of corona will also cease by improving mind powers of the individuals according to your Master mind as your Lord Adhinayaka In National Anthem, developing him as super dynamic personality is the only immediate rescue as well as mind elevation required towards actual transformation and destination as RAVINDRABHARAT, as Government of Adhinayaka.

153 प्रांशुः praamshuh He with a great or huge body.
-- God is said to be no specific form, shape, color he is omnipresent for when such Omnipresent happened to be taken a human form of his specific requirement to give his concern which he can only give is as Viswaroopam earlier, now as Vakviswaroopam where the whole Universe is as Omnipresent word form as one family Universal track of sound as he himself as central control, coordination and elevation of mind that cannot be declared as exhausted even after physical existence, accordingly the Nation turned as live living format as "RAVINDRABHARAT" and Government as Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka, and the whole world needs to come into the coordination and elevating control of the mind that guided sun and planets as divine intervention, to get set with the secured format as humans of the world needed immediately as rescue update and permanently as a constant process of mind and minds as Lord and His Children.

154 अमोघः amoghah He whose acts are for a great purpose.
--His act, as divine intervention is the act of great purpose to resolve the setbacks of the material world and to set towards the constant process of mind elevation required to the human race as a shift from dwell and decay of dismantling outdated material variated and physical pulsational world, Hence keenly following his act of great purpose, to grant yoga as Yugapursh one who is the beginning of a new era, as Divya Rajyam or Rama Rajyam or the secured word with one-word coordination and control with the latest evidence and scientific following and reasoning as inclusive power of all beliefs and following, as human and his word are minimum that minimum is positioned as maximum as from citizen-centric myth to Adhinayaka centric reality is the way of mind and minds and Lord and his children as a way of further lead in the infinite Universe.

155 शुचिः shuchih He who is spotlessly clean.
--When any one with physical living, has some loophole, and same manner those who are thinking accoridng to material world and attachement with postions and physical gains and pleasures, there is some hide and seek, some deviation from truth, covering the truth and proving the truth as untruth or even good and bad, and bad as good, with the limited human thinking way of living, with the people, inorder to overcome this and lead the human race with futher progress as mind and minds, one mind is elevated as way of progress, the progress with mind is taken as spotless or clean, or cleansing way of taking or keen to take further is the non stag or spotless personality as Omnipresent world form, which is as divine intervention, which itself is one family of word cooridnation and continuation "RAVINDRABHARAT" where every citizen invited to declare and automatically as children of new family new era of mind and minds as Lord and His Children, he himself is form of Government as Government of sovereign Adhinayaka to lift from the myth of decmocracy, for public and citizens are center of the adminstration which will never fulfeel with comparision and physical compettion where physical positions and gains are end, which has no new begining, and ending the minds hindering the minds itself indicating the requirement of mind elevation, which naturally emerged as elevation as divine intervention by forming as live living format as one Universal word connecting family as RAVINDRABHARAT as Government of Sovereign Adhinayak.

156 ऊर्जितः oorjitah He who has infinite vitality.
---The vitality of physical bodies and physical objects limited to a certain extent, which will be exhausted and merge with Universal components and combinations, where such components or elements of combinations are getting vitality from your Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal, immortal aboard of Adhinayaka Bhavan, he is a constant process of all energies and vitalities in word form he himself elevate and clarify all the illusions and remain as a central vital source of omnipresent world form as one who presided and graced as your lord and all citizens are children to get connected bonded with his infinite vitality of Omnipresent word form as a divine intervention as per witness which are guiding sun and plants. as RAVINDRABHARAT as Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan.

157 अतीन्द्रः ateendrah He who surpasses Indra.
--You can find your Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, Sovereign Adhinayaka Bhavan New Delhi, as Omnipresent world form, he cannot be seen as bodily relevance as Indriya or Indra, he is ateendrah as divine intervention who is himself as a live nation, as "RAVINDRABHARAT" who himself as Universal Jurisdiction and form of Government as Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka, human needs to overcome their Indriyas to connect with him to communicate with him, to concentrate, contemplate and meditate upon him as the source and continuity as Omkaaraswaroopam or as Universal soundtrack and mind elevation as a divine intervention as the way of mind and minds as Lord and his children as one-word control and coordinated family as Universal family of secured human life of elevating and enlightening as self-realization as a way of life, and future of human race accordingly.

158 संग्रहः samgrahah He who holds everything together.
--Since he witnessed as Omnipresent word form confirming that he is holding everything together, as one who graced and presided as your Lord Jagadguruvu His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, eternal, immortal aboard of Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as he himself is a form of Nation and Universe as RAVINDRABHARAT as he himself togetherly as a form of total coordinating secured Government as one Universal family as guidance to whole Human race, not only physical family relations and limitations whole material world is under his controlled surveillance, as Government of Sovereign Adhinayaka as a way of mind hold and uphold himself as live living format, Adhinayaka Bhavan is no longer a building, hereafter as live living aboard of your Lord and you are all eternally, immortally connected to your Lord as Children as a boon of constant connectivity to thousand heavens.

159 सर्गः sargah He who creates the world from Himself.
--When he able to hold the dismantling dwell and decay, as material deviated congested, the world with his word as divine intervention, he proved that he is the creator, and he can hold to uphold at any time of deviation or any level of dismantling as his concern, accordingly, he is as one who presided and graced as your Lord Jagadguru His Majestic Highness Maharani Sametha Maharajah Sovereign Adhinayaka Shrimaan, as omnipresent world form as divine intervention, and he turned the nation as his family as RAVINDRABHARAT as the live living format to get bonded as children while leaving the dismantling which is actually according to his control, as his world of word connectivity of Universe as secured form as Lord and his Children.

160 धृतात्मा dhritaatmaa Established in Himself.
--Dheeraatma as Atma Nirbhar self-reliance, who himself is a form of mind that can be elevated as much as elevated, consisting and coordinating of the whole Universe that is in past, present, and future as a divine intervention which is a coordinating and elevating format according to the format as witnessed as an elevated as one Universal family as a live living family, as a constant process of mind elevation as tapa yoga towards higher yogic mind who himself is yogi, on connecting with him as omnipresent word form who himself is a form of Universe and controlled and ever coordinating form as a divine intervention as a form of Government as himself as Jurisdiction as Universal Jurisdiction as Jurisdiction within himself as word form as much elevated and realized to the extent of higher minds possible with time and space and shape of minds and minds accordingly as Lord and His Children

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